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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14580967 No.14580967 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a chef with 20+ years industry experience.
Ask me anything

>> No.14580971

When are you going to get a real job?

>> No.14580986

>ever since the age of 9, I've been abused. People would make fun of me for my slightly larger than average muscles. I've had enough of it, and I don't appreciate your comments about my arms. I'm simply requesting that you treat me as a human being. Under that rough outer appearance, I bet there is a nice, healthy, aesthetically pleasing, heavenly blessed beauty. But no beauty will ever make up for a woman with a negative spirit
What should be done about the insecure manlet on this board?

>> No.14581013

It's all I know how to do.
What's yours?

I bet I'm paid more than you

>> No.14581022

Wow nice rant.

Live and let live I say.

I follow Wu Wei, action through non action

>> No.14581029 [DELETED] 

how does it feel to be laughed at and knowing your place in society is the same as illegal immigrants from a literal shithole in south america who can barely speak english?

>> No.14581037 [DELETED] 

>chef with 20+ years industry experience
don't call yourself a chef lol

>> No.14581046 [DELETED] 

i design surface to air missiles and i doubt you get paid enough to do anything in your free time except play video games in a trailer home

>> No.14581056

Food technician?

>> No.14581057

What are you favorite meals to cook for yourself?

>> No.14581059 [DELETED] 

if you have been cooking for 20 years and still a "chef" you need to just hang it up dawg

>> No.14581062

What's the nicest job-related memory you have?
Are there any dishes that you either really liked or really hated preparing?

>> No.14581070

Why? I suggest you articulate yourself fluently without the sass.

>> No.14581082 [DELETED] 

because if you are stuck in the same job for over a decade you're in a dead end and should just end your existence because you have no real worth to anyone

>> No.14581090

Maybe he enjoys cooking. Have you considered that, brainlet?

>> No.14581094 [DELETED] 

haha ok sure that's likely

>> No.14581102

Your starting to get on my nerves nkw. What do you do, manlet?

>> No.14581104

Are the patties actually fresh, never frozen, as claimed in the commercials? I have a hard time believing beef can be shipped all over the country to tens of thousands of locations and somehow all the managers are ordering exactly as much as they need without surplus.

>> No.14581107 [DELETED] 

i told you already i design surface to air missiles it's pretty awesome

>> No.14581110

My role is running the one of the busiest bar / restaurants in town.

We get tons and perks and recognition.

>> No.14581116 [DELETED] 

haha ok i bet you are very respected lol

>> No.14581124

no some guy with ambition and/or a degree does that, you heat food and place it on plates

>> No.14581125
File: 92 KB, 898x1024, 1588509645530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you to watch the fucking sass didnt i?? You little bitch. Best to get your blueprints out and study the ass whoopin your about the recieve. Step up

>> No.14581129 [DELETED] 

>over two dacades of cooking
>i'm still a chef
>at the restaurant my boss owns sometimes the salesmen throw us a bonus bottle of whiskey

>> No.14581134 [DELETED] 

naw bitch i will i will spit in your dumb gaping face and you won't do shit about it lol

>> No.14581135

Wow, that's very creative

>> No.14581142

What should i myself then, dawg?

>> No.14581143 [DELETED] 

you would be surprised sometimes they let us paint the missiles with slogans and shit

>> No.14581146

Where you at boy?? Ill come lay a whoopin. Or come meet me 447 E 13st newyork. What you think you gunna do? Ill have you on the floor crying like the soiboi you are

>> No.14581148

I've never heard such garbage in my life.

I'm very well paid for what I do

>> No.14581152

Fuck, these cartoony nipples are hilarious

>> No.14581155 [DELETED] 

no i will manhandle you so bad that it would be hilarious to anyone watching you little bitch but i know all i would have to do is spit in your face and slap you to make you cry

>> No.14581159

I beg your pardon? Hows about i put a cartoon size hole thru your stomach

>> No.14581161 [DELETED] 

haha you don't get paid shit and what you do is hilarious if that's where you are still at after 20+ years

>> No.14581162

They let you paint with shit?

>> No.14581163


>> No.14581166 [DELETED] 

yeah one time we got a tub of pig blood to use as paint

>> No.14581171 [DELETED] 

>447 E 13st newyork
what's the apartment? im on the way you little bitch i will spit in your fucking mouth and make you cry

>> No.14581179

I will unscrew your silly cartoony nipples boy!!

>> No.14581184

Front door boy. Ill be standing here all night.

>> No.14581186

Wow cool,
Did you shoot them at the dragons?

>> No.14581190 [DELETED] 

im so amped i might just rape your lilly asshole as I hold you right against the door too

>> No.14581193

Is there a decent guide for calculating food costs, other than the simple meme of multiply it by ×4? Basically I've got 10 years experience cooking, moved to a small town to take a break from it, now I've randomly landed a job running a kitchen. I've been a sous chef before, but never had to crunch numbers other than doing inventory and handing the results over to the executive chef.

>> No.14581198

Go on with that faggety shit. 233lbs PURE MUSCLE. Step up, manlets. Ill whoop your ass in or out the vacuum of space. You want some this? if everyone on /ck/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

>> No.14581207

Hey man, how tall are you

>> No.14581214

6'4" prime

>> No.14581243

what's your go-to post-shift meal?
also, favorite staff meal?

>> No.14581316

Generally there are spread sheet calculations or "cooking the books"
But yes generally divide by 3 or 4, or multiply by 4.

An easy rule of thumb:
(This is for the Australian $)
If you wantvto cost out a meal or special on the fly....
The kg weight of the protein plus $9 for sides.

Scotch fillet steak costs $30 per kg.
Your serving is 250gms, which is a quarter of a kilo....
So you're dividing the kg by 4 then multiplying again back to the same price....

Then $9 covers the chips, salad, sauce or whatever you're serving it with.

This basically works the assuming your protein will be a 250gm serve

>> No.14581323

My wife cooks

>> No.14581326

Bump and plz answer. I could probably get a hold of former employers, or find an answer from Google, but as many experienced responses the better.

>> No.14581331

Thanks fren, I responded to quickly with >>14581326 and your response is appreciated

>> No.14581335
File: 937 KB, 220x220, so....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so no staff meal?
what kind of kitchen is that? even waffle house has a staff meal...

>> No.14581374

Me again with another question. Have you ever been burnt out and taken a break from the kitchen? If yes then what did you do and for how long?

>> No.14581410

What’s your favorite cuisine?

>> No.14581444

Do I really need to use pre-cooked chicken if I want to make a casserole-type dish? Why can't the chicken cook while it's in the casserole?

>> No.14581542

Not OP but I cook for a living. Think about boiled meat vs roasted meat. Boiled meat is rubbery and bland while roasted/grilled/seared meat is flavorful and has good texture. When you put raw meat in a sauce, then bake it, you are creating a similar texture/flavor of boiled meat. Get the best of both worlds by roasting a chicken, reserve the meat, make broth from the bones, thicken broth, add meat, then make pie/casserole.

>> No.14581580

is it true you don't wash/rinse vegetables. by you, I mean high end restaurants

>> No.14581697

Just to add to >>14581542's good points, pre-cooking the chicken beforehand will draw out moisture and grease that you may not otherwise want in your casserole.

>> No.14581700

This is actually really enlightening. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.14581717

you ever hear about the guy who went to cordon blue with his teddy and graduated successfully?

>> No.14581756

Maybe not the place to ask this but can you recommend any good books about cooking? I don't mean recipe books I mean books that talk about fundamental properties of ingredients, cooking techniques and things more along those lines.

>> No.14581771

Yep, skim the gelatin and juices, discard the undesirable bits.
No problem bro.

>> No.14581787

Also not OP, Where did you even hear that? Its false. I have spent hours cleaning beats and ramps of literal mud for more hours than I'd care to admit.

>> No.14581799

In Australia the wage is so high that you can't afford to feed staff as well. Just buy your own?

>> No.14581804

What race are you

>> No.14581809

I had a go at being a sales person for a property investment company.
It turned out to feeling really scammy and it didn't feel right.

I had to talk people into redrawing their home loan and using it to buy another property

>> No.14581817

No idea where you heard this, washing and cutting veggies is about 2/3rds of my prep.

>> No.14581818

Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese.

Asian cuisine focus on all 4 flavours on the tongue, balanced out.
Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami.
And then they go for textures

>> No.14581826

Go to thriftbooks.com and get the Gilsan culinary professional cooking books, then get the Culinary Institute of America books. You will get $500 worth of books for less than $80 in used books. Andrew Dorenburg and Karen Page put out good shit, but home cooks end up making a six million item dish so get those used books but cool it with the spices....also herbs and spices by Jill Norman is good if you dont get too carried away.

>> No.14581832

You sear the outside for a "mallard reaction"
It caramelizes the sugars and adds depth of flavour.

Some cuisines do add meat from raw, but it needs very gentle heat to set the protein and not overcook. Otherwise yes, it'll be rubbery

>> No.14581839

Yes you need to wash everything.
Especially herbs. You'll get gritty dirt in your food

>> No.14581846

Haha nope, but I'll look it up

>> No.14581850

Larousse gastronomic is great for learning about ingredients.
The new professional chef is great for techniques.
Practical professional cookery is great all round

>> No.14581856


>> No.14581952


>> No.14581960

baby sneed or troy sneed?

>> No.14581986

Yea that sounds about right bro. I'm 2 years into moving and working in a fake and gay warehouse and cant wait to get back into the kitchen. Cheers.

>> No.14582049

I'm about to start culinary school soon because I plan on becoming a chef professionally. I know it's kind of a shitty generic question but what's the best piece of advice you can give someone like me looking to get started in the industry?

>> No.14582075

Why are waitstaff borderline universally angry, entitled substance abusing scum?

>> No.14582083

How much are you taking out in student loans? Yea, that really does matter. Dont fall for some art Institute $50K degree, it's not worth it. If school is your only foot in the door, find a community college $10K thing, or just go door to door and offer to work for free so you can learn.
>t me who spent too much money on le cordon bleu meme degree.
It sounds cheesey amd gay but expect to be broke and yelled at for at least five years before you're able to move and be anything hire able or special.

>> No.14582089

someone who has worked at Providence and Connie and Ted's in LA and not as a Mexican or whatever but a chef.

>> No.14582113

Same oldfag who is also not op... this is a very long projected type of career. You can sell your soul to the Hilton and learn ice carving, which means you cant cook for shit, or embrace poverty for a good long while until you develop your skills and your resume.

>> No.14582122

How much do you hate your customers?

>> No.14582132

My family is pretty well off so they're covering the tuition. The main reason I chose the school I did is because they're supposed to have a program to hook graduates up with jobs on cruise ships and stuff.

>> No.14582135

Checked, know any sour dishes in Thai or Vietnamese cuisine?

>> No.14582143

Op here.

All I can say is stick with it.
Enjoy it.
If the chefs with big egos give you shit, take it, joke with them, don't get defensive.
Don't worry about the pressure.
If you have 1 docket, 5 dockets or 20 dockets, just keep processing through them, be a machine, same speed , just move.
Don't burn the candle at both ends.
Know your limits with drugs and alcohol.

When in service and prep. Try get the the most done in as little movements as possible

>> No.14582171

Trust me bro, you DO NOT want to work a cruise ship. You need a merchant marines license, will be working with a bunch of foreigners who hate you, and will guaranteed be cooking a bunch of frozen pre made trash. If money is your goal, then go for it, then learn sugar sculpting and fruit carving. If learning culinary artistry is your goal, then pick a cheap school and work your way up in random fine dining in your city.

>> No.14582174

This is also excellent advice

>> No.14582200

...also, what I did and I'm thankful for it; after culinary school I found a seasonal mountain hotel steakhouse for my externship. Cooking meat properly is an invaluable skill and I learned more in 3 months through repetition than 18 months of culinary school could have provided. God speed anon.

>> No.14582394

I don't

>> No.14582400

How much do you hate your waitstaff/expo?

>> No.14582401

Thom yum soup is hot and sour.
They use tamarind and lime mostly for a sour aspect

>> No.14582406

Lol, your advice makes me laugh

>> No.14582420

Depends if they are good or not.

If I treat them like shit they will make more mistakes.

I treat them with respect and expect it in return.

I feel I took a lot from Tyson's documentary and how he explains how cus d'mato treated mime Tyson and how he trained him.

Respect, respect, respect.
Just blow their ego huge and you'll get them at their best performance

>> No.14583700

Laugh all you want, you're going to find out on your own soon anyways.

>> No.14583741

Do you have a good baked chicken recipe?

>> No.14583769

How many dishes do you microwave in a night?

>> No.14583804

How have you lasted so long? I've been working as a chef for 10 years and I can't think of a single person I've met who is a chef and successful in life. Every single person is either depressed and self medicating with booze or drugs, is a migrant doing this shit for another 4 or 5 years untill they get their visa and can get residency and get a better job, or deluding themselves into thinking they get paid 'good' money and have a good life, when they really get paid 85k a year, which is national average, but have to work huge hours including weekends and public holidays, have a nonexistent social life and a failing relationship, and would be more successful in any other industry working less hours for more money. I suppose there is also a fourth category of people who've only been in the industry for less than 5 years and haven't had the penny drop yet. I just look around and I don't see anyone doing well in this job. I don't see any opportunities to do well outside of moving into an adjacent industry like being a sales rep for a dry-goods company or something.

>> No.14583823

also 85k is the absolute peak, most chefs get paid 45k for 85h weeks. My point is it's really shit money, put the same hours and effort into learning skills in any other trade, an electrician would be pulling 250k if he ran his own buisness and busted out 90h weeks, a chef is lucky to ever break 100k. its just such a shit job an no one is ever willing to admit it. I feel like I've fallen for the biggest scam ever doing this job.

>> No.14583848

>Know your limits with drugs and alcohol.
This chef fucks

>> No.14583935

Not OP but I've got 10 years in this also. You're not wrong, it does suck and I'm sure you've heard people say "you dont do it for the money", which is technically true but also extremely retarded and gay. The most money I ever made was $60K a year as a sous chef on salary. I was barely ever home (usually only when I needed a shower), slept on a couch in the banquet room half the time, didnt even have the time to be an alcoholic. Never again will I work for salary in a kitchen unless i get something in the form of a contract that says I wont work myself to death. My solution was moving out of the city to a small town. I've been on a two year break from cooking, working in a warehouse where I dont have to think and actually bought a house. When you become a ruralite with 10 years fine dining experience, you are the best cook in town and I already have a chef position lined up once this covid shit is over.

tldr; get out of the city and get a job with a wealthy owner. I know a couple guys besides myself who did this. One at a private restaurant in a golf course, the other at a beautiful mountain resort innawoods. Life can be comfy, just move.

>> No.14583971

what kind of wine do you use for coocking?
i mean red and white ok but where do you buy it?

>> No.14584095

Other than the salary and having extremely long hours the rest of that just seems to be common throughout every profession.

>> No.14584132

Brine overnight in 6% brine.
Then roast like normal

>> No.14584140

2 components.
Both from the least popular items.
On average 6 times a night

>> No.14584151

All the ex chef sales reps usually hate it.

I guess it's all I know and I enjoy it.

I've grown to like the fact that it I don't like the job I can find a better one at the drop of a hat.

Yes I'm depressed.
Yes I have relationship issues.

>> No.14584156

Is the rumour true about pouched eggs only being possible by literal fresh eggs?

>> No.14584168

The food supply companies sell 10lt casks.
It's horrible stuff

>> No.14584174

The older an egg gets, the more runny the white.
And you get that wierd air bubble in the top from the egg drying out and sucking in air

>> No.14584216

Why does it make you laugh?
t. guy who initially asked the question

>> No.14584285

Sugar work and fruit work is extremely specialised and there would be hardly any jobs around for that role.
I think cruise ships would be great for the experience
I just think it's

>> No.14584472

>Sugar work and fruit work is extremely specialised and there would be hardly any jobs around for that role.
Wrong. There are competitions all over the world and you can make a name for yourself as a garde manger specialist really quickly at the culinary olympics. Combine that with a business degree and some ice carving skills then you have an executive chef job at the Hilton for $100K a year.
Just off the top of my head I can think of seven line cooks with cruise ship experience. Every single one of them said it was trash hotel type food, shitty cramped living conditions, and everyone hated each other.

>> No.14584852

How possible is it to travel around alot as a chef? Like getting jobs in different countries and learning about the local dishes?

>> No.14584878

What are some pizza dough secrets or tricks that you know ?

>> No.14584901

how long is your suicide note?

>> No.14584960

Which ethnicity are the worst tippers?

>> No.14584967

Why are you on this board? The people here can't cook for shit.

>> No.14585940

Very hot oven.
Don't roll the dough, hand pull, the roller will push the gas bubbles out

>> No.14585949

In Australia we don't tip

>> No.14586128

that ones i know already faggot.

>> No.14586135

I'm not good at my job, and the people here make me feel like a master.

>> No.14586144

Have you read Kitchen Confidential? How much of it is true?

>> No.14586179

Been on and off on 4chan for years.
I mostly just look at the chubbies on /gif/

>> No.14586189
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I dunno what kinda secrets you want?
Not too much topping?

Pizza's are pretty straight forward and easy.
Here's one I made last night

>> No.14586195

It's a good read.
I'd assume most of it?

Rip Anthony Bourdain

>> No.14586200

Try making sourdough if you want a challenge.
I use the starter for pizza and focaccia

>> No.14586280

Not OP, not sure if this is a thing where you are but in Canada there is a culinary apprenticeship program that allows you to work and go to school for cheap. My yearly tuition was $800 plus the one time cost of books. I've worked with people that even now are still paying off their college degree. If you are looking for the big money, working at a hospital or with the government is where its at. $20+/hr for piss easy work with a pension is the way to go. I used to work my soul for high end places which was fun at times but I don't plan on grilling years off my life for shit pay until I'm put in the ground.

tldr: Don't pay a shit ton for tuition and work for the government otherwise find another career.

>> No.14586288


>> No.14587028

the flour and the gluten? integral flour vs all-purpose-flour?

>> No.14588919

Use 00 flour

>> No.14589298

I use unbleached, strong Baker's flour.
It's about 15% protein.

Also you can add pure gluten flour to improve the structure

>> No.14589548
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 7642768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use Knorr stock pots?

>> No.14589983

nigga he's a chef not waiting staff. you're really retard.

>> No.14590186

00 doesn't mean that it's a good flour for pizza, it's all about the gluten/protein. next time i'm thinking in mixing my regular flour with a bit of whole wheat flour which has high levels of protein.

>Also you can add pure gluten flour to improve the structure

i'd rather spend bucks in a good flour like caputo or 4 stagione

>> No.14590341

I cooked on smaller cruise lines. It was pretty much the most fun I've had at a job. 12 hour work days for 4 weeks, then 2 weeks off. I'd steer clear of Carnival Lines et al. But there are smaller lines and even private yachts in Florida, Mexico, Alaska etc. I worked on one that went up the Columbia River in WA/OR and also Alaska.

>> No.14590410

Best way to get into cooking as a career?

>> No.14591773

Post stack and cycle

>> No.14591859

as a retired cook i can't agree with some of this,
for how awfully long the hours are and how poorly you're treated by people not in BoH (as seen itt) the pay is fucking awful. getting out and going back to school for stem was the best decision i've made. sure it's enjoyable at times but if the chefs with big egos give you shit, get the fuck out. these people overrate their food, are abusive and really awful coworkers that foster a very toxic environment.
everything else op says is spot on. especially about partying. most the people you're working with are young and in school and they are probably only there for the money and free drinks/food.
culinary school is fine but you don't need to go if you want to learn a shit ton about food, cooking, running a kitchen and a restaurant. i'd really recommend going straight to the source and being an apprentice or working as a line cook and just soaking up as much info as possible, and apprenticeship isn't really a thing anymore so you're probably making some money too.
when i was in charge of hiring line cooks i was very cautious of culinaryschool fags that wanted to make art. imho, culinary school is where a lot of these asshole chefs pick up their self righteous ego. i actually preferred the hardworking humble latinos that learned from mommy than the kid who thought he was automatically better than 50% of the staff because he went to school. keep in mind i'm not against school (i fucking went back to one when i quit cooking) its just i don't think you need it for this industry and to be considered the best chef on the planet and i anyone in the industry can give you a laundry list of amazing chefs that didn't have any formal schooling.

>> No.14591875

not op but get a job in a kitchen, some of the best chefs i've worked with started in waffle houses and IHOPs.

>> No.14591881

black people and foreigners. foreigners i cut some slack because it really doesn't exist outside the states. but black people straight up tip very little if not nothing at all.

>> No.14591908

double nigger

>> No.14591931

Is it easier to make a double baconator or a double daves classic? Also what dows Wendy's pay you for the head chef position?

>> No.14591958
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>some of the best chefs i've worked with started in waffle houses

>> No.14592003

Not him but that black girl that won top chef started in an IHOP

>> No.14592039

>I am tired of these jokes about my giant hand. The first such incident occured in 1956 when ever since the age of 9, I've been abused. People would make fun of me for my slightly larger than average muscles. I've had enough of it, and I don't appreciate your comments about my arms. I'm simply requesting that you treat me as a human being. Under that rough outer appearance, I bet there is a nice, healthy, aesthetically pleasing, heavenly blessed beauty. But no beauty will ever make up for a woman with a negative spirit

>> No.14592167

>Know your limits with drugs and alcohol.
So you are legit.

>> No.14592179

??? Knorr doesn't make pots, they make premade rice shit.

>> No.14592180

you ever put some cranberries on a generic white tortilla chip? it's pretty good

>> No.14592188

*dried cranberries

>> No.14592318

Do you have a gambling problem.

>> No.14592383

Start from the bottom as a kitchen hand

>> No.14592427

The reason I said that about the chefs with big egos:
Unfortunately when you're at the bottom of the chain, everyone is going to give you a bit of shit, if you learn to tolerate it, you'll go alot further.
I also don't tolerate shit. Just recently i worked with a big dumb manager that was obsessed with himself and didn't know anything about hospitality.
I bailed and went somewhere else, but sometimes you just need to learn to tolerate them, because they're everywhere.
Especially in hospitality

>> No.14592446


>> No.14592589

thats true. theres a difference between assholes and people that are just kinda rough socially. like you said it's hospitality work and you get enough shit from customers and know-it-alls alike and it just feels that much harder for me to work in a kitchen where that kind of energy also happens in the BoH