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14578193 No.14578193 [Reply] [Original]

"$3,000 grinder you can't afford" edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread: >>14563804

>> No.14578202


>tfw you have a used manual coffee grinder that works perfectly you bought for 4 dollars at a garage sale.

>> No.14578481

I've been using a $30 electric one for 4 years and it hasn't broken down surprisingly. I sort of wish it would so I'd feel more justified getting a new one.
I know it's not good though, produces dust even on coarse grinds, plus it's a pain in the hole to clean.

>> No.14578538

yes, the ginder shows second in 'g' unit. Also, the webm last 12 seconds, but was speed up.

>> No.14578543

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.14578544

was replying to this:
>15.5 seconds for 20g? why even bother paying that much if it can't even dose at a rate that's suitable for a production environment?

>> No.14579025

4 seconds to grind 18.5 g.


>> No.14579321

day 3 of espresso
14.1g in, 29g out, 25 seconds
finally getting some drinkable shots but i will have to keep messing with the grinder
tfw not plumbed in

>> No.14579395

I fucking hate my Gaggia MDF, I can't wait for my Niche Zero to arrive. Tuning is impossible on this grinder, with the grind size stepping and the infuriating doser.

>> No.14579491

This is why I try to stop 4chan morons from buying cheap gaggias, bodums, brevilles, and baratzas. Don't pay specialty prices for consumer goods. My peppermill has better burrs than most grinders, with finer adjustment.

>> No.14579494
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I'm getting incredibly different shot times with like a gram of difference in grind, and sometimes coffee just runs through the coffee super fast for no discernable reason. Could it be that my tamper pressure differentiates so much? Or is it really just the gram? Or is my grind size too coarse?
At least my coffee looks nice and has some delicious crema.

>> No.14579535

I got it for cheap with the knowledge that I'm gonna replace it, and have it be something to get me going while I get better at brewing, but I did not expect it to be THIS hard to use and pull a consistent shot with. Like 5-6 second differences, piece of crap of a grinder. November can't come soon enough.

>> No.14579566

What is your peppermill? Post make, model, price, and pics.

>> No.14579569

the sette 270 is good though, and has a built in motor.

>> No.14579624

Sette 270's plastic internals warp and shear.

Unicorn. They were mandated for waitstaff at a job I had about a decade ago. If they're still using the same burrs, they're italmill.


Don't buy things with the goal of throwing them away.

>> No.14579630

Also the motor is a KNOWN point of failure.

>> No.14579658


$3k isn't that much if you are running a business.

>> No.14579766

it makes good coffee and I could replace the motor and gearbox in the sette like 5 times before feeling like I should've gotten something better.
it's actually good that the failure modes are known, and that it's backed by a real company.

>> No.14579863

$400 grinder you're willing to throw 5x$70(Gear Box/Motor/Ring Burr Assembly) another $350 at? It doesn't make better coffee than a 1zpresso K or dual bearing timemore. You could buy a timemore in January every year for 7 years, and give away your year old one for christmas and still come out ahead.

>> No.14579934

1 Gram is supposed to make quite a difference in a shot, try minor steps of adjustment and decreasing/increasing .5 grams or less.

>> No.14579957

Some people are old and have bad shoulders/wrists and don't want to use a manual grinder.

t. Timemore Slim user

>> No.14580013


Its time.

>> No.14580057

>The t*memore shill is still here

>> No.14580083
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Thats a real funny way to spell timemore, but what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.14580115

This. Baratza’s are easily repairable with readily available parts and great support through Baratza customer service online.

>> No.14580130

You could probably also make better coffee if you sourced and roasted your own beans but most people don't want to do that or manual grind in the morning.

>> No.14580157
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>sourced and roasted your own beans

Kek. You can build the exact roaster I have and get a m47p for less than a sette 270, and have cash left over for high tier greens.

>> No.14580169
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So from my research, convenience aside, if I'm going to go for a manual coffee grinder for general purpose, a 1zpresso JX Pro would be my best bet to future proof myself for a long time since it does espresso a little better than the base version.
Since I'm not entirely eager to dump something in the range of $600 on an electric machine for similar results, it's probably what I'll be going for.
The exercise in the morning probably won't kill me.

>> No.14580189

I love my timemore

>> No.14580244

If you can find a kinu in stock, I'd snag that. Probably can't go wrong with either. Kinu is slightly more expensive, but you can toss in their pourover burr if you feel the need.

Most people seem to. I haven't seen anyone do a stepless mod to it, and haven't been able to rip one apart to see if its possible, but that would add a fuckton of value.

>> No.14580273

Timemore is shit and Kinu or hell even fucking Lido is better

>> No.14580280

I just used a Chemex for the first time today that I picked up on sale at World Market and it's honestly changed my bum life. The difference is staggering, and I don't know if I can go back to my French Press.

What are your favorite coffee beans to use with a pour over?

>> No.14580288

More pics of your setup?

>> No.14580326
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Sweet marias coffee roaster wired into a TC4+. Roasting with artisan over a bluetooth connection. Grinding with a m47p, using a stagg ekg, plastic 02 v60, flair+lunar+SEP(gets here tomorrow).

>> No.14580349

From what I read, the consistency between the M47 Phoenix and the JX Pro was fairly similar (as they're similar pricepoints), though direct comparisons were lacking.
While I'm fairly reassured that the plastic in the M47 is of good quality, and might have a little utility in making it lighter for ease of grinding, I would feel a bit more confident with the JX Pro for the material in terms of longevity if nothing else.

>> No.14580474

Do they have pourover optimized burrs for the jxpro? The only plastic I'm slightly worried about is the internal spokes, and I'm pretty sure there's steel rods going through them. Mines a first batch from last june and I've got zero complaints after a year.

>> No.14580503

Not everybody wants to spend $500 on a grinder.

>> No.14580521

I don't believe so. There was something in their FAQ about setting up a burr replacement service, but I doubt that's what it's talking about.
I have to admit I wasn't taking into account optimised burrs though, is pourover lackluster with the basic one?

>> No.14580542

I don't mine pourover with the standard burrs, but I r e a l l y like the option to swap them out if/when I want.

>> No.14580589

>burr replacement service

I'd feel much more comfortable sending my grinder to Florida or Germany than 新北市土城區亞洲路128號.

>> No.14580673

I suppose, but the idea of buying something more solidly built is that I won't have to be sending it back.

>> No.14580691

I had a lot of roommates through college and people moving in and out and randomly a burr grinder showed up in the back of my cupboard so I've been using that for years

>> No.14580712

Try a light roasted single origin ethiopian coffee.

>> No.14580809

>solidly built

I'd still go with the based german engineering over the chinked out product to beat a price point.

>> No.14580820

1zpresso is a Taiwanese company, and they do customer support in English.

>> No.14580868

Good thing that neither of the grinders that I mentioned cost $500 then you fucking retard

>> No.14580919

>chinked out
Its a stones throw to mainland china. How does the outsourced support have anything to do with the product?

>> No.14580948

Basically every review there is comments on the build quality being better than would be expected for the price...
Not sure why I'm bothering to reply at this stage.

>> No.14581015

Because you're trying to end up with the best product on a budget. Buy your jxpro and shut the fuck up. We'll hear back from you in 6 months. You can tell the people who pick up skerton pros that its lifechanging.

>> No.14581842
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Thinking about getting a Moccamaster bros. COVID means I'm working from home till at least December and could go for an upgrade to the aeropress. $400AUD though, but would be having 3 cups a day. Using a hario hand grinder atm but getting an electric grinder soon. Any other recommendations though for batchies or experience with the mocca?

>> No.14581848
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>he doesn't drink anaerobic process coffee

>> No.14581981

I mostly make pour over at home but have a Moccamaster I'll use when I'm feeling particularly lazy or have company over and need a big batch of coffee.

They definitely make the best tasting drip coffee I've had, but it's still drip coffee. I wouldn't call it an "upgrade" over your aeropress, but if you can stomach the price I'd say go for it. I got mine as a housewarming gift and probably would've never got one otherwise. They last forever though and are supposed to have a pretty good warranty and repair service.

I think there's a version of it that has an auto-bloom feature, which I probably would've got had I bought my own.

>> No.14582477

Might want to save yourself some money and get the one cup version, unless you're going to have all three cups at once.

>> No.14582496

Thanks for the advice pal, yeah mainly it's for laziness from working from home and having some tax return money. I've fallen back on having instant coffee and want to have some good beanz again.
Warranty and replacement parts being easy to get are both definite bonuses over a Sunbeam or something similar. I'll check out the bloom version as well.

>> No.14582608

What's a good gooseneck kettle I can use on the hob that won't rape my wallet

>> No.14582850

I feel like what's fucking me the most is my tamping. Sometimes shots come out insanely fast and other times it's almost too slow. How do you lads get a consistent tamper?

>> No.14583208

Buy one on chinkexpress.

>> No.14583477

Is HARIO hand grinder decent?

>> No.14583490
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Latte Art

>> No.14583491

Yeah, I used one for 2 years before upgrading and it made good coffee. Would normally have enough ground for a cup by the time my kettle boiled. Good luck if you're making coffee for others tho, I had to upgrade to an electric grinder after my family was wanting my coffee too. Grinding 100g coffee by hand took a while

>> No.14584212


>> No.14584405

Buy one that's bare stainless steel all around. Painted ones claim they're hob-safe, but they're not, the paint burns and gives off noxious gas.

>> No.14584580

Eureka Mignon Filtro and Manuale, whats the difference? To my knowledge there isnt a special burrset that optimises for brew, and the exterior is visually very similar. So, why the price difference?

>> No.14584690


>> No.14584702

Filtro: ground coffee bin integrated, you grind by pushing button on the side of the grinder

Manuale: no integrated ground bin, you put your ground container against the front side of the grinder slightly blow where the ground spout is to activate the grinder

They are the same grinder with external differences to accommodate different workflows.

>> No.14584793

The manuale costs $330 and the filtro costs $209 from scg. No way the ground bin and external differences makes up 30% price differential.

What about the Crono then? Timer upgraded Filtro but costs about the same as the Manuale, just with ground bin instead of pf fork.

>> No.14584841

2k plus for a grinder. It's probably made in China though.

>> No.14584857

Okay for finer grinds, like for moka pots. Gets horribly inconsistent for coarse grinds like for french press. Can't complain too much since I don't have a lot of money, and back when I bought it, I just got into getting whole beans instead of preground coffee.

>> No.14584875

You're assuming that Manuale and Filtro have the same profit margin. Manufacturers will sometimes take a profit margin cut to have a product that's price competitive against a competing product or to have a product that can be bought cheaply and become a gateway to brand loyalty. You probably will need to talk a to sales rep if you really want to know exactly what is different and how.

>> No.14584935

>Okay for finer grinds

Try pulling some shots with it.

>> No.14585724

could a poorfag hypothetically get a filtro and rework it for an espresso workflow?

>> No.14585843

Just blooming

>> No.14585849

>tfw your grocery store just sells fucking ground coffee beans for $2

>> No.14585986

Has anyone tried extracting coffee differently (different method, grind, temp, ratio, etc.) then blending the extracted coffee liquid?

>> No.14586126

bro what if we like, brewed coffee using coffee instead of water...

>> No.14586139

>not shoplifting pots of coffee out of Speedway on your way to work in the morning
it's like you enjoy wasting money

>> No.14586193


>> No.14586499
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Friendship with PGK over. Now SEP is my best friend.

>> No.14587424

Anon, if I can't afford a great but expensive grinder, then I most definitely can't afford an espresso machine. That's why my example was for a moka pot, and why I said it was only okay.

>> No.14588130

Is that the one that hooks up to your phone so you can track the pull in real time?

>> No.14588869

Just bought a La Pavoni Professional. I need to get a new tamper since my old 58.3mm tamper won’t fit and the included plastic one ALSO won’t fit, but I tried pulling a test shot this morning and after finishing and waiting a few minutes, I removed the portafilter and it exploded everywhere.

How long do you need to wait before this stops being a bomb?

>> No.14588956


its cool but why get one with a flair? It costs more than it.
I've been pulling some bad shots with my flair recently. What dose and time do you use? Any preinfusion?

>> No.14589015

>read a newspaper article about coffee
>handbrewing is 'superhard' and only for the real coffee nerds
All I did was watch a youtube tutorial to start brewing with my V60, are people actually too retarded to do pour-overs?

>> No.14589022

The scale costs more than the flair homie. The real question is, why wouldn't I get one? Thats as far as you can push it. Its an entirely manual process,but with digital feedback. On a signature pro I'm using ~15.5 grams as a start, then dialing in from there. 2.2+ish on an m47p, 10 second preinfusion at 1.5bar, then ramping up to 9 declining into 6 over about 40 seconds.

>> No.14589024

Yes. Its why most people get meme'd into buying an aeropress. They're incapable of pouring water for 1minute30.

>> No.14589035

I tried the aeropress before getting into V60. It's really a lot of work in comparison, haven't used it in forever.

>> No.14589038

Well I was gonna talk to a sale rep but unfortunately my order already shipped so welp.

There isnt much to rework on the filtro, it just doesn't have a pf fork and button on the side of the chassis rather than the usual spot. Might not have the anti static screen, but just cut a piece of wire mesh to fit and it should be fine. espressocoffeeshop is having a sale right now, so go pick it up if you're interested.

>> No.14589060

Hey lads, this is probably the best local roaster i have. What beans do you recommend here, if any?

>> No.14589166

Thanks, I think my ROK Grinder may be holding me back a bit since it feels like the grind adjustment is too big and the stepless mod doesn't keep the setting very well. I'm now dedicating it to filter grinding and Ill get back to dialing in when my m47p arrives in the next few days

>> No.14589176

my brother own a coffee cafe
there is an espresso machine in my moms house
to this day I still dont know about cofe
I just drink redbull if I need to stay awake
and if I really have to drink coffee I just get those sweet sugary caramel frap shit from starbux

>> No.14589256

Fiddling with coffee is a hobby and not a solution for a quick fix of caffeine. Stick to the stuff you drink if that's all you want to achieve i guess.

>> No.14589265

>drinking energy drinks
Hello man-child.

>> No.14589274
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Got our delivery of speciality coffee from a microlot. It really is a hassle importing coffee and not something I recommend lightly.

>> No.14589490

I for one am not that big a fan of Arabica

>> No.14589526

Ew what the fuck is wrong with your hand

>> No.14589633

Also another stupid question about my La Pavoni: the boiler pressure gauge is at 0.25 bar when off and cool, is it easy to zero this out?

>> No.14589664

Not begging for coffee on the streets.

Its like you don't even know how to spend other peoples money.

>> No.14589768

For me, it's some store brandinstant coffee with tiny bit of milk and a teaspoon of sugar

>> No.14590044

The Hoffgodd says that water is one of the most important variables for good coffee. How exactly do I improve upon this? Am I supposed to go to some secluded spring lake or some shit?

>> No.14590113

Oh, that's the popcorn maker they sell? Do you have plans for the rest of the setup?

>> No.14590299


I've found most Ethiopian beans to be excellent, but of course it depends on your personal taste. Aren't there a lot of Ethiopians in Israel? If they like the coffee from that roaster, I'd trust them.

>> No.14590343

Should I buy this coffee?


>> No.14590351


Sounds good, but at that price it had better be.

>> No.14590361

Death wish coffee for me

>> No.14590362

volvic water is meant to be very good, has the optimal amount of dissolved solids for coffee
too many minerals and you overwhelm the cup, too few and it's flavourless
so in conclusion avoid mineral water, you can also buy something called 'third wave water' which is a little sachet you can add to distilled water to balance it out with the right mineral balance, might be good in the long run
i'd say just a good water filter is best for convenience and price over the long run, i've heard good things about berkey

>> No.14590413
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waiting for my grinder to arrive

>> No.14590473

Fix your outlet first

>> No.14590603

Reminder that if you drink anything but 100% arabica bean coffee you're literally drinking garbage.

>> No.14590612

100% arabica can still be trash. If it isn't at least 82 on the cupping scale then it's trashm

>> No.14590664

i enjoy the odd bit of robusta in a blend

>> No.14591441

Please tell me you're not the guy who I tried to keep from buying the rok a thread or two ago...

The plan is to run that popper into the ground, then take the tc4+ out and build something custom.

>> No.14591516

you might be. But I had my flair in the post and couldn't get an m47p anywhere so didn't really have much of a choice. Now I've found a local roaster that sells 1zpresso JX Pro so I regret not getting that instead

>> No.14591530

I use folgers classic roast. I think it tastes good.

>> No.14591537
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every used, seen, tried coffee from one of these beasts? growing up my parents had one in their cafe. this is the machine i learned to make espresso with

>> No.14591905

Yeah so I told you to wait a week and a half and find a kinu somewhere. Rip. Hopefully you can flip that piece of shit rok so its not cluttering up your counter. Lmk how that m47 treats you.

In other news the piece of plywood I tossed over shitty plastic drawers isn't stable enough to keep the scale from jumping. Who knew that would be an issue kek. Looks like I'm building a new coffee bar soon. Thinking keep the majority of it a flat top, with 2 half shelves framing the flair in the center. Room to toss shit up on the second layer, room to slide shit under it, and enough of a lip to move shit around and tamp. Roasting up some Gustavo De Jesus Rivera caturra later. tonight. I'll post some pics l8er.

>> No.14592385

how can i learn more about coffee, i have an italian press and drink it a lot. i read this thread and i dont know wtf is going on

>> No.14592560

just find a coffee blog and read away, there are loads on the internet

>> No.14592741


Enjoy. I've got a few other books I can upload if you want.

>> No.14592789

>the new Gaggia Classic is €400
I'll stick to my old moka

>> No.14592974
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How do I get Artisan to graph the delta BT during scope recording? It only shows up after I stop the scope.
Pic related, what I see during the scope recording.

>> No.14592993

i don't even need an espresso machine but when i'm bored i always look at the new listings on ebay hoping to snap something up

>> No.14593040

check this out, I'm using the Rao water recipe.
tl;dr you add baking soda and epsom salt to distilled water

>> No.14593166

All you need to know is that kona coffee is the best in the world so get some of that and a bialetti percolator to make it.

>> No.14593203
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Fresh out of the roaster.
>Gustavo De Jesus Rivera washed caturra

>> No.14593208
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Whoops thats the llg black honey. Heres the washed caturra I just did.

>> No.14593298
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Does this look right? I have no idea what's wrong.

>> No.14593503

16 oz water
5.5 tablespoons preground Starbucks
Drip coffee maker
Tablespoon of sugar
2/3 tablespoons creamer

Simple as

Luv me coffee, luv me morning routine, luv me coffee shits

>> No.14593582

Figured it out, have to hit the "charge" button before it starts to appear.

>> No.14593753


Nice attention to detail

>> No.14593882


>> No.14593913

Control(top right)>start pid on charge. My pid didn't want to kick off at the end of roasts, so I've got a manual pid stop serial command in config>events. You can also tick auto-charge in there to kick it on as soon as you hit start.

>> No.14593968
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I'm just using it with a thermocouple for now, manually logging my control changes.
Time to do lots of experiments now that I can analyze things. I was playing with the power control here and it seemed to have a pretty drastic effect.

>> No.14593973

what are your favorite beans? need some good ones for an upcoming trip

>> No.14594027

Drinking a lot of some bullshit k-cup adjacent stuff.
It's not that bad honestly.
I typically use a burr grinder from my grandparents but I ran out of beans and haven't gotten to the store in like 3 weeks.
Have a lot of frozen meal prep that I haven't gotten through.

>> No.14594036
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I let my pid manage the heater up to a set point, and manually tick down the fan as my deltaBT drops. I'm sure theres a much more elegant solution, but I don't know shit about artisan. I watched some fucking 12 part hours long series breaking down roasting phases, but it all eventually just comes down to taste. As long as you're happy with what you're drinking, keep on doing it. If you're not, change shit up.

>> No.14594204

i recently put in an order for a knock aerspeed. i want to eventually buy a rok grindergc or a hg-1, cause i love the idea of a big vertical crank i can use on the countertop

>> No.14594678

Do you have david schomer's book? Can't seem to find it
Also anything by Scott Rao

>> No.14594742

Through an unusual series of events I just came into possession of an old Europicolla

What's a recommended grinder to use for this? I'm mainly used to manual grinders which I'm guessing won't suffice for an espresso grind?

>> No.14594759

>flip that piece of shit rok
Its really not that bad. Initially the burrs were aligned terribly but now it works great as a filter grinder and looks pretty good too. If they didn't market it as an espresso grinder it would do a lot better.

M47P is arriving today which I'm pleasantly surprised about. Free shipping from the netherlands to the UK and it was only posted on monday.

>> No.14594761

get an m47p or a 1zpresso jx pro. They will serve you well for it. Im jelly btw, post pics of it

>> No.14594783

Is there a way to learn how to 'pick up' on the notes of a cup of coffee? Sometimes I find it impossible and can just taste...coffee, typically with darker roasts

>> No.14594813
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YES. I like mine. I only make it for myself & my partner in a rented apartment. So take that how you will.

>> No.14594930

I accidentally cleaned my espresso showerhead with a paper towel that a dirty fork was lying on and had some oil from the dish i ate as a result. How bad is this? I gave it like 4 wipe downs since then with a paper towel as well as a microfiber towel, water flow seems fine and it doesn't seem to be dirty but it's a new machine and I'm super paranoid about this.

>> No.14594934

Ethiopeans are pretty based in that they roast their own beans on a frying pan at home, no need for roasters. Also this place is pretty high end and ethiopeans are really lower class unfortunately. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.14594948

The tip is to try and focus on one of four key tones:

Keep those in mind when tasting the coffee

>> No.14595132


>> No.14595410

M47p arrived so I pulled a shot of Red Brick. Holy shit I didn't expect it to be this good. Other than the grinds bin I can't think of a way to improve it.

>> No.14595439

And yet people wonder why I've been shilling them since last year.

>> No.14595450

Even though its more of a sidegrade Im considering the M47 classic now just for the magnetic grinds bin

I did 15g in, 41g out at 1.7 on the grinder and it was great but with quite a bitter finish. Ill try my next shot on 1.6. I know that the ratio is a bit fucked but my scale updates too slowly to pull out at the right time

>> No.14595513

Just start with your piston ring in a little bit further. Restrict the amount of water you're putting in that way. I had 17 g left of the black honey and didn't want to have 2g left over, so I just coldbrewed it up with some of the new beans. Going to give the columbian caturra a biiiiiit more resting time before I start pulling.

>> No.14595673
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>That first pot of the day
Is there a better feeling bros?

>> No.14595686

still using one atm works fine

>> No.14596016
File: 781 KB, 2000x2000, ColdBrewCarafe-LRG-HERO-silo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's something i can simply drop into my cold brew (into pic related or a mason jar or whatever) to make it taste even better? i'm trying to stay away from sweeteners but want to make it a little more interesting. some kind of berry?

>> No.14596048

Nice, what you brewing?

>> No.14596060

Why is there so much coffee in that, anon? Also what Orient watch is that?

>> No.14596421

just pulled another shot at a finer setting and 1:2 ratio but it felt more flat. I don't think its overextracted - could it be a temperature issue? Ill play around with it more tomorrow morning.

Still a great shot though - Im surprised at how quickly I got this close to dialing in

>> No.14596477

a dash of salt will unironically improve just about any coffee

>> No.14596487

since you lowered the yield, you also reduced the extraction. if the first shot was great, I would keep the same grind setting and reduce the yield to see what it does to the bitter finish.
also if you grind too fine you may increase the chance of channeling and underextraction.

>> No.14596602

>buy timemore chestnut c2
>gets upgraded with a reduced price
well fuck me

>> No.14596610

Isn't it just the grind bin that has metal inlay now to prevent sticking from static?

>> No.14596721

bought some colombian beans which were said to have a 'wine like body' but just taste acidic as shit no matter how i grind and brew them

>> No.14596736

was branded as seattle as well so maybe it makes sense it's not good
though looking back it advertised the acidity on the package which i forgot after i transferred it to my own storage, not sure why i bought it, pretty horrible stuff

>> No.14596884

Grind finer
Use hotter water
Pour smaller amount of water or use more coffee

>> No.14596910

Why would you pay for that? I'm sure there is a version a quarter the price that is just as good. Coffee is 99% about the actual beans anyway you could just chew the beans and spit them in a filter and barely tell the difference.

>> No.14596924

Because Malhkonigs are reliable, has good service network, and time savings at morning rush means you can serve more customers without sacrificing quality by not grinding to order.

>> No.14597007

Look at those boulders its spitting out.

>> No.14597018

i did all of these things, at a certain point it's just applying makeup to a pig

>> No.14597070

Clumps are not boulders.

>> No.14597088

What is that giant red sore on his wrist?

>> No.14597352

$3000 grinders should have a better designed chute. No reason for it to create that much static to where there are knuckle sized clumps getting spit out.

>> No.14598079

Does Gesha and anaerobic fermentation go together?

>> No.14599197

Rosewill makes a surprisingly decent one

>> No.14599887
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Morning coffee time

Nice brew

>> No.14599894

Extract that caffiene!

>> No.14599976

yeah thanks. Ive put it to just over 1.7 and pulled a better shot but I'll play around a bit more later. Just got a bag of sweetshop from Square Mile so Im looking forward to trying it out once I run out of Red Brick

Any other brits here? What roasters do you get coffee from? I like Black Cat but their espresso blends are god awful

>> No.14600417

>try cold brewing
>1:7 ratio
>let sit in fridge for 24 hours
>bitter as fuck
so this is the power of coldsoys

>> No.14600446

this is the espresso paulie gifts to tony soprano

>> No.14600454

yesterday I tried some caturra pache typica catuai from peru, absolutely blew my mind. Such vibrant orange flavor followed by cinnamon and a delicious chocolate and honey aftertaste. A light-medium roast, body maybe a bit light for my taste, but it was an experience, would totally recommend.

>> No.14600857

>Hoffman doing cupping again
>it's like $25 to get it shipped where I live

>> No.14600971

no but now I want to

>> No.14601759

Don't get too locked into that 1.7 range. Thats where I was and after a few weeks of burrs breaking in, my starting point is just north of 2.2. Really focus on the feel of that press. You should be able to tell before water exits the puck whether or not you've fucked up and need to regrind. Drink EVERY shot you pull, good or bad. Its a learning experience.

>> No.14602043

Thanks for the advice. I might just fuck about with the grind setting on the weekend when I have time. I'm doing a 1-2 bar preinfusion for about 10 seconds then getting up to 9 and maintaining it for most of the shot. I don't know if this is a great profile but I want something that is easy to keep consistent while Im getting used to it.

Also I am absolutely in love with the M47p now, every time I use it I like it more.

>> No.14602326

>M47p now, every time I use it I like it more.

Thanks for validating my shilling. Maybe they send me one of their big table cranks eventually. I can't even imagine how nice the m47 classic is. You've gone from janky stepless, to being able to slightly nudge your burrs a few tenths of a mm and lock it there. Use it. With that 10 second pre, I'm grinding fine enough to where I'm getting drips at like 7-8seconds, letting it fill in for a sec or two, then ramping up. I'll see if I can get a clean graph with that new roast. Should be rested enough to not blow the grouphead apart.

>> No.14602542
File: 368 KB, 850x1210, warm and tasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light roast

>> No.14602556

what do you do with stale coffee?

>> No.14602630

absolute pleb-tier opinion
>noooooo coffee can't taste like things besides smoke and chocolate noooooo

>> No.14603032

Drink it, retard.

>> No.14603207

why would you do that to myself

>> No.14604227
File: 38 KB, 800x800, Ethiopia Ana Sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coffee tastes like hot cider and blueberry juice mixed in with coffee

>> No.14605134

I want a manual espresso machine. What are the pros and cons between something like a La Pavoni vs a Robot?

>> No.14605217

If you want just espresso, a Robot will be fine.
The La Pavoni has a heater in it, which many people find very convenient. It also has a steaming wand, in case you want a latte or other espresso with steamed milk drink.
Time to first cup is likely faster with the Robot; Time to third cup is likely faster with the La Pavoni.

>> No.14605252

Get a flair over the robot. For the same price as a robot you can get the Pro 2 which can brew bigger doses

>> No.14605263

Makes sense, thanks. Any quality difference in the cup? I do just want espresso and it’ll likely just be me, drinking one or maybe two cups a day.

>> No.14605264

I actually want SMALLER doses, and a big disadvantage to me is that you seemingly can’t brew 14g doses in either the Flair or Robot. I’m extremely sensitive to caffeine, too much and I get shaky all day and diarrhea shits the next day.

>> No.14605334


I did some extra digging and found a good bylat comparisons of the various models, and Eureka told me the burrs on the Crono was the same 50mm burrs as the other Mignons.

Basically, the cheap Mignons carry over the upgrades the new generation received, but has a plastic case instead of aluminium, and no timers/sound dampening. The Filtro seems to have coarse grinding burrs and the stepless adjustment is single turn only similar to the Perfetto.

Honestly, the Manuale/Notte/Facile seems like they might be pretty good economical options for espresso.

>> No.14605345

I've done 14g doses in the flair signature. I usually do about 15-16 though.

>> No.14605784


>> No.14605798

i hate you

>> No.14605864

Thoughts on the Fellow Ode Brew grinder? Looks pretty cool and I might pick it up as my filter grinder when it comes out. Either that or a cheap Mignon

>> No.14606108

Thoughts on blue bottle coffee? I tried it in Japan and it was alright

>> No.14606267

Considering how shitty the finish is on their kettles, and how common it is to receive DOA units from them, I'd wait several months after the Ode grinder is released before purchasing.

>> No.14606310

>it's a problem partly because of "torrefacto", a Spanish method of roasting coffee beans that, coincidentally, involves the addition of sugar – a lot of sugar – to the beans in the final stage of roasting
what the fuck

>> No.14606456

idk but Im interested. Where can I try it?

>> No.14606785

i've never tried it myself, i just saw it on a package at the shop and now i'm appalled
it's common in spain/france/portugal and some parts of latin america, so order from places like that i guess

>> No.14606865

What’s a good coffee to water ratio for cold brew?

>> No.14606897

Machines like the Flair or the Robot are very easy to clean and maintain. You're basically doing a cleaning on the Flair every time you pull a shot.

>> No.14607072

as far as i know it was to make the shelf life longer, also to mask bad coffee batches
it's absolutely disgusting

>> No.14607107

>doesnt roast it with sugar AND margarine
missing out tbqh

>> No.14607638

t. doesn't own any fellow products

>> No.14607650
File: 83 KB, 710x710, chemex-pour-over-glass-coffee-maker-with-wood-collar-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone clear something up for me? Chemex filters are thicker which means a cleaner cup. Is that because less oils come through? Less oil means a brighter cup and goes better with light roasts right?

>> No.14607668
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I think it's beautiful but like that other anon said their products can be a crapshoot. All of my fellow products seem to have SOME weird flaw to them because of their design. Normally I'm all about the slickest stuff but my encore is doing me just fine.

Speaking of fellow I finally got their dripper. Very wonky and I don't know if I like it, still having trouble figuring out the brew too. Can anyone recommend me a method? Currently I'm doing 15.6 ground 18 baratza for 250 water and it's coming out a bit weak.

>> No.14607683
File: 119 KB, 650x825, EdzJrWTWsAE-cw5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffe makes my balls ache.
My balls didn't drop properly when I was a kid, now stimulants make them ache. I took speed once and ended up in the ER.I thought my balls had disappeared into my abdominal cavity.

Shame. I really like the taste and smell of coffee

>> No.14608747


>> No.14608767

Is there any good reason to buy one of these expensive coffee drip scales?
What could they possibly do better than cheaper ones aside from looks?

>> No.14608848

im starting to not trust me cheap scale. for example i'll weigh 20g of beans, grind them, then later once i dump them in the filter there will sometimes more sometimes less than 20g of grounds. the one i have also lags a lot when pouring fast. any scale recs for around $50?

>> No.14608857

they say 1:7 but that comes out way too bitter for me

>> No.14608897

i'm in the same boat, but i'm using a regular set of kitchen scales that aren't accurate to 0.1 of a gram
however it seems even the cheapest coffee scales have this feature + timers, so i'm wondering what if any catch there is

>> No.14608930

the 0.1 increment is pretty crucial for weighing the grounds. you'll likely never get a consistent cup otherwise.

>> No.14608950

i know, which is why i'm curious whether there's any good reason to go upmarket on the scales, but i can't imagine there is

>> No.14609089
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Like a car-license, coffee-drinkers should have a caffiene-license...

>> No.14609104
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For the wimps

>> No.14609397

>tfw want affogato but don't want to get fat

>> No.14609564
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I use the fuck out of my lunar. More of the finca el retiro washed caturra. Re positioned my bean probe and made a new chute so I'm logging first crack at ~375 instead of 410 now. Cut the heat at 407.

>> No.14610079

Anon who started homeroasting last week here. I think I have a pretty good handle on the basics now. Sights and smells and sounds. I have learned quite a bit about how roast level affects flavor of different origin beans. I just made my first blend and it is the second best coffee I have ever tasted. I think this may be my calling. I just wanted to share that with you guys. I don't think I will be a teaching buddha when I attain coffee enlightenment, but I love you all.

>> No.14610299
File: 67 KB, 603x603, PackShot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Ireland have good coffee?

>> No.14610521

I don't think coffee grows in Ireland.

>> No.14610831
File: 250 KB, 1200x687, costa rica and java.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy it anon. Roasting is so simple and rewarding to get into, definitely my favorite part of this hobby.

>> No.14610861

>spend an hour dialling in new coffee beans
>finally get that shot
>it's perfect

>> No.14610983

I got a manual lever espresso machine to replace my gaggia, I’m pulling ~25s shots, and they taste good, but it’s a lot thinner body, less creamy mouthfeel, than my gaggia. what do? Should I grind finer and press harder?

>> No.14611024

Do you have a pressure gauge? Happen to know how many bars you're pulling? Weak body means low extraction but if you're not pulling like, 9 bars that's a problem

>> No.14611044

No gauge, and first time with a manual. I don’t really know how much force I should be pushing and I’m worried about bending the lever or breaking something if I choke it and push too hard.

>> No.14611078

I'd suggest you go look up some youtube videos on that, or maybe just try pressing way harder to see what happens?

>> No.14611123

I actually just realised the previous retard owner of my machine mounted the lever upside down, so that’s undoubtedly decreasing my torque and brew pressure. I’ll fix that and then try more shots.

>> No.14611504

I have one from my grandma which was made by communist in 1978.
Still works.

>> No.14611556
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>> No.14612513

Just got a hand ceramic burr grinder, am I supposed to rinse it out after each use?

>> No.14612518
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>coffee comes with instruction

>> No.14612542

>RGB lighting your coffee machines

>> No.14612595
File: 143 KB, 1055x673, bezerra-matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have gaymen lights on his espresso machine

>> No.14612858

The Phoenix is supposedly the worst Kinu. (less precise centering of the burrs due to cheaper construction methods.)

Btw after 2-3 kgs of beans to season the burrs i can't even feel that i am grinding anything when i grind darker espresso roasts on the Kinu, only light filter roasts feel like a workout.

>> No.14612900

Its their cheapest so that's expected. I've got one and if that's their worst then their best must be fucking amazing

>> No.14613017

Its not supposedly the worst, it is their worst. They had a huge factory fire and lost a significant part of their manufacturing capability. The "phoenix" is them "rising out of the ashes", buttfucking the $200 espresso grinder market(since they could still get burrs), and making the best product they could to move units and get back to full capacity quick. It worked. I could have snagged a used classic for $270, but I liked the phoenix story. I'm v e r y happy with it. I think tossing a set of kruve sifters at a $200 grinder is alot more logical of an increment than going from a $200 grinder to a $2000 electric, so that's probably next on my list.

>> No.14613080

I am thinking about getting a kruve for my kinu but at this point i think my biggest bottlenecks are my brewing methods, i do moka pot and cupping. (moka is all kinds of bad and i don't know if cupping is really suspectible to grind size homogenity)

On the other hand going from tap water to RO water + Mg was a bigger upgrade than going from a Hario Minimill to the Kinu.

>> No.14613113

please respond

>> No.14613165

yeah so its destroyed then you can buy a real grinder

>> No.14613226

I would like to switch to a Kone (stainless steel filter) instead of paper filters while using a chemex. Heard it can make your coffee more oily. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.14613360

You may want to look at their pourover burrs first. Think they were like $45 when I last looked? I was going to snag the burr and a set of sifters off kruve, but both went out of stock before I ordered. Kind of looking at the NEW NEW kruve set with all the sifters, bean graders, and alu screen holders now, but I'm semi pissed I had to wait 5 months to get my propels. I don't think you "investing" a little money in a plastic v60 or any other supplementary brewing method is a bad idea though. Variety is the spice of life. I can't stand the hazelnut that comes out of one of my brazilians out of a v60 or espresso, but its palatable cold brewed.

>> No.14613370

Right now, I just use a plastic mellita, just trying to stay away from plastic in general, I already have a decent grinder too. Thanks for the rec

>> No.14615159
File: 266 KB, 800x800, sagara-lot-3-ethiopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italians supposedly only like very chocolatey dark roast in espresso or moka pot and get mad if people prepare it any other way
>Gardelli, which only does ultra light roasts of very fruity coffee, is also in Italy

>> No.14616495

The duality of man.

>> No.14616548

Can someone recommend me a good water filter? I'm looking to spend around $300-500.

>> No.14616600
File: 142 KB, 819x819, 1575284749745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does caffeine deteriorate in coffee beans as they get older and stale?

>> No.14617047
File: 31 KB, 474x709, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affogato time?

USAian thinks that entire country is a hive-mind. Guess that means I visited NY & LA & Las Vegas & New Orleans yesterday.

>> No.14617720
File: 464 KB, 1080x1349, 117218049_137944154643106_4529123225883336296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ultra-high grade Yunnan coffee never makes it out of China because domestic buyers bid it up beyond foreigners' reach
>you have to go to specialty coffee bars in Shanghai to taste

>> No.14617871
File: 1.93 MB, 320x180, a certain kind of cumming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark roast

>> No.14618279

I like my berkey.

>> No.14618399
File: 1.38 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20200606-080847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you guys are going to be fucked up one of the disease hits the plants in this shit's like $150 for half a pound

>> No.14618412

Will just have to boil robusta in moka pot and drown the bitterness in milk and sugar then

>> No.14618457
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This plus Folgers 30oz tub of ground coffee.

>> No.14618496

>ground coffee
>posts pic of knockoff Keurig

>> No.14618567
File: 25 KB, 522x540, 61t-44mSMzL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright you posers, spoonfeed me on how to make coffee taste good with this thing. I buy espresso grounds, i let it steep for like 2 minutes, i usually fill it up about an inch and a half, but i feel like i could be doing more. should the water be boiling or just barely boiling? coarse or fine grounds? help i just wanna have good coffee

>> No.14618590

Most people grind finer than V60 but coarser than espresso for Aeropress.

>> No.14618676

? most people grind coarser than a v60. Have a look at the WAC recipes, they're all using 30g doses and a coarse grind

>> No.14618825

>espresso grind

you are fucked

the only way to make something good from espresso grind on the aeropress is the aerorpesso method.

put 20g or more espreso grinds into the press, tamp it, (i 3d printed one suitable) put a filter paper on top of the grinds and slowly pour in boiling water till the bottom of the 2 mark. Plunge it for 30s. (adjust this for the roast level)
Preferably you should use a metal filter.

>> No.14618888

hm ok. guess i need to switch grains. i don't have a grinder
that sounds really weird im going to go look that up.

>> No.14618893

>I buy espresso grounds
first step to making good coffee is to start grinding your own

>> No.14618909

you can get a shitty 20 dollar amazon blade grinder and still make good aeropress
Here's my method:
Put hot tap water in mug to warm it
2 scoops beans in grinder
pulse 6-7 times
add to aeropress
water to 200 degrees in kettle
wet your grounds, wait 30
add water to almost the very top, then immediately put the plunger on it so it doesn't all drain out
wait a minute
wa la

>> No.14618917

Boomer here. I love coffee and always have but I can't be assed to seek out really GOOD coffee anymore. I've been buying Starbucks coffees for years. I don't want to hear your memes about it, because I like it. Or at least I did, when I first started buying coffee there around 2003 it was great. High quality, good selection, compared to anything else readily available. Well in the last 5 or so years it's gone to shit. So I go to the Reserve Starbucks stores, which have a lot of good beans on a rotating basis. But the basic lineup has just totally gone to shit, and I know I'm paying a markup for the Reserve coffees they offer because it's Starbucks.
What's some good, not overpriced, artisan type coffee that I can easily buy in this country nowadays?

>> No.14618935

Just search "<your city name> coffee roasters" on Google and buy locally. If you find a roaster that looks okay, your can search "<roaster name> <your city> site:reddit.com" to see if anyone has posted legitimate complaints about that roaster.

>> No.14619023

ive always done the inverted method but same steps you did pretty much. l let mine steep longer though, usually like 1:30 or 2:00. i wonder if im making it acidic. im just worried if i don't leave it sit im gonna make a really weak cup.

>> No.14619051

You don't. Buy a v60. Throw that garbage away. Don't buy things from meme frisbee companies.

>> No.14619110

i been checking out the v60, i had never heard of it before. It looks like its just a funnel?? like what makes it special, it kinda sounds like meme pour-over technology ha ha. i could do the same thing with a funnel and regular paper filters, unless im missing something

>> No.14619124
File: 125 KB, 556x702, steeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about that anon, that's really rough.

>> No.14619248

Ribbed sides for the ground pleasure. Also keeps air pockets so you don't clog your dumb funnel and make a mess. The channels let coffee run to the bottom.

>> No.14619836

New grinder should finally be arriving tomorrow after being delayed a week.
thank fuck

>> No.14620834

Just spent £14.42 on James Hoffmann live cupping coffee samples. Am I a bugman consoomer now?

>> No.14620884
File: 162 KB, 700x700, V60 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a 1-2 cup V60 on a whim at a Japanese grocery store. How much coffee would you put for 300 grams of water?

>> No.14620948

19 grams

>> No.14620999

How detrimental would it be to grind up my coffee beans a good 12 hours before using them in a v60? I want use this when I'm away from home.

>> No.14621009

Not at all. Pre grinding makes very little difference for up to three days.

>> No.14621040

my dad got me a digital kitchenaid burr grinder and it works perfectly fine, all the granules are the same size and it can go from like few mm sized bits to espresso grind. I know the italian ones might technically be more precise but I feel like it's a meme that you NEED one if you don't want a manual grinder.

>> No.14621045
File: 1014 KB, 1213x925, Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 7.46.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet –– sounds good. Just made a cup with some of this.

>> No.14621063

Only one way to find out.

>> No.14621083
File: 50 KB, 600x295, Screen_Shot_2017-07-03_at_12.32.29_PM_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure your eyes can differentiate particles under .5 mm.

>> No.14621090

ok faggot, yes they aren't all exactly the same diameter to the micrometer, neither is grind from italian machines, but it's not effecting the flavor of the coffee and I don't have an espresso machine (though i'm sure it would be totally fine)

>> No.14621115

haha grinder go brrr

>> No.14621185

as a beginner in coffee making. which cheap grinder and machine/tools should I get?

>> No.14621303

aeropress, whatever 20-30 dollar grinder you feel like
see: >>14618909
next step is a v60, then the infinite autism + moneysink of espresso

>> No.14621599

>all the granules are the same size
> yes they aren't all exactly the same diameter
>neither is grind from italian machines

You know you can sieve your grinds and find out exactly how shitty it is. You're not interested in that, you want to keep that dopamine going from your shitty gift. Its ok.

>though i'm sure it would be totally fine

You don't know shit. Glad you're happy tho.

>> No.14621680

so this is the power of autism

>> No.14621715
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how far the coffee autism can go.

>> No.14621768
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200824_001350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power of 6hrs of reading forums one night, an underdog vape, and a few cups of columbian.

Thats up next. The goal is to find someone slightly more autistic who's had a heating element custom fabricated and had to buy a few to hit MOQ. In hindsight, I should have just built a fucking wooden platform like this, but when you're stoned at 6am after being up all night, putting a roaster in old coffee cans seemed funny.

>> No.14621782

If you don't have any local roasters, order online at Peet's. Same company vintage as Starbucks, but the quality hasn't taken as much of a nosedive over the years. Consistently pretty good. I, too, remember when Starbucks wasn't terrible. They grew too fast, too much. There just isn't that much good coffee grown every year to make consistent blends. That's why they split the lines with the standard blends and the reserve stuff. And you pay out the ass for it.

>> No.14621938

Anyone else pulling a La Pavoni? Just picked it up this weekend, I’m enjoying the shots. Even my mediocre shots have a better average taste than my old semi-automatic.

>> No.14622448

What did you have beforehand? Ive got a flair and want to get a Europiccola whenever I can find one thats reasonably priced

>> No.14622874

I had a Gaggia Classic. I was actually really considering a Flair ahead of time. The thing that ended up winning me over is the almost-60-years of support and knowledge behind the Pavoni, it’s easily serviceable with plentiful parts and huge groups of knowledgable users.
On the other hand the Flair is pretty tank like and unlikely to break anyway since there’s nothing electric inside of it.
As far as I could tell, you’re not going to necessarily make any better espresso with the Europiccola compared to the Flair, you just won’t have to boil milk and you may get an upgrade in reliability and aesthetics.

>> No.14622916
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I make 1L of this bad boy every morning with my percolator. Drink half of it with a croissant and a cigarette or two.
Then reheat it when i come back from home and finish it with some walnut syrup. And sometimes make another batch for the evening.

Guess my nationality.

>> No.14622934

Yeah I mostly want a Europiccola for convenience. I love the flair but it does just take a bit too long to pull a shot. What would be the next step up from a Europiccola?

>> No.14622939

First for cup-of-cino

>> No.14623022


>> No.14623031

>Guess my nationality.

>> No.14623122

Yeah that makes sense. I kinda regret not getting.m the flair, because I have a thermos kettle that keeps 4L of boiled water on tap, so it would be simple for me to use the flair compared to waiting for the Pavoni to boil.
I guess the next step up would be an Olympia Cremina, but thats like 4000 dollarydoos. I don’t know what the manual lever middleground between a Europiccola and Cremina is.

>> No.14623367
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Unless you like earthy coffee, don't get this shit. I make it drinkable brewing with nutmeg and cardamom.

>> No.14623488

1zpresso jx pro arrived today.
Feels really well built, nice to look at, and has a lot of grind options. Can get through 20g of beans in a few seconds pretty easily, though espresso might be a bit more work.
Seems the recommended pourover grind is a bit too coarse for my tastes, but I'll find the sweet spot eventually.
Did spend 20 minutes working out how the adjustment worked though, wasn't aware it dealt in full rotations and the numbered increments were there to fine tune.
Not regretting it at all, plus it takes a lot less kitchen real estate in my already cramped quarters.

>> No.14623552

the jx pro seems nice but man its like 2/3rds the price of a cheap eureka

Grinding for espresso using my timemore is kinda a chore, and I dont have that kind of time in the mornings.

>> No.14623561

I personally don't drink espresso that much, so it wasn't that much of a setback for me.

>> No.14623666

I got the Flair too. I've heard the Europiccola's grouphead overheats after a few shots. I'm going to wait about two years, and drop the 3.7k on a Cremina.

I have a stovetop milk steamer, but most of this summer I've been making espresso tonics. The most expensive thing I have is my grinder, and that's really improved my workflow coming from a manual grinder.

>> No.14623715

Anyone have experience with Ceado grinders?
I'm looking to upgrade my Sette 270 to something better eventually. I've considered the Niche Zero but it still has conical burrs and cheap plastic construction, I want something with flat burrs that is built like a tank. The Ceado E5SD looks like it checks all the boxes and is readily available but nobody seems to have one yet.

>> No.14623828

What grinder do you have? Ive got a Kinu M47p so I would need something pretty pricey for it to be an upgrade. As much as I love the M47p something electric would be nice to have.

I do want to save for a cremina but want to get a <1k machine before it after upgrading my grinder.

>> No.14623851

I just discovered an improvement to my coffee routine. First I always scoop the grounds then rinse the spoon followed by filling up the pot so I've pretty much optimized the whole thing. I also like to wash the pot and basket before I drink the coffee so this time I noticed I can leave the top open while I add the cream and sugar then the basket will cool off enough for me to dump the grounds without burning my fingers.

>> No.14623855

Thanks but I want something in the range of 300 - 500 dollars

>> No.14624010

Splurged with my trumpbux on a Niche Zero.

>> No.14624486



>> No.14624706
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Does anyone have tips for adjusting the grind size on these little motherfuckers? Mine will arrive in a few days, and I've got a bit worried, since this will be my 1st mill. I don't know if there's a standard number of turns for adjusting it, but a reference would be good.

>> No.14624877
File: 64 KB, 481x674, ss (2020-08-24 at 04.58.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to anyone who has had this, is this not the best fucking coffee you've ever had?

>> No.14624920
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>French roast