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14573808 No.14573808 [Reply] [Original]

Just got banned from my local Chipotle and I'm really pissed. Seriously, fuck Chipotle.
>try to start chess club in my small city
>local Chipotle has tons of small tables, perfect for round-robin chess tournaments
>me and my friends go there, buy some food, start playing
>we're only there for 2 hours
>manager comes out and tells us we have to leave, even though we're all wearing masks
>I ask him why we can't stay
>he says we're taking up too many seats and not ordering enough food
>hand him ten dollars for some chips and guac
>literally SLAPS the money from my hand and says he's not my waiter
>I try to calm him down, but he tells me and my friends to leave
>I explain that a weekly chess club would be good for business, but he's too enraged to listen to logic
>friends and I leave in defeat
This really sucks because every other establishment in my city has shot down my proposal. I used to love Chipotle, but this incident has made me a QDoba fan for life.

>> No.14573811


>> No.14573820

Talk to corporate, or to the franchisee.

>> No.14573833

It would've been alright if you weren't a bunch of fat ugly NERDS

>> No.14573842

I already tried doing that, but they said they don't "host clubs". I'm thinking of lodging complaints against the manager for being racist since one of my friends is black.

>> No.14573852

>I'm thinking of lodging complaints against the manager for being racist since one of my friends is black.
An excellent idea.

>> No.14573861

Say he called yqll niqqas

>> No.14573864

Menorah hands typed this

>> No.14573873

An establishment has no moral obligation to host you, fucking idiot. 2 goddamn hours is more than gracious. You were wrong and I would ban you too.

>> No.14573874

Pretty sure the proper american response to this is to gun down the place

>> No.14573886

Actually, as per the Hosting and Hospitium Act of 1897 they do.

>> No.14573904

Kinda wrong on both sides. You didn’t really do anything wrong, but you shouldn’t expect a place like that to just allow you guys to have a club/tournament. On the other hand, if he really smacked the money back at you, he’s probably one of the lower class joggers who finally made it and thinks he’s above everyone

>> No.14573921

>You didn’t really do anything wrong
It's a fucking restaraunt. You go there to eat, not to hang around and play games.

>> No.14573929

What the fuck are you on about retard

>> No.14573942

Look it up, retard. It was ratified in 1897, that "manager" should be strung up.

>> No.14573945
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A restaurant can kick you out at any time. It's not a fucking French Salon or a Cafe. You don't get to go there and hang around all day. Try a coffee shop next time, they are more open to this kind of shit. Or are you too good to meet at a place where there might be lefties?


>> No.14573946

this. if they OP was as least a 5/10 the manager would have left them alone. he probably reeks of old cum

>> No.14573950

Don't you have a local library that could host you guys? Libraries love fat ugly nerds

>> No.14573953

except no one gives a fuck. go play your chess outside virgin

>> No.14573954
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Literally anyone defending autist OP

>> No.14573963

>Getting kicked out of a place for being there two hours and playing board games.
I do that all the time at my favorite bar, and I've never been kicked out.

>> No.14573966

I'm not OP, you faggot. I'm just telling you how it is.

>> No.14573971

post any kind of link or source

>> No.14573983

Doesnt even exist

>> No.14573991

Well at a bar you're expected to socialize and drink over the course of an evening
At a fucking fast food restaurant you're expected to eat and get the fuck out

>> No.14573994

you likely dont smell and are not obnoxious and a bar is not a fast food joint

>> No.14573997

It came to me in a dream.

>> No.14574003

>I'm just telling you how it is.
im just telling you no one gives a shit and your lard ass will get kicked out

>> No.14574004


>> No.14574005

you fucked up by putting the title of "club" there, it's not a venue. you should've just showed up and played chess. but yeah that manager sounds like a fucking asshole.

>> No.14574007

Assuming that OP bought enough food to justify the use of the tables, what is the difference between sitting to eat and talk and seating to eat and play? A money is payed for food and the use of a certain space; which activity shouldn't matter as long as whatever is being done respectfully, and I don't see how chess can be rude.

>> No.14574011

>club shit
>Chess no less
>Sitting at extra limited tables for extended durations
>At a fucking chipotle
>During virus bullshit
I don't know how much time you spent thinking this would ever be a good idea, but you've clearly put a number in close to 0 seconds. I'm glad your dumb ass got banned for it. You straight up earned it.
However, the manager was somewhat out of line with slapping, but without video evidence that won't go anywhere. Again, you clearly spent no time thinking when you could have gotten up and ordered inside without shoving money in his face.
Not only are you fucking dumb but any way you look at it the manager was right to ban you

>> No.14574012

Like I already said, a lot of establishmentshave shot down my idea. Two coffee shops have already banned us for "being disruptive."

>> No.14574017
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>... and I don't see how chess can be rude.
It was:

>> No.14574022

Did the ghost of Herman cain tell you about it?

>> No.14574028

I would, but the libraries in my city have been overrun with homeless people since rona hit. My list of options is severely limited, thus why I tried Chipotle in the first place.

>> No.14574038

Let's put it another way anon
>Clearly a time where social shit like this is not acceptable
>Multiple places forbidding such activity
>Chess being disruptive in any capacity
It's clear you lack understanding of the current social problem with what you're wanting and after 3 tries you're still not getting it. Are you and your friends autistic? This is genuinely the only conclusion that both makes sense and firs the bill for how you've described the issue

>> No.14574039
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you made me kek.

>> No.14574049

Hold a BLM rally there. Fuck his life. Burn it down.

>> No.14574050

What about Panera? I buy a coffee and spend hours studying there every weekend since the library is closed
I don't even think you have to buy a coffee to be able to work in there. just don't act like a nigger

>> No.14574075

I suspect one of my friends might be autistic, but that's beside the point. I'm 90% certain people just feel insecure about chessplayers like me and my firends, or else they care more about making money than encouraging culture in this shithole city.

>> No.14574077

This, panera is good if you're sticking with chains
If you work with the franchise, you might be able to get little 15% off flyers that you can give to everyone in the club, so that it's a win-win: more sales for the restaurant, some food for you all to eat while you play.
Might also have good luck doing this at local places

>> No.14574085

ok nvm you sound like a cunt

>> No.14574088

Two of my friends got permabanned from there for non-chess reasons.

>> No.14574089

>I'm 90% certain people just feel insecure about chessplayers like me and my firends
What’s more likely, that people feel insecure about chess players (lol) or that you and your friends are just so blindingly autistic that you got kicked out of three different places and still can’t take the hint that you’re annoying spergs nobody wants to put up with?

>> No.14574091

>One might be
>People just feel insecure about chess players
No we don't, you're fucking obnoxious and clearly occupying space you shouldn't at a time like this. Do this shit at your house or something or go to a park. Take your food to go until the virus rules fuck off

>> No.14574094

>not asking permission first
lol retard

>> No.14574097

Nice baight you retard

>> No.14574100

they don't want a darkskin in their white establishment

>> No.14574102

>go to a restaraunt
>pay only for food
>act like you've bought hours of time at a convention hall
Okay retard.

>> No.14574115

Playing chess doesn't make you smart, the average person should have an average ability at chess. It just doesn't interest some people, you pretentious twat.

>> No.14574124

Every other time we've asked permission before playing we've been shot down outright. At least this way we were able to play for a while.
I'd go to a park, but it's summer and hot as hell.

>> No.14574131
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The manager was being an asshole, though.
You sound like a double-digit IQ sub-human.

>> No.14574139

Buy a gazebo.

>You sound like a double-digit IQ sub-human.
Considering I'm able to make a statement, with reasoning, I'm certainly smarter than you.

>> No.14574142

>Every other time we've asked permission before playing we've been shot down outright
maybe you should take a hint

>> No.14574149

Is this how zoomers see the world? Was there ever a time where you guys did things outside of home and school? There used to be Yugio tournaments among other things at every fast food place by me 10-15 years ago. Nobody is expecting Chipotle to shut down in favor of a few chess nerds because they bought burritos. But it’s not out of the ordinary for someone who is spending money at a restaurant to set up shop in the process.

>> No.14574156

>Assuming that OP bought enough food to justify the use of the tables
>2 hours

>> No.14574158

Dude, of who im supposed to be intimidated, a 76 old guy? A lil chinese kid? A fat ass asmatic asperger? I could beat the shit out of magnus carlsen if i wanted to lol kys

>> No.14574168

OP here, I 100% agree. These people seem to think restaurants are purely utilitarian refueling hubs and not public venues.

>> No.14574172

>The manager was being an asshole
No, you.
>of any kind
>at a fast food joint
>without paying out the nose

>> No.14574188

Technically he can kick you out i guess but he's an utter retard, for one thing why the fuck does some stupid wagie shoe shine boy manager care about customer turnover? So long as you aren't making any messes for him to clean.
>only lefties and coffee shops like chess.

>> No.14574193

>... not public venues.
They aren't, you retard. That's what things like community centers are for, not privately owned businesses.

>> No.14574200

You can only get away with that in slow diners, OP. Everywhere else has a loitering rule to keep hobos from camping out.

>> No.14574205

What, you never talk to people at bars or restaurants? Those are businesses, too.

>> No.14574210

A different type of business, they make their money predominantly through alcohol sales. Seriously, you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are.

>> No.14574230

Are you high? They used to encourage bringing whole kids parties and fucking off for hours in their playgrounds. They used to care about customer experience. Anyways I never support chain places anyways, they're 100% cancer and I can't wait for them all to go bankrupt.

>> No.14574241

And? Businesses sell things. You've only demonstrated that you barely understand what businesses are. Meanwhile, I'm actually trying to enrich people's lives.
>you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are
say that to me in front of a chess board and not online, see what happens motherfucker

>> No.14574254

Okay, I'll make it simple for you, seeing as you're a simple person:
Eateries make their money through selling you food, filling you up and then replacing you with another mouth and stomach to feed.
Bars and cafes make their money through selling you drinks, that pass through your system far faster than food, as such it pays for them to keep you there, socializing and buying more beers, coffee, whatever.
Do you understand yet, autist?
>say that to me in front of a chess board and not online, see what happens motherfucker
Holy fuck, criiiiiinge.

>> No.14574262

Bars expect people to drink large amounts of booze - especially low-alcohol stuff like beer - over long periods of time, spending money all the while. Upscale restaurants charge dearly for the time you spend in them, and even then eventually the staff will kick people out if they take too long. A cheap fast food joint, on the other hand, operates on the basis of getting people in, served, seated, and out quick. If you want any sort of long-term affair in something like a McDonalds-tier joint, at any point in the past thirty years, you gotta pay them extra. They don't do things like tournaments for folks who sit for hours and don't buy anything, especially considering that a human can not physically eat as much as they can drink, so no way in fuck is a Burger King going to let people stay as long as Moe's Tavern.

>> No.14574264

By the way, that's "cafe" in the sense of "coffeehouse", not in the sense of a "diner" or "restaurant with simplistic food, like a sandwich".

>> No.14574276

Lol fast food joints make all their money on the soda. They break even or sell their food at a loss especially when running specials. A coke costs a nickel and they charge $1+

>> No.14574277

>say that to me in front of a chess board and not online, see what happens motherfucker
based autism

>> No.14574284

Bullshit, I never buy their shitty sodas anyway. I'd rather just get a coffee, or a shake.

>> No.14574297
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this seems to be a recurring idea throughout the thread. sounds like you and your friends are the niggers then not the wagies forced to deal with your bullshit.
though at this point i think it's all bullshit and you just sit at home and larp

>> No.14574300

I swear. Look it up. Shakes and coffee also have tremendous mark ups. They are by far the cheapest fucking things to make. Coffee is probably cheaper than cola. Even buying retail name brand grinds a cup of coffee comes out to 3 ¢ per serving.

>> No.14574318

What I'm saying is, that manager is a fucking retard business wise and if the franchisee agreed with him, he's just as stupid. Plus, chipotle is garbage anyways. It's literally shit in the beans

>> No.14574321

>for 2 hours
You should be glad they didn't have the police get rid of you. Anti-loitering actions against folks wasting eateries' time been around for well over half a decade in the news, and longer in practice. And right now? In the middle of the worldwide rollout of the Pandemic Inc. AR game? To answer your question, yes, you're the retard.

>> No.14574334

bro theres a pandemic. play chess online you retard

>> No.14574341

Lol who cares about this faggy boomer killer? Boomers shoulda been dead.

>> No.14574351

>act like a retard
>manager tells you to get out
>double down on retardation
>go on 4chan(nel) to complain
>claim the manager was the retard

>> No.14574367


>> No.14574369
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Eurofag here. Is it really THAT bad to stay for a certain time in a restaurant in the US? Is 2 hours so much time that you think the police could be called?

At least in my country, one can stay all day long in a bar, restaurant, cafeteria or whatever as long they keep consuming. Two days ago I spent four hours in a restaurant, going over some work with a friend. Is that grounds for conviction in America, or something? I am genuinely curious.

>> No.14574414

In something upscale? No. High-priced restaurants with times in the hours are par for the course. In a cafe like Starbucks or Peets? No, for the same reason as bars - you're not buying food, you're buying drinks, things that pass through quickly and which customers can be expected to buy more of regularly. Especially alcohol at pubs. But at something low-scale, like Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, or anything comparable? Yes, it's an asshole move to stay long. If you're not actively buying loads of food, staying more than a half hour is pushing it. And that's without plague rules.

And the guys in the story only bought a little then loitered for actual hours, then tried to use a flimsy tiny bribe to get out of leaving when they'd already overstayed their welcome, which is completely the opposite of the scenario you described. It's not grounds for conviction, but it is one hundred percent grounds for eviction, and has been for years.

>> No.14574419

shits way over blown anyone with half a brain doesn't give a shit

>> No.14574429

Yes, do this

>> No.14574428

I'm not op. That manager is a retard. Literally his only job is to sell coca cola and bottled water. The food is secondary. The customer turnover absolutely negligible.

>> No.14574431

Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.14574437

They used to encourage parents to PAY LOADS OF MONEY to host parties, you mean. Buying a burrito is not nearly on the same level, and limply waving a tenner like you own the place when the entire restaurant is telling you to get out isn't going to cut it.

>> No.14574440

>a flimsy bribe
That's a whole hour of shitpotle managerial work and 10 times the value of 4chan janny labor

>> No.14574448

And two hours too late.

>> No.14574486

Lol nobody paid money to have a party at McDonald's or use their playground. So long as you were buying food for everyone everything was good.

>> No.14574525

should've taken a dump on the floor to assert dominance

>> No.14574530

I really hate when zoomers try and talk about the past they don't remember

>> No.14574545

>"nobody paid money"
>"so long as you were buying food"
>"nobody paid money"
>"so long as you're buying "
>buy a burrito and expect to have paid for literal hours
>then after everyone is already pissed expect a pittance to get instant forgiveness and kowtowing service
You broke your argument from the get-go. Then you broke any argument in favor of the OP.

>> No.14574562

they're allowed to do what they want because it's a private establishment. why don't you host your faggot chess club in your 1 bedroom apartment instead? no restaraunt is obligated to host your tournaments just because you buy some guac and chips.

don't like it? go somewhere else. nowhere else to go? too bad, that's not anyone elses problem but your own.

>> No.14574566

ITT: entitled zoomer anon recounts probably fictional story in which he acts like the world owes him everything then is shocked when world proves otherwise

>> No.14574579 [DELETED] 

Don't do this, ffs

>> No.14574585

Major chains should be treated as public property. I would understand if it was some mom & pop sandwich place but corporate wagies and their wranglers are literally less than human, they shouldn’t even talk to you unless they’re offering service.

>> No.14574601

No they fucking shouldn't. Private property is private property no matter who owns it. You're just an autistic asshole and deserve to get your faggy club banned.

>> No.14574609

you have a college-educated liberals view on what "public property" is. you've never owned anything worth caring about in your life.

franchisee's own their restaraunts, they just need to kick-back money to owner of the franchise for being allowed to replicate it.

>> No.14574636

>10 times the value of 4chan janny labor

>> No.14574641
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>anon goes to chipotles with friends
>buys three burritos
>store sells three burritos
>anon and friends sit down and eat burritos in ten minutes
>anon and friends then play chess for an hour and fifty minutes
>anon and friends may or may not have been loud and or obnoxious
>store decides time is up
>and has been for over an hour
>management tells them to get out
>anon tries to bribe with a ten dollar bill
>this adds insult to aggravation
>management is now slightly more annoyed
>management kicks out anon and friends
>anon goes onto ugandan treetop surveying lecture to whine
>anon reveals this is actually the third time an establishment has told him and his friends to fuck off
>anon is shocked at idea that a fast food joint might not like grown adults hanging around for hours
>especially with such pitiful justification
>anon acts the victim at idea of private property
I think I'll go to Anon's house, take some bread and lunchmeat (i'll leave a couple dollars as payment), then sit on his couch for a while just watching his television. He won't mind, it's not like it's private property.

>> No.14574656


youre so fucking retarded lmfao

>> No.14574659

>t. wagies

>> No.14574663

ten times zero is still zero janny

>> No.14574672

reach and cope. fully admitting defeat.

>> No.14574675

>t. zoomer on neetbucks

>> No.14574680

Unlike OP, you seem to have typed all that out without a hint of irony. There might even be more characters in your post than there were in OP's. Incredible.

>> No.14574698

>slaps the money out of your hand
No matter if you are wrong or right OP this is the action of someone but thirst and insecure about their life.

>> No.14574729

I don't see the problem, everyone loves to see a pile of smelly faggots loudly playing chess when they go out to eat, it should definitely attract business.

>> No.14574734

I do understand the problem of having no place to really hang out to waste time doing something like playing cards with friends or just sit down and read a book. There used to be this one asian mall where the food court was basically dead, with so many empty tables and seats, I would visit that place to read a book but then the mall was demolished a few months later. Your idea is pretty retarded though, because why would any fast food joint allow a fucking chess club to set up camp as regulars? You and your buddies are better off pooling some money together and renting out some space somewhere where you can make it an official chess club. You could even put up flyers in the area too and charge a dollar or two for admission and maybe make back the money used to rent the place.

>> No.14574747

The problem with that is it takes more social skills than the combined social abilities of anons autism club.

>> No.14574753

the guy in this story sounds like that retarded "you have to eat all the eggs" autist, no wonder the manager wanted him out

>> No.14574759

This is OP Anon:

>> No.14574822
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Seriously, what is it with people and trying to start cults/clubs in fast food restaurants? You're supposed to stuff your throat with junk and crap in there, not to play god damn chess you moron.

>> No.14574831

You sound like an idiot and clearly didn't read my original post. My friends and I paid for food and were even going to buy more food but the manager got uppity and defensive.
Also, FYI, Moe's Tavern isn't a real place, but I'm sure even Moe's Tavern would be willing to host a simple chess club.

>> No.14574850
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Have your black friend argue with him while recording and get the manager calling him a nigger or something else that can be perceived as racist on camera. Send the video to the local BLM or Antifa Facebook page and watch the mob burn it to the ground.

>> No.14574851

My friends and I prefer to play in-person. We can't all spend our lives behind computer screens, unlike you.

>> No.14574865

Fuck the owner's wife

>> No.14574871

jokes on you, I don't have a fucking television.

>> No.14574902

Yeah, no. Based entirely on what's in the op, you bought barely enough food to justify maybe a half hour of time there, then loitered for well over an hour beyond that point. Then when the store got fed up and demanded you leave, you tried throwing the flimsiest of bribes out, then YOU got uppity and defensive and started arguing when that proved insufficient due to being too fucking little, too fucking late.
>moe's isn't a real place
I'd say no fucking shit it isn't because I was referencing a fucking cartoon, but I shit you not it in fact exists as a themed bar in Universal Studios. And would still have kicked your ass out for having bought only a single beer then loitered for hours.

>> No.14574912

Get the chipotle to go and then host the tournament at your home.

>> No.14574921

But the point is Chipotle MUST host them at the eatery, they MUST give the autists tables and chairs and room to yell about chess moves! How dare Chipotle and those other places not be thrilled to host these guys for hours on end!

>> No.14575991

The food would get cold.

>> No.14576031
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I too got kicked out of a restaurant in a completely unjust manner, but I will get my revenge

>> No.14576056

None of this happened, did it?

>> No.14576069

In my experience, pubs tend to be open to club meetings but this OP comes off as extremely autistic and I doubt this ever happened lol

>> No.14576432

>chess club
don’t fucking kid yourself you were playing DnD with your fat ugly stinky friends

>> No.14578505


>> No.14578542

Chipotles aren't for hanging out retard.

>> No.14578550

play chess outside?

>> No.14578579

OP...It's called loitering, and the right to refuse service.
You should have asked permission and cleared it with him first. That's not your living room or a park, so no you can't stay indefinitely.
And, whenever you are asked to leave? You'd better gtfo or be arrested. It's the right to refuse service to any patron for any reason except racism, I think.
Why was he such a jerk? Could have been inferior low IQ and no appreciation for the mental sport of chess. Or, it could be that it's covid time and there's a rule about gathering in groups, and a 25-50% spaced out capacity issue for restaurants, and you could have been taking up too many tables inside to easily allow them their limit. You're hardly seated 1 per table when you need 2 at a table. Then, you're breathing the same small amount of air as those employees have to share, so they're on edge. I'm sure every business wants you to spend the same amount of money as before but leave quickly.

Where could you go? Anywhere you ask first that gives you permission. Ask the library. Try a wine bar at a time that is really not busy, like 2-4PM. A coffee shop with ample seating. Somewhere outside like a park, someone brings an ice chest and paper cups, and just buy some folding card tables at Home Depot. You need someone's yard or a city space. Ask the Rotary Clubs and various churches in your town. Decent people like that, if you are going to clean up might appreciate a little more business. Pick up the phone and dial regional managers, not just store managers. Have a cute facebook page or website they can look at to get a look at you.

>> No.14578641

why the hell do you want to play games in such a noisy place?

>> No.14578734

seriously some game store was hosting DND games in a restaurant during dinner hours and it was so nerve wracking for me and I couldn't hear what was going on, shit was awful

>> No.14578743

Sorry the manager was a dick to you OP, the beautiful thing about chess is you just need a board, the pieces, and somewhere to put the board. Why dont you do it at some local park or something like that if it's about the social aspect? If it's more about playing chess just host a tournament on Lichess and Skype or zoom eachother. Chess is a based game that helps with your critical thinking/analysis skills, dont listen to these double digit subhumans that argue over toast sandwiches and retarded things like that.

>> No.14578763

what the hell are you guys doing that you are being disruptive during chess?
and maybe if this is now the third ban you've gotten, you're the problem?

why the hell can't you guys just play at one your apartments?

>> No.14578786

the chipotle i used to go to at college always was way above carrying capacity and you had to be lucky to get a table for a party of more than 2.
spending like 10 bucks each for 2 hours of using the space is not remotely worth it for the restaraunt

>> No.14579185

probably a lot of autistic noises involved

>> No.14579498

fuckin based

>> No.14579687

"hao dar u want to hav gud tim at resterint!!!!! is biceuse u r poop po pee pee!!!

>> No.14579851
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There is only one thing you must do,
challenge him to a game of chess and if you win your free to stay and play for as long as you please and get free nachos and if you lose u must kiss his asshole and never return

>> No.14579892

not him but that other guy was a fag. its really not that big of deal to stay in a restaurant all day long. i have regulars at my place that spend 5 hours there no problem. the issue is when you start using words like "clubs," if you want a venue you have to rent out the entire space for an allotted time. the way op advertises his shit as a club can easily be perceived as
>a bunch of people will come in
>buy the cheapest thing on the menu
>and take up at least half the space in the restaurant
this PLUS the fact theres a pandemic going on - i know super rare, they only happen every hundred or few hundred years or so - its a lot risk with very little reward in the eyes of the staff. op really shoulve just brought his few friends, took a couple tables and just silently ate burritos and chips while playing chess.

>> No.14579900
File: 205 KB, 417x269, 1593976400013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only reasonable solution

>> No.14579947

This I usted to go yo this dive on the nearest ghetto and play chess with a buddy, people watched and one time a drunken dude explained how we could win the Match (for both dudes) so se bought him more booze, shit was cash.

>> No.14580039

You've obviously never worked in a restaurant. Table space = money. The longer you take up tables the more money you cause them to lose. Go to Starbucks or some other shit place.

>> No.14580040

I like how my perfectly reasonable post got deleted early on.

>> No.14580055

>... And when we were leaving he wispered "sieg heil" and smiled at me.

>> No.14580077

Barns and Nobles wouldn't give a shit. I've seen groups of people meet at my towns. Or just meet at a park or someone's house, why does it have to be a restaurant?

>> No.14580090


>> No.14580154

Man, it would've been fun to have autism just for one day. What a riot seeing the world like OP lol

>> No.14580313
File: 1.85 MB, 1116x808, 2020-08-16 16_53_18-Jimmy John's - Google Maps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to a jimmy john's. nobody ever dines in anymore and we don't give a shit if you want to sit and listen to our crappy music all day. managers are too busy to bother talking to anyone. lots of older units still have the old high long tables. you could play starcraft the board game comfortably on that bitch. just don't keep us there after close and you're cool.

the local chipotle here was closed for a couple of weeks because someone threatened to blow the place up. everyone thought they were closed because of big coof. it was funny as hell. not sure what the manager's really like but he's kinda got a prickly personality and was likely the cause of that.

>> No.14580318

OP here. I was banned from Barnes & Noble for some untowards remarks I made to a female employee. Silly, I know, but that's life.

>> No.14580393

this is bullshit. every restaurant is empty these days as nobody wants to dine in, and outside of the busiest hours you are not at all being a nuisance taking up one table in a restaurant full of empty tables.