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File: 169 KB, 866x1390, file-a-chinese-saleswoman-shows-a-bottle-of-kweichow-moutai-alcohol-in-a-store-in-shanghai-china-8-december-2009-this-week-chinese-alcohol-co-W9BF6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14573047 No.14573047 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Chinese alcohol.

>> No.14573049


>> No.14573053


>> No.14573062

>chinese product
Same as always. People line up daily to get o a ferry or drive to Hong Kong to buy foreign products, from baby formula to booze. Same advice as always, do what Chinese people do.
Made in China = Buyer beware. /thread

>> No.14573072


>> No.14573078

Europe has the strongest liquor culture in the world and ergo european nations and former euro nations have the best booze.

>> No.14573089

Or basically you haven't actually tasted any and are just talking shit. Got it.

>> No.14573115
File: 128 KB, 743x659, baijiu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a ton of baijiu when I was in China for a week for my brother's wedding. Compared to European/American liquor, it tastes awful but certainly has its charms. I would drink it except for....

The price. Because the Chinese only care about status and appearances rather than actual quality, this shit is insanely expensive. Like hundreds of dollars per bottle for common baijiu. And it's not even aged so it's unclear why it's so fucking expensive.

>> No.14573139

Does it taste like anything from the West? Anything good other than moutai?

>> No.14573153

>just try arsenic or lead once pleaee dude try it
fuck off chang

>> No.14573154

most baijew is absolutely disgusting, like rancid oil and lighter fluid . I don't know how it became the most popular drink over there ...

>> No.14573164
File: 728 KB, 692x621, baijiu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not really similar to anything in West. It's a very harsh flavor, almost acrid. It's sort of like the acetone flavors of vodka turned way up. It's clean but harsh, slightly floral and sweet.

Moutai was probably the most common stuff I drank. I remember liking this one too but I don't know the name.

>> No.14573172

What products are sold in Hong Kong that are not sold in mainland China?

>> No.14573204
File: 420 KB, 881x857, 1597003555056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Wuliangye. It's sweet and floral without a super harsh burn. Evaporates in your throat.

I've yet to meet a single whypipo who likes baijiu of any kind. Kinda sad but more for me, I guess.

>> No.14573224


I like it but simply will not pay the ridiculous prices considering you can get dozens of good American whiskeys for under $40 a bottle.

>> No.14573241

No no no.
They have had companies do anything from toxic baby formula to toothpaste. No consumer confidence in their own goods.

I lost two pets myself from IAMs dog food poisonings from chinese meat put into products in the canadian dog food factories. Top brand at the time. Formaldehyde and melamine both found in candy.

Would you want your baby to have kidney stones or a deformed head? Why risk it?

It's not racist to state that shelves are emptied out in neighboring countries in alcohol, medicine and anything else vital to ensure you aren't consuming poison.

>> No.14573272

It's sad how bad the price inflation is. Back in college, I could get a 375mL bottle of Wuliangye for about $30, and I knew that was more than what my parents and their friends had been paying for it. Now it's about $100 for 375mL. I have two bottles now because I missed it, and I can more than afford it, but fuckdamn. I also have a few bottles of baijiu that haven't been memed to hell and back by bureaucrats, which I drink more commonly.

Even fucking Erguotou is about $25 a bottle, and that was classically the drink of illiterate Beijing factory fodder.

>> No.14573319

baijiu is objectively terrible and the chinese have bad taste.

>> No.14573356

Chinese only buy it when they're desperate or imported stuff isn't available. Try it and see why.

>> No.14573414

Cool your racism bro

>> No.14573455

When I was in Taiwan we picked up a bottle of something from the convenience store that my friend told me was just called "chinese medicine." It was truly terrible, a dirty green color and tasted like grass. It did get me drunk, though.

>> No.14573496


>> No.14573499

it's actually not racist, its ethnist(?). Pretty sure their issue is with the country

>> No.14574415

Kys chinkie boy

>> No.14575393

kek mychonny was pretty good back in the day

>> No.14575397


That woman just looks like she knows how to handle a dick.

>> No.14575828

i loved hongxing erguotou when i was unemployed because it was $8 for 500ml at the right place (where it was in the cooking wine section)
i would add a shot to each bottle of beer and get absolutely fucked

>> No.14575876

>Redpill me on Chinese alcohol.
Rubbing alcohol in a cheaper plastic bottle.

>> No.14575894

Looks like a bottle of brake fluid

>> No.14576588

because it taste like motor fluid.

>> No.14577862

Moutai is really good and worth the price, but there are a lot of scams and fakes going around. The fakes will give you a headache or worse... The real stuff is pure.

>> No.14577893
File: 184 KB, 786x588, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like the name suggests, this is a rice wine containing baby mice. Best prepare, this explanation isn’t for the faint of heart. Baby mice are taken soon after being born, and dropped, alive, into a bottle of rice wine. The “rules” state that they must be under 72 hours old and their eyes must still be closed. After about a dozen of the little guys are in, the bottle is left to ferment and age for a year. Most people reading this are probably feeling a little uncomfortable right about now, but in Asia, the drink is bound by tradition and goes back centuries. The country of origin is debated to this day. Whether it came from Korea or China, the wine is said to greatly help asthma patients and people with liver disease.

>> No.14577894

Lel, I remember that. During that incident, all the chinks were I live would routinely clean out the baby formula shelves the moment they were restocked and ship it to China, probably to sell it at a 500% markup.

>> No.14577914
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wine is said to greatly help...people with liver disease.

>> No.14577920

Pretty much shit unless you get into some of the local higher end specialty dark liquors. However, it's common in a lot of bars/clubs to serve a pitcher of black tea and scotch mixed together with ice. They play a drinking game with like 6 tiny dice in cups with it - delicious and very fun.

>> No.14577941

It's modern china, those mice are probably made of plastic. Chinks make even plastic rice and fake eggs

>> No.14577990
File: 797 KB, 2000x1187, 1554997715359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah let me just get some Japanese-made maotai. genius!

>> No.14578023

The fact that China even exists makes me feel terrible about the future.

>> No.14578053

>this shit is insanely expensive
Yeah, I was looking through booze prices in a local alchy online shop, and when I saw the tag for Kweichow Moutai I was like, whoa nigga, the fuck they put in there, essence of vaginal extracts from 12-y.o. Chinese girls? A single bottle of that shit is more expensive than an entire selection of gin styles.

>> No.14578082

Hey if you just HAVE to get your chinese-made food that's on you, I don't care if you go blind or get mercury poisoning.

>> No.14578084

Don't worry, india and china will obliterate each other in a massive war and the remains of india will come out as the next dominant world power. The only thing holding india back right now is their overpopulation

>> No.14578091

maotai is by far the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted and I never want to taste it again, nopassport. but some people genuinely like it and there is no substitute.

>> No.14578094

>53% alc/vol
how good could it possibly taste

>> No.14578103

As it should, globohomo subhuman.

>> No.14578104

Bugs aren't people

>> No.14578109

>chinese drinking alcohol
>20% methyl alcohol

>> No.14578117

>human beings
Pick one

>> No.14578121


I'm always amazed that the Chinese are alive with the quality of food and drink.

>> No.14578135

xD epic and original

>> No.14578294

This bait, no one considers Chinese human anymore. You can do better than this.

>> No.14578313

Racism would be saying that this is because of their genetics. Truth is saying that this is happening because of their corrupt governement.

>> No.14578323

Maybe it turns you off alcohol.

>> No.14579119
File: 108 KB, 640x643, BF2Ka23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the butthurt at China here? This board is truly a reddit colony after all.

>> No.14579139

>What's with all the butthurt at China here
> reddit colony


>> No.14579144

China needs a nuke or two to straighten them out.

>> No.14579152

You guys are just...wired in a bad way.

>> No.14579158

You even type like a redditor, lol.

>> No.14579160

They already have more than two.

>> No.14579492

It's very cheap. On its own, it isn't too bad. But it doesn't go with any mixers except maybe tonic or soda water. It varies in price. As a foreigner, the difference is hard to tell. But Chinese people frown on the cheapest bottles - they seem to be exclusively for labourers. If you're going to dinner with someone, you don't have to bring a Maotai, but one that costs 70-150 RMB is the minimum. If you showed up with a 15 RMB bottle you'd be laughed at or considered weird at least. The most expensive bottles cost tens of thousands of RMB. I had one that was several decades old, no idea how much it cost. It tasted not much better than the cheap bottles. You can buy a small bottle for about 3-5 RMB, depending on where you are. They're 125ml and downing one of those will get you buzzing for sure. 2 or 3 or 4 and you're wankered. Pretty good. But it's very hard to resist too.

>> No.14579538

Get jacked, and stop drinking alcohol.

>> No.14579572

The truth hurts especially from the side where you dont know it is true.

>> No.14580478

go back to china