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14572094 No.14572094 [Reply] [Original]

I hate Outback Steakhouse so fucking much. Every time I visit family they insist on going here as if it's a special occasion kind of joint, and I suppose many people seem to think that way because there never fails to be a 45 minute wait with dozens of people spilling out into the street wearing their Sunday finest as if this it's an upscale establishment because it has the word "Steakhouse" in the title. And you'd think a place that builds their menu around steak and lobster would be hard to fuck up, but they found a way. I quickly learned never to order steak here. If they ask you how you'd like it cooked understand that the server is apparently just trying to make small talk because the only option is "medium well". And it wouldn't actually matter if they got it right because they have a "secret proprietary house rub" that is composed of 17 spices to insure that whatever you order is going to taste like a bloomin' onion. I've tried everything. Tried ordering steak, it was shit. Tried ordering ribs, they were microwaved and tasted like seafood (if you have a shell fish allergy, go to Chili's. I can assure you this place wants you dead). Tried ordering a burger, it fell apart. Tried the "alice springs" chicken (which is basically chicken covered in melted cheese, bacon and mushrooms) and it contained a literal fistful of cumin which caused it to taste like BO. I have no idea why so many people like this place. It's like the restaurant's theme is disappointment

>> No.14572127

I'm occasionally find myself in that exact scenario, OP. The only difference is I'm not an autistic bitch about it. Just got a bloomin onion and a cocktail to relax.

>> No.14572132

Nice blog post, I’m not going to read more than a sentence of that

Focus on brevity next time you decide to post something on this website you fucking retard

>> No.14572142

just order a cheap steak and tell your waiter to keep the whiskeys coming.

>> No.14572156

When i gotta go to a sit down restuarant I drag everybody to east side marios for some spa' n' ba'

>> No.14572183

i guess don't go there dude

>> No.14572208


I worked at one of these in HS and it's exactly like you said with people spilling out the front for food cooked by 17 year old illegals. The owner and his BFF manager would smoke pot out the back after work with all the HS staff.

People who eat there and work there are equally trash. I can't imagine anything I'd enjoy on the menu save for maybe one of the bigger salads, cause some fatass 19 year old latina is lovingly throwing that together in the back and it has the least chance of getting Javier's forehead sweat garnish.

You should go to the one in Ikebukuro sometime, though. It's fucking hilarious how nice it is.

>> No.14572226

I've been there, it isn't. You jusst had tourist taste buds.

>> No.14572473

>dude you should just travel to fucking japan to eat at a fucking outback steakhouse

>> No.14572520

casual sit down dining establishments like outback, chili's, Applebee's, olive garden, cheddars, carrabbas, are some of the most depressing godforsaken places on this godforsaken planet. I would rather eat my own shit than have to sit down under the cheap stylized lighting, surrounded by tacky, faux-upscale decor, listening to the target CD tier music being piped in like some sort of fucked up dream, purchasing some over priced entree off a vaguely sticky menu, waiting for 45 minutes while retirees chew their food loudly and nigger babies scream, getting my lukewarm nauseating clearly microwaved meal, eating half off it, polishing off two or three syrupy cocktails, waiting another 45 minutes for the server, tipping too much because thats how mama raised me, and then driving away in my 2014 Cherokee that my grandpa gave me before he died of congestive heart that he probably got from going out too much to casual sit down dining establishments like outback, chili's, Applebee's, olive garden, cheddars, carrabbas, which are some of the most

>> No.14572631

I'd like to take your mom out back hehe

>> No.14572650


>> No.14572663

you no like-a the 'za?

>> No.14572711
File: 51 KB, 480x461, 1567082943366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14572823

Only go there for the wings. I don't care what anyone says they're my absolute favorite.

>> No.14572828

I can get an overpriced 'za anywhere, but how many places got them nice juicy ba's for my 'spa

>> No.14572832

I like the tendies and the bread they serve