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File: 51 KB, 800x800, BialettiMoka6cpEsprMkrAlmnSHF16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14570350 No.14570350 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be the biggest meme device I've bought in a while. Makes a small, shitty cup of coffee no better than the run of the mill US percolator. It is a relative pain to clean too. I hope I can return in and just get a good french press instead. Fuck $35 for this thing.

>> No.14570385
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It's a fucking meme to think that what you use for your coffee actually matters. what matters is which coffee you use.

for me its Cafe Bustelo. been drinking it since I was 8, and nothing has come close since

>> No.14570408

How much are they paying you?

>> No.14570410

I saw shit online that it was supposed to be like a halfway between drip and espresso, so I was expecting some creaminess, and it never really came through. I watched the official video, and a couple popular ones on YT and tried those methods and every cup was mediocre at best.

>> No.14570426

Agreed OP

Shit is completely trash and makes a very different kind of expresso - single cup French poor apartment shit..not all of Paris is fancy nigga

I've detoxed off coffee (tea only for now) but if/when I resume, it's worth paying the $5 for a major chain cup of coffee or buying the $500 expresso machine

>> No.14570435

>it's worth paying the $5 for a major chain cup of coffee
opinion discarded

>> No.14570510

Fucking thank you. I got one for my birthday and have mostly just used it where I've felt I've needed a coffee when I wake up too early. I should try to find a decent espresso machine.

>> No.14570539

Imagine having no taste.

Fuck your shitty big box store brand generic old dry garbage.

>> No.14570579
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>Everything else is gay, especially eurocuck fancy faggotry

>French press only no exceptions

>> No.14570583

>Falling for coffee memes

Here's how to not suck dick at coffee:
-French press only no exceptions
-Coffee should be freshly ground coarse no more than a week or two ago, ideally a local roaster ground at the store.
-Water should be just about boiling when added to grounds but not rolling boil.
-two tablespoons of coffee grounds per cup water
-Pinch of salt
-If woman is drinking some coffee too pinch of ground cinnamon
-let sit for 4 - 6 minutes depending on taste
-serve in mugs, filling only halfway at a time so it cools faster

Everything else is gay, especially eurocuck fancy faggotry.

>> No.14570586

>French Press
>Literally mixing ground and water then mashing it through a screen

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14570599

So it's 2020 and people are still buying something other than aeropress? stupid cunts

>> No.14570618


>> No.14570620

literal retard right here.
coffee should be cold brewed and warmed afterwards.

>> No.14570621

you're supposed to mix moka pot coffee with milk it is shit on its own

>> No.14570625

Using a FRENCH press

>> No.14570630

I just buy a latte from Costa or starbucks

>> No.14570648

everywhere that isn't America is europe

>> No.14570677

nigga what

>> No.14570683

Call it meme, call it BS. I actually use mine every day.

>> No.14570883
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Then add a knoor stockpot.
Salt you fucking prick.

>> No.14570888

What about Asia and the Middle East? Africa?

>> No.14571175

>freshly ground no more than a week or two ago
what did he mean by this

>> No.14571186

>it's worth paying the $5 for a major chain cup of coffee
lol no it's not
starbucks and other such chains are good if you like meme pumpkin spice soi frappucinos, but their actual coffee sucks
either find some local place that serves specialty single origin coffee or use your preferred method at home - everything is cheap except for espresso machines

>> No.14571189

>ideally a local roaster ground at the store
ideally you have your own grinder and grind it right before brewing

>> No.14571193

A grinder cost like 30 bucks, totally worth it

>> No.14571500

Imagine gatekeeping coffee. You nerds will posture over anything. Who are you even trying to impress?

>> No.14571590

they are the shittiest, least reliable way of making coffee I've tried

Just get a robot or a flair if you can swing it

>> No.14571604

Read a fucking book.

>> No.14572029

Surprisingly common among chef circles.
Alton Brown swears by it.

>> No.14572115

you know nothing jesus christ at least lurk in the coffee general for a week before posting holy shit

>> No.14572150
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>moka pot
poor man's illusion of espresso and unnecessarily bitter
>french press
no technique involved, can produce the exact same bean flavored water by putting grounds in a bucket and dumping it through a sieve.
Utilizes multiple variables such as flow rate, temperate and ground size and can thus customize to your preferences. Requires practice to make consistently good cups.

>> No.14572197

>Makes a small, shitty cup of coffee no better than the run of the mill US percolator
Lmao then buy the larger version you stupid bitch

>> No.14572437

>unnecessarily bitter
t. doesn't know how to not make it bitter
It's easy, use hot water to start and pour off the coffee just as it starts to bubble over

>> No.14572442

>no technique involved
lol you did it wrong.

>> No.14572485

>This has to be the biggest meme device I've bought in a while. Makes a small, shitty cup of coffee no better than the run of the mill US percolator.
Yet the percolator doesn't have as much pressure as a moka pot, so no, they are not identical. Percolator is brewing by similar method, boiling point water moving up through a pipe, but there's a pressure valve on the moka that adds pressure to build as well. That's specifically why espresso is delicious, pressure that doesn't make it necessary to take your water to such a hot overextracting temperature. It's a trade-off.

>It is a relative pain to clean too.
Not really? And, easier to clean than a press unless you're running all those grounds down your drain. For sure, it's certainly less fragile than a glass press.

>I hope I can return in and just get a good french press instead.
>Fuck $35 for this thing.
Sounds like your your money is too tight to messing with devices beyond your means. Maybe your money is best spent on a great grinder and better whole beans instead. No matter your brew method, that is liable to be best bang for your buck.

>> No.14572487

That still doesn't change the fact that coffee it makes sucks. And only the standard size is made in Italy, the larger ones are apparently giant pieces of shit whose valves and gaskets often shit the bed on you.

>> No.14572530

french press and don't think too much about it bam great coffee you're welcome

>> No.14572983

The pressure isn't anywhere even close to espresso, it's like what 2bar at most?

It is more effort to clean because it has 3 separate sections that all get dirty

I don't think it's that $35 is a burden, but I'd be mad if I spent $5 on something that wound up being a giant piece of shit like some faggy moka pot.

Also, are you one of those fucking retards that spend $200+ on some manual burr grinder? God I wish I'd gotten in on that racket, you are literally peak fucking reddit.

>> No.14572999

Agreed, even "shitty coffee" tastes fine. I do use a french press because it's convenient though.

>> No.14573058

I maimed moka for several years but now I'm a French presser. I agree they were a pain to keep clean but the worst part was the water getting too hot and making the coffee a little bitter.

>> No.14573203
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>I'm a French presser.

>> No.14573209

aren't these things only made to make espresso? I own one and think it works decently for that purpose alone. it cost me $8 and beats paying for a more expensive device. I don't drink coffee and just use it when I have guests around

>> No.14573226

Do bald people with beards and better teeth than me also like French press coffee?

>> No.14573236
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>Do bald people with beards and better teeth than me also like French press coffee?

>> No.14573260

Also people with no teeth and drawn on eyebrows?

>> No.14573269

they cost like $7 retard. i have one. it always drips hot coffee down the handle and burns my hands. that handle is the worst design in the world. the main draw of a moka pot is that it's simple, indestructible, and economical. you could run it over with a car and it would still function.

the coffee it makes is improved by diluting it 1:1 with water.
they're easier to clean than a french press though. i don't even bother to half the time.

>> No.14573284

Cafe Bustelo is crap and the moka is a meme invented by retarded Italian boomers. I love Italy but they seriously care more about tradition than actually good food/drink. They may have invented great things like the modern espresso but non-Italians perfected it. The moka was designed to give you a similar experience to espresso from home but it makes shit coffee and there is no reason to ever buy one other than as a novelty.

>> No.14573602

>worth buying shitty chain coffee
do us all a favor and neck

>> No.14574255

i would put money on you using it incorrectly. i know i did for the longest time
it makes a different type of coffee, just like pourover is different to french press is different to percolator
its a faff but its what most of italy uses so you decide if you know more about caffe than the wops

>> No.14574845

He means he's never had fresh coffee and his opinion is instantly disregarded by everyone who has.

>> No.14574870

>they cost like $7 retard. i have one. it always drips hot coffee down the handle and burns my hands

Stop getting the chinese knockoff offbrands with leaky, shitty handles and just go for a Bialetti or similar quality.

>> No.14575472

Can you make cold brew with a french press? Right now I'm just making mine with mason jars and a strainer, it'd be nice to have a single device.

>> No.14575510

You still generally want to strain the coffee make in a press, so it wouldn't really save you any effort.

>> No.14575529

Fair enough then, i'll just get a bigass jar so I don't have to do it very often

>> No.14575592

Learn to use it OP. There are people with objectively good taste in coffee who disagree with you. Put boiling hot water in the bottom and heat over medium low to medium. Use a bit coarser grind than you would for espresso. It makes very strong coffee, but it's a middle ground between no pressure methods and espresso. It's hard to get right but once you figure it out it's nice.

Percolators are blatantly complete shit though.

>> No.14575691

The point of french press is that it's unstrained coffee, giving it a better mouthfeel and rich texture from the oils staying in the drink. The mesh in the press will filter out most particles, hence you don't want to use too fine a grind setting for french press (but you also don't want it too coarse, about the same for drip is ideal). It's not the method for you if you can't tolerate any grit at all in your mug, but if you do it right it'll be very minimal.

>> No.14575712

You don't use a paper filter, just a mesh strainer because they pretty much universally have like 2-3g of grounds that escape into the chamber when you press.

>> No.14575716

> 2-3g of grounds that escape into the chamber when you press
I just eat that shit

>> No.14575733
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>> No.14576019

> he doesn't use his pot to make a cuban cafecito every morning
How do you even go about your day, fag?

>> No.14576045

I used to just get half priced Starbucks at the hospital I used to work at, or treat myself at one of the hipster cafe's in town. No hate pls.

>> No.14577355

Sounds like you're not grinding fine enough.

>> No.14577503

Maybe a shitty one.

>> No.14577755
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>> No.14577770

They are very different machines.
Percolators continuously boil the shit out of the coffee via recirculation, while moka pots do a once-through semi-pressurized extraction (since the coffee ends up in a different container than the heating element). Theoretically, if you heat a moka pot slowly enough, you can get coffee without boiling the water (simply via slowly accumulated vapor pressure), however you need some sort of temperature control (ex. a steel moka pot, an induction plate with fine-tuning and a thermometer) and a shitload of time.
Moka pots are generally best used with coffees that can be brewed at high temperatures, since the water coming out of the funnel/spout thing is boiling or near-boiling in most cases.

>> No.14577867

This. I have a nice stainless Moka pot somewhere collecting dust. Even when following the supposedly correct method starting with cold water the coffycame out too fucking bitter.

I do French press or freeze dried instant at home and espresso at work when I have access to a commercial machine. That I prefer instant to Moka shows how much it sucks.

>> No.14577935


It's the same thing really. Those Italian ones are for people too poor to afford a real espresso machine. Hell I use original nespresso machine and it's better than a percolator. Doesn't taste burnt either.

>> No.14577940


French press is not espresso.

>> No.14579384

Moka pot coffee always tastes too burnt. It's absolutely shit

>> No.14579396

>i had literally no idea how to use or maintain this device

>> No.14579503

I can't drink a "cup" of moka pot coffee without literally levitating. I think that's sort of the point. Taste is a little more subjective and I've never had percolator coffee so I won't even comment on it. Also espresso grind is way too fine for this device and there's not enough pressure generated to push all of the water though. Whatever you'd do for a drip machine will work perfectly.

Also did you pre boil your water?

>> No.14579533

Each one of those costs like $30 each. Buy them all.

>> No.14579549

>thinking a french press is harder to clean than a moka pot
So you have a knock off or used moka pot you aren't maintaining properly and it doesn't work right. Interesting

>> No.14579558

Starting with cold water only makes sense if you don't already have a dedicated appliance/pot for boiling water.

>> No.14579561

>I can't drink a "cup" of moka pot coffee without literally levitating.

You're not supposed to make a whole 8oz cup for yourself, it's discount espresso.

>> No.14579717

I know, I thought I implied that but I think I got carried away with my other thoughts

>> No.14580495

It can help salvage shitty coffee. Or you could just brew freshly ground good quality beans and brew them properly.

>> No.14580544

Isn't a mocha pot / kettle for espresso?
I think people are just using it wrong ...

>> No.14580570
