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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 600x598, Unrefrigerated-eggs-sold-in-Paris[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14567691 No.14567691 [Reply] [Original]

why do American insist on 'washing' and refrigerating eggs?
stop using pesticides on the eggs and you wouldn't need to wash them and then refrigerate the egg.
Literally nowhere else in the world are eggs sold washed or chilled. USA has absolutely been jewed by the egg merchants. It's the food equivalent of circumcision.

>keep your egg in a fridge, goyim, and throw it away after 5 days and buy news ones or you will get sick, goyim.

Here in europe eggs are sold as they come straight from the chicken, no washing, no pesticides, no refridgration. And you can keep them for weeks and they keep for weeks.

In america they 'wash' the egg which removes the protective layer from the shell and pushes salmonella into the inside of the egg. It really crazy

>> No.14567709


>> No.14567712

Our chickens are swished six to a square inch, all wrapped up in barbed wire and their own shit and piss in chickenaushwitz or whatever.
You have to boil those torture eggs in bleach.

>> No.14567957
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>wash eggs

>> No.14568037

I only buy cage free organic eggs for the Omega 3... I have never washed an egg in my life what the fuck are you on about. Another "rent free" poster I guess.

>> No.14568041

Why do europeans have to seethe at Americans for literally anything

>> No.14568048

Because you do silly bullshit all day long.

>> No.14568056


>> No.14568095

I wont wash store bought eggs but we washed them growing up because they had shit on them from our chickens. I've never thought about not refrigerating them though. We go through 12 a week so I guess we wouldnt need to but what's the harm in refrigerating

>> No.14568111

>eating shitty eggs

>> No.14568113
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>Americans don't wash their chicken but do wash their eggs
U silly cunts

>> No.14568233
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>> No.14568269

no one i know washes their eggs, I get farm fresh eggs from my sister-in-law's chickens. I leave them in the pantry. I live in Louisiana.

>> No.14568348

>he doesn’t know
Whenever Americans do something wasteful, it’s to promote consumerism, ya dumb poorfag

>> No.14568356

For me, it's Czech girl

>> No.14568403

You should wash eggs because they come out of the same hole the chicken uses to shit and piss. Less chance of food poisoning by contamination if the eggs are already washed. Having to refrigerate them after washing is a minor inconvenience compared to the benefits.

>> No.14568422

>The humble hen egg is designed to be an ideal incubator and nursery for a growing chick embryo. The shell is porous – typically around 7,000 pores in the calcium carbonate shell allow air in to the embryo. For this reason it is not recommended that eggs are washed if floor-laid as bacteria can be introduced via this route. There are strict regulations governing egg production within the egg industry and eggs are not allowed to be sold as first quality if dirty or damaged in any way. Hens utilise their own stored calcium if their diet is deficient and need 4g of calcium to produce one egg.

>> No.14568458

They still last months in the fridge.

>> No.14568632

Literally illegal to sell unwashed eggs in the USA.
Look up the FDA regulations.
All eggs are treated with chemicals and then get a chemical 'wash'. That's why you eggs are white and sold refrigerated. The washing process removes the outer shell.

>> No.14568644


Chickens carry a litanny of viruses that can jump to humans like that. You're getting a marginal improvement with vast risk over eating shitty eggs.

>> No.14568650

5 days? bro eggs will last weeks

>> No.14568657

I buy my eggs locally and often get 6 double yokes in a carton, one of the hens probably wants to fuck me or something

>> No.14568664

mate, do some research.
the science has disproven this years ago.
occurrences of salmonella poisoning are significantly higher in USA than they are anywhere else in the world.

You don't eat the fucking shell, do you?
But by 'washing' the egg it pushes salmonella into the inside of the egg. This has long been known. And it's the sole reason why USA eggs must be refrigerated and have a shorter shelf life. All because americans can't be trusted not to eat the shell and refuse to keep their chickens in disease free conditions.

>> No.14568725

Ive never heard of washing eggs before and what does matter if we refrigerate them? They last longer that way.

>> No.14568740

I think when OP says 'washing' what he means is disinfecting process which is mandatory for all eggs under FDA guidelines. The eggs get a chemical bath designed to reduce bacteria on the shell. But this chemical destroys the cuticle (as someone pointed out this is why eggs are often white here), which renders the contents of the egg vulnerable. Therefore the egg has to be chilled. Some producers even apply a synthetic coating to the egg.
Biggest down side is that the egg must remain chilled until consumed, else condensation will form and bacteria will enter.
Second down side is that there is zero impotence for egg producers to reduce prevalence of disease in hens.
This was all done in response to mass salmonella outbreaks in the 1980s.
In europe, they chose a difference approach, reduce salmonella in hens.
This is one thing the europoors got right. Salmonella outbreaks from eggs are virtually non-existent in most of europe, despite the fact they don't wash or chill their eggs. Here, salmonella outbreaks from eggs are still a regular occurrence, since all it takes is for the egg to be stored at the wrong temperature and salmonella will form.

>> No.14569355

>as someone pointed out this is why eggs are often white here
washing has no effect on the color you mouth breather, even the brown eggs are washed. egg color is dependent on the chicken breed the egg came from

>> No.14569980

>Here in europe eggs are sold as they come straight from the chicken,
Nobody asked. Nobody cares.

>> No.14570011

In the US you just get your eggs from a neighbor or from your own coop

>> No.14571248

We'll remember that the next time we have to bail you out of a world war.

>> No.14571285

They're gay

>> No.14571846

>protective coating
>'push salmonella into the egg'
The absolute state of Chinese education

>> No.14571861

I'm yuro and keep them in the fridge too because I think they last for a few days longer that way and it's just a convenient way to store them by the dairy.

>> No.14571886

You do realize an egg will literally hatch if you leave it in room temperature too long?
Thats why you keep it cool.

>> No.14571998

We really need to stop getting involved in those shit shows.

>> No.14572002

Only if you cum on the eggs.

>> No.14572053

I mean the only reason why Hitler had a war machine was American finance and industrial aid. Guys like Henry Ford showed them around his factory, gave them the schematics, and sold them the equipment and he wasn't even the only one. We were simply cleaning up our own mess (as per usual). And the thing is that's what America does today all around the globe
>arm and militarize a faction
>they get too stronk
>arm and militarize an opposing faction
>profit again
>war drags on and gets bloodier
>it's a stalemate
>tip the balance in the favor of the faction who has the most potential to pay back the loans and be future trade partners
>send in the military
>profit again
>set up uneasy peace
>profit all the time because the insecure new regime needs the latest and greatest to keep the plebs in check

>> No.14572057
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OP is obviously american and it's low quality bait.

>> No.14572431

They're washed before they ever get to the store is the point. American regulations require them to be washed to be sold. He's not talking about people washing eggs at home.

>> No.14572687

How come no one seems to understand this? People are retarded

>> No.14573306

>have 3/4 size fridge
>everything at the back gets icy and everything at the front is lukewarm
>it was fucking up my eggs (ever try to cook with a half frozen egg? it gets consistency like tripe)
>now keep eggs on the counter
>it's okay for like 2-3 weeks
>but i don't eat eggs that often
>was on week 5 and tried to cook some eggs
>crack it into the pan
>it's black

>> No.14573360
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Well when you have chickens you need to wash the eggs with water and soap, because they come covered in poop which could give you diseases. Those perfect white eggs from factory farms do the extreme version of this. The eggs do not need to be refrigerated until they are washed because of their natural protective coating

>> No.14573370
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x4032, 1591037444712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my quails

>> No.14573373

eggs slide out of the chickens asshole, first of all.

>> No.14573379
File: 1.79 MB, 3024x4032, 1595965223256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14573622

Brown and White eggs come from different kinds of chicken

>> No.14573629

This boggled my mind when I went into a Parisian market. I was wondering if they were safe

>> No.14573651

>why do American insist on 'washing' and refrigerating eggs?
Most restaraunts don't, desu.

>> No.14573654

Do eurofags really leave the chicken's shit and piss on the eggs? And can you guys not afford refrigerators or something?

>> No.14573658

Who fucking gives a shit retard

>> No.14573662

>he eats the egg shell

>> No.14573679

why would you buy something with shit and piss on it?

>> No.14573684

Ask your mom's customers

>> No.14573723

Imagine being this butthurt over someone cleaning something. Holy shit the autism from /ck/ is amazing.

>> No.14573741

I raised chickens for nearly 5 years and always washed the eggs with water. Chickens are fucking disgusting animals.

>> No.14573773

This is the result of factory farming and not egg washing, dumbass.

Japan does the same thing.

>> No.14573782

>america was a superpower prior to www2
Delusional retard shifting blame away from the treaty of Versailles being rediculous

>> No.14573817
File: 3.57 MB, 400x271, 1597422598436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this regulation applies only to farms with more than like 10k egg laying hens, which is likely more than exist

I can go pay more for organic free range, whatever the fuck eggs at the store from a dozen different suppliers or the farmers market, or drive to the countryside and pay some guy directly or trade him for some meade or something. I can also pay like 10 cents for a carton of the evil demonwash whatever.

I dont get why idiots think we don't have options

>> No.14573849

*more than exist in organic farms

>> No.14573866


>> No.14573871

But... None of those are the Czech flag.

>> No.14574137

>you need to be a super power to exert soft influence such as finance and industrial aid
Ok retard. This is why the west is gonna get raped by China.