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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14567059 No.14567059 [Reply] [Original]

>dude keto diet works just try it
My labia.
I've tried it for 2 months and I'm still acne ridden and I still suffer from allergies
My weight is the same too.

>> No.14567066

If keto isn't working, you're eating too many carbs

>> No.14567067

You have to be over 18 to post on 4chan. Go ask your mommy to wipe your labia for you, since it's so difficult for you to do on your own.

>> No.14567068

post everything you ate yesterday, tranny

>> No.14567113

you cant talk about it without showing us

>> No.14567119

You're doing it wrong.
Shocking I know.

>> No.14567187

I did it and developed gout

>> No.14567212

Nothing wrong with carbs. Kys.

>> No.14567211

Eat less

>> No.14567260

Been watching the Skin Decision on Netflix...and people who are had surgeries for gastric sleeve, ie doing a big amount of burning cals on keto have for the first time in their life, some HORRIBLE cystic acne due to the keto.

Get on some hormones. BC pills helps the most.

Then, get on some serious skincare routine that must include salycylic acid and glycolic both to keep those pores flushed out and not held back by any skin cells. Pay attention to not rolling around in your hair products and the germs from your day each night. Shower it all off, and consider fresh pillowcases daily as well as clean hair while you're sleeping. Swab an antiseptic around your hairline, ears, neck as well as your face at night too.

>> No.14567268

>Get on some hormones. BC pills helps the most.
>Just poison yourself and destroy your body!

>> No.14567325

Stop smearing five tons of industrial grade spackle on your mug every single day.

>> No.14567485

Fast for two days drinking reverse osmosis water with potassium and magnesium (bout a tea spoon each) diluted in the water.

Eat a raw clove of garlic to break fast. Continue cycle for three days repeating. Keep doing this to return body to homeostasis.

>> No.14567601

Post juicy labia

>> No.14567624

Just go all meat with the occasional fruit and buy a pack of wipes to get the grease off your face then hands in that order to get rid of acne you mongloid.

>> No.14567630

>Why doesn't this fad diet work?

>> No.14567635

What shitty tv doctors are you listening to that you decided keto would help your acne or allergies?

>> No.14567639




>> No.14567841

what the fuck is a labia

>> No.14567861

Eating different foods doesn’t make you lose weight. Eating less foods makes you weight. Is 2000 cal of steak and butter gonna make you lose weight more than 2000 cal of bread? The answer is no.

>> No.14567862

It only works if you have a calorie deficit, dummy.

>> No.14567868

You probably put down a case of beer a day and pretend it isn’t carbs. Eat a salad once a week and stop drinking so damn much you fuckin putz. Watch the gout melt away.

>> No.14567879

What is the clove of garlic doing other than pissing me off to the extreme and being a fucking meme?

>> No.14567884

Don't worry about it. You'll never see one.

>> No.14567946

i like men anyway so probably not

>> No.14567967

>guys i dieted for two whole months why am i not a barbie doll
>and why didn't dieting cure my genetic deformities
Giving women rights was the worst thing to ever happen to civilization.

>> No.14567971

Eat less.

>> No.14567999

Helps inflammation, immune system boost, anti-cancer, wards off vampires, regulates cholesterol, helps blood sugar, possibly a divine plant, antibiotic, etc. Garlic is ridiculously powerful and underrated.

>ow it stings

Pain is weakness leaving the body

>> No.14568010
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>BC pills helps the most
Birth control is so horrible for you that you may as well do a one year accutane treatment and be done with it. All my cystic acne is gone, and even though I have had a few periods of acne flare up since taking accutane 10 years ago, I haven't had a flare up in years and almost get no pimples ever now as long as I'm not drinking or eating shitty consistently. At least solve your problem efficiently without turning yourself into an unfeminine, low libido, moody, childless cat lady.

>> No.14568019

How old are you?

>> No.14568050

garlic kills red blood cells. it is not healthy.

>> No.14568060

Eat more butter

>> No.14568067

Wrong. They're visible on every human face.

>> No.14568073

If you can afford it 500g of lean steak mince in the morning for breakfast with a couple of eggs and either bacon or chicken will see you through an 800+ calorie deficit without causing muscle cabatolism.

>> No.14568076


>> No.14568119
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Do keto, do Atkins, do paleo, do carnivore...

America was a mistake. Just eat less you gross blob

>> No.14568376

Wanna be my qt fat acne ridden /ck/ wife? A/S/L?

>> No.14568410

>I'm still acne ridden and I still suffer from allergies
keto isn't a miracle drug. acne and allergies are not always diet-related.

>My weight is the same too.
keto doesn't magically make you lose weight. cico.

>> No.14569504

whats a labia?

>> No.14569512

ask your mother

>> No.14569515

she's dead.

>> No.14569729

>still acne ridden
stop being stressed in life

>> No.14569781

The place Gaddafi lived.

>> No.14569902

Start tracking calories, you're eating way too calorie dense food. You could be eating too many carbs too, has to be less than 20 grams to be safe at first.

>> No.14569996


>> No.14570038

I wish I had an acne/allergy keto labia gf.
Why can't I have things?
What's the point anymore?

>> No.14570130


Killing off your gut flora, which is already massively reduced by the fast. Raw garlic is good in reasonable amounts but ideally you should be breaking a fast with a probiotic like kefir or natural yoghurt.

>> No.14570157

Yes, it's a dangerous meme.
Keto will fuck your thyroid, liver, and your whole shit will be majorly damanged if you keep at it for years.

>> No.14570200

Quite the contrary.

>> No.14570212

bro I don't even eat enough, I get at most like 1800 calories a day, 2100 if I'm lucky, and I'm skeleton mode

>> No.14570946

>she actually tries a meme diet
if you want to weight, just eat less. that's it. that's all you gotta do. eat whatever you want to eat, but less of it

>> No.14571138

Shut up Vlad

>> No.14571161

Shut the fuck up

>> No.14571221

How do you come off keto. This diet is killing me

>> No.14571574

Do you use keto strips?
Have you considered your a dumb fatass retard who doesn't know anything?

>> No.14571582

you will never pass

>> No.14571601

kot gonna be dirty

>> No.14571656

no but it's a lot harder to eat 2kkcal of steak than it is to eat as much bread

>> No.14571665
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>dude vegan diet works just try it
Wow, thanks. I look like Dr. Greger now.

Will vegans ever stop being butthurt about keto BTFOing their whole ideology?

>> No.14571678

You may need to, actually, count your macros to make sure you are eating low enough carbs. You are also supposed to eat a moderate amount of protein and more fat.

>> No.14571683
File: 71 KB, 640x360, vlcsnap-2020-05-14-12h42m23s948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2000 kcal of steak will cause muscle gain, loss of body fat, and increased metabolism (i.e. more calories burned daily).

2000 kcal of bread will cause muscle loss, retention of body fat, and decreased metabolism (i.e. fewer calories burned daily).

>> No.14571689

One year? Typical course is literally 1-3 months, tops. I hope you never drink the rest of your life with that level of liver damage. The risks to your body are absolutely dissimilar and Accutane is black label level dangerous. Are you kidding? That must have been a retarded doctor to even have you on it and NOT also birth control at the same time.

I bet you need anti-depressants in a big way. People so anti drugs are the paranoid, the resistant people who think commonly prescribed necessary medications are never worth it.

>> No.14571691

Calories in, calories out, it is 100% impossible to fuck yourself if you take accurate count of your calories

>> No.14571692
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>Just eat less you gross blob
This dieting advice brought to you by Coca-Cola®.

>> No.14571693

This is kinda wrong. Eating 2000 kcal of bread is way easier than eating 2000 kcal of steak. Also, eating steak doesn't refill your glycogen stores like eating bread can.

>> No.14571698

probably never entered ketosis

>> No.14571703
File: 80 KB, 965x733, biggest-loser-clip-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is 100% impossible to fuck yourself if you take accurate count of your calories

>> No.14571729

this was bullshit and ascientific

>> No.14571762


>> No.14571888

Quit eating dairy to get rid of acne. I thought everyone figured this out already

>> No.14572297

My liver and kidneys and everything else come back healthy in my bloodwork. I don't need antidepressants or any other medications, and they actually allow you to sign an abstinence promise when taking accutane btw. But I was on the lowest dose they give you and birth control, and the birth control caused issues until I stopped taking it. I support copper IUDs for women who insist on preventing birth for whatever their reasons but not hormonal birth control. Practically tranny tier hormone treatment that has serious physical and mental side effects on anyone who takes it plus extreme risk for other possible side effects. And it temporarily (at best) turns you into a barren spinster, so quite the opposite of what you're trying to achieve by clearing acne to not be a hideous pus creature.

>> No.14572313

>still eating over 3000kcal
you're supposed to have a caloric deficit, you don't just lose weight by eating a meme diet that has as many calories as your regular diet, if not more

>> No.14572326

Okay so let's unpack this.
>People with extreme overeating disorder/issues/addiction who also have the type of personalities who would go on TV and humiliate themselves on this "laugh at the disgusting fatties" show and only succeed at losing weight when being just about forced gain weight back when they stop having cameras and trainers following them around 24/7.
>10/14 contestants still weigh less than before they went on the show. Most (10/14) have lower metabolisms now at a lower body weight than when they were 400+ pounds. Regardless of "expected metabolism" or "normal metabolism" this graphic actually pinpoints the amount of calories that one contestant needs to remove from his daily intake. So it admits in your own graphic that this contestant is eating TOO MANY calories.
Dumb fuck.

>> No.14572329

food addicts think once you lose the weight you'll just be allowed to eat whatever the fuck you want

after you lose the weight, you must maintain it, by slowly getting your body to get used to a larger caloric intake (most of them start overeating INSTANTLY) and working out to maintain a healthy metabolic rate

most of these fat fucks just called it a day with their bodies and then complained "dieting doesn't work"

the only reason dieting doesn't work (statistically speaking) is because people have a god awful conception of weight, health and nutrition, if they actually changed their livestyles instead of aiming to get a meaningless number on a scale maybe they'd get somewhere


>> No.14572515

>tfw you can feel the fat, smug cunt look on its face as he wrote down that "Sure."

>> No.14572519

That's not ceylon cinnamon, still an essential staple.

>> No.14572528

>saying my labia instead of my ass
i hate liberals so much, fuck off

>> No.14573050

Eat less. No soda, no ice cream, no fucking starbucks worth 800kcal or more with extra caramel, no useless comfort food. Walk an hour a day. That's all you need to do Anon. You don't even need to hit the gym.

>> No.14573073

Im gonna assume that you are skipping soda and all of the unhealthy shit, so im just gonna ask, are you doing any exercise?

>> No.14573077
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>> No.14573630

Not him, but the same happened to me (eating 80g of protein a day, 100ish of fat, 20g or less of carbs,all coming from vegetables).
I'm also skinny and had never had that issue before.

>> No.14573639


>> No.14574411

try telling that to a cajun

>> No.14574432

That is healthy. Old blood cells have to be killed to have their nutrients reclaimed and be replaced by fresh blood cells.

>> No.14574449

gross, can you stop girlposting you gay faggot

>> No.14574717
File: 523 KB, 750x564, 1547340335348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Week 1 + 2
>Meat (lean), vegetables (any), cheese (any), salami (any)
>if you want sweets, eat a bit of cheese and salami

Week 3
>Meat (fatty or lean with butter), vegetables (no/low carb only)
>if you want sweets, TOUGH LUCK

Week 4
>70% FAT, 30% Meat (fatty or lean with butter), vegetables (no/low carb only)

Week 5-7 or more, if you feel sick after the first week maybe abort
>MOVE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN (fuck cardio though)

If you FAIL, go back to week 3 or abort and go to week 1

>> No.14574833
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