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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14565889 No.14565889 [Reply] [Original]

>spend an hour slaving away over a hot stove to make the perfect meal
>degenerate family members smother everything in hot sauce, destroying the flavor I worked so hard to achieve

>> No.14565903

If I were there I’d make sure I put ketchup on it too, just to make you seethe that little bit harder.

>> No.14565907
File: 123 KB, 450x290, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why at sushi places i use tiny little amounts of wasabi and soya sauce. the chef is standing right in front of you making art, and then people drench it in cheap condiments and that horrible mayonnaise

>> No.14565909

ahh, i remember the old days when I used to drench my mother's terrible cooking in ketchup

>> No.14565914

Unless you're a wife you shouldn't be the one cooking or crying in your family.

>> No.14565915

What sushi place lets you control the mayo content? That would be amazing.

>> No.14565917

some places send little cups around, but you can always acks for some on the side

>> No.14565921

don't flatter yourself op, if your food was good your family wouldn't need to save it with hot sauce. Show some god damn humility and try to improve your slop instead of being so smug and all "huur muh flavor profiles!!!! Me worked hard!!!". the only reason your family goes trough the ordeal of eating your shit is they don't want to pay for your rehab again you autisitc shit. Don't post on this board again until you've gotten your life together

>> No.14565931

>if your food was good your family wouldn't need to save it with hot sauce
I'd be inclined to believe this if they ever even tasted it without hotsauce. But the moment it's on their plates they cover it up without even smelling it.

>> No.14565934

yeah this annoyed me too when I lived with my sister and brother... I would cook pasta, first thing they would do is slather it in ketchup and salt

>> No.14565958

What fucking flyover are you living in where "sushi" has an accompanying serve yourself MAYO jug!?

>> No.14565960

must be going to a shitty sushi joint if you think wasabi is cheap

>> No.14565962
File: 8 KB, 125x221, overconfident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even good places give out the crap packets unless you order the good stuff or a plate that comes with it

but this isn't the point, the point is to enjoy the sushi the way the chef made it for you

>> No.14565965

Your sushi should look like pic related. If it does not, you're basically eating at the Japanese equivalent to that sort of American Chinese place famous for their crab ragoon.

Geezus. Mayo. Yeah some rolls have mayo incorporated into them, and many Japanese foods are served with mayo, but I've never seen sushi where you would need UNLIMITED mayo to eat with.

>> No.14565966
File: 1.06 MB, 480x470, 1417748312907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god japanese mayonnaise is so good

>> No.14565970
File: 56 KB, 630x472, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14565972

And yes, that pic isnt authentic Japanese sushi like you'd get in Japan, but it's what Americans enjoy as sushi.

>> No.14565976

nigre that's what my sushi looks like and when you get it served up like that they usually give you real wasabi but when you run into a sushi train for a quick bite this is not the case

no need to be elitist anon it all gets shat out in the end

i don't particularly like it

>> No.14565980

fun fact: the kettle reads "baka gaijin"

>> No.14566404
File: 45 KB, 736x828, real_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pearls to pigs, anon. End of the day you are going to have to concede that sone people are simply plebs when it comes to food. My father bitches about everything I fucking make. EVERYTHING. He bitches about my mom's food too. He hates eating at home. "Oh, but he must just hate your food because you suck," you ask. No, this man only eats fast food and chain restaurants. He is even too lazy to make a sandwich and buys the premade ones at the store. Picky eaters have the mindset of someone who reviews food, but they are tastelets to the core. My friend won't eat fruit because he doesn't like the texture. He won't eat beans, green vegetables of any kind, fruit besides apples, and pretty much anything else besides meat, cheese, and grains. My other friend is a ketchup fiend. Everything is drowned is Heinz brand ketchup. People are disgusting. They don't deserve your food, yet I'm sure, like me, you will still try to impress them anyway. I think I might be done cooking for select people. They don't deserve anything with effort put into it if they are going to be rude when they eat. You know what I do if I don't like something? I eat it anyway, especially if they put effort into it. People have no manners. Blame everyone not socializing with the community anymore.

>> No.14566635


Baka Gaijin is 馬鹿外人.

>> No.14566659
File: 26 KB, 524x336, l2mcontempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first meal I cooked for my (now ex) in-laws was a traditional curry, prepared with their approval to make sure it was something they would enjoy. Before even tasting it, her dad asks "Hey, do you have any salsa?"

>> No.14566678

I am ethnically northern European and love food. My dad was a pretty good cook and my mum wasn't but had a few good dishes that she recycled constantly.

I find mostly other northern Europeans attractive. I am dreading the day when I have to go to my future partner's parents' place and eat there food. My experiences as a child at my friend's places (except my north African and Asian friends') do not give me much to look forward to.

>> No.14566685

Read that post again, then read your response. Very shameful.

>> No.14566713
File: 226 KB, 1500x1125, super chili crisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about, anon. Old people, smokers, drinkers, and chiliheads have dulled their tastebuds. They have a right to enjoy food the way that they want it, from oversalted before even tasting it, to gobs of vinegary hot sauce on top. To each their own. Stop letting it bother you, and focus on the texture, presenting appearance, and temperature instead next time, rather than the flavor and you'll still get compliments. They're still enjoying their food even smothered. Cater to what they want by being creative how you can give them an additional item or make the right dishes.

If it just about being a chilihead, step up to the plate and make recipes they can and should be kicked up at the table with some sauces, salsas, pickles, chutneys, relishes, etc. Provide that extra something for them. I suggest a bowl of burning hot fresh garlic filled tzatziki, gingery mango chutney with chilies, a fresh pico de gallo or other mexican salsa or guac, a literal bowl of chopped garlic swimming in a bowl of oil with lots of chili flakes and herbs, the hot chimmichurri, gardiniera, creamy hot curry sauce, sweet hot pickles, hot tamarind steak sauce like pickapeppa or spicy A1, wine marinated mushrooms, gremolata, au jus dip, hollandaise. And so forth. Make your choices for relishes hotter or far more interesting.

My own dad did a phase where he would get up and from the fridge get a nasty fake buttery bottled buffalo sauce to put on a BLT of all things which is a perfect sandwich already. He likes hot pepper vinegar on collard greens, sure that's common, but then he'll have it on steamed broccoli or green beans too, and almost any vegetable besides it. Anywhere you and I would put mayo, he'll put creamy horseradish. But, if you put a bowl with a spoon on the table of something else he could scatter over everything, good enough. I think it's crazy. So, start making food that actually goes with horseradish and make him happy. It's creole time for you.

>> No.14566728

>glance over long post
safe to disregard this one

>> No.14566803

Cry about it retard, you should be happy you and your family can enjoy a meal together which is to each individual's taste. That's the point, not to show them how superior you are at cooking.

>> No.14566827

>only one piece of eel
Holy cringe

>> No.14566869

The hirigana reads "su shi" so i doubt that

>> No.14566879
File: 38 KB, 550x366, happy-sushi-chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Wasabi paste from the Wasabi plant is available outside of Japan
I think a chef took you for a ride, anon

>> No.14566884

Don’t have a family then

>> No.14566892

>the feeling of being cummed inside

>> No.14567030

>thinks proud elevens will refuse to sell the holy plant to filthy gaijins
Your weeb fantasies are getting a little extreme.

Not only will a lot of faggy places provide you overpriced nip wasabi. It's also being grown all over the world ... it has low yield and the know-how is sparse, but there's enough fags who want the real plant but don't care if it's from Japan to make it worth while.

>> No.14567086

You can't speak butterfly language to caterpillar people, OP. These are swine. You don't cast pearls before swine.

>> No.14567532

It is real easy to tell them apart once you have had it. You can get the real stuff imported from Japan. Or Pacific Farms of Oregon produces the real deal in the United States. There are also Korean and European producers. Pretty sure you last looked into this maybe two decades ago, where you might have been slightly less incorrect in your statement. Slightly.

>> No.14567552

Wasabi is commercially farmed in the UK, you dumb fuck.

>> No.14567901

I always try to eat sushi in two bites. One without the sauce to truly taste the flavor, and one dipped in soy sauce or whatever since I'm a degenerate.

>> No.14568480

>slather it in ketchup
do Americans really do this?

>> No.14568494

You deserve to die a painful death. I hope you get shot in the kidney and the doctors battle to save your life but they fail weeks later

>> No.14568591

There's no eel there anon.

>> No.14568652

isn't sushi mostly raw fish , what the fuck is the cook doing that's so important? is he not just slicing raw shit and placing it atop some rice

>> No.14568959

throw away all the sauce and say it was molding

>> No.14570021

There are people who automatically drench certain foods in some kinda condiment out of habit without even giving the food a taste without it. Learned behavior from childhood and now they are 40 years old going through 20oz of ketchup every week. Picky fucks.

>> No.14570254

A lot of people are fucking children afraid to leave their comfort zone. Some times you just need to drag them out of it.

>> No.14570281

Wasabi loses it's heat and flavour almost immediately after harvesting. You're just eating regular horseradish dyed green.
A couple hipsters in specific areas mean nothing.

>> No.14570291

>the food's delicious, but lemme add a mound of salt on top if it real quick bro

>> No.14570293

washut the fuck up before i waslap my balls on your forehead nobody gives a fuck about your glorious nihon wasabi plant that a yakuza patriarch gifted to you fuck you fuck you fuck you fucking cunt

>> No.14570294

Your family used condiments? OH THE HORROR!

>> No.14570308
File: 11 KB, 259x194, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If you can't handle a little sauce with your food, perhaps your palate needs to mature a bit.