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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14564410 No.14564410 [Reply] [Original]

>I need to kill another animal in order to have a flavorful meal

>> No.14564414

I too, vote for trump

>> No.14564416

Everything dies anon, why are you so scared of death?

>> No.14564417

do we really need bait threads?

>> No.14564431

>I need to cut down thousand year old trees to add flavor to my dairy free chocolate

>> No.14564434 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 0BCB7752-7DC3-4A68-947D-0DBAE80742E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do we really need bait threads?

>> No.14564450

I’ll never understand why conservatives take such pleasure in harming innocent beings for their own personal gain, it’s almost as if they are psychopaths

>> No.14564454

Liberalism is the true death cult.

>> No.14564455
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>makes survival based and evolutionary arguments in defense of meat eating

>wait but not that animal though because feewings

At least people who eat dogs aren't hypocrites

>> No.14564477


>> No.14564484
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Very lazy bait.

>> No.14564498
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>has no response

>> No.14564507

Farming plants destroys more ecosystems, kills more animals, and produces more Co2 emissions and lead pollution than farming animals. If you faggot liberals would stop working against yourselves and allow GMO crops, that could change. Also "innocence" suggest a universal moral code and imposes your ethics upon other cultures, so stop being a racist bigot.

>> No.14564527

>implying the vast majority of cover crops in the first world don't go to feeding animals
weak argument

>> No.14564544

Do you know anyone around who breeds dogs for food?
Am I supposed to go to the pound and get some street dog that could be ridden with dressed? Or snatch someone's dog when they aren't looking?

>> No.14564554

They don't, prove otherwise.

>> No.14564569

Dog isn't good meat. I'd eat it if I had to but steak and lamb taste so much better. You like eating plants right? Then why aren't you eating tree bark? That's how retarded you sound.

>> No.14564576

Livestock is the world's largest user of land resources, with pasture and arable land dedicated to the production of feed representing almost 80% of the total agricultural land. One-third of global arable land is used to grow feed, while 26% of the Earth's ice-free terrestrial surface is used for grazing.
incoming cope

>> No.14564590
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I am eating tree bark, anon. Why aren't you?

>> No.14564611

And when we stop eating meat how much more soy are we going to need to grow to make up for the Protien we need?

>> No.14564615

Lol ok you got new there. But if you like tree bark so much why aren't you eating oak bark?

>> No.14564619
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weeaakk cope. I accept your concession of defeat with grace.

>> No.14564620

If that true then that's cool, at least you're honest.
My point is targeted towards those that would hang, draw and quarter Caesar Millan for looking at a dog funny but then turn around and eat a burger without thinking.

>> No.14564635

Dogs raised for food can't attack me/my children on the street unlike pet dogs improperly trained.

>> No.14564640


>> No.14564643

i would recommend a chow chow puppy and feeding it vegetarian or vegan until slaughter

>> No.14564667

Imagine being afraid of a dog...you must be a pretty weak person physically

>> No.14564675

Every vegan and vegatariens have eaten meat at one point in their life. That's why it's okay for us to have a cheat day where we can enjoy a good meal for a change.

>> No.14564681

Never mind I just looked it up. One butchered cow provides about 430 pounds of meat, one pound being 1,130 calories, so one cow gives us 488,910 calories. The equivalent weight of soy for that amount of calories is 241 pounds, 1 acre of soybeans produces 50lbs, so we would need 4.83 acres of soybeans per cow we eat. America alone slaughters 800,000 cows a DAY, being 292 million a year, meaning we would need 1,410,360,000 acres of soybeans to feed America alone. Where are we gonna get all that land anon?

>> No.14564688

Do you drink milk? Milking doesn't hurt cows.

>> No.14564690

You decided to insult me to avoid the question and you think my point is weak?

>> No.14564699

>concession of defeat
Are you the China shill or the anti-nuke shill from that other thread?

>> No.14564700

you know cows need to eat too, right?

>> No.14564713

yeah they eat grass and feed that's leftover from regular farming, dipshit.

>> No.14564719

you know nothing about agriculture

>> No.14564733

I'm a farmer myself, I grew up on a farm and I raise cattle that are almost as big as your mother. It's called grazing you retard.

>> No.14564734
File: 71 KB, 640x480, E2A5B23D-3E4C-4A7D-9488-636184A1BA00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes.. sorry anon thats reality... humans need animal protein

>> No.14564742
File: 13 KB, 260x260, large farva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't believe you

>> No.14564753

a real cattle farmer wouldn't have to google how much meat a cow yields

>> No.14564761

vegans and vegetarians like myself need spoilers for triggering images such as this. I'm literally shaking and crying right now, I shouldn't have to be mentally scarred every time I come onto /ck/ to convert carnists. delete this image

>> No.14564767

I'm a different person than the guy who googled it, retard.

>> No.14564773
File: 114 KB, 1200x675, travis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't believe you

>> No.14564778

ok schizofag

>> No.14564783

nice move

>> No.14564799

take your meds

>> No.14564804

you could always buy your own rather than killing someone else for their food

>> No.14564806

I killed ur dog faget

>> No.14564812

i'm self medicating with alcohol

>> No.14564820

just look at India. Unhealthiest population on earth, and even then 80% of the country still eats meat (just a ton less because they have so little land)

humans are built to eat meat

>> No.14564834

>unhealthiest population on earth
lmao by what metric?

>> No.14564847

bhens ki aulad

>> No.14564866

Ah so that's why you're shit posting.

>> No.14564875

what's your excuse?

>> No.14564884

There's are tons of countries less healthy. Just think of Ethiopia, they don't even have food.

>> No.14564892

Same :)

>> No.14564893

go take a walk in the forest or jungle and see how long you last

>> No.14564894

were you even alive during the last ethiopian famine?

>> No.14564919
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>I can buy meat from animals that had a good life

>> No.14564922

>implying entire grain crops arnt dedicated to cattle feed and is one of the main drivers of deforestation

>> No.14564925

if i lock you in a room and feed you nutrient dense slop in exchange for protection from predators, would you think it was a happy life

>> No.14564934

Nah, I'm content with just cutting a bit of its body off.

>> No.14564936

A thread died for this garbage

>> No.14564962

No, but if you feed me my natural diet, which is grass and let me roam pasture with my cow buddies, i would it think it was a happy life.

>> No.14564969

He probably would. He sees the cow in terms of cost and price per head. He's not involved in deriving income from processing the animal.

>> No.14564979

where do you live that cows actually get that kind of treatment?

>> No.14564988

sure, if i was a simple minded ungulate among other simple minded ungulates

>> No.14564994

farmers usually keep some for themselves

>> No.14564999

Have you never seen in cow on pasture in your whole life? I can't speak for the US but in Europe that's pretty common to see.

>> No.14565009

You've never been outside a city have you?

>> No.14565013

It's pretty common here in USA too, this guys just retarded and has never been outside of his mother's basement.

>> No.14565028

i see cows in feedlots primarily
i used to live in rice and beef country
all the beef was in the feedlot waiting for slaughter

>> No.14565102

Primarily most livestock doesn't have a happy life but you can go out and buy meat from happy animals, unless you live in fucking China or where ever.

>> No.14565120

might as well be chinas farm

>> No.14565211

Just go and buy higher quality animal products from pasture-raised, grass-fed/organic animals if you don't want to support conventional animal agriculture. Obviously you won't find it in your aussie Walmart equivalent. Go to organic supermarkets and butcheries, call a farm etc. Just don't go vegan because it's terrible for you and for the animals that miss out on a happy life.

>> No.14565214

grass finished sucks tho i want dem corn fed cows

>> No.14565215
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>> No.14565224

>I need to castrate myself with soy products to own the trump supporters!

>> No.14565268

kill yourself.

>> No.14565419
File: 8 KB, 220x220, 1597004506701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't eat animals because they're living beings just like us
>animals can eat eachother though
>but we can't eat animals because we shouldn't act like animals
>but they're living beings just like us

>> No.14565423

Humans are not animals, animals are animals. Some animals exist for humans to raise, kill and eat. As long as we are responsible (which we aren’t) it is perfectly ok to kill an animal to eat it.

>> No.14565445

Too real

>> No.14565449

>Humans aren't animals
We literally are. Religious people are fucking retarded.

>> No.14565450

life as an animal is pure suffering. think of it as mercy

>> No.14565454

humanity separates us from animals
i'm not even religious

>> No.14565459

based toadbro

>> No.14565471

I couldn't fathom a reason for a non religious person to claim we are not animals. There's no doubt we are much more advanced than any other animal, but we are still animals. Maybe you don't understand the word "animal", I suggest you read the definition and look at the "human" Wikipedia page for some basic education you should have received in elementary school.

>> No.14565472
File: 373 KB, 369x640, 640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you consume the critter its soul lives on in your body for you to call upon anytime

>> No.14565477

This nigga eatin wolves.

>> No.14565479

we are not animals the same way cities are artificial
even though we/they are a product of nature
humanity separates us
to think otherwise means you're actually dumb or just being obtuse

>> No.14565489

If you're not trolling, you have an actual Intellectual disability.

>Humans (Homo sapiens) are highly intelligent primates that have become the dominant species on Earth. They are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina and together with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, they are part of the family Hominidae (the great apes, or hominids). Humans are terrestrial animals, characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; open-ended and complex language use compared to other animal communications; larger, more complex brains than other primates; and highly advanced and organized societies.[3][4]

>> No.14565495

wow you can use words

>> No.14565498

Smoke less weed, you're going Brain-Dead.

>> No.14565500

yes cities are natural and humans are animals you figured it out

>> No.14565501

Smoke less weed.

>> No.14565502

we don't use hyphens in english anymore sweetheart

>> No.14565504


>> No.14565506


>> No.14565539

I'm American dumb ass. You having poor grammar and literary skills doesn't mean that's the norm. You're an actual retard.

>> No.14565545
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>american retard didn't get the memo about hyphens
imagine my surprise

>> No.14565718

Want. Which is enough reason for me.

>> No.14565922

A lot of people who have had near-death experiences say it's not pleasant like others claim. Most living things don't want to die. Becoming complacent about it seems like Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.14566054

Of coarse no one wants to die. I didn't say I wanted to die you illiterate faggot. I said not to fear it because it's inevitable. Death is life, life is death. It's a cycle, when you die, maggots and bacteria will eat you. Living things eat eachother, get over it you man child.

>> No.14566086

This thread was moved to >>>/b/834224178