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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14563906 No.14563906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Chinese cuisine by far the worst in the world?

>> No.14563924

Northern European is far worse

>> No.14563927

That would be soul food.

>everything is fried or coated in oil/fat
>black hands prepared it

>> No.14563936

>go to china
>almost all the food touted as "spicy" is actually sweet and gross
yes it could easily be considered the worst but nordic cuisine still takes the cake.

>> No.14563948

What's wrong with Scandinavia?

>> No.14563967

No British food is.


Nah they make good crayfish. But I got tricked into eating surströmming by my friend when I was visiting her and I wanted to fucking die.

>> No.14563970

Rotten fish

>> No.14563993

Chicken feet are delicious

>> No.14564000

Maybe stop making the same fucking threads all the time faggot?

>> No.14564003

No, American food is the worst.

>> No.14565012
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>> No.14565019
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chinese food is based

>> No.14565024

hating on an entire nation's worth of food is the most low iq brainlet thing you can do on /ck/

>> No.14565027
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you just have to know what is good. american "chinese" food is shit, and some of the things they eat as authentic cuisine is just scary for most westerners. Some of the scary stuff is good imo, some is not

>> No.14565032
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The is a really great book for learning about and how to cook sichuanese food, called "The Food of Sichuan" (or it may be spelled Szechuan in the title)

>> No.14565039
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Most of my day-to-day cooking is chinese or asian in some way lately, I'm not even a weeb or anything. The food is just good if you have some help learning.

>> No.14565047
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There's lots of simple to make and really tasty dishes, or you can get complicated with it. I was lucky to know a Korean lady during college who taught me a lot, and one of my close friend's fiancee's is sichuanese and also taught me some things.

>> No.14565053

Lmao, do Americans really?

>> No.14565055
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But, of course you do not need anyone like that to just try it for yourself and have a good time. Make it into what you like! It doesn't have to taste like it was made in china. I hope i inspired you today anon

>> No.14565066

Without Chinese there would be no Korean, Japan and other asian cuisines. The stuff you guys you enjoy from other asian cuisine most likely comes from Chinese food

>> No.14565070

Wumao trash go home.

>> No.14565076

that's like pointing out that most good food comes from dirt. i don't care if chang maccadangdang eats traditional dirt.

>> No.14565099

At least Westerners don't eat bushmeat and and animals that most humans would consider pets, wildlife or pests. The average Chinaman isn't eating the food that's being spammed, they eat whatever they can forage and farm including bats,pangolins, millipedes, snails, dogs, cats, rats, raccoon dogs, baby crocodiles, giant salamanders, and anything else that has moves. It's disgusting and it's no wonder why they're responsible for so many virulent pandemics throughout history.

>> No.14565114

and it's all fried to perfection in freshly-dredged, reconstituted gutter oil.

>> No.14565118

Shitty? yes. The worst? no.

>> No.14565126

Chills are too fibrous to be served like that.

>> No.14565132

They eat the cow gods. Sacrilege. Filthy no souls.

>> No.14565142

...that's ginger isn't it?

>> No.14565145

it's pidgeon feet

>> No.14565148

You're not supposed to eat them in that dish. The chicken is cooked with it but beyond that it is just a garnish.

>> No.14565159
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huh wat u mean

>> No.14565160

the chilis are used to cover up the taste of rotting rat meat

>> No.14565161

thread in need of some serious wang gang

>> No.14565168

Nope. Chinese foods use the same flavors + more from those dishes you like.

>> No.14565170

You're supposed to eat garnishing

>> No.14565173

apparently I'm uncultured

>> No.14565175

you are

>> No.14565189

authentic Chinese "cuisine"

>> No.14565262

Blame Mao, the dictator with the highest kill count in history (all his own people too) for literally starving his own nation's people, forcing them to eat whatever bullshit, gutter oil and sawdust they could get their hands on.
And the cunt is still celebrated as a genius, good guy and had his face everywhere on bank notes and classrooms.

But good fucking forbid you mention the German guy who's name starts with H.

>> No.14565267

Modern China =/= ancient China.
Literally two entirely different civilisations and cultures ruled by different people.

>> No.14565273

You're aware the British still exist, right?

>> No.14565281

Harry Potter?

>> No.14565345
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not even close OP

>> No.14565408

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14565600

I've had chicken feet a few times, it's a chore to eat, but it never tasted bad.

>> No.14565694

There's nothing wrong in properly prepared Nordic dishes.

>> No.14565719

Only one scandinavian dish made of rotten fish.

>> No.14565919
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>> No.14565949

I moved to China and now eat exclusively Chinese food.
No regrets

So good, they make a really interesting version in Kyrgestan as well
First time I had this I ate the chillies
I actually made this yesterday, I never use enough oil and I leave the pork out.
Also it's meant to have tons of soya