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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14561997 No.14561997 [Reply] [Original]

The quarantine 15 is real.
I was 30lbs from my target weight and now suddenly I gained 15lbs

>> No.14562014

Yup. I was getting about 10 lbs from my goal, now I'm 25 away. I resisted weighing myself the past couple of months because I knew it was getting bad. Oh well, just start doing some fasting and cut back on the alcohol. We'll get there, anonymous person.

>> No.14562020

I've only gained 2 pounds since October. Sucks to be you I guess.

>> No.14562022

Congratulations, you have yet another "it's not my fault!" excuse preventing you from getting healthy.

>> No.14562024

I lost 8 pounds and now I look like a late 80s AIDS man. How can y’all eat at a time like this?

>> No.14562041

I gained 15 lbs and then lost 20. It's been a crazy 3 months.

>> No.14562069

I've lost almost all my muscle definition, but my weight's mostly the same.

>> No.14562141

Stop being fat fucks, simple as. Cut out the booze and fast food and move your lardass more. Ive lost weight in quarantine because I finally admitted the way I was eating and living wasn't healthy. No excuses.

>> No.14562155

t. lost 20 lbs; 200 lbs to 180 lbs.
y'all ever consider carb blockers?

>> No.14562313

That's funny, I've actually been losing weight in quarantine because I happened to start my diet in the middle of it. Maybe you disgusting animals should stop eating like the pigs that you are?

>> No.14562340

I've lost weight.

>> No.14562372

stop eating fat
use an exercise bike/trainer
eat only twice a day
no snacking
hot wet starches will fill you up good.

>> No.14562397

>stop eating fat
>use an exercise bike/trainer
>eat only twice a day
>no snacking
All that matters in caloric deficit. How you achieve that is 100% irrelevant. You could literally eat nothing but pizza slathered in chocolate for a few months straight and still burn fat by maintaining a strict caloric deficit.

>> No.14562420

Lol retards really lie to themselves like this

>> No.14563635

I've actually have been down from my average about 5 pounds. During quarantine I made it a point to try and run about 2 miles a day and really cut down on my calorie intake since I wasn't working or doing anything labor intensive. We also had vegetables coming up in the garden so I was just eating a lot of salads.

>> No.14563658

I had maintained and then I gained 10lbs out of fucking nowhere. Funny enough it was after I started going back to work.

>> No.14563676

>exercising and eating less has nothing to do with caloric deficit
You're so obnoxious in your contrarianism it hurts.

>> No.14563683

Not him but you’re about a size 14 moron.

>> No.14563869

i lost 20 lbs

>> No.14563880
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>quarantine 15!

>> No.14563900

Stop eating so much you fat fuck

>> No.14563938

i lost 35

>> No.14563942

Try eating less, retards

>> No.14563953

I lost 10 lbs you're just a bitch

>> No.14563958

>nooooo a popular turn of phrase my kryptonite...!!

>> No.14563975

I haven't gained any weight at all I'm quarantine. I haven't lost any either though!

>> No.14564047

Do americans REALLY??!!!
just eat less you fat cunt

>> No.14564053

and what about the quarantine 100?

>> No.14564181

Considering that you could do one, both or neither of those things and still achieve weight loss means your
is worthless.

Yeah, you will be healthier by eating less (as opposed to stuffing your face) and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. But the issue being addressed isn't health its weight loss.

You don't get to act high and mighty if you miss the point.

>> No.14564204

I gained a few initially when the "shock" of self isolation hit, baking and eating more regular treats. Coupled with getting into Great British Bake Off didn't help either desu.
But I am actually down like 15lbs so thats been nice and still losing. I did just snap my Achilles after being active enough to lose the weight so that's a bummer and the key is gonna be not eating away the pain.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.14564216

I was going to share my secrets with you, but then I read the word "yall". Now I've lost my appetite and want to cave in your skull with a blunt weapon.

>> No.14564405


You're all fucking retards. If you had any idea what you were doing you'd have no excuse to fail.

>> No.14564419

I'm a fatfuck but quarantine actually motivated me to start losing weight. Went from 260 to 235 in 3 months on keto with some light exercise. Shits hard bros, but with some determination you can make it happen

>> No.14564684

buy a tapeworm you fat faggot.

>> No.14564907
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I've been working out and eating right. Gonna leave this thing looking better than I started.

>> No.14564938

how the fuck are people gaining weight during the virus with so many restaurants having closed for much of the time and now only partially open?

>> No.14564986

>Lost 60 pounds during quarantine
37 more to go to reach my goal. I've hardly gone out since the virus outbreak. Curious to see what it's like once things blow over.

>> No.14565612

>Suddenly I stopped watching my calories and couldn't tell as I gained a massive amount of weight
I bet your target weight was still overweight you sack of shit.

>> No.14566178

Good stuff

>> No.14566534

not true at all retard wtf. Is this what they are teachin on this board? plz tell me this isnt the consensus on /fit/ either

>> No.14567419

Suburban USA. The only restaurants here that have been closed for much of the time are the ones that relied on buffets. Almost all restaurants near me have been open for curbside pickup (or if they normally do drive-through and delivery, open for those) since March. Even the little niche cookie dough shop opened in April.

>> No.14567444

My eating habbits didn't change I just don't have the gym to go to because Amerifats think masks are tyranny.

>> No.14567454

I lost 15 lbs because I started cooking all of my own meals and being more mindful when I eat. It seems like a lot of work to be fat if you do that.

>> No.14567494

I had to lower my goal because I hit the initial goal too easily
4 more pounds and I'll be down 40 from my max and 19 bmi

>> No.14567512

Wtf is that

>> No.14567514

I lost 30 pounds during quarantine. Get good scrub

>> No.14567518

It's not even contrarianism it's the mainstream black science man opinion

>> No.14567530

Do you know what the word "irrelevant" means? Do you? Is it a word you have a working knowledge of? You write like somebody who uses words at random, depositing them here and there with no regard for the meanings they convey.

>> No.14567986

Why 19?
Are you trying to become a trap?

>> No.14567992

My quarentine month I powerdrank tecates and played through outer worlds and mass effect 2.

>> No.14568000

Bodyweight workouts are for manlets, the gays, and women. I need weights.

>> No.14568025

I’ve lost 40lbs, diet and exercise works no matter what. Stop being a faggot

>> No.14568026
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I gained 15 lbs first few months. gave myself 2 disgusting stretch marks on my gut. Good news is that it was an impetus to fix some habits. Stopped smoking and replaced it with cardio. Lost 12ish of the 15 lbs so far over the last 3 months.

>> No.14568185

Don’t do that. My BMI is 19.8 and people automatically think I’m a gay twink.

>> No.14568197

I mean, are they wrong? Would you just prefer they don't know it immediately?

>> No.14568209

It is easiest to lose weight in the quarantine since you are in direct control of your entire day.

>> No.14568223

i mean destroying a 12 pack of beer every single day will