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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14561967 No.14561967 [Reply] [Original]

Why does 1 cup of cooked swiss chard have a massive amount of potassium (around 900 mg) whereas 1 cup of raw swiss chard has less than 200 mg? Is it because 1 cup of cooked swiss chard takes around 4.5 cups of raw swiss chard to make? Or does the cooking impact potassium levels to that significant degree?

>> No.14562031

>Is it because 1 cup of cooked swiss chard takes around 4.5 cups of raw swiss chard to make?
No, I'm sure it has nothing to do with that.

>> No.14562042

why would you eat that much potassium a day, you're just gonna piss it out
the body holds onto potassium very well

>> No.14562052

take a multivitamin. wa la problem solved

>> No.14562058

>pay the supplement jew to turn your piss yellow

>> No.14562068

better than paying ten times as much to the swiss chard jew for yellow piss

>> No.14562104
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That's why I eat potatoes.

>> No.14562113

>why would you eat that much potassium a day
That's how much my doctor wants me to eat. Heart disease and high blood pressure run in the family, blood pressure has been up for a while but they want to try a modified blood pressure diet for 6 months before trying pills.

Potassium in supplements has to be less than 100 mg, which means they're pretty pointless and come nowhere near to the daily recommended amount, unfortunately.

>> No.14562114


>> No.14562180

The daily standard for potassium got raised again a couple years ago, and it's pretty much unobtainable without overeating. Your typical meal replacement drink will have around 400mg potassium per serving. Two mid-sized steamed potatoes gives you around 600mg of potassium per serving. A cup of steamed green peas gives you around 500mg potassium.

Any respectable doctor or nutritionist would instead measure your serum sodium and potassium to determine an excess or deficiency, then recommend dietary changes and repeat the tests two weeks later. Only a retard looking shit up on google would say "oh, 4.7g per day means 100%".

>> No.14562241

The diet specifically requires a certain level and balance of potassium and other nutrients depending on which level of calorie intake you're set at, hence the specific measurement. It's not "oh let's see if you're potassium deficient so we can make changes to your diet," it's "follow this specific diet designed to lower blood pressure."

>> No.14562282



problem solved

>> No.14562299

Why don't you just use a salt substitute? Most of them have a fuckin enormous amount of potassium and you can just add it to all your food. I've never had it before so I can't remark on taste, but if you need a lot of potassium that will probably help.

>> No.14562318

That has to be some of the worst fucking cookie-cutter dietary advice ever. You don't recommend fucking around with electrolytes without a blood test telling you that you need to fuck around with electrolytes. If your doctor or nutritionist is just throwing this at you carte-blanche, get a second opinion.

I have hypertension as a result of ADPKD. I've dealt with a lot of doctors and nutritionists in my life to have a good idea that you're either bullshitting with stuff you found on google, or your doctor just sucks.

>> No.14562322

Master Chief origin story

>> No.14562337

Make a veg/fruit smoothie in the morning using cooked and cooled greens like spinach or chard. 1 cup of cooked greens + 1 banana + half avocado + 5 dates = ~2000mg. Drink it with a spoonful of peanut butter for another couple hundred. Get the rest through sweet potatoes, beans, more cooked greens, etc.

>> No.14562344

>The daily standard for potassium got raised again a couple years ago, and it's pretty much unobtainable without overeating.
I used to get around 6.5kmg a day. Eat a better diet. Sweet potatoes, beans, vegetables, and fruits should make up the largest portion of what you eat.

>> No.14562472

I’m a sucker for canned refried beans, is that good enough for the bean category?

>> No.14562556

>the daily standard for potassium got raised again
It actually got lowered, technically speaking, at least in the US. They stopped using "Recommended Daily Intake" for potassium due to insufficient data to create a broad accurate Recommended Daily Intake for people and substituted it with "Adequate Intake," meaning adequate amount for the average person based on age, gender, and pregnant or nursing. The Adequate daily intake is 2,600 mg (women) and 3,400 mg (men) for adults 19-50, assuming the women aren't pregnant or nursing. This is actually lower than the previous amounts (used to be 3,600-4,700 general recommended daily intake).

>and it's pretty much unobtainable without overeating.
I wouldn't say that at all. I put it in the same league as people who say healthy food is more expensive. You can get enough potassium without eating a lot of calories if you put a minimum amount of effort into it.

For instance

1/2 cup dried apricots: 1101 mg potassium, 157 calories
1 cup cooked lentils: 731 mg potassium, 230 calories
1 cup acorn squash: 644 mg potassium, 57 calories
1 potato: 610 mg potassium, 163 calories
2 cups raw spinach, 334 mg potassium, 14 calories

There's 3,400 mg of potassium or the new intake recommendation for adult men. 594 calories total.

>> No.14562561

Cooking it improves the bio-availability of the nutrients.

>> No.14562746

Just buy raw potassium chloride or potassium citrate. Mix it with water, tastes a bit strange but at least you don't have to eat mountains of lettuce

>> No.14562771

just drink organic beet root juice.

>> No.14562810

Refried beans are just smooshed beans cooked in some fat, so yeah, although I would watch the sodium content. I usually eat canned beans too but I get the ones with little or no salt. Refried beans are harder to find unsalted.

>> No.14562841

>A doctor recommending a frequently tested, repeatedly proven diet to lower blood pressure "sucks"
>Thinks it's 'unobtainable' to get enough potassium without overeating when you can get it in less than 600 calories
I mean, probably not the best idea to tell someone else they're "bullshitting with stuff you found on Google" when you apparently think that it's nearly impossible to get enough potassium in your diet. Your nutritionists and doctors suck if they led you to believe you can't possibly get enough potassium with gorging.

Also, you don't know that the doctor just went "oh just go on the DASH diet!" (assuming it is the DASH diet, since that's the primary diet used to address hypertension) without doing any tests. If they're going to their GP, they've probably already had the general blood tests to measure for deficiencies as part of a check-up.

Also, medically speaking, it's not "fucking around" with electrolytes to recommend someone get 4,700 mg of potassium unless they have pre-existing kidney problems. Depending on their hypertension level, most GPs are going to put you on the DASH diet for 2 weeks, have you come in, measure; another 2 weeks, come in, measure; etc until it's low enough that they feel comfortable extending the appointments.

>> No.14562925
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>meal replacement drink

>> No.14562964
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Like Ensure or Boost, meant for people with nutritional deficiencies and limited dietary intake. Not like Soylent which is liable to cause nutritional deficiencies with prolonged use and fails to meat the definition of "meal replacement" outside of the US.