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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14556988 No.14556988 [Reply] [Original]

i need to lose weight anons, but i'm really close to ordering something from uber eats like a fat fuck.

can you guys post disgusting food and disgusting kitchen/food stories itt please?

>> No.14556998

just dont order it you stupid retard
if you cant put in the effort now to lose weight you never will, and you will spend the rest of your life as an obese disgusting retard

>> No.14556999

Listen to weight loss/appetite suppression hypnosis. Or watch a show or anime with strong powerful characters to up your motivation (if you are motivated by anime characters). Brush your teeth, drink lots of water. Watch a video of Beni the orangutan being on a diet.

>> No.14557010

why won't you guys post disgusting food, there was some cunt on here who posted a burger with fly eggs on it and i lost my appetite then and it worked really well.

>> No.14557028
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Beni is more important and I don't have gross food pictures on my device.

>> No.14557035

If feeling disgusted was an effective way to curb obesity, then it wouldn't be nearly as big a problem.

Looking up gross shock imagery is also something you can do quite easily on your own, and would probably require less effort than making a thread, but the next time you get hungry you're probably going to eat unhealthy and it ultimately won't make a difference.

If you actually aim to lose weight, you need to develop some will power and commit to a fitness regimen.

Ask yourself if you're happy being the way you are, and if not, be motivated by the fact that fatness is one of the few things about yourself that you have the power to actually control. You can't change your height. You can't change your genetics. You can't change the family you're born into. But this is something you can change.

>> No.14557062

Just eat less you fat retard

>> No.14557064

lol the tranny makes me less inclined to eat so thanks

when did /ck/ become /mom/

>> No.14557078

you can order healthy food from uber eats. Order something nutritious, get a large unsweetened iced tea with lemon to go with it.

>> No.14557112

>someone who refuses to validate me is my "mom"
Unless you plan to stave off the temptation to eat unhealthy for the rest of your life by frantically looking up gross pictures, which you will inevitably get desensitized to, you need to develop some willpower.

>> No.14557167


i'm not horribly obese i just wanted to keep off the craving, i only have 15 lbs left to my goal weight. is it so terrible to ask for shock images on /ck/

and yes /mom/, only because i didn't think i'd get lectured lovingly by a bunch of anons here, you guys do a better job than my real mom ffs

>> No.14557190

commit to keto, intermittent fasting, occasional one meal a day, and 3 day fasting 6 times a year and you will lose all excess weight

you just need to commit to preparing all your meals at home, no more fast food, no more dining out

>> No.14557196

How much weight have you lost in total?

>> No.14557345

this diet is called anorexia btw not sure if that matters

>> No.14557379
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I'm a recovering fatass, and I had KFC for lunch today as a splurge. However, I bought it on the way home from a 20 mile bike ride. I also got a smaller portion than I used to and didn't drink soda. I will still lose weight today.

It's OK to eat shitty food while losing weight. However, you shouldn't unless you exercise to earn it, and plan the meal into your day so you can eat accordingly for the rest of the day.

>> No.14557393
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I haven't weighed myself in a while but I would guess I'm around 145 - 150 lbs at 5'7. Trying to get to sticc level at maybe around 130 lbs before I start bulking to gain muscle.
Eating 1500 calories a day while lifting 5 - 6 days a week & riding my bike somewhere between 20 - 40 or miles per week, though I usually only ride on both Sat & Sun.
God DAMN am I looking forward to stopping this cut.

>disgusting kitchen/food stories in an attempt to lose your appetite
Just drink black coffee anon.

>> No.14557405

Stop eating refined sugar/foods with fructose. It's metabolized in your liver in a process called fructolysis, which leads to blood sugar spikes and the production of excess hunger hormones like leptin and ghrellin. Counting calories is a short term solution, because it relies on you to maintain your discipline. Cutting out sugar to regularize your appetite and break your addiction will get you out of the pleasurable feedback loop that leads to over eating.

The obesity crisis in America didn't start because Americans spontaneously decided to become fat. It started because food companies began replacing the fat in their products with refined sugar, which began cycles of addiction en masse. You don't actually enjoy eating sweet things, as in, your life is not actually improved by eating them. It's made much worse, but you're trapped in a cycle of highs that keeps you from recognizing it. You're happier eating it than you were five minutes before eating it, but sadder than you would be if you cut it out entirely. It takes about a month of no sugar to completely dissipate your cravings, regulate your appetite, and return to a healthier relationship with food as your taste buds adjust.

Refined sugar isn't at all necessary for your body. You can live your entire life without eating any of it at all, and you'll be perfectly healthy. It's a drug, processed in the liver like alcohol, that your food has been doped with in order to create addiction. It's not your fault that you're fat, and to stop it you need to get out from under the thumb of your own substance abuse.

>> No.14557410

snake diet

>> No.14557413
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> tfw you've been wearing sweats for so long you can't fit into normal pants anymore
tight squeeze bros. need to get running again.

>> No.14557427
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Avoid sugar
Limit portions
Exercise 30 minutes a day
End of discussion

>> No.14557428

Cheat days are counter-productive to a diet, because they position unhealthy food as something good which you deny yourself, rather than something bad with which you hurt yourself. In allowing yourself cheat days, you make yourself feel like you're missing out every other day, when this is not the case. Your life would unequivocally improved if you never ate KFC again at all, but because you're an addict, you can't realize that.
Fast food is also loaded with sugar, even in the savory items, to create this cycle of addiction in customers. The industry term for this is the "bliss point", the point at which a savory item triggers a sugar rush without tasting sweet.
You can't overcome obesity through willpower alone.

>> No.14557435

Learn to cook, and cook well OP. Remember, food is not sustenance but an experience, and should be treated as such. Food you cook yourself will lead you to you eating less because you specialize it a lot more. This I promise you.
Weight is not a food issue, its a mental/lifestyle issue.

>> No.14557458

These are short-term stopgaps that don't address the underlying issue. Look at the Japanese. They eat three meals a day, loaded down with carbs like rice. Why are they uniformly thin? It's because they avoid sweet things like the plague. All of their food is bitter or fermented. They never fell into the cycle of sugar addiction as a culture, and therefore they never got fat, even though they eat plenty of carbs, drink plenty of alcohol, and don't try to exercise self-restraint. It's not about willpower, it's about sugar and adjusting your taste buds. If you can eat and actually enjoy seaweed and urchins, then there's no way you'll be tempted regularly by a bowl of ice cream, because your tastebuds will be adapted to a low-sugar diet. That's why westerners find Jap deserts disappointingly bland. They're much more sensitive to sugar than we are and use much less of it.

>> No.14557493

Start keeping some healthy snack food around for cravings. We started making oil free hummus and dip all kinds of veggies into it when we get snack.

>> No.14557499
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>wearing pants
Take the fashion redpill, fatanon. Pic related.

We're living in a transitional period from republican rule to Caesarism, so you might as well dress the part.

>> No.14557512

Nothing wrong with ordering food as long as you don't order too much
A big juicy hamburger isn't gonna set you back as long as you adjust the rest of your day

>> No.14557514

losing weight is easy, when you go grocery shopping just don't buy the shit food.
if you're problem is eating fast food too much then give up and accept you're a statistic.

>> No.14557673
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one time I was roasting pork loin in the oven but also had to be somewhere in like an hour so I took a quick shower while it was roasting. the alarm I set to take it out went off while I was still showering so I rushed out and took out the pan with the pork loin in it.
I forget exactly how it happened, but I left the pan handle sticking out from the stove and because I was rushing turned away and back super quickly and flopped my dick straight into the searing hot pan handle.
Luckily it didn't scar or anything but it hurt like a bitch.

>> No.14557718
File: 140 KB, 500x333, 5-2-diet (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do the 5::2 anon.
I did it in 2014 with a bunch of anons here and I kept the weight off...mostly

>> No.14558072


one, the japanese and asians populations have type 2 diabetes issues, the chinese have similar diabetes rates to the US

if you are not a fat fuck then you probably don't need keto

whenever I recommend keto I always get some hysterical fuck griping about keto, well if you're not an obese sweaty bread, pasta, cereal and starch munching lard-o then maybe you should consider that maybe the solution to a drastic life threatening problem is a drastic solution

>> No.14558136

something that will help is just finding something to keep you mentally or physically occupied so you don't think about eating. leaving the house is always good but if you can't or don't want to, try something like sitting down to watch a movie you've always wanted to see but is an investment of time and concentration or even taking a long bath cause who wants to eat in the bathroom. also delete delivery apps off of your phone so it's a lot harder to even order food like that

>> No.14558174

>Although rice has been a staple food in Asian populations for thousands of years, this transition may render Asian populations more susceptible to the adverse effects of high intakes of white rice, as well as other sources of refined carbohydrates such as pastries, white bread, and sugar sweetened beverages.
>Importantly, the prevalence of diabetes in Asia is rapidly increasing as 60% of the world’s diabetic population are Asians [2]. In Japan, the estimated number of individuals with diabetes was approximately 6.9 million in 1997 [3], 7.4 million in 2002 [4], and 8.9 million in 2007 [5].

Asians are more susceptible to carbohydrate intake than Europeans are. The advantage Japan had in health was/is entirely down to portion control and the higher cost of food in Japan.

>> No.14558674

Not relevant, we're talking about obesity. And you sound like a hysterical woman. Needing to lose 15-30 pounds isn't a life threatening issue, and drastic measures simply don't stick. The only way to lose weight is a permanent lifestyle change, and that change needs to be sustainable and not require constant effort.
Again, Japanese obesity rates are minimal compared to the US, which is the only relevant statistic here.

>> No.14558702

>ordering something from uber eats

Are you rich or something?

>> No.14558835

The first study looked directly at obesity rates you keto industry shill. Asians are literally more susceptible to obesity carbohydrate intake than Europeans. The only reason their obesity rates are lower is down to portion control.

>> No.14558846

Listen, there is no fucking reason not to order something you want to eat.
Keep in mind your calorie count (dont write it down, just use a rough estimate) and make sure you're still in a calorie deficit, you fat piece of junk

>> No.14558853

go to /fph/ on >>>/fit/
you'll be so disgusted you'll never want to eat again

>> No.14558881

ive been fasting the past 3 days. the hunger pains stopped after 2 days, now i just rumble like once every other hour. im drinking 4 bottles of water a day.

what if i just ate a small plate of mash every 3-4 days for a month?

>> No.14558910

Does the study address the effect of refined sugar on appetite? No? Then fuck off. You don't get to just throw meaningless studies at people and pretend you're making an argument, this isn't r*d**t. You're just "nuh-uh"ing my point without addressing the core argument. Where does that portion control come from, huh? Could it be that, not being addicted to sugar, they don't experience as much hunger, and therfore eat less? Fucking wild idea, right?

>> No.14558919

Counting calories involves making an effort of will, and willpower is meaningless when it comes to addiction. If you haven't experienced food addiction, and you're too retarded to empathize with the subjective experience of it, then you have nothing to contribute to any discussion of weight loss. Your CICO memes help no one.

>> No.14558927

>dOes it demonSTrate (meaningless goalpost change)
I accept your concession of defeat.
>says rebbit while forcing the sugar addicshin rebbit meme

>> No.14558961
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>uses the term "goalpost change"
Yeah, I'm thinking cringe. Goal posts never moved. You still haven't disproven my argument, which has always been that cutting refined sugar entirely out of one's diet is the key to sustainable weight loss because it breaks cycles of food addiction and lowers general hunger by regulating blood sugar and inhibiting the production of hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin. But act like you won, I'm sure that'll get you a lot of updoots kind sir.

>> No.14559256

>Counting calories involves making an effort of will, and willpower is meaningless when it comes to addiction.
When are you all going to take the redpill that American portions are just fucking massive? I don’t give a fuck how much sugar the Japanese are putting in their food, just don’t order a large every time you eat fast food. It should not be this hard.

>> No.14559283

Damn op I wish I saved the picture of the woman who garnished her food with honey marinated dead bees

>> No.14559301

My last drink was Sunday. I'm not all that antsy, I'm a bit sweaty, but the worst part is that I don't know what to do with my physical urge to drink. Like, fuck, what do normal people do when they're sitting there doing nothing?

>> No.14559341

I used MyFitnessPal to count calories and went from 228lbs to 175lbs since the start of February on a 1500kcal limit.
I don't deny myself junk food entirely but treat myself every now and then. I don't pay much mind to my carb intake but try to get as much protein as I can. I've been eating pies and lots of rice but manage to budget out for the most part. Walking helps too but since I've started studying I haven't given myself the time to walk. I should start again.
I'm at a point where my weight is starting to hover. Need to change it up or reduce my count further.

>> No.14559345

Portion size is driven by demand, demand is driven in this case by addiction, addiction caused by the use of sugar as a common additive. How can you explain the difference between American and foreign portion sizes otherwise? It's not like it's a random quantum fluctuation, they're different for a reason.

>> No.14559381

god youre pathetic. there's an entire cheesecake sitting in my freezer. if i ate that whole thing in one go, i'd balloon up like a pig. but i don't. i cut myself a small piece and i stop there, because i have discipline. how about you learn the same?

>> No.14559404

I've lost a stone in 2 months using Huel. One for breakfast, one for lunch, fruit snacks and a sensible dinner. There's nothing particularly weight loss friendly about the shakes but they're exactly 400 calories so it's easier to track.

>> No.14560182

Just do my old diet habit I used to use when I lost 20kg.
Feel hungry after you have enten for the day? go drink water.
Still hungry? Eat a tomato it's 15-40 calories.
Still really hungry? Eat a egg.
Go to sleep.

If your at work and your dying you can't keep that shit up just eat and make it up later do get all light headed then try to work or drive home.

>> No.14560187

I'm the same as you but I went from 260lbs to 175ish as well. Counting calories with my fitness pal, sticking to a deficit, still basically eating the same foods but less of it. I also cook at home, more and stopped drinking as much beer. This is basically the best way to lose weight, imo. It might not be as quick as something like keto but I don't feel like I am starving

>> No.14560904

lol @ the japanese avoiding sweet things. they add sugar to pretty much everything except raw fish.

also, they absolutely exercise self-restraint. they have an idea about eating, where you rate your hunger 1-10, 5 being neutral, 1 being starving, 10 being full (thanksgiving "stuffed" might be a 12). going past a 7 would be considered gluttonous.

additionally, they just walk fucking everywhere.

also, sea urchin is delicious and actually sweet all on its own

>> No.14560962

>thinks "they walk everywhere" has any effect on obesity rates
>thinks this doesn't immediately discount everything else he has to say

>> No.14560978
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Sugar consumption. Top is US, bottom is Japan. We're eating at least five times as much fructose as they are.

>> No.14561888

>still basically eating the same foods but less of it
i'm convinced the entire world could become healthier if everyone accepted this as gospel

>> No.14561907

Nigga if you have money for uber eats, you have money for steak. Eat steak, eggs, bacon, salad. That's it. Lose weight.

>> No.14561909
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What can I eat to flatten my tummy?

>> No.14562673

I lost 50lbs and got into long distance hiking after watching “my 600 pound life” or something similar to that. There was a section that depicted how the heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs struggled to keep up with the lifestyle the obese choose to lead. I felt bad for putting my body through that shit.

>> No.14562766

yeah because we use HFCS, they just use plain old sucrose
my point was that they don't avoid sweet things like the plague.
they add sugar and mirin to just about everything.
i say from experience. i ate more than i normally do whilst in japan, and not just of pickles and fresh veg. but i walked way more than i do back in america. my husband and i both lost weight upon our return.
they just have a much more active lifestyle. fat people in america get told "walk 30 minutes a day!" but people in japan are already walking an hour a day

>> No.14562791


>> No.14562807

lol this is the worst. desu i just leaned on all my other bad habits til it passed. smoking helps.

>> No.14562994

celery or water or both

>> No.14563008
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get a hobby, its pretty much impossible to kick a bad habit unless you have a good habit to take its place or you'll just end up going back because you've got nothing to distract yourself.

Ive got into skateboarding its really satisfying improving at something and its kinda exercise to boot

Good luck anon!

>> No.14563024

Live your damn life. The worst part about drinking (and to some degree smoking weed, though I'd also imagine other forms of escape and/or coping mechanisms) is that it makes you okay with doing nothing or with living a very passive life. It would be difficult for sober me to sit there playing video games all day or binge watching TV, but when I was getting drunk all the time, I could do that shit day after day after day.

You're going to experience periods of having to retrain both your body and your mind. Picking up a hobby might seem extra stressful because it's been so long since you've engaged in something similar that you're going to feel eternally behind the curve. It'll be harder to focus trying to sit down and read a book, or picking up an instrument, or taking photographs, or establishing an exercise routine. But it's all worth it. The easiest way to stop bad habits are to replace them with good ones. Letting go of drinking frees your body in mind in a ridiculous number of ways, why not enhance that by finding something else to focus them on? The most successful recovering addicts I've seen don't frame the process as giving something up, but by creating opportunities to take more on. It's a minor difference on paper, but reframing is an incredibly useful technique. You didn't give up alcohol, you reclaimed extra hours in your day which you can now spend on _______.

At 30, I spent my time learning to play the piano (having never played anything in my lifetime), picking up a useful second language, and getting into cooking and fitness. In my drunkest days, you couldn't have talked me into that shit as it all sounded like a fuckload of extra work. Now I'm far more enthusiastic about all that extra stuff than I ever was about drinking.

>> No.14563425

>Look at the Japanese
>they avoid sweet things like the plague
>They never fell into the cycle of sugar addiction as a culture
holy shit you are so fucking clueless

the stuff about your tastebuds adapting to a low-sugar diet and becoming more sensitive to sugar is 100% true though. even fruit begins to taste saccharine

t. lived in a monastery for one month

>> No.14563526
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If I put a few pounds on, I will make and eat soup for 3 days a week in a row and eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. the other 4 days i eat a more balanced diet. I drink water or unsweetened tea during this time too. I keep two bags in my freezer, one with aromatic vegetables chopped up, usually, carrots, onion, celery, leeks, bell pepper, and mushrooms and another big bag of chopped up "body vegetables" like red lentils, corn kernels, more mushrooms (i really like mushrooms), green beans, shredded red or green cabbage, chopped broccoli, chopped, cauliflower, zucchini, and yellow squash (both in bite sized pieces). Then I melt a bit of butter in a pot and saute two cups of the aromatic veg with a tiny bit of salt until the carrots are soft and the onions are translucent. I add some garlic and small can of petite cut tomatoes and then 4 cups of the "body" vegetables. I then stir in 32 oz of broth (any kind will do) and i simmer it for about 45 minutes and add some herbs (cilantro and dill are nice). Taste and add more seasoning if it needs it. I let it cool, then i put it a big tub in my fridge to heat up as i need it. it's easy and the soup can be altered to whatever you have on hand, you can even add some cooked chicken, pork, or beef to it instead of one of the cups of vegetables. I sleep better on soup days.

>> No.14563556

You'd lose lots of weight

>> No.14564380

Sucrose contains fructose, numbnuts. The japs simply don't eat much of sugar, the data proves it.

>> No.14564511

>mfw I naturally only want to eat one meal a day and shy away from red meat and carbs like pasta and bread because they make me feel bloated and sluggish. Mfw I’m at a good weight and work out every day.

Some people just eat differently anon, not everyone wants to eat 3 times a day, the thought of eating anything before 5pm makes me feel nauseous.

>> No.14564663

>water contains hydroxide, numbnuts