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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14554145 No.14554145 [Reply] [Original]

Australians, explain yourself

>> No.14554150

vanilla flavor is also made from anal glands so, justify yourself first ya cunt

>> No.14554152

fuck off mate

>> No.14554160

Vanilla's a bean mate

>> No.14554164

it’s all synthetic musk in confectionery these days, which is ludicrous too when you think about it, how were now faking the flavor of muskrat ass juice

>> No.14554169

those are delicious and I'm not even Australian

>> No.14554180

Take a deep breath and think for a moment about what's happening here for a moment. Millions of years of evolution. Hundreds of wars fought. Millions and millions of litres of blood shed. Empires founded. Empires crumbled. Paradigm shifts. Coppernickus. The wheel. Technology. Travelling to the moon. Gravity. All so you can post a photo of fucking black and gold musk sticks on the internet. Aren't we making mummy PROUD anon? Isn't she simply RAPT ANON? I BET SHE IS. MOMMYS LITTLE BOY GOOGLING MUSK STICKS ON FUCKING GOOGLE IMAGES. You people make me sick, honestly.

>> No.14554198

could you tell me what a coppernickus is since googling reveals nothing?

>> No.14554199

these are shite, not even worth 5c at the pool

>> No.14554204

The Coppernicken revolution? Fucking retard did you even make it to school or did your preschool already get shot up

>> No.14554233


That's right, seppos. Meet "Coppernickus", the Australian Einstein, the brightest intellect of the academe down-under. It was this homegrown genius who discovered how to nick copper from a construction site (hence his name) and sell it to a scrapper to support his meth habit. A modern Ned Kelly, Copper Nickus is a role model for every enterprising young Aussie lad. You don't want to be like those woggy abbos, trading your dole money for petrol, do you kids? No, you want to be a proper respectible bloke like our hometown hero Copper Nickus, who stole from the rich and gave to Mad Gary (who sells the finest domestically-produced crank from the back of his ute, the one with the dragon decals). An inspiration to us all.

>> No.14554238

I think that's more than enough exposure to australiaposting for a while. I'm going to find something else to do.

>> No.14554239

I once had a very good friend in Broome named Copper - Nickus.

>> No.14554241

>>It looks like there aren't any great matches for your search
Are you sure you're not illiterate or stupid?

>> No.14554245

That's what I thought retard. Don't trip over uluru on the way out

>> No.14554252
File: 66 KB, 400x274, mini_musk__13116_1346808425_451_416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these ones are better than the huge sticks desu

>> No.14554396


They look like pingers

>> No.14554417

kek, brilliant pasta concoction anon, very flavorful

>> No.14554422

The word is "knick" double retard lol

>> No.14554426

get fucked cunt

>> No.14554476

Amazing shitpost

>> No.14554503

We need rlly tall pingers that are just a stick of pinger

>> No.14554508

Are they like parma violets?

>> No.14554518

girls would love that and use it like a tampon, want more pinga just shove a bit more up there

>> No.14554525

>dosent put pingers up his ass
Not based

>> No.14554529

Makes a great cake decoration chopped up.

>> No.14554532

What's to explain? It's just fondant.

>> No.14554588

What do they taste like?

>> No.14554632

it says it right there on the packaging dumb cunt

>> No.14554659

A teacher brought some for us to try once, it's kind of like a gamey strawberry flavor, imagine pesto bismol that's a little sweeter with a hint of burnt plastic

>> No.14554669

based and checked

>> No.14554723

>explain yourself
this isnt redit, please leave asshole bitch

>> No.14554743

>pesto bismol

>> No.14554744

It's bubble gum flavor. It is not bubble gum however

>> No.14554746
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>> No.14554829
File: 9 KB, 398x97, musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers coat your tongue and the nasty flavor stays there for hours. I can't fucking imagine people eating these willingly.

>> No.14554940

True. U eat 5 musk sticks in a row u wont wanna eat em for another month or two
Teaches u something about moderation.

>> No.14554950

how many beavers died for my tub of vanilla ice cream?

>> No.14555315
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>> No.14555379 [DELETED] 

Joe Biden is a disgusting pedophile and typical democrat.

>> No.14555478

lol nice

>> No.14556640
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>> No.14557227

what the fuck are these? are they supposed to attract bears in heat or something

>> No.14557522

this kinda looks like no name brand in canada

>> No.14557533

Elon Musk is delicious, but also litigious. This is the only way, really, to enjoy that great flavor

>> No.14559011

They're fucking awesome

>> No.14559152

Okay cunts, spill, what the fuck is 'musk flavor'?

>> No.14559157

the smell of scrotum flavor

>> No.14559184
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nice digits too.

>> No.14559232

Best description I heard is "tastes how grandma's house smells"

>> No.14559242

do australians have the worst cuisine out of england and all her colonies?

>> No.14559304

I like this pasta

>> No.14559308

Who is this guy

>> No.14559620

I like them because they're colored like my girlfriend

>> No.14560442

Nice hiss

>> No.14560644
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That sounds absolutely horrid

>> No.14561233
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>> No.14561256
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I eat musk straight from its source by rimming by bear bf's ass


>> No.14561265

Lier, I just did and it was the first result.

>> No.14561282

what in the heck is a "musk stick" and what does it taste like?

>> No.14561358
File: 185 KB, 488x366, fags_candy_cigarettes_pre-1990s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our candies are based.

>> No.14561563
File: 83 KB, 603x603, 2EE9879D-E8CE-48E3-9D3D-C7ED57D11846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is proof that ausfags are the best shitposters.

>> No.14561578

The opposite is true. That was fucking pathetic.

>> No.14561620

>t. guy who can’t spell “Copernicus”

>> No.14561649

>Coppernickus. The wheel
I'm no history buff, but I'm at least 80% sure the wheel was a thing several years before Copernicus came along.

>> No.14561655

You utterly tasteless moron. Lurk more.

>> No.14561710

chinese colony says what?

>> No.14561746

do they ever need explaining?

>> No.14562965

I assume this is one of those candies that is over a century old and just barely has a toehold in the market like necco wafers