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14552737 No.14552737 [Reply] [Original]

>Still falling for the boomer grill meme.
There is no better way to cook steak or hamburgers than on a cast-iron skillet PERIOD. It's quick, easy, cleans up easily, and once you get good and have experience will beat any restaurant burger or steakhouse steak. Spend $20, get yourself a 12-inch skillet that will last a lifetime, and discover what real beef tastes like.

>> No.14552762

for smashburgers (which are the patrician's choice) cast iron is king.
Even for the grill marks and smoky flavor meme you can get a very good quality cast iron grill pan - one that is much cheaper and easier to use than a giant fucking grill

>> No.14552794

What is this?

>> No.14552805


>> No.14552858

Honestly skillet and flat top burgers are the best. You get such a nice crust.

>> No.14553071

>Posting the tranny magazine version instead of noted chad burger scholar George Motz
I hope you feel bad for doing this

>> No.14553081

Nice chops

>> No.14553082

Where can I buy these Lodge™ brand cast iron skillets? I have heard don't trust cheap Chinese copies. Only buy Lodge™ cast iron, made right here in the USA.

>> No.14553098

I went to Target to look for mine, they had everything besides the specific one I needed.
cabelas / bass pro shops had a ton of what I needed in stock too.

>> No.14553356

What's the "boomer grill meme"? Anyway you're wrong. Grilling in superior to any pan.

>> No.14553517

I bought a cast iron pan and the thing rusted completely after the third use of it. Threw it away, never going down that road again.

>> No.14553665

did you wash it with soap ?

>> No.14553723

no, I put it in the dishwasher; if it can’t tolerate a dishwasher the. it’s not worth buying

>> No.14553756

Good shit. Wondering how I can do this at home, though.

>> No.14553814

cast iron and a flat spatula to smash the burger down. It's not that hard.

>> No.14553840

>once you get good and have experience will beat any restaurant burger
That's a load of shit unless you live in the third world.

>> No.14553847

it rusts when you dont use it

>> No.14553850

You're fucking retarded if you think your little pan can match my weber charcoal gril OP is delusional

>> No.14553914

Based and truthpilled

>> No.14554036
File: 171 KB, 404x377, EC-Zjz6XsAUE6qv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14554060

meme aside propane grill is shit

>> No.14555741

Imagine being this retarded... Mods should ban you for life.

>> No.14556050

Its all preferences anon

>> No.14556080
File: 199 KB, 1500x1125, 20141106-cast-iron-myth-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dish soap or not?

>> No.14556129

Yes just oil it after

>> No.14556344

A good charcoal grill is fantastic, and nothing can ever totally replace it

>> No.14556552

huh? wat u mean?

>> No.14556591

Bare cast iron is fucking stupid. Buy an enameled Le Creuset or Staub. Or if you're broke, get a de Buyer Mineral B.

>> No.14556606

dry it with a dishrag or paper towel, then apply a light coat of any vegetable oil before sending back to storage

>> No.14556628

Cheaper at Walmart than on Lodges own website. Their website does offer specialty cast iron but for the basic Lodge cast iron I'd go to Walmart

>> No.14556642

I agree that grill is superior but if you're just doing one burger it's not really worth it to get the charcoal out and light a fire. Plus it rains so much in NC I have to settle for inside cooking several times a week.

>> No.14556662

No, I don't think I will use your overpriced designer cookware. I will use butter, oil or cooking spray like a functionally-minded human being.

>> No.14556666

All my enameled cast iron sticks like a motherfucker. The bare, greasy cast iron shit just slides around on it.

>> No.14556668

It's too much of a hassle to clean a cast iron after use.

>> No.14556671

>burns every single bun she tries to toast, even after realizing she burned the first pair
can relate, fuck toasting bread

>> No.14556736

>Le Memet
any enameled no name cookware will do the same for a tenth of the price of that overhyped shit

>> No.14556798

No it doesn't, you're making shit up to be contrarian. I rinse it in hot water and give it a bit of a scrub when the pan is still hot, and all the grease and bits comes right off. Then I put it on the stove and heat it to dry, then wipe it down with some fresh oil. I usually clean it while letting steak (covered with foil) or burgers sit for a few mins after cooking.
I have the same problem, I love my enameled Dutch oven for stews though.
I use soap every now and then, but most times don't.

>> No.14556874

Honestly you deserve it, holy fuck how can you be this retarded

>> No.14556884


Jesus christ the crust on that burger was absolutely perfect

>> No.14556893


>> No.14557039

cast iron is a cheap piece of metal that i soap after each use and its only use when making eggs is frying them in just a bit of oil, after that there are plenty of uses from everything you need so long as the walls are tall enough, you should find a use for it

>> No.14557088

He's a faggot. Real "smash burgers" (what a gay name--we did this in my hometown forever and never called it this retarded shit) are just thin patties on high heat, and it doesn't matter what you cook it on, but the "best" option is a griddle.

>> No.14557094


>> No.14557104

Based. Fucking retards here jerking off about their shit pans.

>> No.14557105

Go to a Goodwill or other thrift store, you can get one for $5.

>> No.14557252

>buying second hand kitchen implements
do americans really?
that's fucking disgusting

>> No.14557260

We're talking about a cast iron skillet.

>> No.14557290

still, you don't know what kind of shit is lodged on the layers of polymerized seasoning
I find it disturbing enough to justify spending the dosh for a new one (it's not like they're expensive anyway)

>> No.14557302

And I like to find a bargain and be frugal

>> No.14557513

If soap and water aren't getting that shit out then casual use won't either
Eat some dirt once in a while, it'll do your immune system good

>> No.14557643

Grilling is fun though

>> No.14558086

Anyone know where a good place to purchase a cast iron skillet from in Australia that isn't too expensive?
Also what's a good size to start out with? I'd like to cook pizzas and frittatas in it, but going for something that would be fine for most things.

>> No.14558179

dunno about oz my shitposting friend but second hand stores have them all the time over here in burgerfatland
And a 12 inch is pretty standard and you should be able to find that size. Don't know the metric version though sorry

>> No.14559033

Everything is pretty much shut because of coronavirus so I'm thinking I would probably have to buy online. I've never even seen one in store so I doubt I'd find one at a thrift store. Most of the pans sold in store are those non-stick teflon type, which I want to avoid.

>> No.14559158

Can someone explain this meme to me?

It just retains heat better? That's it? Meanwhile, you have to oil it and bake it so that it doesn't rust? And it's heavy? I don't see the point.

>> No.14559188

you can throw it in the oven, it's dirt cheap, increases your iron intake, and makes your food taste better the longer you have and use it.

Non-stick has its applications but you really can't beat a good cast iron skillet for protein and the like.

>> No.14559198

Stainless steel master race

Dishwasher safe, Easy maintenance

>> No.14559257

If you live in a hot climate having a grill outside is a godsend if you don't wanna heat your house up. The cast iron is great for steak, but I've had it just as good from the grill, and then my kitchen isn't all warm for the next two hours. Those pans retain so much heat.

>> No.14559338


Oh yeah, your enameled Lodge is going to last just as long as someones LC tip top kekleon.

>> No.14559343

Is this zoomer cope because they all live in urban shithole apartments and they know things will never be good again and they will never own their own home?

>> No.14559400

>rusts because the air is moist

>> No.14559431

That's why you keep it in a cabinet like a normal person. It's also easy as shit to remove the rust safely.

>> No.14559596

probably, yeah
it's only funny until it's sad

>> No.14559626

wat lol this doesn't happen you fag

>> No.14559631

carbon steel is better

>> No.14559681

Yes, but I'd advise using a scraper instead of a sponge. A sponge will work fine but from my experience it can make sponges really dirty.

>> No.14559700

I usually have a hierarchy of sponges. The new sponge I use for relatively clean dishes, the middle tier sponge I use for cast iron, and the shit-tier sponge that is no longer even good enough for cast iron, for disgusting jobs.

Each sponge starts out new, and when the shit-tier sponge gets thrown away, the others drop a tier and a new sponge is top tier.

I don't like using a scraper because it damages the seasoning.

>> No.14559722

I tend to heat it up some more on the stove after oiling, no clue why I started doing it, helpful or waste of time?

>> No.14559752

Yeah but it makes the smoke alarm go wild, grilling outside is better for high heating situations