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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14551826 No.14551826 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14552019
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>> No.14552032

Great book.

>> No.14552035

>unique... mesmerising
>ebin... simbly ebin :DDD

What does this hack have to do with cooking? He could talk about doing drugs and asian street food maybe

>> No.14552040
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>> No.14552042

unique post anon... im mesmerized

>> No.14552049

This looks like reddit the book

>> No.14552062

He was a professional chef for years. That is what a lot of the book is about big guy

>> No.14552069


I did not see him cook a single dish ever. All he ever did was travel and suck brown people's cocks about their spicy food

>> No.14552071

That's what the entire book is about. He only became famous and got a TV show because of KC.

>> No.14552078
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>> No.14552091

anthony bourdain was a faggot and anybody who says otherwise is too

>> No.14552099


Dude he really is the laughingstock of the culinary world. Chefs never agree about anything except the fact that hes a fucking faggot.

He burned a book because he was giving him a hard time? Never read ANY book in his entire life? O i am laaafffin m8s

>> No.14552110

They both are just actors playing chefs in tv shows neither know how to actually cook

>> No.14552117

>reading books written by cucks
>reading a book written by a man who was literally cucked to death
Do foodies really?

>> No.14552119


>> No.14552139

>He could talk about doing drugs and asian street food maybe
That's mostly what the book is about.

Some cooking

>> No.14552150


>> No.14552190
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I found the book surprisingly tame. I was like, "really, this is it? That book that everyone's been talking about that's supposed to go into the culinary underbelly? Everyone I know in the industry has done all of these incredibly mundane things and more". Then I read pic related and Batali is way more interesting than Bourdain.

>> No.14552200


>> No.14552208

I believe in one episode, they were on a boat and he made a coq au vin.

>> No.14552225

There's an entire episode where he and Eric Ripert go back to his restaurant to work the line on a busy Friday night. It's funny because neither of them have probably been on the line in years but Ripert is laughing like it's nothing while Bourdain is sweating and fucking up.

>> No.14552236
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>> No.14552246
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>> No.14552352

Utterly, completely, terrifyingly, ultimately, incredibly, horrifyingly, monstrously, hideously, totally, and supremely based.

>> No.14552368

lel what a giant fucking fag

>> No.14552440

Yeah, saw it.
Working on the line, you know those two were heavily supervised.
Out on the boat, Tony may have been the only one with more than rudimentary skill.
Tony literally had a guy giving him more towels all night on the line, and another guy standing next to him reminding him what to do next, and a third guy helping him keep track of tickets/working/fired.
More confident that he actually cooked the coq au vin himself.

>> No.14552474

He can cook. There was an episode where they got stuck in Beirut or some shithole and he put out a nice spread for the whole crew

>> No.14552801

Anything by Jacques Pépin.

>> No.14552824

He has dyslexia you douche.

>> No.14552887
File: 35 KB, 347x499, 51qudKbLmaL._SX345_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only book you'll ever NEED compared to actual culinary textbooks. read this bad boy asap

>> No.14552938

>LITERALLY fucking illiterate

>> No.14552971

This is literally more than culinary school in a book and much much more!

>> No.14553002

>the bad boy of



>> No.14553005
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>> No.14553009

action is just stoned all the time and this fatass will put anything in his mouth

>> No.14553017
File: 294 KB, 1400x1400, marcella hazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally anything by marcella hazan

>> No.14553022

Thanks, lads.

>> No.14553090
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great rice method. i think this is worth experimenting with. i also like any cookbooks from william morrow from the 90s, they had a good line back then.

>> No.14553745

Based. This is where
>Heston Blumenthal
>Christopher Kimball
>Alton Brown
>Kenji Lopez
>Assdam Fagusa
and so many more all got there science+cooking=best results ideas. McGee is a legend

>> No.14553841

Only one choice