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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 214 KB, 700x974, Homemade-Chicken-Noodle-Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14550829 No.14550829 [Reply] [Original]


>really craving some chicken soup, haven't ate any in months
>decide that I'll make shitloads of it
>spend a few hours making it, making some broth first, then shredding the meat, etc
>even fixed it with some sour cream and eggs at the end
>ate some for dinner, it was really fucking good and I was happy that I gave a HUGE pot of it that will last me whole week.
>didn't put it in the fridge cos it was still hot
>"eh, it can't get spoiled THAT fast, ill just put it in the fridge in 8-9 hours first thing in the morning"
>wake up today, remembered to put the pot in the fridge right away, didnt even check inside
>dinner time, getting hyped for some godly soup again
>open the pot, shit smells sour and i can almost hear it bubbling
I'm so fucking angry bros. Never had any issues with food getting spoiled this fast, what is it about chicken soup that goes wrong so quick...?

Also, can I at least give it to my dog, im so angry about wasting it. Will he be fine?

>> No.14550855

You're a retard.

Boiling temperature isn't enough to kill most bacterial spores, just the vegetative cells. Leaving it out warm overnight causes the spores to start breeding again into colonies capable of causing food poisoning.

Give it to your dog. Post pictures of it shitting its guts out for us. Having to take your dog to the vet will be a great reminder not to be a fucking idiot.

>> No.14550919

You guys are pussies. I eat food that was left out overnight all the time. There's nothing wrong with me. It's about having a strong stomach. Imagine having a weak stomach. Imagine not having a strong immune system. Imagine not overloading on Vitamin C every day and working out all the time. Imagine not climbing the same mountain every friday for the past ten years such that you haven't caught a cold since.

Do Americans really not take care of themselves? I suppose all their food goes bad and then they die of food poisoning (if they don't die of diabetes or heart disease, first.)

>> No.14550928

thanks for reminding me to vitamin C load today
I eat a cup of mashed strawberries or puree acerola with milk or yogurt daily to vitamin C load

>> No.14550935

>Vitamin C

>> No.14550940
File: 4 KB, 192x302, 1597172350994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional soupmakers use these weird freezy pack paddles to stir with until the soup is cool enough to stick in the fridge without making everything else spoil.
You might use zippy bags full of ice.

>> No.14550945

>consuming an essential vitamin makes u retarded
theres no hope for you anon

>> No.14550949

Not OP, but I've left cooked food plenty of times outside the fridge overnight and it literally only happens with chicken soup to me too. Is it the chicken meat that gets fucked up so fast?

>> No.14550958

Claiming that taking excessive doses of one vitamin is somehow responsible for your immune system is the most retarded grade school level biology ever.

>> No.14550994

Why arent you supposed to put hot stuff in the fridge? I never understood this meme

>> No.14551026
File: 83 KB, 736x952, food temp danger zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to say, OP, but you're faggot, and likely also retarded.

See pic related. There's a poster like this hanging somewhere on a wall in every professional kitchen in the world. When food is piping hot, it's fine; when it's cold, it's also fine. But when it's room temperature is when it's most susceptible to spoilage.

If you've ever set foot in a commercial kitchen, you may have seen the "chillers" they use when making pots of soup or sauces. They're big sticks filled with water that you freeze, and as soon as you take a sauce off the heat, you plunge one of these into it to cool it rapidly before putting it into containers and refrigerating. Alternatively, I've seen places that just fill one of the sinks halfway with ice water and place the pot into it to cool it.

Your lazy theory might work on a pot of vegetable marinara or something, but not on chicken soup. Certainly not on chicken soup with eggs and sour cream in it. (Who even does that?)

>> No.14551027

it isnt excessive considering we don't absorb all of it mmmkay a cup of strawberries isn't excessive sissy boy go cry somewhere else

>> No.14551049

Bacteria begins to colonise again after its heat-resistant bodies return to a suitable temperature (typically from 8degC to 55degC) and pH (typically greater than 4.8).

>> No.14551056

Wait did you put the sour cream in your bowl of soup or in the actual pot?
If the latter and you left it warm overnight you may have just been breeding lactobacillus in there. Would explain it turning sour but maybe not the bubbling.

>> No.14551059

You sound like the kind of faggot who gets sick all the time despite running to get your flu shot every year lmao. I haven't gotten sick in 10 FUCKING YEARS bitch and you're going to sit there and cough with snot coming out of your nose and tell me that I'M THE ONE WHO'S WRONG??? LMAO

Go take another throat lozenge, faggot.

>> No.14551063


>> No.14551066

Refridgerators are not designed to handle large changes in temp like that it will spoil all your other food. Rule of thumb is to let it cool down for ~2 hours.

>> No.14551094
File: 597 KB, 1962x1255, 1505859958236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not a meme, the heat from the food gets sucked out into the fridge, which can be bad to both the fridge as well as other stored food.


For things like soup, I will generally ladle it into Ziplocs and lay them down flat. The higher surface area means they'll cool off faster (and if I freeze, they'll also defrost faster as well as stack nicely) and I can put them into the fridge much quicker than if I tried to put the entire pot in.

>> No.14551096

>I mishandled food, why is this food so fucking stupid!
This is how dumb you sound.

>> No.14551106

233 PURE. Go ahead and call me a pussy one more time bro. We'll see what's up.

>> No.14551114


>> No.14551259

Based Botulism Chad

>> No.14551270

>They bought into the supplement Jew
oh i fucking laughing. calling others weak while lining the pockets of jews with their garbage science. eat real food you fucking pussy.

>> No.14551326

>sour cream and eggs
There's your problem op.
That shit spoiles near instantly and doesn't reheat well.
You add that shit at the end for a reason. and shouldn't add it to things you want to eat tomorrow.
So yeah you goofed. you should've added the egg/cream on your plate/bowl only.

>> No.14551338

>>didn't put it in the fridge cos it was still hot
What is it like being retarded?

>> No.14551351

>do something stupid
>why did something bad happen reeee


>> No.14551353

I knew everyone on this board had AIDS but this is too much

>> No.14551513

Based dumpster possum.

>> No.14551530

If you make big pots of chicken soup. Put a bunch of it in sandwich sized ziploc bags and freeze them.

>> No.14551538

>what is it like being retarded
I'd ask the same question
You don't put hot things in the fridge or it will heat up your fridge and spoil everything else in there

>> No.14551581

No but you also don't leave shit out in the open all night especially with sour cream in it and expect it to come out good the next day.

That is obviously fucking retarded and if you are defending it then so are you. Neck yourself, retard waste of human garbage.

>> No.14551595
File: 309 KB, 480x800, 1521307771335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"eh, it can't get spoiled THAT fast, ill just put it in the fridge in 8-9 hours first thing in the morning"

>> No.14551640

That's breddy smart desu

>> No.14551651
File: 122 KB, 1000x542, BnUPB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving your food out overnight
>food that by it's very nature as a soup is moist
>food that is also creating a lot of steam and condensation on the interior lid
>basically a hot, wet pocket of air sitting on top of your soup

>> No.14551763


>> No.14551779

Just put a lid on it. I kept a pot of chilli going for a week unrefrigerated, heating it up when I wanted some hot and it was fine.

>> No.14551782

>leaves chicken out overnight
>mad that it went off
You're an idiot. You should have frozen it in a tuperware container immediately and cut it into serving-sized cubes. Life could be so easy, but you have to be a retard.

>> No.14551852

OP, has zero common sense. I'm sorry, everything from danger zone to just mommy training is missing in this education.

You put food away immediately, not in an hour after cooling, immediately. If you leaving food out for family who isn't home yet, move it to a crock pot, pack away all of it, and pull out 1 portion when they do get home.
Consume all cooked food in your fridge within 24hrs, or just freeze it in the first place.

Buy some freaking containers. If cooling a large 3-4qts of soup in one container alternately, then nestle them in an ice bath for 30 minutes if you must, and then immediately put away. Don't add dairy if you can dollop it instead the next day. Remember to boil it thoroughly and long enough the next day, as well.

And, yes chicken spoils quickly. Take your trash out that night if wrappers and scraps in there. Wash everything after using with a sanitizing step in bleach solution. Sometimes I'll clean my whole kitchen but the last pot. I'll leave a lidded empty dirty pot in the oven overnight, and do dishes in the morning. The chicken soup pot? It will absolutely reak and stink from spoilage of the just the couple of Tbsps of chicken soup in clinging to the sides in there. It's petri dish microbiology 101. And, you do need to bleach it too or run through a dishwasher.

>> No.14551857
File: 498 KB, 2997x2000, ice bath step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14551864

Oh my goodness, it's chicken I can't remember the last time I had chicken

>> No.14551900

fatericans BTFO

>> No.14551911

Where the fuck do you live, the surface of the sun? How fucking hot is it? I do this shit every week. You can leave it out overnight, just cover the shit. Fridge it in the morning. You lying to cra/ck/ heads B?

>> No.14551938


I strain my stock into a big metal bowl, then float that bowl in a sink full of cold tap water. That gets it cool enough to stick it in the fridge. If it's a particularly large batch you might have to change the water once.

>> No.14551943

OP a stupid dummy

>> No.14551954

I've accidentally left soup and shit out over night and it was still fine in the morning.
Maybe your kitchen is just gross.

>> No.14551956

Jesus, imagine how much good food this idiot throws away out of hypercaution

>> No.14551970

>For things like soup, I will generally ladle it into Ziplocs and lay them down flat.
Do Canadians really?

>> No.14552180

>the heat from the food gets sucked out into the fridge, which can be bad to both the fridge as well as other stored food
What you did right there is convey information via means other than genetics which is in fact a meme. What do people think that word means?

>> No.14552427

No one likes you

>> No.14552437

Chickens are filithy, disgusting animals who live in their own feces.

>> No.14552466

The Ziploc brand is available in many countries around the world, including the US, Germany, Brasil, and Canada.

>> No.14552491

>You put food away immediately, not in an hour after cooling, immediately.
Thats a good way to heat up all the food in your fridge to the danger zone.

>> No.14552515
File: 84 KB, 800x600, Internet_Terminology_2015_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do people think that word means?
I wouldn't call them people.

>> No.14552542

>>You put food away immediately, not in an hour after cooling, immediately.
>Thats a good way to heat up all the food in your fridge to the danger zone.
No it's not. Soup can be cooled or put into my deep freeze in individual containers. Nothing is warming up. Don't be dumb next time you read something.

>> No.14552546

I think he was making a bagged milk joke

>> No.14552601

what's your ambient temp? also did you boil it again after putting the lid back on?

>> No.14552644

This, holy fuck imagine not being able to digest food lmao.

>> No.14552652

Bro just separate the soup into multiple, smaller containers and refrigerate that.
It's not going to stay hot enough to mess with anything else in your fridge that way and you have individual portions ready to reheat and eat.

>> No.14552726

>Consume all cooked food in your fridge within 24hrs
I've been eating off a big bowl of curry for over a week and have done that with soups as well. Big holiday meal leftovers usually last close to a week for us, too. We've never had any problems.

>> No.14552800

That is racist against Wisconsin.
Iowa too, but nobody cares about Iowa.

>> No.14552906

In that context, calling something "a meme" implies "just a meme" or "only a meme", as in the information is passed or spread, but isn't necessarily optimal or true.

>> No.14552921

4 hours max you fucking queer

>> No.14553800
File: 64 KB, 688x547, 1551223808644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting your vitamins from natural sources like oranges or strawberry's is somehow buying into the "supplement Jew"
learn to read

>> No.14554385

woah rude

>> No.14554389

>You don't put hot things in the fridge or it will heat up your fridge and spoil everything else in there
I think that only made a difference with really old refrigerators that were less efficient. It's recommended now to just put hot food in the refrigerator as long as it's not like the pan is hot enough to melt the coating on your racks or anything.

Soup is especially prone to fast spoilage because of the high moisture content plus the liquid being full of nutrients, it's basically the perfect medium for fast bacterial growth. Just put your soup away, or if you're that worried then put it in a sink of cold water until it cools down a bit first but don't let it just sit out for hours.

>> No.14554730

>8-9 hours
Others have already said it, but ffs, it needs to be said again. That is your main problem and you are a moron for not already knowing it.
>egg/sourcream liaison
That was the next big mistake. You introduced ingredients to a dish that was barely cooking or not cooking at all at that point, then let it sit at prime microorganism growth temperatures.

If you want to make a good soup that will maintain its qualities better, there's a bunch of stuff you can do. The biggest improvement would be by making stock. Make a proper large batch of chicken stock if you do. Simmer it for hours (overnight is best, if you are willing to put together a decent set up for it). Strain it immediately after taking it off the heat and use an ice wand like >>14550940 shows. Put a bunch of ice in a sink around a the stock container. Add some water to the ice. The ice level should at least reach the level of the stock in the container. Insert ice wand. Stir periodically until it is cooled below 40f. If you can't be assed to get an ice wand, you can use skinnier containers to cool the stock in an ice bath, but you should limit your stock batch size as well because it's much more difficult to cool rapidly without something like that. You now have a flavorful soup, sauce, braising liquid base to make lots of good stuff with after portioning and freezing or canning it. Reduce that stock by 1/4 (for an extra rich soup base, add more chicken and vegetable trimmings before reducing, and strain again once reduced).
If you don't want to go down the stock rabbit hole, then don't, but it's awesome to have on hand, much better than a broth in content and spoilage factors, and fun to make and use.
Roast the chicken and root vegetables separately, then add to the soup base. This not only makes it easier to cook them consistently, but it intensifies their flavors.

>> No.14555027


Im from North Jersey.

Your condolences are accepted.

>> No.14555042


>> No.14555245

>this is how Americans live
No wonder you eat your steaks well done

>> No.14555282

Who the fuck says image macro in 2020?

>> No.14556196

You will die.

>> No.14556200
File: 38 KB, 320x320, 1560888748778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't seriously believe this

>> No.14556208

your heart is in the right place but
>Consume all cooked food in your fridge within 24hrs, or just freeze it in the first place
>Take your trash out that night if wrappers and scraps in there.
are absolutely ridiculous and you are being overly neurotic, if not outright autistic. or perhaps OCD?

>> No.14556211

Fuck, you're dumb.

>> No.14556354

>8-9 hours
You fucking mong, of course it went bad