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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14549907 No.14549907 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever miss your parents' cooking, assuming they're alive, you're on good terms with them, and you no longer live with them?

>> No.14549912

No its shit

>> No.14549913

Eh, there's a couple things my mum makes that I miss, but for the most part I cook way more flavorful dishes than she does, and roast potatoes are the only thing my dad can make better than I can.

>> No.14549922

Yes, it was very good. Often restaurant quality.

>> No.14549928

My moms cooking was ok, she can do some things better than me for sure but she was cooking for 5 kids so she had to cook for quantity and cost over quality in general

>> No.14550000
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I very much enjoyed cooking with my father while having a few beers and discussing history or current events. He was very versatile in what he could cook and liked to introduce me to different kinds of cooking, but deep down he mostly loved his meat, vegetables and potatoes. I fondly remember us making making pork-cheek flesh in gelatin from an entire pig's head, deep fried veal-kidney ragout rolls, roasting an entire goose or chicken, but also really simple stuff like schnitzel or fried fish or soups.
I miss that man, he was based as fuck
End of blog

>> No.14550004

My mom's one of the worst cooks I've ever met so no. She's also vegan now so it's 3x as shitty as when I was a kid. I've only been cooking for 5 years and I'm already way better than her at it.

>> No.14550011

certain dishes my dad made but i'm a better cook than both of them now so not really.

>> No.14550014

When my mother passed away, I found a small meatloaf in my freezer that she sent home with me one day earlier. I couldn't bring myself to eat it, as it would be the last meal I ever had prepared by her. I had it in there for years.

>> No.14550160

i miss my parents very much. why not take a couple minutes right now out of your stupid day and give your parents a call or even a text?

>> No.14550175

I would if I could... :(

>> No.14550182

My dad went to culinary school for a few years and literally makes the blandest food ever. He cooks thanksgiving dinner every year and it's just... beige. His pizza dough is thick like focaccia and bereft of seasoning. He eats well-done steak......
My mom on the other hand drenches everything in butter so it's all delicious.

>> No.14550184

I have my grandmother's last bottle of canadian club in my liquor cabinet. =(

>> No.14550193

My mother would use every fucking pot and pan and utensil to make a god damn meal every night. She cooked, I cleaned. I fucking hated that I had an extra hour of work every god damn day because my mom doesn't know how to rinse a bowl out and reuse it.

Her cooking was always "Meh". I wouldn't have minded as much, if the food was worth the work.

>> No.14550203

i miss my gramma's cooking
she's not even dead she just got this gross cat and it walks on the counters so i don't go there anymore

>> No.14550224

Not really, my mother isn't a very good cook. Her steak is stereotypical shoe-leather. She can do a few traditional German dishes pretty well though. As for my dad, he's dead. Still hurts. Don't know whether he was any good at cooking, I doubt it.

>> No.14550234

Does gramma never wipe her counters down with a cleaner? I'd avoid that place too.

>> No.14550238

it never goes away
and it makes me sick to see people trashing their moms cooking
i would cut one of my hands off to have a meal with my mom and dad

>> No.14550295

My dad is an award winning BBQ’er (not some town fair BS competition either). As a hobbyist he ended up getting paid to cater events, which was pretty cool.
He doesn’t do it anymore, but he showed me some of his tricks and got me a pellet grill for my birthday, which was pretty fucking cool

>> No.14550311


Yes, but they're dead. They never used real complex recipes or were great cooks, but I still miss their food.

>> No.14550327

To a degree. They're both alive and we are on good terms, I moved out in 2008 and have been living by myself (have a cat though). But, I moved two towns over, I see them once a week (usually Sundays) for dinner. Before COVID we would always go out to nice restaurants or BBQ during the summer, but ever since we've been cooking at their house together. Both my parents are really good cooks and I started learning from them early so I thankfully never had that "no skills college student" phase where all I ate was ramen and pasta. I enjoy seeing them and cooking/eating with them especially since they're both in their early 70's so I realize there isn't /that/ much time left statistically speaking.

>> No.14550443

some people are not good cooks my man.
my grandmother can make like two dishes and that's it. of course we appreciate it, its not like "god damn gramma is this shit again?" but, it is what it is.

>> No.14550463
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I miss my grandmother's cooking more than my parents. She was one of the old ladies making pierogi in the church basement. She also used to make these little fried pancake things out of half potato, half stuffing. They were fucking exceptional.

>> No.14550584

platskis? absolutely delicious. sour cream and chives. my grandmother told me they would put lead in my pencil and it was a long time later that what she really meant was she wanted me to find a polish girl to make grandchildren with. never managed to do that

>> No.14550646

My grandma would cook full meals for lunch... Lunch! (Don't really mean huge just an actual cooked meal you tried at) I feel you, I miss hers more than anything.

>> No.14550674

>good terms with them
what is it with this meme and this generation not talking with their parents? you did not have a bad childhood, get over it.

>> No.14550677

your parents can roast potatoes?

>> No.14550691
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Both of my parents are good cooks, who cook as a hobby

I dont know if I am 100% as good, but I'm fairly close, so I make my own food

Last week I made Beef Wellington, and tonight I currently am braising some beef shanks, I'll post when they are done

Also bought like 10 pounds of yellowtail for sashimi, that's going to be an adventure

So to answer your question, the only thing they make that I miss is Chef Boyardee pizza. Biscuit pizza reminds me of my childhood.

>> No.14550762

You bought ten pounds of yellowtail tuna for sashimi? Ten pounds??

>> No.14550780

Children start out loving their parents, as they grow older they judge them. Rarely do they forgive them.

>> No.14550828

This. I didn't realize this until I learned to cook.

>> No.14550830

Parents? No.
Grandparents? Yes.

>> No.14550832


>> No.14550839

No. Neither of them know how to cook.

>> No.14550845

Dude... it's a frozen piece of her body! You're keeping a piece of her corpse in your freezer and she wants you to eat it!

>> No.14550846

my parents can't even roast a potato
one of the most simple and wholesome foods thats cheap too and they cant even roast it
they fucked me up by leaving me malnourished

>> No.14550847

Victim culture mostly. But also this is 4chan so there are probably more people here that legitimately had fucked up parents

>> No.14550849

My moms Christmas dinners are legendary. Don't know how I will cope when she dies.

>> No.14550859

Americans don't raise their children right. They throw them at as soon as they're 18 or charge them rent instead of letting them save up and prepare for a better future. They don't even eat meals together. The mom and dad fuck off doing whatever and the kids are left to do whatever they want. There is no family or parenting in America.

>> No.14550875

Well it's fucking ruined now. Good job. Do you think she would have wanted you to eat it way past its prime or simply thrown it out? Dumbass.

>> No.14550881

I learned how to cook anything they made that I liked so I haven't needed anything from them for years. I visited last year and they made dinner and my mom dumped frozen mixed veg in a pot of water and heated it up for one of the sides. the roast was good and the rolls were fine since they were store bought but I couldn't eat any of the sides. they've gotten lazier and worse over the years.

>> No.14550883

why can't I find clorox and wipes in stock anywhere ever anymore it's so depressing

>> No.14550884

Yes and no. I'm a much better cook in that I put much more effort into the taste and overall nutrition of what I make, my soups blow my mother's bland soups out of the water. But I smile through every bland meal they've ever made and always told them I loved it anyway. There's nothing more comforting than eating one of your favorite childhood meals with your parents while they lovingly ask you about your life, even if your tastes have changed. I love them.

>> No.14550885

Rent free and incorrect, know what you're talking about before speaking, yuropoor.

>> No.14550890

my brother is 36 and raising a family in my parents basement. which is better?

>> No.14550896


>> No.14550901


>> No.14550916

my stepdad used to make good bbq burgs/steaks and fried bologna sandwiches, loved it

>> No.14550974

>you did not have a bad childhood, get over ityou did not have a bad childhood, get over it
Speak for yourself. My dad once picked me up and slammed me into the wall because I couldn't open a doorknob because my hands were greasy. He had me over his shoulder screaming he was going to fling me down the stairs once. He broke my thumb in a streetfight in the neighborhood before I finally cold cocked him and earned his respect.

My mom once pretended to swallow a bottle of pills when I was 7 so I ran to the grocery store and called the police on a payphone. She also once broke a glass table over me and called the cops on me for "throwing things at her," but when the cops saw me all cut up, they dismissed it. She threw a grill in the pool. She called up my college and got me unenrolled in the middle of the week. I quit my job and she came over to my house and beat in my windows.

Granted, I still talk to them, but I have every reason in the world not to.

Anyways, when my dad wasn't drinking, I have fond memories of having his flank steak and scalloped potatoes, along with his confit de canard. My mom can't really cook but I guess Thanksgiving dinner is tasty enough when she doesn't throw it out immediately after cooking it while screaming.

>> No.14550980

No, my dad is dead and he couldn’t even make eggs, and my mother’s cooking is literally anything and everything cooked with Vegeta and LITERALLY nothing else (Vegeta is salt, msg and some mixture of herb spices in a bag, extremely popular in ex yugoslavia).

>> No.14550984


>> No.14550997
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No, this is Vegeta.

>> No.14551005
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>> No.14551028

I have no idea who or what that cartoon is.
Yeah same here, my dad scammed me for several thousands of euros and never paid me back, even though he had the money later. I don’t think I have ever seen him sober in my life, and that’s not an exageration. He abandoned me very early on, reintroduced himself in my life when I was an adult with finished degree for a year or so, and disappeared again. He was the better parent of the two.
My mother also scammed me for several thousands of euros, threw me out onto the streets 2 times in my life, and a ton of such incredible shit that when I told my wife about it she told me I should write a book about it, because it’s fucking unbelievable.
Some of us had shitty childhoods. Period.

>> No.14551041

Pretty much this for me. I think what I miss most is coming home and having at all ready without having to do a thing, or helping my mom/dad and seeing how happy she/he was for getting some assistance.

>> No.14551216

What’s to forgive? They did their best and they’re only human. Honor they father and mother applies in adulthood as well as childhood

>> No.14551272

This is how families are unironically supposed to work, you aren’t supposed to just uproot your entire life and abandon everybody who ever loved you the second you turn 18. That’s just what American culture wants you to think, that the second high school is over you’ll never have friends or a community ever again. It’s the same reason so many people follow a retarded culture based on Marvel movies and celebrities, because without that it’s hard to find people that actually share your interests. High school bonds are what make a community, because it’s the connections through growing up that make a bond special.

>> No.14551288

>what’s to forgive?
The probable physical, verbal, and/or emotional abuse that all parents use because it’s easier than not using abuse to control someone.
The inability to teach your child basic things in life (such as: cooking, cleaning, gardening, property management, household repair, car repair, tax management, etc) despite teaching your child being the literal only thing you do as a parent
The inability to use your social connections to help your child’s life in any way shape or form (no job connections, no industry connections, not even a simple minimum wage job opportunity)
And most importantly if your parent is truly retarded: the inability to use YOUR OWN BUSINESS to the benefit of your children, such as a job offer, company expansion, etc.

>> No.14551300

My mom made an absolutely delicious roast beef and gravy with mashed potatoes, but I don't have any nostalgia for any of her other dishes, she'd usually cut a lot of corners in cooking so she could do it the laziest way possible and the food suffered for it but everything was 'good enough' to my parents and she acted like I was weird for trying to do better when I cooked around her

>> No.14551312

my parents didn't give a shit about school district for their retirement home so my niece is growing up in their basement and going to school in an area where there isn't even trash collection services

>> No.14551317

It was the only way I could get it, my man

Probably gonna grill some too

>> No.14551324

Well then that is really shitty but surely the exception not the norm. My parents are far from perfect but they did their best

>> No.14551335

My mom's cooking is fine, I try to copy her recipes. Most of the times I realize that they are for the most part pretty simple, yet very delicious and for the most part better than food you get served at restaurants.
She also always puts a lot of effort into making everything perfect.

>> No.14551343

No, my parents overcook/burn the shit out of everything and it legitimately upsets me to see food getting desecrated and disrespected like that.

>> No.14551373

god no
my mother would just make pasta with sauce for most meals and maybe a bit of vegetable if I was lucky
and it was just mounds of fucking pasta
or she'd just get some frozen shit and put it in the oven and they'd always come out slightly wrong because she'd stick to "20 minutes at 200 degrees"
no wonder I was so fucking fat

>> No.14551480

Truly ignorant, you should meet people anon

>> No.14551491

Well then your parents are retarded because you’re supposed to choose somewhere nice to live for your retirement, not second-world American flyover town
It’s fairly normal for many, many people. The more populated the state, the more common it is. Places like CA and NY (that are already somewhat dystopian for a number of reasons) have much higher levels of doomer syndrome because of this exact type of non-parenting.

>> No.14551502

>americans this
>americans that
Wtf are you retarded? First of all you have an obsession with americans, secondly it is literally a biblical principle that you’re supposed to go out on your own and establish yourself live your own life away from your parents and everything you’ve known, literally the prodigal son, or Cain and Abel. It is the desire of every man to have his own roof his own home and be independent

>> No.14551505

they live somewhere nice they just wanted to own land and they're about a mile from a boat launch. my brother is the retard for moving back in with them rather than renting somewhere else.

>> No.14551521
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>what is it with this meme and this generation not talking with their parents? you did not have a bad childhood, get over it
my parents didn't get to take part in my rearing but they provided financial support which I am very thankful for, they were seperated and eventually–found surrogates for each other. My relationship with them is far from ideal, the last time I saw my Mother whom I haven't seen for around a decade was very weird, the Mother-Child connection is completely absent, throughout the days I spent with her I find it surreal that the woman in my company is my Mother, I feel very miserable just from the thought of that. I Can say the same for my Father, only difference is I get to see him every two years. I know he's completely disappointed at me because he gives me this particular look which implies utter disappointment whenever one of his friends mention the accomplishments of their children while I am around. I don't talk to him that much ever since that one time where I'd like to talk to him about geopolitics and all he answered was "Go check the internet" this was before I even own a computer.
I wouldn't really consider my childhood to be that bad, on the contrary, I am very grateful that I get to eat 3 meals, sleep on a bed with a roof above me, and an air-conditioner when the temperature rises at nighttime. Nevertheless, I still wish that I get to grow up with my parents and get to experience things that a stereotypical family would do.

This is an anecdote and I'm not speaking in behalf of the other children who does not talk with their parents

>> No.14551522

>you have an obsession with Americans
Probably because I’m an American you dumb fucking faggot
>>Americans this
>>Americans that
I literally typed American one (1) time in my post, you literal retard

>it is literally a biblical principle that you’re supposed to go out on your own and establish yourself
>Cain and Abel
>the prodigal son
Yes, biblical times of expanding your land through your children’s landholdings still absolutely applies to today’s world, I can’t believe I never thought of that. It’s not like it was as simple as walking half a mile and building your own mud hut, or something. I bet they had to contact the JLC (Judaic land commission) and pay insane property taxes while finding jobs in a corporate-dominated economy.

TL;DR the person I replied to has literal Down syndrome

>> No.14551527

Life is hard for a lot of people anon, and unironically your niece is experiencing family life on a level you never have.
Let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.14551545

You think like an egocentric idiot who doesn’t understand there is a world beyond what you have experienced in life.

>> No.14551548

You literally are a retard that thinks on biblical principles, and not even New Testament ones

>> No.14551553

she's living with my parents dumb fuck. she is still pretty young but she already sounds like a country bumpkin. my mom hardly cooks now and my parents are in their 70s.

>> No.14551561

>still pretty young but she already sounds like a country bumpkin
Expand on that

>> No.14551577

You think it’s a lack of God or just plain greediness?

>> No.14551580

she talks like the kids from school.

>> No.14551624

She’s a kid

>> No.14551634

Checked and based post

>> No.14551679

this. only after I got my first job and started eating what I wanted, I realized how bad my mother's food was. I didn't buy junk food or anything, it was regular food, but one that didn't taste like shit

>> No.14551735

you should have eaten it it's what she wouldve wanted you to do

>> No.14551992

Based reply
I don’t think it has anything to do with God, even “Christians” fall prey to this type of parenting. I don’t think it’s greed either, because having a successful child is a definite boon to your existence.

If anything, I think it’s a mixture of laziness and complacency. It’s the same problems that affect the bystander affect, and the general resistance to a new political party in the US. The modern “parent” is merely a babysitter than ensures the child isn’t killing itself with bleach and has plenty of food, but other than that you just let the kid sit in front of a screen and do your own thing. It’s disgusting.

>> No.14551997

My parents were pretty shit cooks so not really.

>> No.14552008
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my dad would put you faggots to shame
i miss him bros

>> No.14552011

Then again, after I wrote this post, I realized something. It could easily be a lack of God, in the sense that many “Christians” of the modern world are as godless as anybody else.
The problem is that there’s millions of people who legitimately pretend to believe in God, pretend to believe in the government, and pretend to believe in American ideals; but in reality, they have no beliefs, no morals, and no principles upon which they stand.
Imagine, 2020 and you “believe in god” only insofar as you’re able to pretend you’re happy. That’s what all these people do. They “believe” in “things” that are able to be changed instantaneously in order to be “happy”, but instead are merely complacent in a system that exists on human misery.

>> No.14552041

Yep. My mom passed away and I look after my dad now. She made the best potato salad. I can’t ever seem to get it just right. But I do pretty good. We are country folks and like country meals.

>> No.14552065

my dad was pretty bad at cooking
i remember this one time my sister and i stayed home from school sick and for some reason he was taking care of us instead of my mom
i think he made us like campbell's soup and crackers and ginger ale, the classics
but, for some reason we both vomited hard afterwards
i felt really bad for him, it's a shitty memory
he did call hotdogs "barkers" though, which is pretty neat and I've since adopted
RIP to both

>> No.14552435

I get nostalgic for a few things they used to make:
Linguine n clam sauce
Split pea soup

>> No.14552529

>assuming they're alive, you're on good terms with them, and you no longer live with them
I mean, I feel like I can detatch the fact I don't get along with my mother enough for this question.

I do miss my dads paella. I can't think of a thing my mum makes that I really miss. I'd say any form of roast, but she always overcooks the veg.

>> No.14552578
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My mother lives in my spare room. Every single day of my life I come home from work and she is just there. I fucking hate my life. The bitch constantly takes liberties with me and fucking ignores everything I tell her to do. She doesn't clean up jack shit, eats my fucking food, leaves messes everywhere, and then constantly talks down to me like I am an imposition on her. For fucks sake I am nearly 40 fucking years old. Move the fuck out so I can at least try to get a relationship and have a kid. I am no where near rich enough or handsome enough to get a younger girl than I am so if I don't close the deal soon I won't get to have kids and will die a genetic failure.

Holy fuck I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you.

>> No.14554263
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You know what to do Anon.

>> No.14554341

It's too late to have a kid, man. Let that one go.

>> No.14554844

I miss my grandmother's cooking most of all.

>> No.14554947

lmao what are you on about? I love my mom and talk to her regularly, she's still a shit cook.

>> No.14554955

Not really. I intellectually surpassed my folks at age 12.
Took up cooking at 25, I'm decent at it now.

>> No.14554988

Only my mom's meat pies since I haven't made them myself. I can make everything she ever did and several times better. Heck, I cook for them for the most part nowadays

>> No.14554992


>> No.14555009
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Maybe this, think about, anon.

>> No.14555736
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When my mom cooks meat like steak or porkchops, she'll fry them like 20 minutes on each side until all the taste has been removed from the meat and it's like chewing through a tire. If you ask her to cook it less, she'll throw a huge tantrum about how you'll get food poisoning from undercooked meat and she's been cooking her whole life, don't undermine her, how dare you.

When she cooks french fries, they have to be done in the oven because "the deep fryer smells bad" and she'll put them in for about five minutes so they taste like raw potatoes.

When she cooks any kind of pasta dish except spaghetti, it must be finished in the oven for a length of time that turns all the pasta into chewy, tasteless rubber. There's also never enough sauce so the pasta is incredibly dry because "any more sauce would be a waste, it's fine"

She either never seasons anything, or seasons it so much that there's just an overwhelming taste of salt, pepper, and like four other spices that didn't need to be involved. There is no middle ground.

Whenever she washes dishes, she'll dry them off with a sour rag that smells so bad, you can smell it across the house. She will always claim that the rag isn't smelly, that's just the dish liquid, I know it smells bad so I'm never picking it up again, stop complaining.

From age 12 onwards, I learned that I needed to wash every dish and utensil before using them, and cook for myself. I have never, once, in my entire life, missed my mom's cooking.

>> No.14555751

Even though my dads a cuck, he makes a mean fettuccine Alfredo with homemade sauce. Makes everything from scratch except the noodles and chicken. Chicken has good seasoning.

>> No.14555823

This is terrifying anon. I'm sorry for your family

>> No.14555848

I miss my mom’s traditional New Mexican meals as I can’t get the ingredients in Europe.

>> No.14555862

My parents were sent to prestigious universities, my dad was trained by his dad, given a company, tools, funds, a vehicle, and set to work. They taught their children nothing and left them homeless. They are the meanest, most ungrateful pieces of shit in the world who truly believe the world owes them everything. They had no idea to cook either. My mother knew a few basic recipes but wouldn't try to teach herself anything, and my dad just relied on junk food. I'm glad I taught myself nutrition, but fuck my worthless, spineless coward parents. I am ashamed of them and I'm not taking care of them, fuck em, just fuck them.

>> No.14555874

My mom casually puts it out there every now and then that when she's older, she's never going to a retirement home, and it'll be either mine or my sister's job to take care of her into old age. Little does she know that I'm going no contact the second I leave this house, and my sister can barely tolerate her and purposefully moved to a house that's too small to accommodate her family and our mom. I feel your pain, anon.

>> No.14555883

No normal human being should have to put up with this. Mike Matei should have to put up with this.

>> No.14555887

b-but his flaccid cock is 13 inches long!!

>> No.14555955

My father was raised with everything growing up. He went to college twice, failing out both times, and his parents paid for it. His parents bought his home, cars, and got him a job. He regularly borrowed money from them to buy himself toys. He would get drunk when I was a young child and brag about he made it by himself and how I would have to do the same when I grew up. Day I turned 18 he kicked me out of his house. He refused to buy me a car or help pay for anything with college. I ended up enlisting in the military and almost couldn't do that because I found out he had openned a line of credit in my name when I was in highschool and used to to fund his mistress leaving me with 50K worth of debt. I had a 40K signing bonus coming I had to sign away in my contract to be pay off the majority of the debt my father ran up. After getting out of the military I was able to find employment with a contractor and bought a house. As soon as I announced that on facebook my mother showed up at my doorstep and said she was leaving my father and I had to care for her. See >>14552578

I hate my parents with a burning passion. One was a violent coke addicted philandering child abusing piece of shit. The other is an entitled misandrist bitch who believes unironically in female supremacy but who is a midwit at best, has never worked a day in her life, and thinks that her sole remaining child is obligated to care for her until the gave because they were legally obligated to feed and shelter me. When my grandfather died he gave my father an inheritance and the understanding was to use it to help the kids. He blew it on cruises, a sportcar, and drugs/alcohol. My grandparents were cool but because my parents were such shitheads I rarely saw them before they died because my parents used my sliblings and I as an emotional blackmail tool to get money from them.

I ran out of words to express how fucking much I hate these boomer subhuman shitbags.

>> No.14555993

Thanks man. If you're from the States, be careful, social workers may try to coerce you into taking responsibility for them depending on your state. Don't get involved with them, do not help out even a little otherwise you'll be assumed as a responsible person, when you kick the fuckers to the curb, do not look back.

>> No.14556004

>"YoU dIdN't HaVe It BaD sHuT uP"
>Proceeds to be flooded with personal stories/anecdotes about the shittiest of the shits, even if they weren't sexual/physical abusers
I'll keep it short and sweet, I'm an only child who's father decided to manipulate me at 15-16 because he was too much of a pussy to properly work, support the family, and simply give a fuck about me. He walked out while my mom was away. The divorce process left me to deal with a raging fuckhead of a mom who then used everything that had happened as an excuse to verbally/emotionally abuse me too. My mom and I have reconciled, my father can eat shit with his new nigger family too.
I'm sooo glad that (((You))) had such a perfect home life to where your daddy has told you he "loves" you so you think it gives you the right to pretend that people like myself didn't have that so fuckin' easy. I would kick you in the teeth with my steel toe boots, fuck you.

>> No.14556016

You're responding to a boomer that abused their kids and turned into a shocked Pikachu when they moved out and wanted nothing to do with them. You're in a good place now anon, and that's all that matters.

>> No.14556025

>I'm in a good place now
My good place was the belief that my family would stay together. I have nothing.

>> No.14556034
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thats hilarious

>> No.14556314
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>Proceeds to be flooded with personal
I been working on baiting (you). Every generation thinks they were fucked by their parents without lube. But this generation (mine and the youngest) are truly insufferable about it. My parents never told me they love me, my parents certainly have their issues and some of which affected me personally, you play the hand you were given though, make the best you can out of it. Were you to be born a hundred years ago literally you’d be going off to fight in a truly senseless war, a hundred years before you’d be working at age four. You are living in one of the most advanced times in history, live it!

>> No.14556357
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My father is a pretty good cook, even if what he makes is pretty basic. I still get to eat his cooking now and again because he'll call me up and ask me if I want some food, since he lives a five minute walk from where I am. I'm definitely not as good a cook as he is I think but I'm more adventurous with what I make at least.

>> No.14556362

It's good to know that with your disgusting personality, no woman will ever want to touch you so you can't fuck up your kids as bad as your parents fucked you up.

>> No.14556381

Not really my moms food wasn't terrible but kind of shit most standards of what constitutes good cooking. She was very lazy about cooking and just did a lot of crock pot dinners. I kind of miss my dad's BBQ because he was actually really good at it (briskets, pork butts, ribs etc) but I got burnt out on it after eating it every sunday for 15 something years. I'll still enjoy my moms home cooked meals or my dad's BBQ whenever I visit and I like to offer advice and recipes when I can.

>> No.14556387

That is exactly the kind of dude women flock to; do you really think they prefer angsty crybabies to guys who simply get over it and move on to more practical endeavors?

>> No.14556411

I'm a biological woman you troglodyte.

>> No.14556416

tits or gtfo

>> No.14556458

Women are the worst people to say what women are attracted to. You never tell the truth. You only say what you WISH you were attracted to.

>> No.14556498
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My fiance tells me the same shit but jesus christ get the fuck off your high horse. I'm glad that you deal with your meaningless existence with forced positivity that ultimately means nothing. In the end, you will die upset that your parents didn't love you enough, you will die pissed that your entire life was dedicated to being a cog in the machine. At least the "Greatest" generation felt like they had a "reason" to be on Earth, war is as black and white as the world gets. For such an advanced life, we shouldn't be this fucked.
TL;DR, go fuck yourself you nigger.

>> No.14556515

When I got a Crock Pot my roommate said that thing makes it smell like Grandma's house.

>> No.14556547

Holy mother of projection, Batman!
Go down a bottle of Jack or something, if you can, you simpering little faggot. You get one shot at life - either cry yourself a river or build yourself a bridge.

>> No.14556549

>They did their best
How tf can you assume some shit like this? So parents who beat or molested their kids, smoked meth around them, or threw them out on the street "did their best"? Nah fuck that, you're a naive bitch

>> No.14556632

No. The only good stuff my parents ever made was from recipes followed to the most minute detail. They never seasoned vegetables and never de-glazed pans. I think all personal development stops when you have children.e

>> No.14556699

>As soon as I announced that on facebook my mother showed up at my doorstep and said she was leaving my father and I had to care for her.
If she is as much as a bitch as you say she is, yet you still support her, then you're a sucker, aren't you?

>> No.14556709

You get an infinite cycle of lives, idiot.

>> No.14556812

my mom wasn't great at cooking but now that she's gone id absolutely kill to eat something made by her again

>> No.14556940

I miss the way my mom used to cook. I miss her chicken and rice.
>mom used to fuck it up in the kitchen
>homemade tortillas, salsa, beans, cakes everything homemade every day
>my friends would come over just to eat her cooking, had their moms seething
>has my little sister, cooks less and less
>I move out, as the years pass mom cooks less often
>now when she does cook its usually under seasoned or watery or over cooked
>sister is a bomb cook and amazing baker
>easily the best, better than me though she follows recipes more often
>we joke that she sucked out mom's cooking when she was born
>fucking sucks tho cause if I want a good comfy meal like mom used to make I have to bribe my sister to go over and cook

It's worth it though. My mom even says that when she had a daughter she knew she was gonna stop cooking. Feel bad for my sister but goddamn can she cook.

>> No.14556951

Try ONE/1
get the best outta it

>> No.14557038

Yeah. My parents are asian and cook by eye. They also reuse containers for everything they buy in bulk so there's plenty of shit I don't even know what they are. Can never get my dishes as good.

>> No.14557054

This is going to be me. She keeps talking about her own mortality. Fuck I hope I'm not in lockdown during christmas, I want meatloaf and roast potatoes, as well as our tradition of making a plum pudding together

>> No.14557066

>Do you ever miss your parents' cooking

Literally never. I miss my my grandmother's cooking all the time, but never my parents.

>> No.14557283

you have us anon

>> No.14557327

My childhood breakfast was Carnation instant breakfast (basically ovaltine)
Lunch was whatever the government fed me (school)
When I got home it was either kid's cuisine or marie calender's fettucini alfredo without chicken.

Mind you I didn't live in a poor house, it's just that no one cooked for shit. That's why I had to learn.

>> No.14557353

Yes, I am a neurotic mess and they have brain fucked me since childhood. I don't know how to deal with them, they are both socipaths.

>> No.14557362

my moms cooking is kinda bland as fuck but I really miss it

I love you mom rip

>> No.14557415

It’s funny to see the replies assuming you know exactly the kind of person I am, and they both fail at it. My point is exactly that you didn’t have that bad of a childhood. Stop thinking that you did, whatever it was it could have been a lot worse, take your experiences and your worse events and make the best out of them, that is it, don’t let it cripple you more than it has.
>forced positivity
I wish people would make their minds up about me in one breath I’m the most negative person there is, in another I am forcing positivity

>> No.14557629

Tell your mother rent is coming due, and the dick won’t suck itself

>> No.14557742

honestly I really do but over the years their cleaning procedures and food practices have gone to shit as they've retired and no way in hell am I going to get food poisoning again from their cooking.

>> No.14557760

my mom can't cook very well... she had her recepies that she liked and cooked often, but never cooked it correctly so the flavors were great but the excution was so garbage lazy and stupid ouch sorry mom

>> No.14558274

My parents were wage slaves who were terrible at cooking and they literally had kids as a form of next level pets to try to give meaning to their meaningless wage slave devotion, so no.

>> No.14558559

Much love anon

>> No.14558576

you know the drill sweetheart.

>> No.14559275

Oh god damn, you let her in? Having an abusive partner for 5 years (I'm glad than ended, I wish I could say I was the one who initiated it) I get the mindset but it hurts to hear. You gotta get the fuck out of there.

>> No.14559603

This is why I visit 4Chan. Holy Fuck, this thread is the best in a long time!

>> No.14559640

This get is for you daddy

>> No.14559649

My mom was diagnosed a year ago and died in March. I always read stuff like this and thought I got it. Well I didn't, but now I do. I would give a lot if I could just eat dinner with her again even if it was the worst thing ever made.

>> No.14559650

papists have been raping kids for two thousand years

>> No.14559701

No but I do regret being an ungrateful little shit. My mom would come home from work at 7 pm and start cooking. And here I was bitching it was bland and always the same. I would have beat my ass.

>> No.14559721

For some time, my parents had health problems. Dads heart problems means he can't have beef or pork more than once a month as well as nothing high in salt. Mom's thyroid meant she couldn't have fish, seafood, or seaweed.

Mom generally can't cook but she makes amazing fried rice and flour dusted salmon steaks.

>> No.14559728

you just said the bitch can't have fish

>> No.14559729

Nah, they were both terrible cooks. Miss my dad though.

>> No.14559743

My dad is kind of like this. We'd get smashed on cheap wine while listening to opera and cooking excellent food that was usually ready around 9:30 - 10:00. My mom would get so pissed.

>> No.14559779

At first my mother was a terrible cook. But now I think she is the best I know and could easily open a restaurant. I've eaten at countless places and thought 'my mother's tastes better'. And it's not a nostalgia factor either, since she was shit when I was a child and only really became good just before/after I moved out 9 years ago.

She can do every type of food too, and it is always amazing.

>> No.14559825

It's probably her way of forcing you to find a wife.

>> No.14559848

Special order. I get the $12 salmon steak and they eat boiled chicken.

>> No.14559873

And the intended wife is his sister. The most based mother ever.

>> No.14559875

No woman can cook or clean nowadays, why would I need one when i do both myself at a five star level?

>> No.14560099

They did basically always put food on the table. I respect that.
It was usually mediocre.
I could do better by age 12, and have been.

In retrospect, I wonder if this wasn't the grand plan, boy named sue style - you can either endure our shit cooking, or learn to feed yourself.

There were a few dishes that were pretty good, but a lot of it... unremarkable.

>> No.14560101

I recently bought a house on the countryside and now my old family is coming over all the time. Leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.14560121

My mother was a vegetarian for sustainability reasons, but she'd cook meat for the rest of us. When I get nostalgic for her cooking I just take a chicken and leave it in the oven for 45 minutes too long.

>> No.14560636 [DELETED] 
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His meat huh?