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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14549474 No.14549474 [Reply] [Original]

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
>Are you obese?
>do you know how to cook?

Fast food is killing people, why don't people start cooking
>inb4 shill mods delete another thread

>> No.14549479

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
Almost never.
>Are you obese?
Nah, I've just lost a few kilos and I'm back to a normal weight.
>do you know how to cook?
Yeah, I'm not great but I can cook basic dishes.

>> No.14549482

1x a week if you count bakery kolaches as fast food.
when i visit my mom I usually get a fast food meal, sometimes 2 or 3 while in there for a weekend
sometimes I just skip meals while I'm there since the only option is fast food usually

>> No.14549493

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
Zero a week, maybe once every two-three months
>Are you obese?
>do you know how to cook?

>> No.14549682

>>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
Once every two-ish weeks

>>Are you obese
I’m pretty /fit/

>>do you know how to cook?
Yes, my one parent was a chef, I grew up cooking

>> No.14549733

>Once a week, sometimes can go without it for months depends on how lazy I am
>I'm severely underweight, 52 kg 175 cm (~110 pounds 5'9 for murricans)
>Yes, I cook almost every day
To be fair I weighted the same even when I ate fast-food almost every day, but I had stomach issues, so it's obviously not great for you.

>> No.14549735

This is basically me aswell. spooky.

>> No.14549756

I eat it maybe 2x a week and am a skeleton also. Maybe I'll just have a stroke instead of beetus.

>> No.14549769

Does sweetgreen count as fast food? If so, about once a week. Once a month if they don’t. I always need more greens in my diet so I’m fine taking the calorie hit to get better nutrition overall.

Not obese, healthy BMI, but I’m skinny fat so I could stand to lose ten pounds of fat and gain five of muscle.

>> No.14549857

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
at the start of the month i buy burgers every day , sometimes twice a day.
My dream is to eat in every place on my city before i die , it was my dream since i was a kid after i survived from dying by starvation on some economic crisis

>Are you obese?
i get obese at the start of the month , do excercies and end up at 90kg (still fat)

>do you know how to cook?
yeah , but im still learning new recipes (for diets after finishing the month's gluttony start)

>Fast food is killing people, why don't people start cooking
this reminds me of the guy from "heart attack grill" ,he keep telling obese people to stop but they didnt so he made those burgers to help them die.
350lb or more and they still didnt learn shit and keep eating.

>> No.14549906

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
I haven't had fast food in roughly 5 years.

>Are you obese?
I'm 125lbs, mainly because I do a lot of long distance running, especially 5Ks.

>do you know how to cook?
Yes, I cook basically every meal unless I'm drunk and don't want to use the stove, then I do take out sushi.

>> No.14550264

>>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
every day. a lot of frozen shit. unironic tendie eater
>>Are you obese?
no i'm a skeleton
>>do you know how to cook?
yeah i can even make a pretty good caramel slice if you ask me

>> No.14550741

>>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
I haven't eaten fast food since early 2018 (was on a road trip and I regretted it afterwards.)
>>Are you obese?
No. I'm normal bmi but still wanna lose a couple lbs
>>do you know how to cook?
Yes, I live off my own cooking. I like to grow/raise my own ingredients too. I haven't eaten a strangers cooking since 2019

>> No.14550877

>How many times a week do you eat fast food?
Once or twice a week usually.
>Are you obese?
No, I'm severely underweight. Havent weighed myself in a week or so but my bmi is high 15s or low 16s.
>Do you know how to cook?
I consider myself a pretty good cook. But sometimes I just want a nice sandwich or burrito or whatever or I've barely eaten all day and fast food is a pretty efficient way to get a lot of calories in in one sitting or i just dont feel like doing dishes afterwards

>> No.14550893

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
no more than twice a week since it always makes me feel gross.
>Are you obese?
i dont look fat but i haven't weighed myself once since quarantine started. that being said my anti-depressants have made me gain a lot of weight since i weighed 115 lbs. at 6'1"
>do you know how to cook?
yes i worked as a line cook for a couple years

>> No.14552145

This week, I got chinese. Then, the next day i got a party pack of 4 tacos and 4 burritos. For Myself.
I regret it immensely and I haven't shit in 3 days.

>> No.14552151

I must also say that the party pack was from Taco Bell tm

>> No.14552343

Not in several weeks and the only thing I ever get is an order of fries

>> No.14552351

Oh and I’m quite healthy vegan and I cook for myself almost every day

>> No.14552389

I've eaten fast food for every meal for the past 9 years. I'm 28 years old, 6' and 180lbs, thats a healthy weight for my height. My cholesterol is normal, my blood pressure is normal, I work out 2 days a week, and walk 5+ miles 4 days a week unless I'm fishing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with fast food. It's just food, what makes you think it's any different than grocery store food? As long as you don't over eat you're fine, just like any other food. Yea it may be a lower quality but it is perfectly nutritious. You people are absolutely Schizophrenic.

>> No.14552405

Lier, 118lbs at over 6' would mean you are severally malnourished. You wouldn't be able to walk from complete atrophy.

>> No.14552975

>wouldnt be able to walk

lol stfu

>> No.14552984

Take out counts as fast food for the purpose of the thread btw

>> No.14553388

Then post your skeleton ass. Oh but that would fuck up your tall boi larp.

>> No.14553508

Thats pretty fucking thin but its not walking corpse-thin. I'm 5'11 at 114-115ish and I do just fine. Im not moving big objects any time soon, but I can live like an average person with no problems

>> No.14554207

Once a year. Not even joking. Had Mcdons 2 months ago, didnt have any before or since. I dont really count restaurant food as fast food, but the ol lady and I eat out evey other month or so.
Its pretty easy not to be a fatass.

>> No.14554212

imagine not exclusively living off of fast food and canned stews

>> No.14554243

i used to hammer through like 8 fast food meals a week. like, on monday id get a burger combo from mcdonalds and then that night id get a chik fil a combo, and then tuesday id get... and so on, and so on
i started taking my health seriously earlier this year and have lost a lot of weight by focusing on homemade stuff and cutting out the majority of fast food. so now i usually go around 2 weeks homemade, then i might have three days in a row where i'll get maybe a turkey breast sandwich from firehouse, some mexican or chinese takeout, or a thin crust light cheese pizza from dominos.

>> No.14554260

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
I'm a drunk so frequently
>Are you obese?
I'm in that range, yeah
>do you know how to cook?
I can cook eggs and anything I can shake and bake...

>> No.14554349

>5'11" thinks he can compare himself to 6'1"
Short and retarded, you may as well kill yourself now.

>> No.14554454

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
Once every 2 weeks or so.
>Are you obese?
Yes, 310lbs
>do you know how to cook?
Yes, I love cooking and eating, even if my food isn't the healthiest. I also do a fair amount of baking.
Fast food just isn't substantial enough to ever fill me up and I don't feel like spending $20 a day on something I could make more of for $5.

>> No.14554490
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>> No.14554906

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
About once or twice a month, depends on how tourist season is going.
>Are you obese?
Yes. I'm at 30 BMI. (This time is 100% my fault for slacking.)
>do you know how to cook?
I'm learning through recipes.

>> No.14554985

>>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
>>Are you obese?
>>do you know how to cook?

>> No.14555663

3-4 times a week on my way home from work. I also actually cook lunches that are usually chicken, vegetables, and a starch made all at once in a slow cooker or in stages with a pressure cooker.

I can cook. I eat fast food. I'm eating so much fast food because I'm not doing well professionally and frankly its my retirement plan...rather my avoid retirement plan.

Its going pretty good. Dating a woman who likes fat guys, weight plateaued long ago and I'm in the process of trying to get more active...but I don't believe I have a future and hamburgers are now.

>> No.14555682

>>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
Maybe 2-3
>>Are you obese?
No but I am considered overweight.
>>do you know how to cook?
Yeah I'm a hobby cook, used to work as a line cook for a bit in a nice restaurant.

The quality of food isn't my problem, it's quantity. I've started limiting my portions and cutting out soda and I'm already seeing weight loss.

>> No.14555851

>How many times a week do you eat fat food?
Probably like once every couple weeks.
>Are you obese?
Yep. 5'11 and 270 last I checked.
>do you know how to cook?
Yeah. I cook a good variety of things for myself and my sister every other day with leftovers in between.