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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14545636 No.14545636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know how it's been discusses wether we could start eating bugs for the sake of global warmings?
And then there's a very loud group of people who keep saying we can't force them to eat disgusting bugs, i think they're mostly the conservative kind of people, although i'm sure a lot of liberals would also find eating bugs unappealing.

Well, this thread isn't to discuss the politics of it, but the reason not to eat bugs. Leaving any political argument aside, Would you like to atleast try bugs?
Personally, I've been eating crickets occasionally ever since i knew they were food, they make a really good salty snack to eat alongside a beer. Also, I've never had eaten bugs as a main dish but i wouldn't be so revolted with the idea.

>> No.14545651 [DELETED] 

I eat maggots and cockroaches like you got breakfast, then shit you out before dinner, because I've got a great digestive system. Still voting Trump.

>> No.14545665

>Are you disgusted by the idea of eating bugs?
A little bit. I would try it if it's in a good recipe or something. I would not eat bugs for the sake of eating bugs.

>> No.14545674

I can't imagine how sad your life must be to go around posting this bullshit in every goddamn thread. Fuck off.

>> No.14545675 [DELETED] 

>Well, this thread isn't to discuss the politics of it
What fucking politics? I didn't know choosing to eat or not eat bugs is a fucking political issue. I bet you also politicize who chooses to wear or not wear a mask.

>> No.14545679


>> No.14545684

I travel a lot for work, and I've eaten insects before (and a bunch of other animals considered taboo). Fried locusts are pretty great, but crickets and grubs are way too mealy.

In any case, the issue is that in every place in the world that eats insects, they're treated as a snack food. Like potato chips, etc. Pushing them as a main protein is about as assbackwards as suggesting you should be eating pork rinds instead of pork chops. Even worse, you get these people who think processing them into a mush or power and then further processing them into something unrecognisable is somehow a good thing? Whatever happened to PROCCESED=BAD? I'd rather eat a nice crispy fried locust than a "processed locust patty coated in panko". I'd rather eat a steak than a burger made with unwanted meat trimmings.

Nobody eats insects as a main dish. Anyone pushing for you to eat insects as a main dish is trying to make money.

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.14545698

Well, like i said, people argue that making bugs an alternative kind of food is forced by "liberals" and "global warming" agenda.
Or atleast that's what some people think, but I was asking mainly because of how americans in general don't like eating different kind of dishes or vegetables.

>> No.14545777

Los grillos son sabrosos.

>> No.14545789

>this thread again

>> No.14545838

I’m more disgusted by the idea of poc touching my food.

>> No.14545862

diff anon
>confronted with an opinion that I don't agree with
>default to sending people back to /pol/
Deep deep discussion here
All of you can go pick up a Vileda broom, pull your pants and underwear down and shove it up your behind slowly until you're able to sit on it

>> No.14545864


lmao this nigga eating bugs

>> No.14545870

I told that faggot to go back to /pol/ because he was trying to turn this into another maskfag thread. We don't need more of those.

>> No.14545887

You could just ignore the mask comment but I guess that takes way too much self control

>> No.14545943

>Well, this thread isn't to discuss the politics of it, but the reason not to eat bugs. Leaving any political argument aside, Would you like to atleast try bugs?

Quit trying to worm your way out of this faggot.

I'd sooner have half the worlds population killed off and eat a steak.

>> No.14545964

A post is the sum of its contents. Just like me saying "back to /pol/" was all it took for you to sperg out at me, so was him bringing maskfaggotry into it enough for me to sperg out at him.

>> No.14546007

Some insects taste really good wirh salt + vinegar, but potato chips win this battle by far. And I am not into unhealthy snacks.

I tried some insect burgers and bought em regularly. Sadly, nobody else did and they are no longer available.

Also, I want my own Insect farm, but I am too poor. I would totally substitute meat with it, cause I very seldom eat it anyway.

>> No.14546289

lost hard, just wasn't expecting this desu

>> No.14546621

I would eat the crunchier bugs like crickets, and I've had some chips where they used "bug flour" (ground up bugs) that were good.

>> No.14546723

If you find the idea of eating bugs revolting yet still eat shellfish, your a hypocrite and a coward.

>> No.14546743

Who are "we"? Why do people like to believe we're part of some community?

>> No.14546774

All 4chan users
>like anime
>support eugenics
>can solve captcha
These are the ties that bind senpai

>> No.14546781

>duurrrr aNOnYMoUs3 iT lEGun!!!!!
cancer that killed this site

>> No.14546791

Do you mean captcha? I don't like it but it's effective enough. Just gotta find a way to range ban chinese posters outside of china.

>> No.14546824

It's not even political, it's temperamental.
It just so happens that there's a large overlap between people who like to try new things and liberal politics. In America at least.
Here the liberal party is probably the more conservative party.

>> No.14546842

Liberal in America means social democrat. Liberal in other countries is closer to American libertarianism but without the schizophrenia.

>> No.14546924

wtf I'm a liberal

>> No.14546934

Most people are, up to and including the /pol/ LARPers who tell themselves they aren't.

>> No.14546984

why can't we just kill a few billion people?
what happens when it grows past the point where we can support humanity with bugs?
you're gonna eat yeast next?

>> No.14547011

I could stomach crickets, maybe ants, but I would never ever eat a cockroach. I'm not going to eat bugs so that the elite can have steaks and so that AIDSfricans, chinks and pooinloos can pollute the Earth with more "people".

>> No.14547167

i love crawfish and shrimp, is that any better than eating bugs?

>> No.14547168

oh, you mean like you're doing right now?

>> No.14547185

what did he say

>> No.14547202

I don't know how people are disgusted by the idea of eating insects but they're fine eating shrimps.

>> No.14547225

I'd eat them. As a main protein source? Probably not, but whatever. I'm sure they're delicious. I'll eat just about anything that won't kill me.

>> No.14547227

your main protein source is semen

>> No.14547235

But what about bats?
I'm not talking about the #drop the bat into water and eat it" kind, but the one that's actually cooked and prepared?

>> No.14547358

Shrimp are tasty selfish and bugs are fucking insects. There is no contradiction.

>> No.14547361
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There is no reason other than political to try and force people to eat bugs, that's why it always ends up political
>but muh global warming
>muh cow farts
You disengenuous acts like cow farming is the only form of protein, what about fucking chickens, are chicken farts damaging the planet to the same extent? No, no they are not so why do you not acknowledge other sources of protein such as chicken meat and eggs?
Oh because you're argument falls apart then, there is no reason to try and coerce people into eating bugs, the elite just want to humliate the goyim by forcing them to eat insects and reserve meat as a luxury exclusive for themselves once again

>> No.14547363

Shrimp are NOT selfish, they are very caring and nurturing parents you piece of shit. Fuck you and your family.

>> No.14547367

Shellfish have meat on them and insects do not, they are not comparable, there's even a scientific classification for arthropods with meat on them as opposed to shit like spiders that currently escapes me

>> No.14547373

Volcanoes and swamps put out billions of times more methane than farming. It's not even comparable.

>> No.14547381

My grandma refused to eat shellfish because she called them the bugs of the sea that fed on dead bodies. I kinda agree with her but shellfish somehow seems cleaner because it lives in water. Don't really want to overanalyse because I still want to enjoy shellfish.


>> No.14547462

>There is no reason other than political to try and force people to eat bugs, that's why it always ends up political

How about the fact that it's as much of a food as any yellow mush americans call cheese?

>> No.14547468

about the same as shellfish. moderately disgusted if not gutted, and not at all if gutted.

>> No.14547470

So because Americans can't make cheese we should eat bugs?
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.14547481

I ate a bunch of different bug recipes and it's nothing to write home about one way or the other.
Sure as shit not replacing meat with this as long as I'm alive

>> No.14547489

>Yes, I'll have two servings of sugar coated in synthethized flavors, can i also get a bun with bee vomit on it for breakfast?

>> No.14547508


i've been working through the NOMA Guide for the past year and a half and am finally into the garums. I'm currently week 4 on the grasshopper garum. i got a sever phobia of bugs due to a 2ce overdose but I'm legitimately excited for the grasshopper garum to finish. Apparently its their secret ingredient. I think once the garum is finished and I've cooked with it i might be a little more open to eating bugs. Handling them while processing them was super difficult for me, but i got through it and i think it helped me take a step over my fear of bugs. Blended up moth larva with grasshoppers, threw some koji in it, then stuck it in my fermentation chamber. should be done in another 4 weeks at which point I will sieve and use it as an amino/fish sauce/oyster sauce. its supposed to really take vegetables to the next level.

>> No.14547512

>2ce overdose
Sounds fucking wild

>> No.14547522

yeah my stepdad slipped it into my morning tea

>> No.14547528

The difference is honey tastes good, bugs do not, there's a reason we do not eat them
We also eat fermented cow lactation, because it tastes good

>> No.14547531

based if true

>> No.14547539

Not all bugs taste bad. Ant eggs are actually pretty good

>> No.14547540

I got halfway to work and passed out and I ended up in someones basement for several days

>> No.14547542


>> No.14547544

Have you even tried bugs? they taste nutty and salty.
Millions of people eat them already as side dish, why would you say they don't taste good?

>> No.14547552

Anything that tastes "nutty" and isnt a nut is disgusting in my book. Millions of people also think Ariana Grande makes good music, does that make it good?

>> No.14547558

I don't like nacho cheese, does that means it's humilliating americans eat it?

>> No.14547560


Wrong person. Hes shitposting. I was selling 2ce and got too comfortable with it. Decided to take the heroic dose to end all doses. Wanted to see how far it could take me. Cops and fire department were called, i wandered into a crowded bar district and was screaming the our father at people while hallucinating bugs everywhere. Thought god was telling me to kill myself and it was to apocalypse so i was jumping in front of traffic and shit.

>> No.14547563

I never said it was humiliating, I'm not the other guy you were responding to. I just say they're disgusting.

>> No.14547564

Those millions of people are third worlders who can't afford better

>> No.14547568

did you died?

>> No.14547576

maybe third worlders shouldn't have millions more babies than they can feed.

>> No.14547578

I agree, what does that have to do with me eating bugs?

>> No.14547581


nah just was hospitalized and assaulted some cops cuz i thought they were demons

>> No.14547622

then don't eat out.

>> No.14548378

They don't taste good. That's why we don't eat them already.