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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14544418 No.14544418 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people on here who don't drink soda?

>> No.14544423

not everyone's a lard like you

>> No.14544437

I stopped drinking soda years ago when I decided to make a real effort to lose weight. I drink root beer maybe once every couple months, typically when I’m at a restaurant or something, but I don’t miss soda at all desu

>> No.14544440

what soda do you like

>> No.14544446

I mainly drink water, fruit juices, tea and beer. Wine with metals naturally.

>> No.14544448
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Wow, it's fucking nothing.

>> No.14544470

Do you know what’s in that stuff?

>> No.14544473

you're a sucker if you're paying for non alcoholic drinks.

>> No.14544483

Water, bubbles, and a bit of lime juice. The ingredients are right there.

>> No.14544527

I probably drink it once or twice a month. Are you suggesting I should drink it more often?

>> No.14544536

Nice selfie, fatfuck.

>> No.14544542

Talking about the real stuff. Not carbonated water

>> No.14544548

>soda isn't soda

>> No.14544549

I drank my first coke in like 4 months yesterday. It was in a glass bottle, it hits differently. Definitely don’t miss all that sugar and I wouldnt switch to diet cause it takes awful.

>> No.14544620

Then its not soda dingus, its carbonated water.

>> No.14544629

Are you trying to tell me that soda isn't soda?

>> No.14544632

Sugary, fizzy soft drinks are not everyday drinks. You have them every so often as a treat or for a special occasion. You should treat them like desserts or to complement certain foods.

>> No.14544641

Haven't had it in years. Switched to water. Add lime, lemon, etc. if you need flavors. Lost, idk, 15 pounds in a month. It's like booze, liquid Jew.

>> No.14544642

Linguistic issue. A lot of people in USA think of soda as sweetened, real or artificial, carbonated beverage. Things like you posted get called carbonated water or seltzer.

>> No.14544643

That'd be me, slick

>> No.14544664

So, club soda would be "club seltzer"?

>> No.14544683
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it's called pop where I'm from, and no I don't drink it
I also don't drink much juice. Sweet drinks aren't very enjoyable to me.

>> No.14544696

You realize this will rend your lower gut asunder, right?

>> No.14544699

if carbonated water as your definition of soda, yes, but no cola or other soft drinks

>> No.14544713

I mostly mix it with red label for a scotch and soda, or "scotch and seltzer" as it's apparently known in the US. The shit whisky is probably harming me more than the bubbly water.

>> No.14544732

Club soda is recognized as plain carbonated water that is viewed as a mixer. Like how tonic water is recognized as its own thing.

>> No.14544743

stop spamming shit you retarded faggot this isn't /b/

>> No.14544752

My best friend hasn't had a soda in like 30yrs. Never have seen it in her place never has ordered it as a beverage, not even in a mix alcoholic beverage.

>> No.14544770

Soda's nice at lunch or with some more casual suppers. I have some every few days and it's not killing me.

People who drink soda like water are fucking lunatics though.

>> No.14544777

I'd rather drink water and eat more food.

>> No.14544807


>> No.14544817

carbonated water with essence of essence of fruit isn't soda you fucking tard

>> No.14544834

cute picture

>> No.14544838

I'll have 1 a week usually. But I dont drink it with regularity.

>> No.14544844

I make my own fanta by mixing fresh orange with sparkling water. Tastes better and no added sugar.

>> No.14544886

you should try mixing fresh orange and lemonade, it's really fucking good

>> No.14544894

It said soda on the can, though.

>> No.14544937

Keep spamming this shit faggot. Me, my sister, and her friends love the soda meme.

>> No.14544981

I haven't had soda in roughly 4 years. I drink seltzer, bottled water and milk (alcohol as well of course). Unlike most of this board, I try to eat as healthy as possible and take care of myself.

>> No.14546682
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Rarely but I do now and then. There are actually utter slobs who drink it on a daily basis like it's water. I was shocked when I found out people could be that retarded and now nothing surprises me. If you find it hard to imagine people not drinking it it means you consume too much and are addicted. Also fucks up your sense of bitter and sweet; anything not loaded with sugar will taste bitter in the same way that putting your hand in warm water after it's been in hot water will feel cold.

>> No.14546701
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>no nutritional value whatsoever
yes, soda bad,

>> No.14546729

used to drink it way back but I switched to water and realized it didn't change my life at all and the money I was spending on soda could be better used on literally anything else

>> No.14546734

Let's see who winnar

>> No.14546745

Oh say can you see

>> No.14546760

LMAO, do Americans really?

>> No.14546792

Only at parties. But then it usually has alcohol mixed in. I'm not too much of a soda hound anymore.

>> No.14546837

I have never drank soda my entire life. Once at a birthday party, someone refilled my water glass with sprite. This is the only time I have had soda in my mouth.

>> No.14547037
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>no nutritional value whatsoever
yes, water bad,

>> No.14547039

I haven't had soda in over 17 years...
After a few months, you stop craving it, and then it actually will gross you out.
Keep in mind a can of coke has as many calories as a fucking hamburger... and ZERO nutritional value. So unless you're a fat-as-fuck fatty, quit drinking it!

>> No.14547056

try harder, sweaty

>> No.14547066

Yeah, I'm sweaty, just got done lifting in like 90 degree weather.
What's your point?

>> No.14548626

>Keep in mind a can of coke has as many calories as a fucking hamburger.
no it doesn't you fucking liar

>> No.14549317 [DELETED] 

Hello, fellow oldfag.

>> No.14549367
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Sometimes I get a sprite and mix it 50/50 with vodka so I can drink in public without getting looks but other than that I never drink soda.

>> No.14549673

Used to. It is really good. I had to quit because I can't justify consuming all of that sugar nowadays. My favorites were dr. Pepper, coke, vanilla coke, root beer, code red, sprite, and ginger ale. All very good.