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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14540088 No.14540088 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest mess you've made while cooking?

>> No.14540111

Oof, saved.

>> No.14540126

Why is my pp big?

>> No.14540138

Was cooking eggs while drunk and thought I was cracking them on a pan. It was actually the stove and I turned it on and just created a mess of stick burnt eggs on my stove. I realized it, turned the stove off and collapsed on my couch.

>> No.14540141

that girl is like 11 years old you degenerates.
Get help.

>> No.14540142

Every now and then I'll drop a glass or bowl when I'm super tired in the morning, and be standing in the middle of the shards of glass all alone wishing I had shoes on. I've rolled and shimmy'd across countertops like a snake after carefully moving items to avoid cutting myself on my way to another room to get a broom and dustpan.

This one time (as a child), after seeing them for sale in the store, I cooked my first "roasted chestnuts" like the Burl Ives Christmas song. Well, I simply didn't know to pierce them with the "X" before going into oven...and they blew up like white dusty baked potato, coated the entire oven in a few mm of powder that proceded to catch fire like sawdust. I had stepped outside to pick up the mail, and came back into the house with loud sounds of a machine gun firing rounds, and opened the oven to a mess only equivalent to someone using an entire fire extinguisher.

>> No.14540153
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You guys have mental problems from being mistreated probably by a single mom

>> No.14540173

>Doesn't like little girls.

What are you? A flaming lala homo man?

>> No.14540177
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Day of the rope comes soon.

>> No.14540178
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Begone Epstein thots

>> No.14540184

i laughed

>> No.14540186

>Hebe girl
That's peak human attractiveness

>> No.14540196

Were you or were you not , raised by a single mom

>> No.14540197

reported to FBI unironically

>> No.14540203
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Once I accidentally started a carton of eggs on fire.

>> No.14540205

How did you manage that, lad?

>> No.14540208
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>> No.14540224

Admiration of cunny is mandatory site-wide.

No if, ands, or but(t)s!

>> No.14540225
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Take this. Use it well.
I got a Callie Briggs version too.

>get home with loads of groceries
>park eggs on stove
>turn around
>accidently flick switch with lardass
Just a guess.

>> No.14540227

I had them on the stove to crack some eggs into something i was making. Got a phone call and stepped away for 30 seconds and left the eggs too close to the burner. Came back into the room and saw a big egg carton fire on top of my stove.

>> No.14540243

>I got a Callie Briggs version

Post it.

>> No.14540245

Please post the Briggs version.

>> No.14540247

She has prominent sexual markers, looks 18 to me. Besides, some girls are emotionally mature for their age, while a 30 year old can be like a child.

>> No.14540263
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>> No.14540264
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Fucking hot. If only she swallowed instead.

>> No.14540269


>> No.14540305
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>Trying too hard

>> No.14540325

Thanks for the (You) faggot. You get one as well. Now kys

>> No.14540337
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>Being mad

>> No.14540384
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>tfw costanza folder is too big to screenshot in one go

>> No.14540406

Upload it.

>> No.14540425
File: 56 KB, 400x500, 1455987496205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can rar it and put it on sendspace if you want, but before I bother doing that then ask yourself if you really want to open a rar from some random guy you met on 4chan.

>> No.14540461

Fuck it. I forgot I actually have good internet now, as opposed to last time I shared a folder.
Please do scan it first, especially if you're not too much of a newfag to recognize that cat.

Some of them are pretty shitty. They're from a collection I stumbled on recently and I'm still on the fence on wether I should keep them or not.


>> No.14540489


>> No.14540496

To go through the effort it takes to enter captcha just to post the words, "Upload it." you should know that the answer to that question will always, unequivocally, be yes.

Much appreciated.

>> No.14540700

Why would someone record and upload this

>> No.14540705

Usually I hate the feds but this is based I hope they get these sick fucks.

>> No.14540739

pls answer this

>> No.14540745

spilled boiling water on my abdomen while making kraft dinner

>> No.14540844

kids know how to use youtube too.
like one of the most dream careers for most kids is to be a youtube star

>> No.14540870

Shadman even illustrated that during the Logan Paul debacle.

>> No.14540922
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The research squad has arrived

>> No.14540929

Got drunk, started making pasta, fell asleep.

Wook up and the water had boiled off, the pasta was on fire and the smoke alarm was going off while I choked on what I recall as burning plastic

>> No.14540943

>thinks people will be arrested for thought crime
Based retards.

>> No.14540946
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I saw some gif online about making chocolate bowls by dipping balloons in chocolate.

Chocolate was too hot and popped the balloon, coating my whole kitchen countertop, backsplash and stove

>> No.14540975

Got pissed off and threw eggs at the cupboard and let it drip onto the frying pan. Mom thwacked me with a wooden spoon when I forgot to clean up

>> No.14541002

Burned some popcorn after friend negligently discharged a firearm.

>> No.14541004

>Falling for Troom Troom tier "lifehacks"

>> No.14542215

you cant BURN spaghetti....

maybe overcook, but burn?

or is that the joke? she burnt something you cant burn?

>> No.14542232

I had a giant bowl of homemade tomato sauce ready to be canned and my cat knocked the bowl to the floor. It was on the ceiling and walls and everywhere. I moved two years later and was still finding hidden splats of dried tomato sauce.

>> No.14542242

I've passed out while cooking hash browns and left the stove on until they ruin the pan and turn black. Then I had to scrape it off and it ruined the pan. This hasn't happened since I bought cast iron though.

>> No.14542248

I'm watching top gear on my second monitor and only realized at the end of your post that I read it in clarksons voice

>> No.14542262
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A. You burn the sauce you colossal moron

B. Pic related

>> No.14542275
File: 44 KB, 410x253, roastluckdragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And THAT'S what you GET for Roasting a Luck dragon...