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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 865x403, UkvUS-Converted-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14538242 No.14538242 [Reply] [Original]

>UK vs US

which country has the better food?

quality wise I think UK wins hands down

>> No.14538269

Seriously dude? You could pick almost any other country in Europe to go head-to-head with America and you pick the one that would lose hands down?

>> No.14538274

It's dumb to compare a whole country, especially diverse ones with huge varieties of quality and offerings.

OP is low iq.

>> No.14538320

Shit vs Crap
Which is better?

>> No.14538442

British food would win against anyone really. There's nothing better.

>> No.14538444
File: 86 KB, 480x640, toad_in_a_hole_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin toad in a hole

>> No.14538449
File: 36 KB, 1200x510, americanfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs the chad USDA prime angus beef burger

>> No.14538455

Tiny island vs mega chad
Come on man.

>> No.14538458

>mega chad
>dying to the coof and owning tons of money to everyone else

>> No.14538461

Absurd. UK has the shittiest food in “Europe” and even with the best (IMO Spanish and Portuguese) US blows them the fuck out of the water with sheer diversity of offerings.

>> No.14538462


>> No.14538467


what about iceland
uk has curry and arab food

>> No.14538482
File: 105 KB, 500x375, meanwhileinamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiny island vs supersize fatso

>> No.14538487

You do know anything you can get in the US we can get here to.

>> No.14538497

Otherwise it would be unfair to USA

>> No.14538502

>fresh local produce
>fresh seafood
>hearty portions
>delicate flavours
>safe meats with high quality
>delicious ethnic foods and varied culture

>frozen produce hauled in by trucks and sprayed with all kinds of pesticides and monsanto chemicals
>meat laced with hormones and antibiotics
>fat lardbeast portions
>everything has soy and HFCS in it
>disgusting over flavoured meats swimming in grease and hot sauce
>butchered ethnic food like deep fried sushi

UK wins hands down

>> No.14538503

Why do you brits pretend you're so superior? Your country is full of morbidly obese retards just like the USA. Go eat your deep fried potatoes, kebabs and curry.

>> No.14538504

Yeah but it’s angry arab food and stare-at-your-wife arab food, same shit with pakis. It’s not relaxing, it’s way too intense and really not even that good compared with actual arab and N. India or Paki food. To me, real Arab, ME/Paki food is about.
hospitality. Why is there literally zero hospitality in the UK? I fucking hate the place, it’s cursed.

>> No.14538505

Based on my experience, Europe>UK>US.

It's a pity because if the US fixed up its food and farming culture we could totally annihilate Europe.

>> No.14538510

Wanted to elaborate on why I believe UK is inferior to Europe:

Bland food.

>> No.14538706

>comparing home cooked traditional meals to mass produced slop
a bit disingenuous. but about what i expect from someone who participates in these threads.

>> No.14538721

Poo will be global super power just wait

>> No.14538731

what is casting those shadows on the flags? The UK one is especially fucked up.

>> No.14538739

My dick.

>> No.14538751
File: 2.96 MB, 1080x2159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious ethnic foods and varied culture

>> No.14538839

Acid attacks come with that varied culture aye

>> No.14538865

>UK vs US
Both have shit tier food with God tier imports.

>> No.14539265

The produce itself might be better in the UK, but in terms of everything else, such as imagination and innovation, it would be the US.

>> No.14539270
File: 225 KB, 1242x1410, heinz-ketchup-US-UK-ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mic drop*

>> No.14539309

>the UK is allowed to obfuscate more ingredients than the US
Kinda shocked, to be honest. I thought you guys were supposed to be better than them.

>> No.14539338

>literally the only difference is the sweetener used
You can also buy sugar sweetened Heinz in the US, it's branded as "Simply Heinz". So in short eurofags btfo, Americans have freedom to buy cheap HCFS shit if we want or pay $6 a bottle for cane sugar ketchup like brits if we really want to.

>> No.14539351

I'm pretty certain they use beet sugar, but they're not legally required to disclose that.

>> No.14539374

>/int/fags still post this even though that man is Canadian
How sad.

>> No.14539386

junk food that destroys peoples bodies have put a strain on the public system should be banned.

>> No.14539395

Okay, Nanny Bloomberg. Can you wipe my ass for me while you're at it?

>> No.14539409

Imagine taking shit from a country with a dish called "bubble and squeak"
Fucking toddler nation

>> No.14539423

>a little bit of ketchup is the real problem
Yeah retards everywhere eat/drink way too much sugar. It's not junk food altogether, it's sugar specifically, mostly consumed through soda and other sugary beverages. But what can you do about it? Ban people from buying Coca Cola? Let natural selection run its course.

>> No.14539429

ITT: butt-blasted third world euros

>> No.14539433
File: 66 KB, 525x503, 24n_soda_ipad-525x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what can you do about it? Ban people from buying Coca Cola?

>> No.14539438

> ABERDEEN angus

>> No.14539478

shit bait

>> No.14539480

>despite making up less than 6% of the world's population, the US and UK cause over 50% of the seething on pakistani quilting forums

>> No.14539543
File: 132 KB, 1500x1500, 8194uQMuL2L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the UK and since our version has no onion powder I buy onion powder at the local grocer and I add the onion powder myself

>> No.14539554
File: 53 KB, 728x408, eWQkSBRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't afford a large portion of food
>gets mad at america

>> No.14539568

Onion powder is allowed to be hidden under "spice" here because onion allergies aren't a major thing.

>> No.14539576

..Of course our ketchup contains onion powder you nutter. What did you think "spices" entailed?

>> No.14539578

It's because we're rich enough to have the free time to seethe about stupid bullshit. Stay poor and mad, Paki.

>> No.14539651
File: 44 KB, 500x628, 383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT a national union of 328 million people is asserted to have a single, easily understood culture

>> No.14539690

is there anything more disgusting than an angry brit? you can just imagine the way their lips pull back over their rotten teeth as they grimace, drink a liter of gravy, and reveal their stupidity as they rattle off tired cliches

>> No.14539710

Why yes, we do subsidize corn production in America

>> No.14539717

>ban sizes over 16 oz
>what are refills
>what is buying another soda
I don't even drink soda and I honestly think this shit is pretty based and funny but it realistically won't work.

>> No.14539720

so limit them to buying 1 bottle each.

>> No.14539728

If this shocks you I'd highly advise you to stay away from the USA. Junk food is a mild subject in US freedom discourse.

>> No.14539772

>be me
>have never seen an obese person in 20 years of living in the UK
>go on holiday to USA for a week
>see so many fucking obese people it's absurd

>> No.14539781
File: 32 KB, 460x643, Obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never been north of the M54 or something?