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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14535707 No.14535707 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this?

>> No.14535716

I work as a shitty shift manager at one, and I can tell you for a fact that for me, it’s the McChicken

>> No.14535729

american imperialism

>> No.14535743

>Central Asian countries don't have McDonald's.


>> No.14535776

I'm surprised that Bolivia and Iceland no longer have one. Nor did Haiti or the Dominican Republic ever have one.

>> No.14535835

Why does McDonald's hate Africa?

>> No.14535868

I hope this 'food' goes extinct this century.

>> No.14535882

nunavut seceded?

>> No.14535884


>> No.14535898

Realistically, I assume because a modern McDonald's franchise trying to operate in the squalor of that massive shithole would be a logistical nightmare for 10,001 different reasons.

>> No.14535974

Their normal business model doesn't work when the locals have extremely low cost options already available. They have the same problem in asia, but there they can position themselves as a premium option for middle class people and the noodle cart guy outside can serve the poorfags. In the poorer parts of africa there's just not enough people with money to make that viable, I bet.

>> No.14535988

>no McHorse burger from the Mongolian McDonalds

>> No.14537090

theyre not going to pay for whites to run that shit (involving relocating them as no sane white person would live there), and the blacks cannot be trusted

>> No.14537470

>surprised Haiti never had a McDonald's

>> No.14537476

i think this board is long overdue for a sticky that gives praise to our benevolent overlords

>> No.14537478

Iran I get, but what the FUCK is Bolivia and Iceland's problem?

>> No.14537479

It's fucking africa, the natives there have IQ averages lower than fucking coco the gorilla, and every single one of them with high intelligence moves out at the first opportunity. Trying to introduce a fast food restuarant into such a shithole is doomed to failure.

>> No.14537490

Bolivia has a cartel problem that makes Mexico look like a bunch of high school weed dealers.

>> No.14537531

Jokes on you. That just means McDogshit won't be ruining the majority of africa with overly processed junk and disease. It is the plague of the world.

>> No.14537544

>Iceland, Greenland, and Madagascar uninfected
McDonald's is a Plague Inc outbreak.

>> No.14537548

You'd be surprised.

South africa is outsourcing labour to white countries all the time.
Alot of insurance companies and telemarketing companies are using south african employees
Paying them around $6000 per year

>> No.14537550

McDonald's is completely run by coloured folk in many neighbourhoods

>> No.14537553

Huge supply chain issues, geopolitical instability, too many people in poverty who can't afford McDonald's

>> No.14537574

South africa isn't a normal african country dumb shit, it's a formerly white nation that underwent an ethnic revolution.

>> No.14537586

>Why does mcdonalds hate africa
>Because it's poor and a shithole
>Actually white countries are paying them for their services
No anon, you are the dumb shit.

>> No.14537635

Those poor starving Africans

>> No.14537651

This isn't even accurate. My country is grey even though I can see a McDonald's through my window right now.

>> No.14538178

Why is Canada the only country that is subdivided?

>> No.14538693

Fifteen years ago, I would have asked "How is 'formerly had a McDonald's' even possible?" Now, with Mickey D's basically being a grocery store with with a grill and a fryer, I'm surprised there aren't more.

>> No.14538703

why does africa hate civilized world?

>> No.14538705

I want to see more red on this map. Fuck McDonald's and fuck all the shit """""food"""" they serve

>> No.14538708

Racism and white supremacy.

>> No.14538716

Only seventy-nine years left.

>> No.14538758
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The McDonalds in Bolivia didn’t do so well

>> No.14538759

Really more the Dominican Republic.

>> No.14538801

the government should just give niggers a break when it comes to restaurant business since it doesn't require excessive education and they have a food culture, at least in the south, that was really tasty before global industrialization came. it could help them become.kore community and health minded individuals but that is the opposite of what democrat city leaders want

>> No.14538811

>Central asian
You mean Mongolia you mong

>> No.14538819

>Resisting american imperialism and fatassery
Sounds based to me

>> No.14538866


Tajikstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan (as well as Afghanistan) are all considered Central Asian countries.

>> No.14538881

Africa is such a shithole lmao

>> No.14538912
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Not much, something else bothers me, tho. (picrelated)

>> No.14538922

considering that Iceland is pretty damn rich, what's the minimum population of pretty damn rich country to make 1 McD joint profitable?

>> No.14538927

God I wish.

>> No.14538930

Fuck off, rangebanned faggot. Get a static IP.

>> No.14538955

why are we allowed to post them here, tho? does no one care about /ck/?

>> No.14538976

South Africa has a significant white and Indian population. The other anon is right. I have many friends in SA and they are telling me that they try to hire Americans as much as they can to run shit.

>> No.14538985

/ck/ has maybe two active mods, one of whom is an Asiatic. You can shitpost all you want here. That's why I told you to fuck off.

>> No.14538992

and you hoped that this will actually work? c'mon

>> No.14539075

Lmao formerly had

>> No.14539086

Bolivia might not have McDonalds but they do have Burger King.

>> No.14539142

I think the McDonald brothers were the biggest suckers ever.

>> No.14539350

Import costs probably. The Faroe Islands used to have a mc dick, but it closed down because they had to import their onions, making the "food" absurdly expensive.
I'm going by memory and might be confusing Iceland and the Faroe Islands.

>won't be ruining the majority of africa
It's not like they need any help, they're handling that just fine on their own.

Because you're a phonenigger and someone else in your geoIP was shitposting excessively and ended up getting the entire range banned from uploading pictures to specific boards.

>> No.14539362

because northern canada is a barren wasteland.

>> No.14539368

Denmark is divided as well. :^)

>> No.14539381

Why Mountain Mexican bros?

>> No.14539401
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Why is Canada divided into states when every where else is as a country?

>> No.14539407

Hvad. Der er mcdød i de fleste større byer uanset landsdel. Havde det været BK, KFC eller Carls (?) havde det været korrekt.

>> No.14539414
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>I find your lack of McChicken disturbing.

>> No.14539421
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>because northern canada is a barren wasteland.

>> No.14539435
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>he didnt fry so good

>> No.14539436

>start a franchise in africa
>mcdonalds becomes the best, biggest and most reliable source of food in africa
>local warlord takes over mcdonalds africa
>distributes fries and burgers to his loyals only
>becomes president
>becomes president forever
>runs out of mcnuggets
>blames america an white people for destroying africa

>> No.14539441
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>> No.14539449

they eat nothing insead

>> No.14539451
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>> No.14539467
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they cant compete

>> No.14539468

There are no McDonalds in Svalbard yet it's colored blue. Hardly nitpicking at all.

>> No.14539510

Why is Georgia blank? we have one of the best McDonalds in the world

>> No.14539512
File: 130 KB, 1024x568, 4913666182_3371ba8eca_b.jpg__1264x568_q85_crop_subsampling-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghana has KFC

>> No.14539523

He's counting Greenland as a part of Denmark, which is technically correct, but not something you'd actually include in something like this.

That pic is probably older than some of the underage b& shitposters here.

>> No.14539545

I know, dude. Are you trying to explain this to everyone else in the thread that's too lazy to use google translate or wikipedia?

>> No.14539562

iirc there was 1 McDonald's in Rekjavik and it went out of business because importing beef to Iceland is too expensive to make it into McDonald's quality food

>> No.14539593

(Formerly McDonald's)

>> No.14539612

Which is hilarious, because there's 20 Subways in Iceland, at least 9 of which are in Reykjavik.

>> No.14539721

BASED iceland, the country is not only beautiful but also smart enough to get rid of this pig slop.

>> No.14539738
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Meh, who cares. Is it the best? No. But it's cheap and quick. Sometimes I'll have it in a pinch or for a breakfast. Shaming a successful company because humans are stupid fat pigs is retarded and dated. Fr, get another joke. So sick of seeing these.

>> No.14539749

>Based Afghanistan
>Based Bolivia

>> No.14539751

Based Africa.

>> No.14539756

>BASED iceland
Did you not see the post above you about the fucking 20 Subways?

>> No.14540156

Unironically based.

>> No.14540179

Subways and McDonalds are pretty different as business concepts. Subway shops are miniscule and run high variable costs that make them a pretty safe low return operation in terms of restaurants. Subway has not ability to adapt to traffic inside one shop - a dense network of shops is a more preferable alternative.

McDonalds is the complete opposite, as it runs a high overhead due to large staff (8-16 workers per shift, three shifts a day), but in return has lower variable costs, and importantly ability to serve many more customers efficiently. An average Micky D's in Nordics has a turnover of c. 2.3 million dollars, while an average Subway is perhaps 400-500k euros.

>> No.14540221

>being jealous of fucking McDonald's of all things
Holy shit Nigel, find a shrink.

>> No.14540228

All these years and Baneposting still makes me smile. How does it do it?

>> No.14540265

Maybe when the commit terrorism in Europe, but those sand niggers are known as Muslims to anybody else.

>> No.14540327 [DELETED] 

It went out of business because Icelandic people collectively said
<this is shit
<fuck off
in that order

>> No.14540369


>> No.14540391

Qazaqstan is in Europe.

>> No.14540395

McDonald's and fast food in general is the lowest IQ food you can possibly eat outside of your own fecal matter

>> No.14540401
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>> No.14540435

kazachtsan + turkmenistan

>> No.14540453

>purposefully misinterpreting jealousy of fucking fast food
>even remotely defending fast food at all
neck yourself now

>> No.14540457

I want to move to Mongolia

>> No.14540462

>implying fast food is for high IQ people

>> No.14540469

Careful there Alfie. Project any harder and they'll haul you off to the cinema to shove film reels up your ass.

>> No.14540475

Fast food is a tool for high IQ people.

>> No.14540544

No society no mcdonalds.

>> No.14540760
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>> No.14540768

McDonalds is everywhere but even they know to avoid the Jogger infested shit hole that is the continent of Africa

>> No.14542369

not true. large multinational food chains are just too expensive for the average bolivian.

>> No.14542436

Amerinigger hands typed these posts.

>> No.14542483

surprised about Nigeria given the population and number of ex pats

>> No.14542497

McDicks is WAY too expensive for Africa. It barely survives in SE Asia. They'll end up in Botswana soon though I reckon

>> No.14542505

>tfw you're the unlucky bastard who gets picked to travel to north korea to ask the supreme leader if he might be interested in allowing the franchise to operate there and you get kidnapped and held for ransom instead