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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14535252 No.14535252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

First time on /ck/ thought there would be more recipes. Also, why are so many of you so depressed? Is it having anything to do with your sharpening stones? This board culture confuses me. And what’s with the McChicken obsession? Are you all really suicidal weaboos who eat fast food and shitpost about McDonald’s?

>> No.14535257

>First time on /ck/
>why are so many of you so depressed?
first time on 4chan more like

>> No.14535259
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You're not lurking enough this is just shit from the last couple days.

>> No.14535260

Pretty much yeah. Welcome anon

>> No.14535266

Very few here actually cooks. People get mad at cooking threads because they might have killed a fast food thread.

>> No.14535275

/v/ is cynical. /r9k/ is gay. /pol/ is edgy. /lit/ scares women away. /fit/ is great at cooking. /tv/ is funnyposting. /b/ is garbage. /s4s/ is /b/. /trash/ is what /r9k/ would be if it wasn’t so gay.

>> No.14535280

>Posting on such trashy boards
Git out.

>> No.14535283

/ck/ is now the only board I’ve posted on in years. Don’t insult yourself. I know you’re sad but I’m just visiting.

>> No.14535288
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>/fit/ is great at cooking

>> No.14535300
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>/fit/ is great at cooking
28 packs of chicken breast, white rice, and broccoli is not good cooking, even if you do finish making them in one hour.

>> No.14535308

Not better than the mcchicken huh?

>> No.14535328

Just because like 80% of /ck/ can't cook for shit doesn't mean that /fit/ is any better. You could batch cook things like chili that would meet nutritional needs and actually taste good, but /fit/ is full of autists that don't even season salmon or chicken breast.

>> No.14535329

Unironically no

>> No.14535369

unironically this
/k/ has noguns
/o/ are busriders
/n/ are cagers
/g/ are consoomers
and /lgbt/ is unironically the straightest board

>> No.14535395

*boiled chicken breast
can't have any of that nasty flavor
kills the GAINZ, says one of my favorite infographs

>> No.14535484
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Their definition of cooking is a little askew

>> No.14535538

Do they even sous vide it?

>> No.14535567
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That's exactly what I'm talking about. Dropping a bunch of meat, beans, spices, and diced tomatoes in a slow cooker is easy. Seasoning chicken quarters before they go into the oven is easy. Pan frying a bunch of dry rubbed porkchops is easy. /fit/ doesn't do any of that shit, they just alternate between healthy but bland cuts, and disgusting fast food dirty bulks.

The one fitness personality I'm aware of that makes good food is Buff Dudes, but they're not associated with or even popular on /fit/.

>> No.14535636

man, you must be underage if you're going to such shit boards

>> No.14535710

Ur big gay lelz

>> No.14535738

niggas really be out here eating metal like ooh damn Im so fancy no nigga you're retarded

>> No.14535749

>cooking in plastic
enjoy the estrogen, gains goblin

>> No.14535890

You don’t have $1k to spend in wings? What are, some kind of miser?

>> No.14535955

Just pizza and taco bell threads. /ck/ is overrun by people who only know poptarts and hotpockets

>> No.14536136

>he doesn't even know that the McChicken is the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.14536223
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200808_212938870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone shameless enough to actually take photos while they're cooking/eating is single and/or drunk so the depression is unavoidable. I'm making traditional beef pasanda (something between a chuck roast and stroganoff) for my family's Sunday dinner except using a sou vide. It only occurs to me to take photos after the fact.

>> No.14536268

Hey I just did some baked salmon for a thread and I'm not drunk or single. I am depressed though.

>> No.14536272


>> No.14536278


>> No.14536298

>And what’s with the McChicken obsession? Are you all really suicidal weaboos who eat fast food and shitpost about McDonald’s?

this board would improve tenfold if all Americans fucked off!
far to many fast food threads

>> No.14536358
File: 8 KB, 320x320, 1586285916122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to add that /pol/ is the MOST racially diverse board of bigots and edgy racists that ever were collected in these underwater mongolian basket weaving forums...
Herro!Newfren... Prease rurk fo too more year...
All kidding aside. This place is one of the LAST BASTIONS of real freeze peach out dere.
Sift through the dross and compost in this cesspool, and you're likely to find some of the most condensed wisdom and knowledge in dere intarweebs...Try not to get too mush of the other shit onya...It's also a good place to thicken yer skin, provided you're not so mush of a faggot or an over-emotional nigger.
*Reminder: You get out what you put in...But not ALWAYS.
**Double reminder: You ARE being monitored; Pleeze post yer best for posterity.

>> No.14536375

For me, it’s the McChicken

>> No.14536384
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Me too bro, the cooking is a pleasant distraction at least. Pasanda literally means "favorite." You start by browning onions, ginger, and garlic in clarified butter. Then you add your spices and fry for 5 minutes on low. I used red chilli powder, smoked paprika, ancho & guajillo chillies, cumin, coriander, clove, cinammon along with some thyme, oregano, and sage. Did you know you can buy opiates online as tea extracts? Normally you would cut your meat into thin strips tenderize, salt, and marinate in yogurt for a day, but since I had the sou vide I could marinade while cooking. Just rub some salt into your meat and place it into a ziplock bag along with the fried aromatics and yogurt. Cooks for 1-2 days @135 F for rare but fall apart soft. Also making some white rice and okra to go with it tomorrow.

>> No.14536392
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I forgot the secret ingredient, fish sauce.

>> No.14536395 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14536408

You're culturally appropriating us by using 4chan and the internet. You're on our board.

>> No.14536475
File: 30 KB, 728x556, FG3nswZg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been suicidal since 3rd grade. Surprised I made it this far desu

>> No.14536519

>Are you all really suicidal weaboos who eat fast food and shitpost about McDonald’s?
I can only speak for myself

>> No.14536631

/fit/ is leagues better than /ck/ at cooking. You fags are embarrassing.
>time to mash froot loops and oreos lel epic
>time to only eat fast food and post another mcdicks thread
>time to racebait for the millionth time
/ck/ is in serious need of a purge.

>> No.14536702
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Like I said, that's an accurate description of /ck/, but /fit/ is no better. I'm a long time user of both boards and letting either one cook for you would be playing Russian Roulette with a glock.

>> No.14537003
File: 166 KB, 1057x947, pol cringe never forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You forgot to add that /pol/ is the MOST racially diverse board of bigots and edgy racists that ever were collected in these underwater mongolian basket weaving forums...
lmfao, this is so true. They might be the most racist board but they're also the most ethnically diverse board

>> No.14537026

Joke's on you: I'm single, drunk and depressed but I would never take photos while cooking and/or my finished meals.

>> No.14537226

the thought of someone typing this up without a shred of irony

>> No.14537234

>/fit/ is great at cooking
There are simplerways to be miserable than eating rice and overcooked chicken every day, anon.

>> No.14537279

>Also, why are so many of you so depressed?
if you aren't depressed, either you haven't been paying attention or you have never opened a history book in your life. judging by your iphone filename, probably both.

>> No.14537320

being fat correlates with depression, but so does being on 4chan so...

>> No.14537515

Eating gold is pretty healthy actually.

>> No.14537767

>This board culture confuses me.
what do you mean, every board is like this. poisoned with dogshit threads that distract from the actual purpose of the board. see /fa/ memecore threads and the incels on /lit/ who read nothing but philosophy trash and self help scams and are allergic to anything fiction.

>> No.14537776

Air fryer, Slow Cooker, Pressure Cooker, Rice Maker.
Which one of those should I get?

>> No.14537804

/tv/ is cunnyposting

>> No.14537823

It has neither good nor bad effect on your health. i shit it out intact.

>> No.14537827

Holy shit, now this is a cope.
>boards I visit are cooler than yours!

>> No.14537861

>>/fit/ is great at cooking
>have fit friend
>he decides to go vegan
>constantly under cooks everything, potatoes, beans, everything you shouldn’t undercook
>the seasonings are okay but nothing special
>flavors are underdeveloped because no salt added for muh iodine deficiency
>drunkenly admits to me at a party he has a bunch of vitamin deficiencies because of being vegan
>stops being vegan a couple months later and pretends he never was vegan

All you niggers worship /fit/ but it’s full of morons just like him

>> No.14537874

Ck was one of the last bastion of what 4chinks, and the internet in general, used to be like 10 years ago. Lately, it has been steadily going to shit, much like /tg/, and I feel we truly are nearing the end of an era this time. It feels bad desu, you don't realize how good you had it until it's gone for good

>> No.14537877

>hurr durr im a faggot with no real interest in cooking
>therefore I visit a food and cooking board to only enter the threads about shitposting and retarded memes
>because of this the entire board appears to be only shitposts and memes now
>with this entirely skewed perception I can now judge the entire board while making even more shitpost threads
You people are seriously retarded. You’re the actual embodiment of “I entered this thread that I knew would make me angry and now I’m angry.”
There’s genuine good advice and people who genuinely cook on this board, they’re just buried under all the shitposting. You’re just literally too much of a retarded faggot that’s too obsessed with shitposting, memes, and garbage food to find any of them. KYS, nigger.

>> No.14537885

I think people started to notice that this board had quality memes and seemed to be a lot higher quality than other boards and so a lot of newfags ventured in. Also, the slower board pace means even complete fags that everyone ignores on other boards can net replies.
The real problem is that internet culture is so obsessed with getting credit in some way just for existing. Without the replies lining up or the upvotes or the likes or the whatever stupid internet counter to validate ones existence, they just feel empty and meaningless inside, so they chase so hard to get what they feel they need that they utterly destroy any semblance of comedy or subtlety.

>> No.14537909

wanna know what actually fucked board culture?

it was when reply links and (you)'s started being displayed, which is essentially just a 4chan version of upvotes.

back in the day you had to manually scroll through the thread, and click on reply numbers to be scrolled up to the post. this made people more engaged, and put more effort into their posts

nowadays you can just make some shitpost and instantly get a dopamine hit by seeing 10 replys to your post. if gookmoot took this feature away, the retarded youfarmers would fuck off, or at least put more effort in.

>> No.14537929

KEK at least /ck/ is on topic half the time
/fit/ is just a hangout for gymcels to post between their sets and practically half /r9k/ tier whining. It's awful.

>> No.14538334

You are exceptionally upset for someone criticizing a cooking board. Take your meds.

>> No.14538357

/lit/ are also the biggest brainlets on 4chinz. Go ask a question sometime:
>tortured interpretation of your actual question to form it into a question they’d rather have
>circle jerk until a group opinion congeals
>safe opinion
>”edgelord” opinion cut from same cloth as safe opinion
>suck each others’ dicks about their collective non-reply
I think /g/ and /fit/ are at least funny and the board I’m most disappointed by is /diy/, it has such potential but angsty contractors mixed with clueless n00bs is AIDS.