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14534308 No.14534308 [Reply] [Original]

>drink green tea
>headache stops

>> No.14534317

you're a drug addict gz

>> No.14534335

Green tea isn't any more magical. As a tea it isn't better/worse/different than other teas for your health. There are just more paid for published studies.

Glad you are feeling better! Required reading for you, I suppose....

Vasodilation vs Vasoconstriction. What is it?
Caffeine is a commonly used neurostimulant that also produces cerebral vasoconstriction by antagonizing adenosine receptors. Chronic caffeine use results in an adaptation of the vascular adenosine receptor system presumably to compensate for the vasoconstrictive effects of caffeine.
Caffeine is often compounded with other pain relievers, from tylenol to antiflammatories, when a headache is the intended use of the pain reliever.

>> No.14534337


>> No.14534386

When I go through a period of drinking 3+ cups of green tea a day I'm noticeably more relaxed, it's definitely not just a meme that it has medicinal properties

>> No.14534440

if it had any, it would be regulated as medicine
this fella is trying so hard to take a photo that doesn't look like he is flexing his right biceps

>> No.14534449

>>>14534308 (OP)
>When I go through a period of drinking 3+ cups of green tea a day I'm noticeably more relaxed, it's definitely not just a meme that it has medicinal properties
It's psychological. By all means do your regimen that relaxes you, but just know that caffeine is a stimulant, not the reverse. So, it's the routine calming you.

>> No.14534453

this thread made me remember to drink the green tea i have in front of me before it went cold, thanks anon :)

>> No.14534481

sounds like a caffeine addiction to me.

>> No.14534547

Caffeine withdrawal causes headaches for about 24 hours or so. But then it's over.

>> No.14534550

>be dehydrated to point of headache
>headache goes away
That checks out, good post op

>> No.14534583

>If it had any, it would be regulated as medicine.

This is completely untrue. I found this out from personal experience. Arnica heals bruises like you're Wolverine, no joke. I never believed in all that hippie woo woo shit, but one day when I was drunk, I decided to trade licks to the arm with this big ol' farm boy who was like 6"2', 230-250. The next day when I woke up, my entire arm around my bicep and even on the back where I didn't get punched on my tricep, was swollen almost twice normal size and black an blue all over.

I was at my friend's house, and he told his hippie mom to look at my arm. She gave me a little chapstick tube looking thing with little white tablets in it. She told me to let them dissolve under my tongue 4 times a day. That first day, the swelling already started going down, and by the next day it had gone down considerably and the bruising was lightening up. All in all, in less than a weak, it was back to normal with just a few superficial bruises.

Now, anyone who's ever had a black eye can tell you, those usually last a weak or two depending on how bad they are. This shit was like a miracle. I've used it many times over the years, always to great effect. And it is not labeled or regulated as "medicine" . As for green tea, it increases your metabolism by about 3%.

>> No.14534589

here's a post reminding you to breath

>> No.14534631

take your meds schizos

>> No.14534643
File: 34 KB, 1440x1440, B96F9338-4A5A-4E00-A1DC-C8D3F21C7D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chop head off
>no more anything

>> No.14534664

fluoride in black teas

>> No.14534690

the n-word must be used

>> No.14534696

Ignore the faggots saying you have caffeine withdrawal, if you don't regularly drink things with caffeine in them.

Caffeine is well-known to help headaches and migraines get better whether they were caused by caffeine withdrawal or not. You can't even buy an OTC that's specific for headaches that doesn't have caffeine.

>> No.14534836

Tea also contains theanine which is calming.

>> No.14534868

you have no idea how much I want this.

>> No.14534895

perhaps your body was in a caffeine withdraw, or you were simply dehydrated

>> No.14535089

What? Why?

>> No.14535123

This is true, caffeine does help headaches. It does something to the blood vessels in your brain. However, it could still be caffeine withdrawal. As far as dehydration, unless you're drinking a quart of green tea, it's not going to hydrate, as I'm fairly certain it dehydrated you.

>> No.14535143
File: 27 KB, 476x474, 1587865667548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of water in tea probably counteracts the diuretic effect, wouldn't it? Instead of getting 100% of the hydration you might get like 95% or something

>> No.14535149

I wish this bullshit myth would fucking die.

>> No.14535216

Ok the other thing I didn't say was that my libido craters, which is much more noticeable and not just a wishy washy psychological perception. Normally if I don't jerk off for a couple days on the third day I'm like "damn I'm trying to bust one out right now", if I'm drinking green tea consistently I don't get that