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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14533164 No.14533164 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best fruit and why is it apple

>> No.14533172


Apples are the worst fruits.

Oranges are great but knowing the credit tier shower orange meme exists ruins them for me.

>> No.14533177

>what's the best fruit
chris morocco?

>> No.14533203

Fresh pineapple > apple
Watermelon > apple
orange > apple
cantaloup > apple

apple > mango

>> No.14533245

You're retarded if you think apples are better than mangoes

>> No.14533256

apples are only better than mangos cause mangos fuckin suck

>> No.14533260

oh yeah pineapple is so fucking good. mangos too but i wouldn't say they're better than apples

>> No.14533266

I agreed with all your other points but mangoes are top tier, like the texture and the sweet taste of the flesh is second to none

>> No.14533274
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to fags arguing over cock.

>> No.14533277

The only acceptable answer is peach

>> No.14533283

I don't find mangos to have a nice texture and I don't find them that sweet or pleasant, they have an off taste I can't quite put my finger on.
I thought the last one just wasn't ripe, but my gf and my friend ate some and said it was awesome.

>> No.14533288


>> No.14533405

Because you can use apple pectin to make jam out of better fruits

>> No.14533435

nope cherry tomatoes are better sorry

>> No.14533438
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Wumpa fruit is the only acceptable answer

>> No.14533692

>As American as Dutch apple pie

>> No.14533896

Everyone in this thread is wrong.

The real answer is the mandarin orange.

>> No.14533915

i guess i've got an iq of 7 because fuck apples, i love mangoes

>> No.14533970

no you're retarded cause you can't read

>> No.14533974

an apple a day keeps the doctor away!

>> No.14533993


my body betrayed me during puberty and i haven't been able to eat or anything with a skin that you don't remove for almost 20 years without my mouth and throat itching like a motherfucker for an hour. i really miss nectarines

>> No.14534161

The Tomato.

>> No.14534182

>shower orange meme
I thought that was with mango, but I looked it up and it's also with oranges.
Literally a meme for people who cannot cut fruit and/or hate orange pith/membrane.

>> No.14534333


>> No.14535279

Wrong. The citrus oils from the peel infuse into the shower steam, the heat of which contrasts perfectly with the cool flesh of the fruit as you enjoy each bite.

Learn to enjoy these small things, anon. They can be immensely satisfying and cost you next to nothing.

>> No.14535832

My favorite fruit is either the banana or avocado.

>> No.14536016

False, it’s is plums.

>> No.14536286

I like normal apples but lately they've been pushing these overpriced "granny smith" apples that are really sour and gross. Hipsters still stand in line to be seen paying $1.99 a pound for them though. I bet liking normal apples will get you canceled now so you have to pretend to like the noxious overwhelming hipster apples.

>> No.14536295


This is fucking bullshit. The reason people enjoy shower oranges is because the shower cleans up all mess. There is nothing more to it than that.

>> No.14536299

apples are only good because they can make cider
besides that they are trash meme

>> No.14536313

I looked this up and now I'm angry

>> No.14536320

this is my fruit classification system:
rains: fruits that are necessary for good cooking and life and universally beloved. apples, tomatos, grapes, citruses, pomegranate
snows: fruits that can stand on their own but are of more limited appeal than fruits. banana, most berries, melons, dates, figs, loquat, mango, cherry, etc.
clouds: fruits whose value, acceptance and use depends on cultural context/background. plaintain, dragonfruit, durian, tamarind, olives, etc.

>> No.14536910

I would never do something so retarded and gay

>> No.14538813

those are for baking, and baking is in fashion due to coronatine

>> No.14538971

i just had a grapefruit
god i fucking love grapefruit

>> No.14539366 [DELETED] 

me too. haven't had one in ages though. I think you're not supposed to eat

>> No.14539376

me too. haven't had one in ages though. I think you're not supposed to eat them while on antidepressants

>> No.14539389

ayo ware mah watahmelom bruhs at can yall holla back yaherd

>> No.14539397

Why do they have such gay fucking names? I want to be on board here but you are triggering my inner meteorologist

>> No.14539408

based and taxonomy pilled

>> No.14539888
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>> No.14539899 [DELETED] 


This is quote literally the reason I learned Japanese.

>> No.14539907


This is quite literally the reason I learned Japanese.

>> No.14539924
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following koe no katachi while the manga was running was a great time. loads of funny maymays. shouko a cute.

>> No.14539925

Are you planning to learn english next?

>> No.14540106

Mango, Pineapple, Peach, Granny Smith Apples

Nectarines, Plums, Bananas, Papaya, Pears

Strawberries, Grapes, Blueberries, Raspberries

All other apples, the rest of the fruit

Coconut, Watermelon (just drink a cup of water), Dragonfruit (never had it but it seems like a meme fruit)

>> No.14541575

bananas mangos or peaches, they're all very delicious :)

>> No.14541595
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>> No.14541614


>> No.14541628
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>> No.14541646
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George Washington's fav. gobbless amerca

>> No.14541703

You can skin a nectarine though. Or is it the entire fruit that sets off your allergy?

>> No.14542054
