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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 409 KB, 800x800, chicken-live-800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14533012 No.14533012 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think chickens have individual personalities?

If you had five chickens could you tell them apart just by the way they acted? Or would they all be walking around going "bok bok bok"?

Because if they have individual personalities I'm not sure we should be eating them.

>> No.14533016

they 100% have different behaviour patterns. i don't think that equals personality. not only are birds retarded, they're also evil and taste delicious. they literally have no argument that would hold up in court to be allowed to live

>> No.14533032
File: 1.29 MB, 406x720, Chicken Tenders.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14533121

They do have unique personalities, but they are also retarded.

>> No.14533154

like other guy said, definitely.
i lived in a house for a while where my roommate had 3 pet chickens. she'd let them out every other day or so to wander the yard/house.
once you got to know them, they all had completely different personalities.

>> No.14533157

were they potty trained?

>> No.14533159

raising chickens for meat is a waste of time. and eggs aren't healthy so just forget about chickens.

>> No.14533168
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if eggs aren't healthy y snake do this?

>> No.14533175

That's really cute but definitely not stop me to slaughter and eat delicious chickens.

>> No.14533179

yeah they do
i had a favorite pet chicken when i was a kid named verdell
he would perch on my bike and we'd ride around and fly on my head when i came home and shit

>> No.14533184


>> No.14533195

Eating meat doesn't have to be cruel:

>> No.14533210

it's crazy how long it flaps for

>> No.14533251
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Yeah, the expression: "Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off" doen't come from nowhere. I remember is a child in the Cub Scouts going to a Historic village around Thanksgiving. They prepped and cooked a Turkey from "Scratch."
Beheaded with a hatchet, that fucker literally ran around for a whole minute before falling over.
Quick and painless as it was for the bird, it did make me appreciate and respect where my food comes from.

>> No.14533258

what can't she do?

>> No.14533329

Of course, but hens as much as roosters.

>> No.14533343
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I tell ppl all the time that if any of my ducks regardless of health, gender, or age let me fucking pet them they would immediately be excused off the chopping block.

So far no one is excused for personality. I plan to spare most females (for eggs) and ration out the males who are the healthiest.

This would be true for most animals I eat. Except pigs. Pigs are fucking ugly as shit. That's why PETA can only show baby pigs when they try to convince people not to eat them.

But to answer your question: ALL ANIMALS HAVE INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITIES. I have observed jumping spiders of the same species that had individual personalities. Doesn't stop people from massacring them by the trillions with their nasty pesticides (even though salticidae don't harm crops)

>> No.14533345

snake societal pressures, and the egg industry, duh.

>> No.14533372
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Ive ownd chickens for most of a decade now. They do have individual personalities. But if theyre all the same breed a usually cant tell thed apart. Theyre also heartless monster who peck whoever they deem the weakest to death. Also I have to constantly reteach the roost whos boss or he get uppity and aggressive with me and or the neighbors.

>> No.14533376

LOVE these little guys...I am unabashedly friends to ALL these kinds of spider, and they know it too.

>> No.14533408

pigs are fucking assholes who would eat us given the chance
they're truly the only animal I can say deserves factory farm treatment

>> No.14533524

When i find a jumping spider I put it in my garden. I don't use pesticides and I want these spiders big and fat and shitting as many babies as possible.
I also like wolf spiders but I am not comfortable handling them like jumping spiders.

>> No.14533542
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Jumping spider anon here. I don't think any animal deserves to be in factory farms, even if they are huge assholes. I just would be willing to slaughter a hog (quickly and not transported to a slaughterhouse) after giving it a good life under the sun and managing my pasture with good food. I want quality pork, after all. Plus I find butchering to be fun. I wouldn't want to butcher hundreds of animals a day, but I find it to be a fun hobby.

ALL animals would eat us if given the chance.

>> No.14533697

I was going to torture myself by reading the comments, but I have yet to find some vegan bitch complaining. RIP big pecker

>> No.14533794

why didn’t you use the traffic cone technique? headfirst into an upside down traffic cone, slit throat, drains the blood AND no messy flapping-around corpse to horrify the kids

>> No.14533798


>> No.14533807

I want to hug a chicken bros

>> No.14533822

you know that animal farm was fiction right

>> No.14533858

Unfortunately, yes. Every brain is created differently in the womb and exposed to different environmental factors. This makes them different.

However, they are still drop dead retarded and taste good, so fuck you faggot.

>> No.14533921
File: 41 KB, 498x374, alligator metric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think chickens have individual personalities?
Their owners confirm it. Talk to chicken farmers, pig farmers, shepherds alike. There will be some observed marvelously cute or clever things seen in pigs, lambs, goats, chickens etc will all do.

>Because if they have individual personalities I'm not sure we should be eating them.
To be fair, across the board, the only dumb as shit "farmed for food" animal with zero redeemable brains is the cow/bull. The more clever IQ, and varyingly better intelligence, and quirkiness in personalities are found in other species across the board.

Not always farmed for food, but alligators are incredibly stupid as shit. They have a peanut sized brain for their size, that is entirely all limbic survival mode, ie just instinctual actions, bite-/roll/eat/sleep, basically kill anything that moves even if you are not huntgry. They can only run in a straight line. They are not capable of higher thoughts. And, no, they can't be trained. We should eat more of them and use their leather too.

>> No.14533950

they say that polar bears are the only animal that will stalk and hunt man
but pigs are gutsy little fuckers, people have been killed by both wild and domestic pigs many times they're also known to bowl over and eat farm dogs or less agile barn cats

in practical terms, pigs are bears with hooves that form packs of up to 50

>> No.14533979

you can't potty train birds

>> No.14534012

>Not always farmed for food, but alligators are incredibly stupid as shit. They have a peanut sized brain for their size, that is entirely all limbic survival mode, ie just instinctual actions, bite-/roll/eat/sleep, basically kill anything that moves even if you are not huntgry. They can only run in a straight line. They are not capable of higher thoughts

Nice 50s meme.

>> No.14534020

>Do you think chickens have individual personalities?
>If you had five chickens could you tell them apart just by the way they acted?
>Or would they all be walking around going "bok bok bok"?
They also do this because are both smart and retarded at the same time. They're like toddlers. They're all different but they'll all eat grass given the opportunity
>Because if they have individual personalities I'm not sure we should be eating them.
I don't care. Give me nuggies.

>> No.14534028

I won't lie to you, they're really soft and good for hugs. They also taste delicious roasted with some onions and olive oil

>> No.14534060

Depends on how well you get to know your chickens. Some people treat their chickens like pets and develop relationships with them. Others treat their chickens like future meals and don't allow themselves to give a fuck if they have personality or not - because getting attached to something you plan on eating isn't a good emotional investment.

I've had friends and family who owned chickens tell me the same: They make wonderful pets and wonderful meals. You get to decide which ones they'll end up being in the end.

If I didn't live in the city, I'd have a handful of girls running around my hard. Might introduce a rooster and then eat him when I have a few broods of chicks from him. Roosters are dicks. Cocks, if you will. I don't want to feed and care for some little fucker who screams all hours of the day and attacks me.

>> No.14534097
File: 247 KB, 1439x1084, 20200524_130401-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ducks are better for hugs. Theyre softer and squishier.

>> No.14534100

You can train them to poop on command.

>> No.14534105

I believe you. There were some pekings around my college and they always looked so soft.

>> No.14534111
File: 817 KB, 2560x1440, 20200703_121634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking of keeping one around just for winter hugs.

>> No.14534116
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Duck tastes pretty good too. A bit greasy, but good nonetheless

>> No.14534119
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, 1578005610474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything that can be done about the smell?

>> No.14534124

They have different personalities the same way different rocks roll down a slope in different way. Don't read too much into it.

>> No.14534159
File: 186 KB, 1024x683, goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14534167

it didn't stop that kid from eating it either I'm sure

>> No.14534202

Fucking honkers man

>> No.14534204

I think you have to be the retarded one to treat poultry like pets

>> No.14534213

Source? Birds don't have sphincters, they can't control when they go, it just slides out

>> No.14534219

I used to not like these guys but I've spent some time with them recently. I go to the park and feed the geese and ducks as a sort of meditation technique. They can be jerks, but they're quite intelegent and cute.

>> No.14534280
File: 25 KB, 719x476, liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't surprise me that pigs are... well... pigs. Still would want to raise them well. Pigs can turn a lot of stuff into meat. But when they live their best and healthiest life you get the best and healthiest meat. I find that its incredibly satisfying too. Like I could eat 1 or 2lbs of that and fast for 48-72 hours easy with good energy to still do field work. Talk about a super food.

>> No.14534295


>> No.14534299

A fed chicken learns certain behaviors to get fed...

>> No.14534304

Every pardoned turkey on Thanksgiving could of fed a whole jungle tribe in africa

>> No.14534405

Agricultural lime and regular cleaning.

>> No.14534421

Geese are good guards if you raise ducks or chickens, but get them together as chicks so it'll imprint or it will bully the other birds

>> No.14534428


>> No.14534872

didn't you make a thread with the upside down cone

>> No.14534900

So they're just like people.

>> No.14534904
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>> No.14534925
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>> No.14534934
File: 757 KB, 2560x1440, 20200703_113925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, im going to do another one soon as I have to butcher all the males. Theyre getting very rapey.

>> No.14534978

is there no way to separate them ?

>> No.14534997

>girls running around my hard
your hard what?

>> No.14535016
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>Because if they have individual personalities I'm not sure we should be eating them.

>> No.14535020

>Theyre getting very rapey.
classic duck

>> No.14535036
File: 312 KB, 1057x576, mike_w_unattached_head_high_resolution_-crop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a chicken that survived his head being cut off. just a brain stem was enough for him to continue living for 18 months

>> No.14535040
File: 915 KB, 2560x1440, 20200703_130913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyll just start raping each other and I dont want to waste food on them. Theyre not going to lay eggs for me after all.

>> No.14535926

This is the right approach to eating meat

>> No.14536436

No animal has a personality, just patterns of behavior. Only humans have personality, and God put animals on earth for our consumption.

>> No.14537828

i wont eat pigs or cows because theyve shown themselves to be quite intelligent. ive met pigs smarter than coworkers. but i will always eat chicken, duck, and turkey. why? because, goddamn, they are some of the dumbest fucking creatures on earth.

>> No.14537848

>white people

>> No.14537865

Some of them have different temperaments to others, like some will be more easily annoyed than others, but I don't know if i'd go so far as to say they have individual personalities.

>> No.14537875

they have a social order and you can distinguish them by their place in it

anyway, your thing is as good a reason as any. they make pretty good fake chicken too, by far the easiest meat to substitute

>> No.14537903

Fun fact: the US is currently experiencing a massive Salmonella epidemic because people are keeping chickens as pets and doing stuff like this. When you treat a chicken like a dog or cat and hug and pet it, you're getting chicken shit particles all over you, they're filthy birds.

>> No.14538055

>hug and pet it, you're getting chicken shit particles all over you, they're filthy birds.
and the other way around

>> No.14538115


>> No.14540030


>> No.14540335

its always been funny to me that i can pick up my birds all the time, but if the funnel, axe block and feather bucket is out of the shed, they always run scared to fucking death.

>> No.14540961
File: 41 KB, 515x687, 20200728_143350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know there are 2 duck anons on here? We have both butchered our ducks on here.

>> No.14541200
File: 603 KB, 2560x1440, 20200703_153143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14541206

None of the "conventional" liver I've seen looks like that

>> No.14541526
File: 56 KB, 500x587, tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're the big dick
and you're the 2 balls, amiright?

>> No.14541533
File: 42 KB, 680x940, 4099D96E-85FB-44BB-9983-FE57456D1FC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So they're just like people.

>> No.14541542

so, you're a zoo-opheliac but you're not a pigfucker?

>> No.14541543

Even if they were all the same I'd feel bad about it because they can feel pain and suffering desu

>> No.14541585

nice reddit take there....what other conspiracies do you believe?

>> No.14541731

Yes, his name was Mike. He unfortunately choked to death on a piece of corn.

>> No.14541779

If I lay down naked in their pen would they rape me?

>> No.14541848
File: 22 KB, 491x655, rest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will post my next one on here for comparison.

>> No.14541863

>t. retard

>> No.14541882

>if you watch ducks long enough
>you will witness the duck rape
>or be raped

>> No.14542042

I think low tier birds like chickens and guinea fowl can learn behaviors that seem like personality, but all in all majority of birds are just on auto pilot. Eat, Reproduce, Die

Parrets and other Higher Birds though can definitely show personality. And maybe that's because they're able to vocalize beyond squawks.
I really wish more animals had some sense of self but it kinda makes me happy Chickens don't seem to have that. Chicken is yummo.
Jumping spiders are absolute chads. They have the same type of simple eyes as us so aside from having multiple eyes they see us how we see them. And I wish that insects and other arthropods had personality. Because Beetles are my favorite animals.

>> No.14542276

Good question. You must try, and livestream it.

>> No.14542295

My spic grandparents made me boil a chicken by holding its head into water in Ecuador when I was 6 so that was cool

>> No.14542518

>/ck/ autonomous zone

>> No.14542523

I can already see the ocular histoplasmosis.

>> No.14542527

zookeeper here
even the dumbest birds can have personalities and quirks, not at all limited to the more intelligent species. in fact, i can't think of any bird species i've worked with that was just on autopilot. you just have to spend some time with them to actually see it. to the untrained eye, everything will look like generic just-living behavior.

>> No.14542965

You like your job? I hear that zookeepers get paid shit and you gotta work side jobs.

>> No.14542969

You had to hold your hands in boiling water?

>> No.14543143

Earth is round

>> No.14544344

i've worked two paid positions and never had to have a side job but i'm a dumb gamer and don't care about having anything but food internet and an apartment. my current job pays over $20/hr but cost of living here is so high i'd never be able to get a house on my own. i'm leaving the field when my lease is up because i've learned that management will never be held accountable for anything, even when doing the most unethical, reprehensible shit, and i'm completely and utterly sick of yelling at people to not throw shit at the animals i take care of.

>> No.14544348

real lads eat animals that are fucking the environment up or things they hunted themselves

>> No.14544925

remember hearing a story of a little girl whose parents kicked her out of the house; she had to live in the shed with the animals. One morning, she's fighting for scraps with the pigs and gets her nose ripped straight off, and maybe a bit more skin than that.

>> No.14544966

yeah lots of people have gotten nipped by pigs and lost chunks of fingers too

>> No.14545120
File: 109 KB, 730x370, swan-hugs-human-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swans hugs are better than both

>> No.14545144

It's laying them. Snakes come from eggs.

>> No.14545886
File: 226 KB, 563x651, 1596240215885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. One of my chickens escaped like Eugene Toombs under my fence. I went to look for it and left the gate open. The other chicken just stared at the gate, dumbstruck.

>> No.14546027

It would be extremely painful

>> No.14546167
File: 252 KB, 474x457, 18561614134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humans do as well, naw im sayin?

>> No.14546187

You’re a big duck

>> No.14546243


>> No.14547144
File: 88 KB, 1198x800, hewantstendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, they're "people too" but too stupid to live. I couldn't tell you how long a chicken's lifespan even is because they're so prone to just fucking dying of the stupidest shit. Or occasionally something pretty metal like getting their head ripped off by a dog. Be careful how you raise the babies too, they're basically just hawk tendies.