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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 294 KB, 1600x1327, yemen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14528937 No.14528937 [Reply] [Original]

>has way better food than india, pakistan or what ever asian country you can think of

>> No.14530657

>has food

>> No.14530660

cannibalism isn't a type of food anon.

>> No.14530671

+1 those jungle runners will eat anything

>> No.14530724

I'd like to know about Somalian cuisine. Sell me on it OP. I already like Ethiopian.

>> No.14530728

right below djibouti!!!!

>> No.14530852

Not OP but I am Somali. If your eating at a restaurant you'd probably be eating Pasta's, Rice, Goat meat or Organs, Fish, and Chicken.

>Breakfast is usally a Somali style of Injeer called Molowax which is more like a crepe with Pare(goat liver) or Calooley(goat stomach) served alongside it

>Lunch is usally a large plate of rice with lots of spices raw black pepper, cinnamon, and cumin etc. With similar meats that I mentioned before.

>Snacks are usually Samosas, Xalwa(A sweet that I'm not sure whats in it), Fried Dough and Chapati.

This is just what I Remember of the top of my head

>> No.14530923

love the taste of human flesh, cocaine, and dirt in the mornin'!

>> No.14531062

Pic related

>> No.14532017

Sounds good desu

>> No.14532021

Well they also have pirates and rampant crime so, checks and balances.

>> No.14532027
File: 250 KB, 726x1024, 645B1368-613F-404B-AA6A-380EF9D085D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pick one

>> No.14532407

Thanks Somalibro, i love Ethiopian food so I'll check some Somali recipes

>> No.14532705

thank you somalianon, i will look out for a somali restaurant next time i'm in the twin cities. can you get khat?

>> No.14532734

Fair trade ngl. Life is boring here in North Europe.

>> No.14532748

Based retarded spam bot

>> No.14532766


>> No.14532863

if it's anything like ethiopian it's just a slightly more bland version of indian food. Oh and instead of naan you have a wet dishrag.

>> No.14532882

it's a lot like indian or afghan
rice, flatbreads, samosa things

>> No.14532890

>op gimp posts some African shit hole has good food
>dozens of replies but not a single example of the food
Yeah it's bait

>> No.14532893
File: 407 KB, 600x597, flyover-land-v1-front-cover-600pxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best things to happen to america in the last 20 years are Ilhan Omar and Somali food. if there weren't so many awful wh*tes in the flyover states I'd honestly consider moving there, I love east africans

bzzzt wrong

>> No.14532896

Hilarious haha we are blessed with your culture and wit

>> No.14532907

No Khat doesn't have a very long shelf life it's mainly used in Africa. A good restuarant in Minneapolis is Quraxlow or Hamdi.

>> No.14533064

Jungles? In Somalia?

>> No.14533107

haha oh man, how you guys come up with this stuff roflmao

>> No.14533111

You didn't read the thread, did you?

>> No.14533125
File: 197 KB, 800x522, somali-food-edsel-little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the eat for an entire day

>> No.14533153

Based somaliposter

>> No.14533163

Is pasta a big thing? Didn't know, thought it was only rice

>> No.14533213

Looks good, beans, pasta, green peas, onions?, cucumber or zuccini? peppers, tomatosauce, meat :D

>> No.14533218

Forgot lettuce and lemons for freshness :D

>> No.14533223


>> No.14533302

Yea It's due to being a colony of Italy we took som cuisine and lots of loan words from them.

>> No.14533314

That's pretty close if your getting it from a restaurant.

>> No.14533365

Anything can be food if you're brave enough.

>> No.14533393

I find African cuisine to be too stew based for my liking.

and the spices used is almost the same spice mix used for almost everything

>> No.14533400

Pick one

>> No.14533501

If it's anything like Ethiopian food, it probably sucks.

>> No.14533550


>> No.14533554

See >>14533107

>> No.14533559

Cool, didn't know that. Thanks