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14528123 No.14528123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do I fix this hangover

>> No.14528129

Take some benzos and sleep it off

>> No.14528137
File: 42 KB, 834x469, what_to_do_with_pickle_brine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 pickles and some bacon. but the real miracle cure is the pickle brine, eat your piggles and bagon and then drink a cup or so of brine, nap, and you'll be golden in an hour.

i've been trying to spread the word on this for years and the success stories keep coming, don't be a non-believer anon, not now in your hour of need

>> No.14528143

>but the real miracle cure is the pickle brine
Is this why pickle backs were getting popular in bars before virus?

>> No.14528158

idunno what that is but i'll go out on a limb and say yes

>> No.14528170

Just wait it out. Hangovers aren't that bad.

>> No.14528174

500 ml gatorade
2x200mg guarana pills
Cold shower

>> No.14528175

A shot of whiskey served with a pickle juice chaser.

>> No.14528177

Can get really brutal. Last hangover I puked all day and my throat still hurts from it.

>> No.14528184

What were you drinking?

>> No.14528187

Six tablespooons of honey and three glasses of milk.

>> No.14528190

Sit in a sauna and drink a big bottle of water. You'll sweat that garbage straight out of your system. Cured my hangovers within 2 hours.

>> No.14528205

Call in sick, drink some water and take ibuprofen, drink more water and stay in bed until the sun goes down, have a light meal when you feel good enough to get up.

>> No.14528207

I hear you can cure hangovers by not overdrinking like a pig

>> No.14528216

you need potassium

>> No.14528363

a beautiful blond to nurse you back to health.

>> No.14528387

yea shove a banana up your ass like this guy said

>> No.14528405
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Never stop drinking

>> No.14528417

Zapoy my friend, zapoy

>> No.14529656

opiates+ benzos

>> No.14529681
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Quit being a girl benis and pour a stiff premium vodka or bourbon and you’ll be golden in 10-15 minutes. yw

>> No.14529712

glass of water with half a teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate in it

>> No.14529774

the moment you wake up, you just start downing water. additionally, you get yourself something greasy and fatty, like bacon or sausage. wolf it down with some eggs and buttered toast and you'll feel better than ever

>> No.14529806

Cup of hot water with a bouillon cube dissolved in it.

>> No.14529810

Fried egg and bacon with toast and orange juice does the trick

>> No.14529831

Only correct answer in this thread. Everything else is just bro science and eating salt in dumb ways

>> No.14529847

Dehydration is what makes you feel the worst during a hangover. You need electrolytes, my favourite way is a pint of water with the juice of half a lemon and a generous pinch of pink / rock / sea salt. Gets them electrolytes moving again.

>> No.14529949

Lots of water and very fatty, salty foods. Alcohol processing in the body involves intermediates of fatty acid metabolism and, so, flooding the bodies with them (I.e. by consuming fatty foods) and flushing yourself with water helps.

My advice for salty foods is just from personal experience and not from any other knowledge about nutrition, but, I figure, if you're pissing a lot from the water now or from pissing you did the night before, then replacing electrolytes might be necessary.

>> No.14529983

Drink lots of water, take some painkiller if your head hurts and eat something easily digestible, simple carbs would do the trick, protein and fats are good only before drinking as they slow "metabolism" and absorption, you wanna metabolize and excrete all the alcohol, not maintain it in the system.

There are also very effective antiemetics that work by blocking dopamine receptors but good luck getting that shit without a prescription

You cannot sweat alcohol nor any of its metabolites you dum dum, the sauna shit is just broscience

>> No.14529999
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here you go, my lad

>> No.14530033

hydrate + potassium & rest
salt by itself will just make things worse

>> No.14530764

this, easy to cook, easy to get down and it comfy

>> No.14531380
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One time at a work Christmas party I drank a big bottle of champagne, half a bottle of white wine, a bunch of beer, 2 whiskey sours and did a half gram of cocaine and smoked a couple joints and I had a hangover for 3 days, still had my shoes and coat on when I woke up

>> No.14531415

Smoke a bowl of dudelmao and eat some pizza. You'll take a comfy nap and wake up feeling 10/10

>> No.14531440

It's mostly due to the fact that pickle juice will instantly cut through the taste of the most vile rotgut booze imaginable and it tastes good too. The hangover prevention, if it happens at all, is just a bonus.

>> No.14531457

well if you think about it pickle juice is basically cucumber and vinegar gatorade so it makes sense

its like pedialyte or whatever

>> No.14531473
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Absolutley bases
(And checked)

>> No.14531476

that's a really good idea

>> No.14531482
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Good point anon, I guess I never looked at it that way

>> No.14531484

Was this a restaurant Christmas party or are office parties even better?

>> No.14531645

Hotel but I was friends with the restaurant lads and partied with them

>> No.14531735

Yeah, cause pickle brine is a great cure for dehydration.

>> No.14531738


>> No.14531985

Coconut water with a little salt added

>> No.14531990

sip water, smoke weed, masturbate, stay in bed

>> No.14531991

hair of the dog

>> No.14532112

Yea this, but weed doesn't actually fix you if the hangover is really bad tho but it makes it more bearable to get through

>> No.14532156


>> No.14532329

i'm going to let you all in on a secret
dihydromyricetin / DHM
it's a god damn miracle
you can drink a fuckload, pop a few of them before bed after a night of drinking and wake up feeling like you only had a few beers. I'm not kidding, and also not a shill. This stuff saved my social life

t. 30 y/o who gets horrible hangovers if i don't take it

>> No.14532395

They can be super brutal depending on what you drank and ate. I've had ones that have lasted for what feels like a week and my entire neck was so tense it was squishing my lymph nodes.

>> No.14532430

Pedialyte and masturbate all day to take it mind off feeling bad.

>> No.14532455

I do use DHM but I wouldn't say you can drink a fuck ton and only pop a few before bed. I've found limits, but I went really far. However you can use them between drinks. Problem is they might keep you from getting quite as drunk as you would hope for if you go that route.

>> No.14532499

>Call in sick
Good luck finding a doctor who'll give you a certificate for a hangover.
Calling in sick for being hungover is a quick way to get laid off

>> No.14532506
File: 77 KB, 1200x1007, Need+more+smug+post+smug+please+ty_716494_6738164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I work in healthcare and am bros with all the local doctors