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14523301 No.14523301 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best dried meat snack?


>> No.14523302

Slim Jims

>> No.14523309

Mc chicken left in a hot car for 12 hours

>> No.14523310

Are there any made with just meat and salt?

>> No.14523316


Pic related is pretty close, it's:

Coarse Salt
Crushed Black Pepper
Coriander Seeds

Sprinkle over meat, coat lightly, not liberally, and then marinate in malted vinegar and worchestershire sauce for 24 hours. Hang in cool, dry, bug-free place for 4 days

>> No.14523330

I know biltong is terrible but I'm a total sucker for it. Introduced to me by my south african family members and I have a soft spot for it.

>> No.14523341


>biltong is terrible

Why? Does it give you cancer?

>> No.14523342

Not that I'm aware but everyone else I know seems to strongly dislike it.

>> No.14523350

Might be okay if the amounts used are small. I have some digestive issues though which is why I'm asking, but it seems impossible to find any with just meat and salt. Guess I'd just have to make it myself.

>> No.14523352


As an american I personally think the issue is that "jerky" with shitloads of sugar and flavorings is so standard that delicious dried meat is 'bad' for whatever reason

>> No.14523355


sorry, sorry

2 kg beef—silverside or toprump
5 tbsp brown (malt) and 5tbsp worchestershire sauce
2.5 tbsp coarse salt
2 tsp coarse ground black pepper
2 tbsp coriander seed

you may add regular or brown sugar.

>> No.14523409

that looks really good. i want some

>> No.14523416

not to mention how many people interchangeably use the word 'jerky' to describe those extruded ground meat things

>> No.14523433

shut the fuck up tripcoded faggot. eat dried dogshit then kys

>> No.14523441

a fan of the dog treats are you?

>> No.14523452
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da gabbagool

>> No.14523508

i like jamon iberico best. but i haven’t found it in a store in the US.

>> No.14523751
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>> No.14523767
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Homemade Bresaola is best

>> No.14523780

Is that basturma? My family makes that shit every year for easter. Salt cured and hung from a rope

>> No.14523816

There is this ultradry polish sausage. You have to be careful which one you pick. If it looks too shriveled, it will break your jaw. But if you get a good one, it is one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted.

>> No.14523852

Yeah, these are called 'kabanos'.

>> No.14523885

Unironically jerky. Sorry third-worlders, but enjoy jerking each other off over your sour grapes.

>> No.14523914

No it’s not quite kabanos. Kabanos has too much fat. It never gets quite this dry. It’s literally pudding compared to the kind of sausage I’m talking about.

>> No.14523963

Jerky is fantastic and absolutely the best plus its easy as shit. Slice it, marinate it and then throw it in the dehydrator.

>> No.14523968

It's biltong for sure but I like it leaner. There's a "Wagyu Biltong Company" in my city and I don't understand it. If I want fattier dried meat I'll get droewors.

Every time I've tried jerky it's severely overproduced like they're trying to hide the flavour of the meat. That said every biltong I've tried from a brand (as opposed to a butcher) has made the same mistake.

>> No.14524019

cheese and dried meat
you should add a little mustard, the coarse kinds

>> No.14524025


>> No.14525912

Yes, they're usually made from pork like prosciutto. Jamon iberico is the greatest thing ever.

>> No.14525919
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>> No.14525934
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Shrunken heads

>> No.14526062

landjaeger. Next question

>> No.14526104

your mother's twat

>> No.14526509


It's amazing

>> No.14528201

the thing you're talking about is kiełbasa myśliwska
that's the one that gets teeth chipping jaw breaking dry if you wait

>> No.14528258

Local German Brewery makes Pfefferjager. It's the best

>> No.14528280

this, i always order mine without the mcchicken sauce for this reason alone, i never eat them fresh, theyre always better just a bit stale.

>> No.14528283

Based delicious biltong poster

>> No.14528306

BIltong is pretty awesome, wanna try making my own when it warms up again but dunno what the best way to go about it is.

>> No.14528331 [DELETED] 

>cut meat thin
>spray with apple cider vinegar
>hang in sun until desired dryness
>keep flies off

>> No.14528347

>mc donalds
you can't have both

>> No.14528589

biltong what?

>> No.14529058

Cold smoked reindeer

>> No.14529246

do pork rinds count?

>> No.14529296

>when it warms up again
isnt it the opposite?

>> No.14529311

>mfw i make a trail broth out of some random stuff i find backpacking and some chunked-up biltong
good shit

>> No.14529322

How do these taste compared to jerky? Less salty and sugary I imagine. Is this something I'd have to make myself, or possible to find somewhere that sells it so I know if I'd liked it before I tried it out?

>> No.14529336

Depends on what you season it with. The biltong I've had is a bit more spice flavored, but you also get a great beef taste. Its more tender than jerky and usually sliced thinner. You're not eating hard leather like with jerky. I really like both though.
Usually there's no sugar in biltong which isn't a given for jerky. Just google biltong you can buy it on amazon, though I'm sure its not hard to make.

>> No.14529340

Drywors is KING

>> No.14529376

>hard to make
The hardest part would be seeing if I can find a place for it without bugs, but it was more about possibly wasting a bunch of meat if I didn't like it. Though I guess if I can't get a sample from somewhere I'd be wasting meat and money either way.

>> No.14529401
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>> No.14529862

jerky's literally it though.
you want dried meat?
it's called jerky.

hipster jerky.

>> No.14529871

Biltong, hunner pissent. Lots of places you can buy it too, they usually do venison as well as beef. Maybe Elk, all I'm saying is look into it.

>> No.14530187

Biltong is great, same answer here.

>> No.14530198

That's like saying all beef is steak, man

Chopped hipster steak

>> No.14532160
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You'll need to either buy or make a Biltong Box. They're pretty simple, DIY home projects.

>> No.14532172


>> No.14532512


>highschool woodship cabinet and a small fan


>> No.14532525


End product is delicious, but if you really want to spend like 150 bucks on a box with a fan in it, you can buy them from various online stores. My cost was 12$

>> No.14532533


>im poor wahhhhhh dont but a 1400 dollar smoker you can just turn a clay pot into one

>> No.14532581


>> No.14532611

Liquor store-pilled but not based unless we're talking about the xtra spicy kind

>> No.14532715

French saucisson

>> No.14532719

>getting this triggered over nothing

>> No.14532827

why buy a 1400 dollar smoker when you can just use your oven

>> No.14532834
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Dry-cured ham obviously. Jamon Iberico in particular.

>> No.14532837


>implying chicks arent impressed by top dollar spent on kitchen appliances

>> No.14532842

Why not eat them out of the dumpster you fucking animals?

>> No.14532845

>implying they know enough about cooking to tell them apart

>> No.14532850


I have fucked more puss on the basis of owning a dehydrator in ten years than you'll ever in 100

>> No.14532871

they probably think it makes cupcakes so whatever works for you bro

>> No.14532965


Shut the fuck up, or I will doxx you, find out where you live, and serve you the best fucking dehydrated food ever made. You will literally cum in your pants from my delicious dried meats. You will cry. You will realize what a worthless human being you are for not liking my delicious dried meats. Nigger.

>> No.14532972


Can you pair of autists stop shitting up my delicious dried meat snack thread and go meet up in a discord and start a tender loving gay relationship?

>> No.14532981

that sounds like a good time lets do it

>> No.14532992


Fuck off I am not gay, I am a fucking chad

>> No.14533000

Thai beef jerky?

>> No.14533002

theres nothing gay about two bros putting delicious dried meat in eachothers mouths

>> No.14533721

like bresaola, but better

>> No.14533754
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forgot to add pic

>> No.14533909
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Well never liked dried meat but now it's Cabanoss or smoked reindeer, Cabanoss is mild and tasty, Reindeer is tasty and tasty :D moose is in between :D

>> No.14534207

your mom's poon

>> No.14534223
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kneel to the culatello

>> No.14534235

you are a fucking liar. that plywood sheet alone costs upwards of $30+

>> No.14534237

>stale bread
>stale meat

>> No.14534259

i went to high school with a guy whose whole family hunted all the time and made their own jerky, he was always bringing it to school and sharing some with me, didn't have much flavorings and always tasted delicious

>> No.14534430
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Dried duck breast.
No special tools needed: put it raw in a lot of coarse salt, let it wait 24h in a fridge, rinse it and dry it with paper towels. Coat it with whatever spices you want, wrap it in a tea towel and let it rest 2-3 weeks in a fridge.

>> No.14534457

Do Americans Really pay upwards of $30 for a sheet of glorified particle board?

>> No.14534779

Magret séché. This is great in a salad.

>> No.14534817

no but I sometimes find stuff with only salt and pepper.

>> No.14535418

No, that guy is just a retard.
i love me some gabagool

>> No.14535440
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I just want a little salami

>> No.14536270


Anon you should know there's two kinds of people.

There's a sticker on a car that says 90k.

Person 1: "D'ohkay, I'll pay that." and pays 90k.
Person 2: "Let's discuss this." They go into the salesman's office, and walk out having paid 78k.

12$ anon is person 2, and "you cant possibly pay less than 30 bucks per piece" anon is person 1. Don't be person 1, all salesmen want your fucking money and they'll take less just to make sure they get it.

>> No.14536569
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>> No.14536646

Biltong is pretty great honestly

>> No.14536693

That's just a suet block for birds.

>> No.14536816


isnt pemmican like animal fat and berries

>> No.14537097


I do that with pork tenderloin, the result is great. I wait 16 to 19 days depending on thickness. I've even made a rack to hang them with Lego technic bricks.

I've tried the following :
- Herbes de Provence
- Herbes de Provence with black perper
- steak rub (without salt or pepper)
- Cajun spices

I might try it with duck breast now.

>> No.14537137


salt and pepper (coarse and chunky)

>> No.14537259

Can in the UK, because we actually have laws that protect consumers lmao. The meat here is actually meat, wild I know.

>> No.14537299

beef pizzel dog treats

>> No.14537310


yeah for another year. Enjoy your chlorinated american food by brexiter bro.

>he has to eat american food because at least he's free

>> No.14538336

Meat, fat, and berries

>> No.14539029
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Can't beat the spiciness and chewiness of a nice Basturma