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File: 90 KB, 2700x1561, new-subway®-retaurants-logo-5-HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14520490 No.14520490 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.14520495

they hired a pedo as their spokesperson

>> No.14520499

Sandwiches are gross

>> No.14520505

They kept adding preservatives to increase shelf life until the whole place tasted like straight salt. A deer lick block us less salty than subway bread and meats.

>> No.14520509

MBAs raped the company by over-saturating it literally everywhere and cutting corners on ingredients. >>14520495 wouldn't have been that bad for them, but the fact that sales were falling was really pouring salt in the wound.
Wouldn't be surprised if they get bought in the next decade.

>> No.14520529

No more $5 footlongs

>> No.14520540

You really think their food is too salty? I feel the total opposite. Nowadays, on the rare occasion that I go there, I have to have them douse everything in salt, pepper, oil vinegar and some type of sauce to mask that weird flavor. This is a cliche thing to say, but to me their food literally tastes and smells like cardboard. I've smelled types of cardboard that smell like Subgay.

>> No.14520548
File: 249 KB, 2276x1281, subw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subway bread tastes like sweat socks, their meat tastes of nothing but salt, and their cheese tastes of nothing

It is essentially little more than a texture, a texture for you to chew as a vehicle for Italian dressing, mayo, or spicy cream sauce. Arby's is a much better fast food deli.

>> No.14520589

eggzactly. No more 5 dolla 5 dolla 5 dolla footlongs, nobody's interested in you no mo' felicia. I once left a friend in Miami with $50 and travelled a bit knowing he'd be covered for 10 days food and Considering that their best sandwich was either the veggie patty or the meatball and other places have vegetarian options now... boomers quit booming and zoomers never knew of such basedness

>> No.14520591

>This is a cliche thing to say, but to me their food literally tastes and smells like cardboard. I've smelled types of cardboard that smell like Subgay.
i thought i was the only one

>> No.14520614

Pedos and pajeets

>> No.14520624

Got rid of roast beef.

>> No.14520632

Need to bring back the Seafood Sensation

>> No.14520657
File: 3.98 MB, 1173x2489, subway-en-US-MenuNutrition-Menu-All-2019-01-19-15_04_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once ate a roasted chicken sub from Subway and it was like a breaded sponge full of water

>> No.14520705

All of their shops are run by Indians who make you feel unwelcome and don't give you enough stuff on your sandwich.

>> No.14520711

Tom Green bankrupted them with his orders


>> No.14520719

iirc it's mostly soy protein, there was some kind of lawsuit about it

>> No.14520760

I think Subway ended up countersuing because the way the testing was done didn't prove what percentage of ingredients were being used. Even if it was mostly chicken they still probably injected it with a ton of brine to add water weight.

It's just not worth getting anything from Subway though, they skimp on the meat and cheese hard and it's just too easy to go buy sandwich ingredients and make them yourself. Can spend ten bucks to make at least a few big sandwiches instead of getting two sad ones from Subway.

>> No.14520768

Subway was never good. The ingredients were always subpar and the service was usually awful, but the sandwiches were cheap enough that nobody complained.

>MBAs raped the company by over-saturating it literally everywhere

It was easier to get a Subway franchise than any other large fast food franchise, and was this way for a long time. It cheap to start a Subway and the store size requirements were lower than most restaurant franchises. Franchised restaurants generally have regional restrictions that keep people from opening a competing owner from the same franchise too close nearby, Subway's were virtually non-existent. Subway had (and probably still does have) more locations than any other restaurant in the United States. This wasn't a result of MBAs gone mad, it was because Subway's founder and CEO was hellbent on expansion.

A few years back Subway realized it had too many stores and started trying to bust out franchise owners with bogus writeups for violation and franchise revocations.

>> No.14520772

God this. His wife is pretty nice, though. I've only seen her working a couple times at night.

>> No.14520778

And they tossed out Subway's countersuit because it was little more than "th-they can't say that about us!" The "chicken" they tested was something like 46% soy protein and filler.

>> No.14520822

I miss the days when you could walk into any subway across the country and play "spot the weed dealer".
Good times.

>> No.14520841

they redesigned the logo to be minimalist

>> No.14520848

this summer they had a deal 2 for $10 to bring back $5 footlongs. the franchise owners were begging corporate to stop because they were losing so much money

>> No.14521040

and you couldn't even go get one, you had to place a $20 or something order first before you could order the 2 for 10 or you had to download the app or some shit. Was fucking faggotry exponiniated and wiped the taste clean out of my mouth

>> No.14521047

Seriously, why are so many Subways owned by Paki's and Poos?

>> No.14521075

I didn't participate in the deal but I think the only requirement was that you order through their app. yeah they're collecting data on you but banks already do that and you can deny app permissions so really who cares if they know that I order sandwiches from them. I don't mind in that instance. still I don't eat at subway

>> No.14521086

Because it's easy as hell to get a Subway franchise and a lot of these people want to own a business.

I used to work at a terrible small CPA firm that mostly dealt with small clients no normal CPA firm would want to deal with. An accounting firm of last resort if you will. I have some great stories about hilarious Indian business drama.

>> No.14521093

little lettuce

>> No.14521097

They did end up switching it to app only, but even then most franchises were allowed to simply op out of the deal. I believe official estimates were 75% of franchises locations didn't honor the deal. I know none of the ones near me did, and many even had it posted on signs in the door.

>> No.14521103
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>> No.14521107

>I have some great stories about hilarious Indian business drama.
You can't just say that and then not tell us. Greentext time!

>> No.14521399

>TD owned a small gas station and a few other businesses
>Gas station wasn't doing well
>SK wanted to own a business despite the fact that he and his wife both had good corporate jobs that paid well
>TD recommended he buy the gas station
>SK bought up the gas station, and now was working two jobs
>SK did zero due diligence buying the gas station and didn't even realize that he was buying the right to operate the gas station, while someone else owned the building and land and he had to pay rent
>SK got busted selling alcohol to an underage kid, threatening the store's liquor license
>Even successful small gas stations don't usually make much money, this gas station wasn't even profitable before SK bought it
>It was somehow even less profitable after SK bought it
>Every month SK had to transfer money from the family bank account to the gas station business account to keep it afloat
>SK got sued by the landlord for failure to pay rent
>The gas station had somehow transferred hands without SK fully paying TD (legally I don't know if it had transferred hands without payment since I'm not a lawyer and don't know what the sales agreement said, but SK had been operating the gas station for around a year when this happened), so now TD was taking SD to court too
>SK had not engaged us to file and pay his sales taxes, now the state was threatening to revoke his right to do business because SK hadn't done it this either
>SK now owed the state over 5 figures in delinquent sales taxes, interest, and penalties.

Meanwhile.... TD took the proceeds he had received from the sale of his terrible gas station and invested them in a hotel with a mysterious business partner.

>> No.14521507

the ones by me still have this...pretty decent deal, for the crap they serve

>> No.14521509

Every fucking Pajeet started these places up all over the fucking place to bring their families over
>new buildings go up
>shit you not now like 3 subways within a 2 mile radius
>all owned by Raffeet, Pajeet, or Rajeet
>regardless which one I go to it's all the same
>bread thin so they can save cost on dough, either undercooked or well overcooked so it comes apart obviously watered down more
>if you ask for lettuce be prepared that this will be no less than 50% of the toppings regardless
>Tomatoes are thrown on even more
>sprinkle of meats
>sprinkle of toppings that were obviously fucking frozen
>have to demand extra constantly for normal portions
>sauces always have to be extra too regardless
then the check out
>Just the sub deal thanks
>No drink? very good combo sir very good
>no just the sub
>cookie? we have fresh
>no just the sub
>Poo Loos brother or some shit comes over too "sir drink? maybe? combo good deal?

Fuck subways, also using the mobile app for deals always makes them ree

>> No.14521511


>> No.14521534

thanks idiot, you just made me hungry for Subway

>> No.14521537

im not paying 12 dollars for a shit tier sandwich

>> No.14521544

>he doesn't do 2 footlongs for 10 dollar deal

Seriously the app deals like that are the only reason I even go to subway anymore.

>> No.14521557
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>> No.14521590

I work at a firm that turns those types of clients down. It must have been hell to not be able to do that

>> No.14521592

This 100%.

>> No.14521596
File: 45 KB, 640x400, coldcutcombo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14521599

it was 3 pronged which started with the death of the CEO and his sister taking over
she then over saturated the market, at one point my town had 13 locations in it

and the $5 footlong devalued their product. It created an idea in the mind of the public that their footlong sandwiches are not worth more than $5, even as costs rise
people wont buy them if they cost more than $5, but their margins aren't good enough to sell them for that amount

>> No.14521603
File: 46 KB, 550x387, cold-cut-combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a bologna sandwich plz

>> No.14521619

Subway's franchising model has been a disaster for decades.


>> No.14521620

>"sir drink? maybe? combo good deal?
I'm fucking dying

>> No.14521628

>she then over saturated the market

Subway was oversaturated long before 2015.

>> No.14521632

It's so fucking annoying because I just got done telling Simer right there as she asks about my sub for a combo and I say no Pajeet at the register asks the same fucking thing always telling me it's a good deal.

They also keep the fucking soda machines behind the counter so you have to ask for refills and always make it 75% ice

>> No.14521642

I haven't gone to Subway in like a decade because I'm waiting for them to go back on sale for $5.

>> No.14521653

The 2 for 10 sale is via the mobile app and really the only reason I go
>get 2 chicken bacon ranch subs
>2 days of meal ready to go

>> No.14521691

I hate downloading apps. Can't subway just download my data from Zuckerberg? (Not that I have a normiebook but you know what I mean).

>> No.14521697
File: 307 KB, 2096x1242, subber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14521699

They're the worst fucking people on earth to deal with. They can't do anything by themselves, they need constant handholding and call and email you all the goddamn time about every single thing, they don't understand anything no matter how how many times you explain it, they pay their bills late after arguing over everything and demanding discounts, they can never give you a straight answer, you ask for something and they give you the messiest bunch of crap in the world, . To make things even worse, the firm I worked for was a mismanaged trainwreck too. Turnover was higher than I've ever seen at a professional firm. Nothing was standardized so we had to deal with every single client differently. New staff received virtually no training, help, or guidance and were thrown to the wolves from day 1. First year staff were preparing and signing a wide range of tax returns without review and doing other stuff that wouldn't be done by anyone lower than a manager at a normal firm.

I work at a much larger CPA firm now, and with just a couple exceptions where things went horribly wrong, every single client is better than the old firm's best clients.

>> No.14521700

You could just use your browser to order online too. Pretty sure the deal works there as well.

>> No.14521710

>tfw thought Subway was a hotdog place growing up
In fairness. My dad would always grab Subway growing up when I was super young. It'd be at like 9PM at night, and he'd come home from work, and I'd get a hot dog and we'd watch Tales from the Crypt.

>> No.14521711

Bread sucks. Seriously. So much else could be overlooked if the bread wasn't trashed.

I just get jimmy johns any time I want a sub .

>> No.14521730

Pajeet subways killed it

>go in with coupon for BOGO
>they instantly notice this and fuck with your sub giving you shit portions aside from LTO

>soda machines are always on the fritz
>Magically tea is never an issue or water

>can tell they never use soap to clean the tables or if they do it's well below the norm

>> No.14521740

They mixed soy into their meats and hired a pedo to speak for them.

>> No.14521952

Subway gets outplayed so hard by the other sandwich chains. Their food and service are almost always bad. The only thing they have going for them over other sandwich chains at this point is more locations and a lower price point. I guess they're the only major sandwich chain to serve breakfast, but fuck it I'd sooner buy breakfast at the gas station.

>> No.14521964

Having to get into an argument with the Indian behind the counter. I said I wanted black olives motherfucker not 1 slice of black olive per inch of sandwich.

>> No.14522122

subway is so fucking disgusting. how do people eat this pig slop

>> No.14522130
File: 158 KB, 1000x750, subway-spicy-italian-flatizza-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subway Faltizza was the worst fast food product I ever ate

>> No.14522144

the only time i ever "eat" subway is when i am officiating a sports tournament and that's the crap they provide for lunch. i can barely choke down more than a few bites and basically have to subsist on the day on water, gatorade, and snacks.

how do people eat this shit? the breads are all tasteless, the vegetables are disgusting, the cheese is processed shit that melts on its own, and the meats are the worst quality shit possible, the roast beef is literally gray.

>> No.14522224


>> No.14522227

What the fuck is that? How did that actually get released to the public?

>> No.14522237

I like the sliver of red onion on the top left piece trying to escape the abomination. It would much rather be eaten by one of the cockroaches on the food line.

>> No.14522429

Okay lads.
Meatball sub on italian herb & cheese, toasted w/ cheddar cheese. Fuck that waste of a vegetable known as lettuce, I need tomato, cucumber, green pepper, pickles, jalapenos, banana peppers and chipotle sauce. No combo, just a footlong for $6.50.

>> No.14522486

>also using the mobile app for deals always makes them ree
Meanwhile subway corporate now has your name, phone number, and GPS coordinates and is selling them to the highest bidder. You sure showed them.

>> No.14522512
File: 922 KB, 500x333, 334252345fsdft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The five dollar footlong was one of the biggest sellers. I find it somewhat difficult to imagine them not turning a profit on that, but apparently it is. It also does not help that for the same price as a decent sub from subway, I can get a bigger, better tasting sammich from Jimmy John's Jersey Mikes, Potbelly, or any myriad of regional chains that have fucking cannibalized the market.

>> No.14522528

subway is the second-highest grossing fast-food chain in Canada, stew on that for a bit

>> No.14522530

boomer slop

>> No.14522531

Revenue doesn't mean shit if you're not making a profit.

>> No.14522560

uhhh. some tomato's

>> No.14522803

Why go to any sandwich chain when Publix exist
must suck to live somewhere without Publix

>> No.14522835

Nothing? It's overpriced but it's tasty. I rarely have it because Domino's is cheaper and tastier.

>> No.14522842

How the hell is Domino's cheaper than Subway?

>> No.14522847

Better offers.

>> No.14522890

>MBAs raped the company by over-saturating it literally everywhere and cutting corners on ingredients
This, they tried to squeeze every last ounce of blood out of it. It was a 15 year pump and dump by the franchise corporate. They were making more money bringing in new franchisees into their scam than making customer sales. They tanked the business, by trying to make a quick buck instead of focusing on quality of product. The franchisees were the real victims here.

I rather eat Styrofoam than subway.

>> No.14522922

I put almost all the blame on the CEO of the company, not his underlings. Fred DeLuca was CEO from the company's start until he died in 2015. He knew exactly what was going on and he was onboard with it.

Subway was aggressively expanding and selling franchises like crazy in the 90s. The restaurant was giving franchises to people who had no business owning a restaurant and didn't understand what they were getting into. They treated their existing franchisees like trash. Just an all around horrible company to do a franchise deal with.


>> No.14522935

Publix is goat tier
Could eat everyday until colon cancer rips me from this earth <3

>> No.14522939
File: 73 KB, 1080x810, 8f5f6bb4-fd0a-437f-9659-e47bf0575957-Publix_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14522946
File: 69 KB, 780x520, hzsubway0831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all subways in my country became halal
>tastiness of food drops off a cliff
>even the egg mayo tastes different now
ive since boycotted subway
how the fuck do you even sell a ham sandwich when its not real ham

i hope they go bust

>> No.14522951

They're not Blimpies.

>> No.14522952


>> No.14522954


>> No.14522955


>> No.14523023

Based sharia state anon

>> No.14523028

Since when did Singapore had a sizable Muslim population to enable this kowtowing? Shit sucks bro.

>> No.14523033

Longer than you've been alive, most likely.

>> No.14523037

Apparently you’ve never been? The slaves have to eat somewhere.

>> No.14523042

its not really kowtowing its just that they are the demographic eating fast food the most often, they love KFC and churches and popeyes

now the only fast food chain not halal here is Mos Burger, and they are japanese

>> No.14523048

Sheeit I always thought Singapore was a Buddhist Christian country

>> No.14524381

Oh no not the shit my CC, insurance company, bank, and other things have had for years!


>> No.14524548

Could Subway conceivably go bankrupt in 10 years?

>> No.14524646

>CC, insurance company, bank
It's normal for these types of orgs to have sensitive personal data.
Subway is a fast food franchise. If you really can't see a difference you're an absolute retard.

>> No.14525143

because I can go into my local Penn Station, DiBella's, Five Guys, or Jersey Mike's, and get a considerably better, more fresh sandwich for a slight price increase. When I walk into the Subway closest to me, I have seen flies landing on the food one more than one occasion.

If Subway would extend the $5 footlong to allow build-your-own sandwiches, it could easily outsell all aforementioned restaurants.

>> No.14525218

>If Subway would extend the $5 footlong to allow build-your-own sandwiches
They can't because they literally lose money. Subway is coming to the realization that nobody wants to buy their garbage unless it's cheap.

>> No.14525314

Subway corporate probably does ok on $5 footlongs in the short term. Franchisees have to kick up 12.5% of sales to corporate, so every time they sell a sub Subway gets about 60 cents. I think some of the 12.5% is specifically used for advertising only.

That said, franchisees fucking hated the $5 footlong, so it clearly wasn't making franchisees much money. Pissing off your franchisees and making them unprofitable to the benefit of corporate is not a recipe for corporate success in the long run.

>> No.14525369

The one near me closes at fucking 6pm, right when I get on break

>> No.14525423

Ours hired street shitters after the economy tanked and rape skyrocketed 110%. Now everybody is pregnant with 2-3 rape babies and the sandwiches are soggy.

>> No.14525438

Dude, Microsoft could conceivably go bankrupt in ten years. Five years, now THAT's a wager.
A right nigger now wager.

>> No.14525463

>Dude, Microsoft could conceivably go bankrupt in ten years
No they really can't. And even if they did they would get bailed out since 90% of businesses rely on Microsoft's infrastructure.

>> No.14525499
File: 427 KB, 604x604, d13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no no goy these companies should have your data!
>but not these no no!

>> No.14525603

Because Capriotti's and Rocco's exists.

>> No.14525774

>oh no no goy
Oh you're a /pol/tard. That explains the idiocy at least.

>> No.14526665

I saw that video too.

>> No.14526687

all of them are pajeets now. im not buying a sandwhich from a guy that doesnt wash his hands

>> No.14526696

I'm writing this one down as I'm an aspiring restauranteur and don't want to forget it.

>> No.14526705

extremely based

>> No.14526746

Bring lunch to work you lazy bitch

>> No.14526760

holy fuck and I thought I was being healthy getting that. never again

>> No.14526825

Nothing. Subway is good.

>> No.14526966

GM, while not having the exact same saturation in the market, was in the same ballpark of wildly successful growth as Microsoft in the late 90s, and declared bankruptcy in 2009. And Kodak's fall from consumer photo dominance to bankruptcy took place over a similar period.

You can also have a company receive bailouts and still go bankrupt, like GM did in 2009.

Even if a company has a large amount of assets and products which are immensely valuable on their own, the operating costs, loans, and organizational inefficiencies of a company can cause bankruptcy if they accrue a net operating loss over time. And if a company is sufficiently unappealing to feasible buyers, the company might just be left to fester until a split occurs or they are completely insolvent and left to the highest bidder.

Microsoft has less absolute production costs than GM and Kodak, but they still have workers, offices (well, maybe less now), and hosting to pay for.

>> No.14527001

As for Subway, while there is always the possibility of it going bankrupt given enough boneheaded choices by corporate, the franchisee-franchisor relationship should offload most of the initial chain establishment and local operating costs to the franchisee.

So as long as there is not a sudden drop in stores or an extremely bloated/inefficient corporate, they should be able to weather a long-term decline in stores. If you're in a decent-sized town there are probably at least a dozen chain restaurants in a similar position.

>> No.14527029

how the fuck do they lose money off of a 5 dollar sandwich? there is absolutely no way it costs anywhere near that with how shit their ingredients are

>> No.14527057

the deal was applicable for their whole menu so people were getting premium items

>> No.14527065

>premium items

>> No.14527075

Never eat meat from these chain restaurants. At least they can't dilute vegetables.

>> No.14527078
File: 19 KB, 600x600, large_cae2e7d7-c177-4ef7-a3a3-d8781a653db8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even a pre-made sub from safeway tastes better than anything you can get at subway these days.

>> No.14527110

>do $5 footlong deal
>huge success, changes the company overnight
>years pass
>economy inflates, one dollar is worth less
>$5 footlong continues to be sold but now at a net negative
>company pulls it
>everyone's pissed because the good deal known nationwide is now gone
thats what went wrong

>> No.14527121

>let's derail the discussion so i don't have to embarrass myself
it's ok to be autistic.

>> No.14527128

>At least they can't dilute vegetables.
Mass agriculture in the USA is heavily driven by yield size, so there a push to increase it above all else. This has led to vegetables of more consistent size and shape, but lower nutritional content and less ideal taste.
Still about as filling in the short run though, and you've got cheap sauces for the taste part.

Varies from vegetable to vegetable. IMHO tomatoes really suffer from this in terms of taste, while onions are largely unaffected.

>> No.14527134

why are pajeets so obsessed with opening these franchises?

american sandwiches and diarhea looking curry has nothing is common.
just why?

can't they open some poo in loo "restaurant" why ruin subway with their stingy cost cutting jew tricks and culturally accepted trace amounts of feces contamination in my sandwiches.

>> No.14527143

He did not derail it any more than you did.
You insinuated that anyone who cared to split hairs was just being a goy, and he accused you of being from the board where people often call people goy as a cheap retort.

Both have little to do with Subway in particular.

>> No.14527164

>he pretends to be not samefag and continues with the derail autism
just admit you lost the argument and move on you manchild.

>> No.14527188

>why are pajeets so obsessed with opening these franchises?
I don't recall ever seeing a consistent ethnic/racial association with Subway chains. Majority black in majority black areas, majority white in majority white areas, etc. Maybe you live in an area with a large amount of Indians/Pakistanis?

Regardless in most restaurants you can see them making the sandwich, washing their hands, etc. and replenishing the food from premade containers. Sure, I imagine workers could go out of their way to adulterate food before preparation if they were compelled to do so, but at that point you may as well not eat out if that's a serious concern at all.

I'm not him, and I don't think his reply was good either.

>> No.14527203

i never believed corporate shills existed until i read your post

>> No.14527226

The 5$ foot long fucked them. With inflation and the general rising cost of ingredients it was a matter of time until it blew up in their face, and now no one is going to pay more than 5$ for a shitty sub when you could go to any infinitely better sub shop for the same price as their shit sandwiches

>> No.14527244

The ingredients don't cost near $5, but there are a shitload of other costs to running a Subway. Subway's sandwiches are labor intensive and slow to make for fast food, especially if you get one toasted.

>> No.14527253

All the ingredients taste like they're a week old. They cost the same as Jimmy Johns which is way better too.

>> No.14527275

>i never believed corporate shills existed until i read your post
So all the claims of shilling on this site beforehand were seemingly BS, but my boring-ass claim was the hit the nail on the head?
Why would a corporate shill suggest you NOT eat at the restaurant, rather than completely attempt to discount their claims of adulteration.

I don't think subway is the cleanest restaurant, and in most places of note it is hardly the best offering for sandwiches. I am just saying:
1. Where I live there is no apparent trend of Indians being the daily workers. Maybe franchisees for all I know, but I assume he's talking about any of the "sandwich chefs" or whatever they call them.
2. As far as fast-food chains go, subway gives you much more opportunity to see your food being prepared and employees washing their hands (or not) than other chains, because they usually prepare it in the same open space.

I think it's just the case that in his area the subways are staffed primarily by Indians, and he needs a greater purpose for the injustice of being served by people he would prefer not to have being anywhere near his food beyond the most obvious reason:
It's a cheap franchise that attracts people looking to start a cheap business with perceived low risks. The owner is probably Indian and was convinced by the pitch or by people they know (probably Indian), they hire who they know or identify with (probably Indian), and the chain repeats.

Where I live there is a trend of Indians working in 7/11s and gas stations, but not in Subways.

>> No.14527279

>but my boring-ass claim was the hit the nail on the head?
*but my boring-ass claim hit the nail on the head?
I really need to proofread more.

>> No.14527351

It does. We have Maverick here at least, probably the only gas station with good food. No kino grocery store with subs though.

>> No.14527372

>why are pajeets so obsessed with opening these franchises?

Because it's extremely easy to get a franchise, and immigrants from these cultures have a strong desire to own businesses. Sensible business people stay the fuck away from Subway because even the successful Subways don't make that much money. You're basically buying yourself a mediocre job when you buy a Subway franchise.

>> No.14527419

wtf never seen such autism before

>> No.14527506

Then you've never seen a run-of-the-mill high school essay before.
That's pretty low-effort rhetoric by my standards.