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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14520190 No.14520190 [Reply] [Original]

> you have to eat the fries with a fork
what the hell is wrong with Canadians?

>> No.14520239

fuck. fries are a finger food and poutine is eaten with a fork, you cant have gravy and cheese all over your hand can you?

>> No.14520403

We have developed taste buds. Try not to hold it against us.

>> No.14520483

This is why Yanks high five and don't shake hands. Smothered in gravy and god knows what else. Chicken fat? Mayo? Cheese? Burger/sausage fat? Spit?

>> No.14520492


>> No.14520507

So sorry eh.

Also if the biggest complaint about a food is that you have to use utensils to eat it comfortably, you're a literal ape.

>> No.14520513
File: 151 KB, 793x1000, friese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with forked fries, fuckface

>> No.14520514

What about chili cheese fries?

>> No.14520520

Waiting warmly for the day of the rake

>> No.14520522
File: 131 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans are so fat they can't wash a fork/ask for a fork to eat fries

>> No.14520536

>mccains spicy extra crispy fries
>jalapeno havaarti cheese
>st hubert poutine gravy

thank me later boys

>> No.14520564

>developed taste buds
what does that have to do with using a fork?

>> No.14520566

soggy ass fries, is what.

>> No.14520579

Means we don't have to lick picked up shit off our fingers when we eat. It's commonly known as being civilized.

>> No.14520582

Why not just buy fresh curd while you're at it? Why settle for havarti?

>> No.14520585

Never had it. Have you?

>> No.14520612

do your fingers taste like poo?
do you not wash your hands?

>> No.14520629

You go out. Your out most of the day. How many things do you touch? You then buy food and eat with your fingers.

>> No.14520634

you mean "why upgrade to havaarti?"
because it is GOAT

>> No.14520635

soggy fries? sure, both times I tried pooptine.

>> No.14520640

do you not wash your hands?

>> No.14520649

Being this shallow and having views on food.

>> No.14520658

Where do you wash your hands if you're out for the day?

>> No.14520664

How do you mean? The fries were soggy. There's no denying it.

>> No.14520678

>he doesn't carry a bottle of purell with him

>> No.14520682

And chilli fries don't go soggy? The gravy is the main part of poutine.

>> No.14520694

>chilli fries
Never heard of them.

>> No.14520697

Same as I don't carry a bottle of ketchup around with me. Purell isn't washing your hands. Some people can't use it.

>> No.14520703

You shouldn't be on this board then.

>> No.14520707

Depending on the place you get it from/how you make the fries, soggy is likely. But it's also not finger food, so as long as the texture doesn't throw you off (which is basically a cross of fries and mashed potato, nothing horrific) I see no issue.

That's like saying "Who the fuck eats this watery, soggy, messy bowl of shit? I mean really, who thought stew was a good idea?". Utterly smooth brain.

Pick up your fork, eat like a developed human. Then it's good fries, good cheese, good gravy, in one mouthful. Literally nothing not to like. However, I'll also admit a lot of places fuck it up by using normal mozzarella or shitty gravy. The fries are kinda subjective, but fresh+warm cheese curds plus a good, thick gravy is a must. Thick gravy also helps the soggyness.

>> No.14520720

He's probably annoyed there's no fried chicken in there.

>> No.14520740

>cheese and gravy
>limp fries
It's shit.

>> No.14520746
File: 138 KB, 460x230, ab7efe2a-30d8-4592-8465-14e697d8b47a_Smoked-meat-poutine_WebReady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's poutine. Put whatever you want on there.

>> No.14520756

>delicious ingredients
>muh mouthfeel
You're shit.

>> No.14520764


>> No.14520774

>not having hand sanitizer during covid
>bottle of ketchup as an analogy


>> No.14520780


>> No.14520784

That ain't poutine. Looks like the usual American bastardization of a dish that already exists. Sad effort.

>> No.14520799

So you sanitize your hands after every single thing you touch? I bet you go to public bathrooms and take a pee and wash your hands and sanitinze them and then grab that door handle that everyone else has touched who didn't wash their hands. Your so sensible. How many bottles do you get through a day?

>> No.14520809

Where are you from? That's a very skimpy and "artisty" poutine but it's def poutine. I live in Montreal, don't fucking test me.

>> No.14520810

>gatekeeping a shit dish like poutine when changes would clearly improve it
Nobody cares, you maple-glazed faggot.

>> No.14520811

i eat fries with chopsticks.
salad and spaghetti too.
after living in Asia for 10 years it makes you realize how many foods are much easier to eat with chopsticks.

>> No.14520816

Imagine having french fries, gravy, cheese - as the food that best represents your already pathetic nation & people. I sincerely wish Canada burns.

>> No.14520823

Just proves you don't even know what poutine is. Chucking stuff on other stuff doesn't make it "artisty", that's like fries with custard. Even though you would no doubt devour the sweetness. Because sugar.

>> No.14520828

right i like to lick hot sticky sauce off my fingers like a goddamn animalman grrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.14520838

Of course not after everything I touch, but anytime I'm about to touch something that's going into my mouth, yeah I'll wash my hands at an available bathroom or use sanitizer which I'm only carrying because of covid.
Use the paper towel you dry your hands with to open the door and then toss it in the nearby bin or just kick the door open if it opens outward.
I use about 1oz of sanitizer per week, but again I only have this cause of covid.
I'm not even the person you were originally replying to about eating using utensils/having dirty hands. I just chimed in with the purell comment and I'm mostly joking around with you desu.

>> No.14520846

Poutine is fries, cheese curds and gravy.
Adding anything else, it's no longer poutine. It's poutine with whatever you have added. Stop trying to steal dishes from other countries.

>> No.14520847

>hardly any food
>served in a white plate
>not a steaming pile served in cardboard take-out containers
Stop embarrassing yourself, noob.

>> No.14520853

Believe me, USA will burn first.

>> No.14520866

Already did. At the hands of Canadians.

What's it like to lose a war I wonder?

>> No.14520871

Looks like someone spat a bunch of tonsil stones on some french fries. But, I guess we shouldn't expect any less from milk baggers.

>> No.14520889

If you're so worried about Covid, why not sanitize after everything you've touched? You're contradicting yourself now.
1oz of sanitizer per week? Yet you preach about Covid when you go out. You're a fucking joke. Weigh out an ounce of sanitizer. If that lasts you a week, you might as well use nothing.

>> No.14520898

I don't understand your argument. I don't think you do either.

>> No.14520905

Ask Americans. Seems to be a habit.

>> No.14520906

In you wildest fantasy, you cumskinned leaf/chink.

Learn history stupid nigger, you love to leave out everything else that happened after, and everything else that happened before. Also, go on and try again leaf, we'd rake you up with the trannies in our military KEK

>> No.14520909

Your existence is guaranteed by the USA, irrelevant leaf. Soon were going to be doing some yard work too, it's looking grim for you soyboy faggots.

>> No.14520916

>he doesn't wash his hands before he eats

>> No.14520918

Why would I need to sanitize after everything I touch? I only need clean hands if I'm going to be touching my food or my face.
Yes 1oz (fluid, ~30mL), I have a 2oz travel size bottle so I'm well aware of my usage rate. I don't sanitize as often as you seem to think I need to, it's not like I'm spending every waking hour out in public spaces. There's no need to get aggravated buddy.

>> No.14520923

Tell me about Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan. Would love to here your views on these.

>> No.14520935

I don't eat when I'm out. I can actually walk past a Mcdonalds, Burgerking, or whatever other shitty place. Just wait till I get home.

>> No.14520936
File: 123 KB, 950x534, 1581201803222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here you go bro, have some half-digested milk on your fries
i would slay any leaf who tried to feed me half-eaten food. the nerve of them bastards.

>> No.14520956

You were going on about Covid. Surely you would sanitize your hands after you touched something that somebody else may have touched? If not, why bring up the Covid card?

>> No.14520969

Oh, yeah. Americans only eat half-digested cheese product (pasturized)

>> No.14521005

treating something with heat is different than literally dumping stomach acid into milk and skimming the half-digested milk from the top.

>> No.14521018

But you're not even allowed to call it cheese. It's fake, like your nation. That is why so many of your products are not allowed to be sold overseas. Learn the truth that they don't teach you in America.

>> No.14521027

I mentioned covid because it's the only reason I carry the Purell, before this all happened I never carried hand sanitizer. Covid is the reason why I can make a joke about not having hand sanitizer.
I'm not too concerned about it especially because there aren't many active cases where I live, but it's some extra peace of mind.
The way I see it, the only real risk of infection is ingress through mouth/eyes/nose or maybe an open wound so I don't feel the need to clean my hands unless I'm going to interact with my face.

Anyway, I'm out for the night. Cheers.

>> No.14521028

why are you so obsessed with that mutt nation, dumb leaf? so defensive it's almost pathetic with what you fall back on. total beta male bitch move.

>> No.14521042

So why carry it now if you don't sanitize your hands after you've touched something?

>> No.14521053

Where have I been defensive? Total beta male bitch comment.

>> No.14521078

Hurry up, I don't have all day.

>> No.14521092

you act like a woman when you mirror what i say in a shallow attempt to hide your frustration. the goalpost shifting is only the icing on this cake.

>> No.14521102

wrong. just get out dumbass

>> No.14521106

So you can't point out a single post where I've been defensive? And your girly self accuses me of altering the goalposts? Have you even hit puberty yet? You argue like a 10 year old.

>> No.14521111

lmao tastelet

>> No.14521133

>make a post saying that i would slaughter any Canadian who would dare attempt to feed me half-digested food
>first reaction is to immediately chimp out about American cheeses in an attempt to deflect.
i can taste the frustration in your posts, you are desperate to feel strong by attacking yet your attitude is inherently feminine. so quintessentially Canadian

>> No.14521150


Correct. American Cheesefood Product (DOCG) is manufactured in pristine, sterile high-tech factories from certified-pure Dow Chemical ingredients using patented flavor formulas devised by top food scientists--from the same academy that, you know, put a man on the moon. Whereas your "traditional, organic, artisanal" French-Canadian cheese turds are the product of some of grubby, stinking rustic molesting a farm animal with a barely-concealed half-chub after rolling out of a haystack at dawn, lips stained from last night's gallon of dollar-store bordeaux. Do you even have to add the gravy separately, or do you get it for free in the shitbucket used to collect Bessie's forcibly extracted excretions? (#metoo)

>> No.14521166

You actually think cheese curds are half-digested? Did a mate tell you that on the playground? Are you poorly educated? You come across as denser than osmium. Good luck with your future. Learn the phrase "do you want fries with that". It will help you immensely.

>> No.14521173

>patented flavor formulas
The rest of it is just a spastic child talking.

>> No.14521176

the absolute state of canadian education

Cheese curds are made from fresh pasteurized milk in the process of creating cheese when bacterial culture and rennet are added to clot the milk. After the milk clots it is then cut into cubes; the result is a mixture of whey and curd.

Rennet is a complex set of enzymes produced in the stomachs of ruminant mammals. Chymosin, its key component, is a protease enzyme that curdles the casein in milk. In addition to chymosin, rennet contains other enzymes, such as pepsin and a lipase.

>> No.14521190

Rebbit Boy, read back through the thread. I am sticking up for the cheese curds.

>> No.14521209
File: 48 KB, 400x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last summer I went to a state fair that had a genuine poutine stand from Canada. It tasted fine. But it was 100 degrees in the shade and it looked like the canadian vendor was fucking dying. He was one step from pic related. It was hilarious.

>> No.14521220

You do realise you don't feed the animal the milk and then squeeze cheese out of it, don't you? You do realise you can also separate the curds and whey using lemon juice or vinegar?

>> No.14521254

which is why you are subhuman.

>leaf needs to resort to deliberately misrepresenting the argument
based retard

>> No.14521282

Imagine not understanding how to separate curds and whey and commenting stating there is only one way to do it. Retarded as fuck.

>> No.14521306


>> No.14521326

Wow. No seethe, cuck or tranny? If you're gonna use 4chan buzzwords, use them all in one go and get them out of your system, child. This is what separates the kids from the adults, besides knowledge.

>> No.14521341
File: 27 KB, 350x500, parasites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating with your hands

>> No.14521344

you forgot cum

>> No.14521365

you're a leaf, i don't have to disparage you; you are already seen as less than human.

>> No.14521379

No no that isn't REAL poutine if you don't like poutine it's because you haven't tried REAL HARDCORE QUEBEC poutine. Anybody who disagrees is an American until proven otherwise.

>> No.14521386

pick one

>> No.14521391

I'd open a foriegn food truck that only served poutine, blanched then fried fries topped with cheese curd and pork gravy. Chili cheese fries would be an off the menu item. Then you offer free meals to cops and accept donations. Then you offer free meals to cops, firefighters, nurses, doctors, emt's, teachers, janitors and shit and have crazy business. Start offering chili cheese tots and chili cheese dogs and the world is yours.

>> No.14521392

just eat hot peppers and do lines off of coke off of an enflamed herpes dick if you just want a burn on your mouth

>> No.14521396

why yes I like my fries with mystery meat and lots of cum

>> No.14521506

I'm American and I always eat my fries with a fork. I find touching food disgusting and avoid doing so at any costs I can.