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File: 319 KB, 640x546, bologna jubilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14508600 No.14508600 [Reply] [Original]

Buckle up anons, we're going on a culinary adventure. Today we explore classic vintage American cooking: bologna jubilee!

>> No.14508608
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The ingredients are quite simple.

>A whole bolonga
(going with ham & chicken flavour today is it's more mild and tender)
>Assorted fresh and canned fruits
Bananas are must here, the subtle flavour and texture of cooked banana compliments almost any dish, sweet or savoury. I also have some canned mandarin oranges, pineapple chunks, and black cherries for a splash of colour.
>Brown sugar, cinnamon, and cloves
>Orange and lemon juice
>Butter or margarine

>> No.14508612
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Cut and peel your bolonga, save the ends! Great snack while you cook tasty morsels to keep kids and pets involved

>> No.14508614
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Cut shallow crosshatch patterns into your bologna and dot with the cloves. Sometimes I soak the cloves for about 30mins to make them steamy and more aromatic but it's not necessary

>> No.14508617
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Now we add the fruit - cut and decorate as you please

>> No.14508622
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For the glaze, mix about one cup of brown sugar with about a quarter cup of OJ and a splash of lemon juice

>> No.14508625
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Cover the bologna with the glaze, be sure to let it ooze into all those cuts. A light massage will help the process. At this stage you could start eating but we'll certainly be cooking this

>> No.14508627

looks cute desu. But bananas back then tasted completely different, so you're not gonna get an authentic taste.

>> No.14508631
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Don't forget the butter! It helps to get the meat browned but it's the magic ingredient to enhance the bananas

>> No.14508634
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Oven is heated to 375ºF or about 200ºC

This is true, but this recipe is from the 50s so it won't be too far off. If you prefer plantains I imagine that would be delicious

>> No.14508637
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Into the oven for 20 minutes! If you have little ones this is a good time to divvy up some of the leftover fruit or bologna nubs. Not too much, save it for the main event

>> No.14508642
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Resist the urge to open the oven to check on it, patience!

>> No.14508643
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20mins - should be steamy and bubbling, a little caramelization of the fruit and glaze should have started

>> No.14508647
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Give it another glaze and right back in for another 10mins. This is a good time to crank the heat a little if you really like it browned and crispy

>> No.14508649
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10 minutes is up - and now we're ready! The house will smell amazing - the clove and cinnamon pairs well with the mild saltiness of the bologna

>> No.14508650
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Always let it rest a few minutes before you cut in. With a ham you want to rest at least 30mins, with a turkey always rest the bird for as long as you roasted it, but with bologna 5 or 10mins is plenty

>> No.14508652
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It smells better than it looks, if you can even believe that

>> No.14508653

Original recipe is 1972 vintage; Cavendish bananas most common since 1950's...
pretty sure the bananas aren't the problem.
The modern chicken/pork/beef bologna probably replaced the traditional all-pork in the late 1980's; change in texture more than flavor.

>> No.14508655
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This is a rather handsome shot. Scoring the meat is essential for those flavours to really permeate

>> No.14508658
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And the best part of cooking - sharing with those you love!

I thought bologna changed somewhat since I was a kid, but hard to tell, as you grow older things can taste different anyway. This loaf is indeed chicken/beer/pork

>> No.14508664
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This recipe keeps well in the freezer, I slice it up into single servings and freeze in individual sandwich bags. For lunch at work you can bring it frozen and it'll be ready to eat by lunchtime, or you can always microwave it. As always, the best way to reheat is in a skillet with a little butter

>> No.14508674

The all beef bologna is still available; it's got that more traditional flavor and texture you may seek. It's just triple the price.
Lebanon bologna is completely different. Very good, but not suitable for a jubilee bologna roast. The starting texture is just too firm and dense.

>> No.14508680

Interesting info. I found with this ham & chicken flavour that it was very light, even the crispy bits didn't get rubbery at all. I'll have to keep an eye out for all beef bologna. Back in the USA I can probably find it, here in Australia the luncheon meat options are a lot more limited

>> No.14508689

You might try it with a mortadella if you can find it. Mortadella is the ancestor preparation (bologna the descendant); coarser grind and chunky fat laced through.

>> No.14508700
File: 43 KB, 512x347, 6dtTvNwOmeM2K7u1OO0B4c6ihuLj4rVmiQ-5C62ElrxAq1tefPjZUGTVuFuoISiVufipWO0bmKiFnP3Vvc__zdZyE_ABNH9HtcLVnMpPh-kGhcRo0DEKzqCK1cgbJ8yAO2RvJOhfqWYCJivr0aDJVZ1vgPgvD_vErsdr5-c7C5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mortadella is delicious actually, but I couldn't readily find a full loaf of it. The closest thing to bologna we have is devon, which is almost the same thing anyway. Olive mortadella would be amazing if you want to fancy it up a little

>> No.14508779

Couldn't find a full loaf?
Most of the supermarkets with a deli service counter slice on site and can probably sell you whole loaves of whatever just by dropping the whole thing on their scale.
A few minutes of conversation with the person behind the counter may get you just about whatever you want, but maybe next week when the order arrives.

>> No.14508781
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, https---prod.static9.net.au-_-media-network-home-streams-2017-09-02-11-46-coles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah in the city I live there's one full supermarket in the city center and it's a madhouse at peak hour after work. I don't attempt the deli when it's chaotic busy, you're more likely to leave with a black eye than what you came for. Plus I was just keeping it simple, grabbed a stick of devon from the packaged meats aisle. Next time I'll plan it better and get half a loaf of mortadella from the counter

>> No.14508791

No worries, looks like you managed to fix up a pretty decent jubilee.
We are measured by the challenges we overcome.

>> No.14509318

Great thread op, doing /ck/ a service

>> No.14509350

Outstanding thread. Great job OP. I look forward to seeing more of this type of quality OC, if you can stomach it.

>> No.14509466

Thanks friends, I have some time off next week, I'll see about doing another if I can make it worthwhile or interesting

>> No.14509761

You really knocked the socks off with this one, Anon! Great thread! And it seems delicious, I'll try your recipe sometime

>> No.14510978


>> No.14511158

It looks great, but those bananas are make me super hesitant.

>> No.14511309

Nah m8 they fit well, of course one can choose any fruit they like, particularly nice if you keep it seasonal

>> No.14511323

Jesus H. Christ
Good OC

>> No.14511349

that's a cute pepe doll

>> No.14511583

bump because OP tried

>> No.14511629

I'd honestly eat this without the bananas. Looks good OP, thanks.

>> No.14512012

I feel like itd be best with some raspberries and raisans, that'd be tight

>> No.14512036

Cranberries (fresh or frozen whole) in apple rings.

>> No.14512049

Super cute.

Thanks for these pic. They made me smile.

>> No.14512098 [DELETED] 

Is the clove not overpowering OP? I know that it’s cooked and softened but I would think the taste would overpower the rest of the dish.
Very wholesome and cute thread OP

>> No.14512151

Is the clove not overpowering OP? I know that it’s cooked and softened but I would think the taste would overpower the rest of the dish.
Very wholesome and cute thread OP

>> No.14512185

Bro I want to eat classy dishes from the past like this with you whilst listening to 1940-50's music while we sip on some old fashioned's.

>> No.14512186

Thanks friend glad you enjoy

If you soak the cloves before baking they’re more aromatic but I didn’t and the taste was quite subtle. You don’t eat them though, just pull them aside like little bones. If you chewed one up you’d taste nothing but clove the rest of the day I imagine

>> No.14512191

Was for >>14512098

>> No.14512197

Bloody phone posting is so shit

>> No.14512221

I like me an old fashioned

>> No.14512784

My mother used to make something like this, Spam™ instead of Bologna, added mustard to the sauce and used sliced pineapple, we ate this twice a week.

>> No.14512820

OP here, as an avid lover of Spam I want to try this recipe but with Spam. Smaller portion and also saltier meat, so you can really pile up on the fruit and the meat will still be center stage. I'm sure it'll be delicious

>> No.14513774


>> No.14513844

Just look up any glazed ham recipe and put a spam in instead.
Probably want to confirm it's got pineapple rings/cloves, but yes... glazed spam is pretty good.

>> No.14513976

I will try this tomorrow or friday, I'm gonna eat the whole thing by myself with a bottle of bourbon.

>> No.14513989

>no dollops of miracle whip on the bananas
so close to perfect

>> No.14514345

I'd rather take my chances with bat meat

>> No.14514677

sounds like a good night

>> No.14515041

What if you diced the meatloaf for more crispiness?

>> No.14515361
