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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14508199 No.14508199 [Reply] [Original]

>he’s a girls best friend kinda guy

>> No.14508202

Uncut for me, thanks.

>> No.14508211
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>> No.14508219

I don't really eat a lot of sandwhiches, and if I do I don't cut them, kinda whack. I eat more salads than I do sandwhiches, although I do make a nice turkey lettuce and tomato once a week.

>> No.14508237

If you don't cut your sandwich on a bias then you are a pleb.

>> No.14508251

Long, veiny and uncut please.

>> No.14508431

imagine being insecure to the point where you can't even make a sandwich. I can imagine you yelling at your mom that the way she cut your sandwich makes you a cuck. What happened to this place. What happened to all of us. Everything was always pathetic but now its pathetic in an uninteresting way. I should just jump in front of a truck. Better yet, you should.

>> No.14508433

uncut of course
I'm not falling for jewish tricks

>> No.14508438

I have never associated with women in my entire life. Shit image.

>> No.14508456

I keep cutting my sandwiches like mirror when I should be cutting them like equator

>> No.14508466
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>> No.14508493
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keeping an eye on this thread

>> No.14508500

Nice blog post FAGGOT

>> No.14508502

>anything but uncut

imagine being an (((americuck))) lol

>> No.14508618
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>those George Forman grillmarks

>> No.14508663

Wrong spacing for a foreman.
Looks more like a cuisinart panini press.

>> No.14508792

cutting is stupid and pointless, whether it's sandwiches or foreskins

>> No.14508800

what about wrists

>> No.14509072

obviously that's fine. remember
>down the street

>> No.14509083

eating my turkey sandwich while writing this, who's the real loser here?

>> No.14509123
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>> No.14509143


>> No.14509253
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For a while I had this special sandwich cut that was my signature. Eventually I dropped the practice.

>> No.14509268

On a psycho-somatic basis the girl’s best friend cut feels like more surface area in a sandwich. It’s hacking your brain into more sandwich

>> No.14509274
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The superior choice for a superior people

>> No.14509284

Good that you dropped it - there are something’s in this world that one shouldn’t mess with

>> No.14509291

You should sue >>14509274

>> No.14509340

crazy how you only ever see amricans talking about cutting sandwiches while the rest of people leave them whole, natural, as god intended them to be
really makes you think....

>> No.14509352
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I have tiny baby hands, so I cut any sandwich or burger I make. I guess generally I go equator or diagonal, but I wouldn't reject a mirror cut.

>> No.14509535
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juicy uncut obv

>> No.14509556


>> No.14509763
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>doing the diagonal cut like that
Shame, should be like this

>> No.14509860

The US is falling apart and still a better and more important country than whatever shit hole you live in.

>> No.14509914


>> No.14509924

Fuck off i want my entire sandwitch. I don't care for no sloot.

>> No.14509948
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Finally, a well-bred and learned gentleman.
Bonus points if you cut on a bias.

>> No.14510017

>dirtying up another utensil to cut a sandwich

>> No.14510025

For me it’s rolling the lunch meat up into a slice of cheese and eating it

>> No.14510070

depends on what you're doing with them. diagonal cut for ready to eat meal everything else if you want to eat it later and need to wrap it.

>> No.14510092

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.14510108

diagonal is best

>> No.14510140

I fold my bread in half then tear it with my hands because I'm n

>> No.14510147


Eat the crust first and then last bite is the center of the sandwich.

Who else?

>> No.14510190

That's dumb

>> No.14510203

>not cutting off the crusts
Do people really do this?

>> No.14510205


uncut sandwich? What are you a fucking gorilla?

>> No.14510210


diagonal is actually "deli cut" and mirror is "white trash mom" and equator is "drunk uncle". uncut is "nigger style"

>> No.14510215

diagonal cut is the best, everything else just seems wrong to me

>> No.14510219
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>boat cut
Holy shit. based

>> No.14510240

getting mad at a blog poster and contributing nothing is just as bad as a blog poster contributing nothing

>> No.14510249

>mirror is "white trash mom" and equator is "drunk uncle".

>uncut is "nigger style"
Nah. Uncut is "uncaring father"

>> No.14510514

Uncut is not being a picky faggot and knowing it's the same shit going in your body. Grow up racist. Also before you call me the n word I'm actually white from parents of German descent so don't even try to backpedal out of this one /pol/aroid.

>> No.14510756

>recognizing a type of grill by the mark spacing

>> No.14510770

This is the actual girl's best friend cut but no one on /ck/ will know why, or even why delicut was labeled girl's best friend to begin with.

>> No.14510948
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>Also before you call me the n word I'm actually white from parents of German descent

>> No.14510950


>> No.14510954

I don't care if it makes me a manchild, but crossroads is comfy AF.

>> No.14510963

thats how I cut it for my kids
easier to grab and eat for them

>> No.14510976

Sometimes I like the equator and mirror cut, so I get 4 little Sammies.

>> No.14511070

No it isn't.

>> No.14511438
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>> No.14511452
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uncut bc i'm a big boy my mommy told me so

>> No.14511461

man, i love cutting my wrists more than anything, just fucking sucks that scars are so visible and stick around for so long. force me to make up bullshit excuses. literally told someone i got them from the back part of an AC unit kek

>> No.14511531

some people aren't pussies

>> No.14511601

>not using the same mayo knife to cut the sandwich

>> No.14511616

Very dumb

>> No.14512437

How are you not tearing that bread the fuck up?

>> No.14512452

It doesn't mess up lipstick. I assume I saw that explained in a Whomp thread, because I sure as hell never learned anything from /ck/.

>> No.14512471
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>> No.14512486

Diagonal when eating at home.
Mirror when it's a packed lunch

>> No.14512504

I've never seen a sandwich cut like this before.

>> No.14512520

Crust provides structure as well as ensuring the flavour of the bread isn't entirely lost among the other ingredients?

>> No.14512523

Are you asking, or telling?

>> No.14512672

>he eats bread in the year 2020

>> No.14514055

>not posting the British high tea cut
>not even posting builders cut instead of diagonal

Op is a faggot

>> No.14514898 [DELETED] 


>> No.14515015

that's just the way my mom cuts my sandwiches when ever i visit her, she says it make her happy and reminds her of when i was a kid

>> No.14515442

sharp knife

>> No.14515455

Do you not know what a knife is?

>> No.14515491

>he doesn’t grind his sandwich into mince
>he doesn’t make sausages with his sandwich mince
>he doesn’t boof his sandwich sausages

>> No.14515531

Halts Maul du Neger und lern Deutsch du Hurensohn!