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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14504277 No.14504277 [Reply] [Original]

Based or cringe?

>> No.14504322
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>individually wrapped slices of synthetic cheese

>> No.14504331

What part of it is "synthetic"?

>> No.14504337
File: 1.14 MB, 1728x2304, IMG_20200724_082638963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based but this free cheese is much better

>> No.14504339

Now what the fuck does "based on cringe" mean

>> No.14504382

Based blind retard.

>> No.14504393

Haha, you fell for it

>> No.14504408

Why does it make yuros seethe? Because they cant afford it I suppose

>> No.14504416

cant have a grilled cheese without these

>> No.14504431
File: 6 KB, 243x208, oh dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.14504454

Actually, you can find cheesy singles in pretty much every country around the world.

>> No.14504462

The only thing "synthetic" and pathetic is eurotrash constantly jealous of the USA.

>> No.14504468

No, their jealousy is pretty organic and well-founded.

>> No.14504746

one time i went to the store with my friend and his brother and we were going to have a movie night and watch donny darko and i got a thing of kraft american singles for my snack and they looked at me like i was crazy

>> No.14504986

So covered in shit, bugs, and artificially expensive.

>> No.14505017

mmm, 64 slices of American cheese

>> No.14505027

...I think I'm blind.

>> No.14505032
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x720, 1595372145286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american cheese

I know people thats been to usa and they say american cheese taste like plastic. Is it true?

>> No.14505043

It's false. The use of the word "plastic" comes from the legal definition of what constitutes "American cheese".

American cheese is "plastic" as in "pliable", not as in an "organic polymer". I understand, a lot of ESLs have trouble with English words having multiple meanings. Simply put, a number of cheese are considered under the legal definition of "American cheese". If it is plastic (pliable), instead of being crumbly or fluid, then it's American cheese.

Good luck on your TOEFL!

>> No.14505146
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taste like shit. the Singles taste very different compared to actual american cheese

>> No.14505152
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>> No.14505170

it always amazes me that americans, who love cheese so much only eat such dog shit quality "cheese" this isnt even real cheese, if you love something so much wouldnt you want to get the best quality possible?

>> No.14505184

It's one of the better cheeses for burgers and grilled cheese

>> No.14505211

You can get any kind of cheese in the US. It's one of the benefits of having a globally connected and diverse economy.

>> No.14505216

the plastic wrapping designed to ensure freshness over long periods of time

>> No.14505235

That's not really a part of the cheese, though.

>> No.14505241

You're supposed to take it off?

>> No.14505255


>> No.14505269

That's worrying..

>> No.14505282

do any of you guys process your own cheese? I recently got a 5 lb bag of sodium citrate and I've made processed cheese sauce. I've read that if you use little water you will end up with sliceable cheese.

>> No.14505285

it's the US. quantity > quality

>> No.14505292

This is hardcore projecting, Just letting you know

>> No.14505331

Not true. It's made from the same edible plastic that is used for the stickers that go on produce and casing for deli meats like pepperoni, salami etc. People have the ingrained habit of peeling them all off but there's absolutely no need, the FDA specifically deemed them non-toxic. If they were toxic, they wouldn't be able to go on food.

>> No.14505337

Based af. Only fucking snobs who have their head up their ass don't like it

>> No.14505417

Neither you fucking drone.

>> No.14505499

I've seen paints and glue labelled as non-toxic. Doesn't mean you're supposed to eat them. You really have to be retarded to think "non-toxic" and "edible" are the same thing.

>> No.14505516

Nope, it's definitely edible. Food-grade is a thing. Educate yourself.

>> No.14505520

Food-grade steel cutlery isn't edible... Is it?

>> No.14505529

For burgers & sandwiches? Based.
For snacking? Based.
For everything else? Cringe.

>> No.14505533

You should probably stop eating glue retard

>> No.14505543

Everything is edible, doesn't mean you should, dipshit.

>> No.14505544

I'm not the one saying "non-toxic" and "food-safe" plastics are edible, am I?

>> No.14505545

bringe and crased

>> No.14505564

And thus, you shouldn't be eating the plastic wrapper around a cheese single.

>> No.14505638

The plastic wrappers for cheese singles are edible, "food-grade steel cutlery" is not.

>> No.14505657

Don't make stupid threads here you retarded faggot

>> No.14505690

Has any one been able to explain why Europeans are jealous of America cheese?

>> No.14505737

Based cheese pedant

>> No.14505750

I feel like it’s based for foods that have historically always been eaten with that kind of cheese in America, like classic burgers and cheesesteak sandwiches.

I unironically buy it specifically for making American dishes, and I don’t live in the United States

>> No.14505766

Uncut dicks reminds them of the wrapper around American cheese slices. Of course that angers them when they have to constantly look at that stretched out sock when they're in the shower or taking a piss.

>> No.14505780

Haha those pesky Europeans cant compete with American cheese so the EU commission on competitiveness banned it to save the moldy cheese conglomerates

>> No.14505781

>being this brainwashed by Jewish media
Yeah what could be more natural and attractive than a mutant, scarred penis, cut apart at birth

>> No.14505786

Your dad's unaltered and uncut anus.

>> No.14505840

definitely has its uses. grilled cheeses/melts and simple burgers. eggs.

>> No.14506229

very based

>> No.14506242

The technique of using sodium citrate to cause emulsification is based. Making cheese with it is doubly based. Adding dry milk to this product is blue pulled and for faggolas.

>> No.14506294

How are you supposed to consume or process this?

>> No.14506573

I just tried and sir you are a liar! my dog ate what i spit out, so at least someone enjoyed it

>> No.14506811

based for burgers
cringe for absolutely everything else
>though I don't buy "american" sliced cheese, I buy the local sliced cheese because I support my nations economy and not ZOG
t. eurofag

>> No.14506831
File: 408 KB, 600x513, ComfyCanadian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind these, but I prefer buying slices of Havarti or Swiss. But they're expensive here in Canuck ripoff land.

>> No.14506845

They remove the milkfat and add vegetable fat.

>> No.14506867

Try not living in a shit welfare province, faggot.

>> No.14506888

>implying they're not all welfare provinces
nice try Quebec

>> No.14506899

Quebec is a benign tumour, unlike the cancerous lesion that is Ontario.

>> No.14506914

who's dick did you suck that night?

>> No.14507038

A knife, retard.

>> No.14508020

its only decent on burgers or sandwiches

>> No.14508688


>> No.14509216

Pretty good source of sodium citrate. Helps real cheeses melt better.

>> No.14509250

Casu marzu?
Didn't think so americuck

>> No.14509409

No monthly payment needed

>> No.14509564

i tried to make a queso dip with kraft singles once

>> No.14509630
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1546385174515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I slice cheese

>> No.14509648

american cheese isnt real cheese, its synthetic "cheese flavored product".
It doesnt contain any dairy at all. amazing really.

>> No.14509650

The duality of Kraft American Singles that they are both based and cringe.

>> No.14509669

How can cheese contain soy??

>> No.14509725

really? so it's vegan then?

>> No.14509768


>> No.14510663

How can one poster be so fucking retarded and uneducated?

>> No.14511220

You have to get rid of the plastic you stupid idiot

>> No.14511238

it's plastic cheese product

>> No.14511535

No dummy, it's just blended cheeses, but also mixed with dairy products and a fuckton of sodium citrate which makes it melty and shit.
On that alone, they're not allowed to call it cheese, but it's very dairy.

>> No.14511555

I understand English is a complicated language, but the word plastic here is an adjective which means "pliable". It's spelled the same as the word plastic which is a noun meaning "organic polymer".

Best of luck with your TOEFL! You'll be fluent some day!

>> No.14511571

firstly it's "cheese product", not "cheese flavored product, and secondly of course it has dairy, otherwise they couldn't even call it "cheese product"
"cheese flavored" is when they use cheese flavorings, sourced from "real" cheese or fermentation (which is funny because cheese is fermented anyway), in small amounts just to change the taste

>> No.14511580

>muh soy
lecithin is a standard ingredient used in smoothing out substances and emulsifying AKA mixing things that otherwise wouldn't mix
you have lecithins naturally in your body and they also occur in eggs, this lecithin just happens to be made from soy

>> No.14511584

Yuh. American cheese is the best cheese for burgers buy you should get pic related or from the deli

>> No.14511586

>tfw have a recipe that called for "Shredded american cheese"
>I'm like, "how the fuck do you shred this stuff?"
>Scour the grocery store, they only have the single slices
>Get the proper amount, unwrap each one and press them together into a block-shape
>My older sister is in town and watching this with a face like :3
>Try to grate a pseudo-block of pseudo-cheese using a cheese grater
Everything went about as expected. "Cheese" just cakes up inside the grater and I have a layer of that shit on my hand.

Had a sudden fucking brainwave and just cut the block into tiny squares and made cheese confetti out of it.
Should have ignored the recipe and got cheddar.

>> No.14511591

hahah you eat plastic

>> No.14511599

>Saying this in a world where cheddar exists
ffs, Gouda, Swiss, or even fucking provolone are better options.

>> No.14511600

None of those melt evenly on a burger.
>b-b-but plastic
Seething hipster.

>> No.14511605

That's a sentence fragment if you are using the word plastic as an adjective, and a false statement if you are using the word plastic as a noun. English can be a very trick language!

>> No.14511618

seethe plastic lard seethe

>> No.14511624

>melt evenly on a burger.
And you call ME a hipster?
>tfw this faggot thinks that cheddar is an obscure cheese that you probably never heard of
Holy shit I'm glad I'm not at this level of poor.

>> No.14511641

>"organic polymer".
> "pliable".

>"organic polymer."
Try learning how English works, foreigner.

>> No.14511676

I'm going to make a grilled cheese with it for lunch tomorrow.

>> No.14511680

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.14511699

Are you talking to me or your strawman? Cuz also, I don't give a fuck that American cheese is like plastic. I care that it tastes shitty.

>> No.14511703

I had a Filipino friend of mine learn English by listening to the morning radio shows before work. He picked up a lot of quirky sayings. I guess you're an example of what happens when you try learning English off of 4chan.

You're incorrect, but it's a longstanding argument and I understand your confusion. I was not using American English convention for formatting, as it is ambiguous, improper, and leads to confusion.

>> No.14511722

Has anyone ever told you that you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded?

>> No.14511731


>> No.14511761 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.14511764

I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.14511783

That wasn't a concession of defeat, that was an admission of being persecuted as a faggot and retard.

>> No.14511885

>It's one of the benefits of having a globally connected and diverse economy
List the countries that don't. I'll start for you
1 - North Korea.

>> No.14511887

2 - Afghanistan

>> No.14511890

Why? it's still inferior to even the cheapest real cheese in those use cases.

>> No.14511903

I believe the sanctions are against the Taliban only.

>> No.14511935

It doesn't have a diverse economy, though, and is highly dependent on opium poppy exports.

>> No.14512123

You think if the covid shit gets bad enough and enough poor people make a fuss the feds will start shipping out government cheese again? I miss it.

>> No.14512348

You're obsessed. You spout this garbage in literally every single thread that even halfway eludes to cheese. Seek help.

>> No.14512366

I would be amused if America became socialist.

>> No.14512367

Plastic cheese? Really? You know the answer.

>> No.14512387
File: 146 KB, 1125x910, D696689E-3C38-49D5-B255-FE67DAE188D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I found a wrapped kraft singles between my couch cushions, I didn’t know how long it had been there, but nevertheless I ate it, it was one of the most disgusting things I have ever put in my mouth, ever since then I cant eat that cheese.

>> No.14513017

No, most american "cheese products" contain gelatin made from animal scraps.

>> No.14513052

Imagine eating a blend of the most disgusting rests from cheese production, enjoy it amerifats!

>> No.14513060

>on a hot egg sandwich
>on a burger
>mixed with cheddar and swiss for grilled cheese

>on a cold sandwich
>if you use more than one slice per sandwich
>basically anything else

>> No.14514323

Based because it makes Yuropoors seethe

>> No.14514919

No they don't. If you actually read the ingredients list on a package of American cheese you'd realize that it's basically just cheese that's been watered down with milk and has emulsifying salts like sodium citrate added to it.

>> No.14514947

Glad to see illiteracy rates abroad haven't gone done, despite Clinton's efforts.

>> No.14514952

>cheese that's been watered down with milk and has emulsifying salts like sodium citrate added to it.
Yeah, it's basically like a solid piece of cheese sauce. That's why it's usually not bad on a hot sandwich because it melts, but cold cheese sauce isn't very good.