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14502568 No.14502568 [Reply] [Original]

How do I achieve M A X I M U M
H Y D R A T I O N?

>> No.14502584

When I was with my ex she made me download this app called Plant Nanny where you water your plant every time you drink water. I turn into a fucking aut whenever I try to impress women, so I drank over 3 liters of water a day so I could grow multiple plants who's names spelled out some cutesy message. Can't remember what it was. All I remember was my piss was fucking crystal clear. I'm down to 2L a day. I basically just sip out of this 1L bottle once in a while and manage to drain it twice a day.

Basically just drink water, fag.

>> No.14502599

Trying to sip water at an even pace throughout the day ends up with you never being fully hydrated so don't do that. You need more water in the morning, after exercising, after salty foods, so your intake will change depending on those factors.

Don't drink ice cold water, it's too cold to drink as much as you need without it eventually getting a little uncomfortable. Room temp or slightly below is better, it can be as cool as you want as long as it's never too cold to chug. I like to just drink as much water as I can as soon as I wake up until I feel satisfied. Sometimes I wake up and drink an entire quart of water or more. You don't even end up peeing more often when you do that, you just pee more at once, and you don't feel so thirsty after that because your body actually had enough to completely rehydrate.

>> No.14502622

That app looks really cute.
Surprisingly helpful post; was expecting someone to just suggest shoving a firehose up his ass.

>> No.14502646

>All I remember was my piss was fucking crystal clear.
Supposedly you don't want your pee to actually be completely clear, it means you're drinking too much water and your body isn't really using it. You want it to be a light shade of yellow.

>> No.14502655

I know this now and I knew this then. Like I said, I was being an aut and wanted to impress her with a stupid cutesy gesture.

My bladder has since thanked me for not dumping 3L of water into this 5'10, 148 lbs body.

>> No.14502660

Severe autism aside, I feel like it would be helpful for people who are bad at hydrating. It had cute animations and shit, and it took into account your bodyweight to calculate how much you should be drinking if I remember correctly.

>> No.14503055

just dont stop drinking ẇ̷̝̯̭̙̹̒̍̔̋̂̈́̈́ă̴̢̮͔̟̯̘̻̹͈̟̳͋́̍ͅͅṫ̷̡̼͎͔͍͐̃̏̌̽̑͛̚͠͝ȩ̷̝͖̖̪̙̼̪̀͂͂̓̂͛͆̉̓ John Cena

>> No.14503588

Combine H2 and O in your stomach.

>> No.14503871
File: 42 KB, 850x850, 1198926_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink water with trace mineral drops. Electrolyte/mineral enhanced water is always going to hydrate better than plain filtered water.
>pic related. What I use

>> No.14503907

Instructions unclear, bomb detonated

>> No.14503931

I love how you went with atomic, rather than elemental, oxygen to get ultra stupid.

>> No.14503960
File: 13 KB, 225x225, pizza_the_hut-Spaceballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a frozen pizza the hut

>> No.14504071

I think the rule is to not drink more than 5oz at a time. Otherwise your body can't keep up and you either just piss it right out or you start drowning yourself.
It's surprisingly easy to kill yourself by drinking too much water.

>> No.14504101

there is a massive range of water amounts that humans are just fine drinking. Drink if you are thirsty, then you will be fine

>> No.14504109


>> No.14504111

>It's surprisingly easy to kill yourself by drinking too much water.
lol no its not, you need to drink a ridiculous amount for this to happen, its definitely possible but takes a lot, way past the point where it is physically hard to drink more, your body evolved all sorts of signals to discourage you from doing this, they work very well

>> No.14504115

as a millennial, what does this work that zoomers keep saying apparently randomly mean?

>> No.14504127

I drink 32 oz in the morning, another 32 after lunch, and another 32 after dinner. If I'm active that day I drink more. Simple as

>> No.14504271

A person who simpers. Pretty obvious if English is your first language.

>> No.14504332

why do zoomers like saying it so much here?

>> No.14504336

Because the term "white knight" became stale long ago

>> No.14504341

oh, is it just as a synonym to that? I never got that because its use always seems so random here

>> No.14504362

What a miserable existence

>> No.14504368

Not really. I just refill my water bottle regularly

>> No.14504409

being that regimented about it is kind of autistic

>> No.14504415

>Don't drink ice cold water

>> No.14504418

Not really. Drink water when I wake up. Drink water with meals. Drink water when active. Pretty normal imo

>> No.14504420

But you'd never sober up.

>> No.14504424

I think most people just drink water sporadically through the day when thirsty

>> No.14504439

In the olden days (like the 50s) it was short for simpleton. Then for a long time nobody used it. Then suddenly it came back to mean 'person who gives money to thots on the internet' and since then it's just kind of expanded to mean 'someone who does anything for a woman's attention' and in like a month it'll just mean everything this side of straight up misogyny.

>> No.14504461
File: 70 KB, 892x1270, 1574444816369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pedialyte enema

>> No.14504489

Mouth breathers do. Don't drink water until your dehydrated, feel like shit for awhile, repeat

>> No.14504512

most people do not get to the point where they are dehydrated to the point of feeling like shit. This is not a real problem for people that live with access to modern plumbing
People feel like they could go for a drink long before they are physiologically dehydrated, thats literally why the signal evolved, to tell you when to drink to avoid dehydration occurring

Do you honestly think this is a real problem faced by people?

>> No.14504532

Simpering is a more sensible connection than simpleton. Why would you think it's short for simpleton? That makes no sense.

>> No.14504799

You have to slow your intake when water is ice cold, and that can prevent you from being fully hydrated.

>> No.14504829

Speak for yourself, you dehydrated pleb. I've suffered from hyperhydration before. A healthy adult's kidneys can process roughly 25 liters of water a day. If you drink more than 1 liter an hour, you're going to start feeling the effects. I drink about four liters a day, but I've definitely gone as far as eight to ten a day.
True, your body will discourage you from drinking more, but the act of drinking water itself is not difficult.

>> No.14504839
File: 46 KB, 414x879, 1596083355199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water syrup.

>> No.14504850

I worked at a nursing home and wanted to try that shit.

>> No.14504852

Damn this might be the gayest possible response to the OP, impressive

>> No.14504897

>but the act of drinking water itself is not difficult.
He didn't say it was. He only disagreed about the claim that it's easy to kill yourself by drinking too much water.

>> No.14504907


>> No.14504908

I fight through the pain of my throat getting too cold because I'm not a fucking pussy unlike the lot of you who think room temp is okay.

>> No.14504920

Some people have trouble swallowing and will easily choke on a thin liquid that slides down their throat too quickly. Happens with people who have had strokes, people who are just really old and weak, etc.

>> No.14504923

Sounds kind of good. Is it like a Kern's or Jumex juice? Or is it more like Pedialyte type shit that's made for babies like >>14504461

>> No.14504926

Slightly below room temp is best, like 50-60F. It's cool enough to be refreshing but you don't have to fight through the pain to drink some fucking water.

>> No.14504934

God I want to drink that water.

>> No.14504962

For a cheaper solution / to try it out before investing, squeeze some lemon juice and add a bit of salt to a pint of water. You'll feel much better hydrated and one of the telling factors is not pissing it all out thirty minutes later.

>> No.14504973

>3 liters
>a lot

>> No.14505002

My pelvic physical therapist makes me drink half my body weight in ounces daily and won't allow me to urinate more than every two hours.

>> No.14505033

coconut water is supposed to be pretty thirst quenching with it's vitamins

>> No.14505144

Yeah, thinking about sneaking it onto my daughter's phone.
She's bad at remembering to drink water, but really good at playing cute apps.

>> No.14505165


>> No.14505188

>won't allow me to urinate more than every two hours.
how do you manage that? if it's hot and I'm working outside that'd be fine, but damn

>> No.14505212
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>> No.14505248

I haven't counted but I drink at least 3.5L of water a day I imagine. Thinking of yesterday I drank 4L at the least maybe 5L. So far this morning I've had 2.5L but I did yard work.

>> No.14505494

>. I've suffered from hyperhydration before
you said it was surprisingly easy to kill yourself, not easy to be "overhydrated". It is definitely not easy to kill yourself doing it, most cases of it ever are people that were intentionally drinking as much as they could possibly do to prove a point

>> No.14505507
File: 61 KB, 600x370, average-ground-water-temperature-across-the-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, water has to be like <40 and sustained for it to be painful, I pity people who live with warm tap water. Its getting to the time of year where mine is started to get a little warm and must really suck for the places that are warmer than this all year

>> No.14505969

i dont know what the fuck is wrong with your brain but i like it

>> No.14506153


I kek'd

>> No.14506653

Dont know what this means but thank you fren

>> No.14507282

Post chins or arm flaps please

>> No.14507323

I don't want to get into an argument on 4chan because it's fucking pointless. Personally, I've had like 10 L of water between 8am and noon without really even noticing. I'm sure it would be hard to accidentally drink 25 L of water, but people have probably done it before.

>> No.14507335

tfw no anon bf

>> No.14507471

Not at all true lmao. You gotta be REALLY trying to wind up dying from hyponatremia.

>> No.14507536

just always be drinking, as long as it isn't alcohol or espresso it'll hydrate you.
Drink coffee in the morning, Soda/Juice/Sports Drink/Water the rest of the day.
All day every day.
Get one of those hats you can put the bottles in that have the straws that go into your mouth for hand free sippin'

>> No.14507695

It's pretty common knowledge that it your body is sending the thirst signal you're already dehydrated.

>> No.14507721

in a very broad sense, but jot to the point where it is effecting you deleteriously. You can absolutely operate at 100% in that condition

>> No.14507939

drink when genuinely thirsty
the "drink x amount of water a day" is a meme shilled to you big medical
plus drinking too much water means you piss out everything too much

>> No.14507999

>dont chug ice water
Have you ever played a competitive sport in your life?
Dont give me any shit about constricting blood vessels or your diaphragm either

>> No.14508016

It's not simping if they are fucking you.

>> No.14508028

All I know is humans have lived thousands of years without official guidance decreeing how much water to drink and when

>> No.14508030

what's H2

>> No.14508380

Hydrogen gas

>> No.14508383
File: 85 KB, 1005x798, Screenshot from 2020-08-03 03-41-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the worst shit in the world, Literally no need to drink that disgusting shit. They advertise electrolytes but yet theres little to no sodium or potassium for one serving of this disgusting goop. You want to get your electrolytes so your cells stay happy? You buy a big bag of salt, big bag of potassium chloride and you put 1000mg of each into 250ml of water, mix it with a spoon and chug it in one go. You don't drink fucking high fructose mix of goop with added sugar. Sorry had to go on a rant but that shit is straight up nasty and ineffective.

>> No.14508444

>10 L of water in 4 hours
Lol no you didn't stupid faggot

>> No.14508523

>Personally, I've had like 10 L of water between 8am and noon without really even noticing.
If this is true then you must be diabetic or have some kind of mental issue. Not even trying to be a dick, but if you're not exaggerating then something is pushing you way out of bounds of what the average person actually does. People get a "full" feeling from water just like they do with food when they've had enough, and that's usually under 5L, so to double that in only four hours means you're either lying or possibly have a medical condition that you should get checked out.

>> No.14509211

this is used as fake cum in porn

>> No.14509672

i dont think ill chug it in one go, no, but this seems like good advice

>> No.14509683

>You buy a big bag of salt, big bag of potassium chloride and you put 1000mg of each into 250ml of water, mix it with a spoon
Seriously don't do this. You will create mustard gas.

>> No.14509733

Yeah there are people who operate at 100% when they're hungover every day from alcoholism, that doesn't mean they don't feel like shit

>> No.14509850

If not millions

>> No.14510043

They also used to not brush their teeth or bathe regularly

>> No.14510662

Step 1. Drink water

Repeat as necessary

>> No.14510702

not much, you?