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14499789 No.14499789 [Reply] [Original]

"Coffee snobs" edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread: >>14439155

>> No.14499842

Am I the only one who gets taste fatigue with coffee?
The first cup I've had in days can be rich and flavorful, but over time + after a couple more cups it starts to taste like nothing. Same variety, prep technique and everything
>inb4 "ur beenz r stale" or "pay more $$$ goy :))))" or other related voodoo

>> No.14499923
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personally i prefer coffee frogs XD

>> No.14500289

That happens to me every time. I buy nice beans online and they taste amazing for the first few days but rapidly go downhill and become flavorless after like two weeks. And I know they can't be going stale that quickly because I have them stored in their original bags inside an airtight opaque container and only open them for less than a minute at a time to dose.

>> No.14500385
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>> No.14500553


Have you two considered you may just have shitty palates?


>> No.14500622

I said no voodoo faggot

>> No.14500705

Tasting things is voodoo.

>> No.14500983

i prefer dunkin donuts original blend

>> No.14501045
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I usually just pick up this shit cause it's cheap and not bad for a morning coffee
If I want to try some of the "good shit" without breaking the bank what would you guys recommend?

>> No.14501087

Whatever your local roaster with good ratings sells.

>> No.14501343

>coffee subscription service sends me three bags of coffee, 100 g each
>all three are washed process
>one definitely tastes different from the other two, but the two taste very similar, one being a stronger tasting version of the other

why they do this?

>> No.14501362

Revelator coffee

>> No.14501904

Coffee has been dehydrating me so much these days. I'm thinking about switching to these caffeinated carbonated water drinks like Bang instead for my caffeine fix.

>> No.14502459

How would having a bad palate explain being able to taste something well and then it suddenly going down in flavor you massive mongoloid retard

>> No.14502960

>How would not being able to recall flavors after I experience them be related to my palate

huuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrduuuuuuuuuuur you're not a super taster. Tasting is a skill to develop.

>> No.14502976

i have the same with what i vape, (inb4 zoomer fag i smoked 20 a day for at least 9years) it's not exclusive to coffee. it's either something to do with nicotine/smoking or our dumb ape brains getting bored of the same treats

>> No.14502994

I put sugar and instant coffee in a mug and pour day old community coffee from the commercial pot into it to make super concentrated coffee. its the only way I can wake up at this point. its probably 600mg of caffine, energy drinks and regular coffee is just a waste of time. pretty soon im gonna be snorting nodoze and butt chugging cold brew in the work bathroom to just not fall asleep on the job.

>> No.14503001

>I think others assume im a zoomer if I say I vape
its mostly 30 something year old boomers that vape, and actual highschool kids. thats the main 2 demographics.

>> No.14503211

Take a break from caffeine for a week or so and the normal dose should do something to you again.
You shouldn't inject that amount of caffeine everyday anyway, at least don't drink coffee the weekends of the days that you don't have to go to work.

>> No.14503232

you'd be surprised how many of gen x use them in the uk. the stigma is about those demographics tho for sure

>> No.14503829
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Clean water makes for better coffee

>> No.14503881
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I made cold brew for the first time this weekend. Holy shit the ratio it gave me was insane, and I'm gonna have to change it. I filled it with coffee to the bean line as per instructions. This end up being around 20-24 tablespoons. Then filled it up with 24 oz of water. I thought it was an insane ratio but followed instructions. Let it brew all day. Now this morning, I came out with 12 oz of coffee. because half the water was absorbed by the coffee. Whoever made these instructions were fuckwits. Because now seeing multiple ways to do it. Does anyone have a good ratio for making it?

>> No.14504073

Why you don't add water to make an americano?

>> No.14504334
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Anyone ever have decaf espresso?

>> No.14504521
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>> No.14504538

Followed the french press recipie from james hoffmeme and holy shit its terrible. Went back to 1min bloom and 4 min brew with coarse grounds. Infinitely tastier.

>> No.14504561

Made cold brew in the French press overnight. 1:10 ratio, 8 hours on the counter, coarse grind. Most recipes I've seen steep for much longer but fuck that, not worth it for cold brew. Still needs to be diluted.

>> No.14504580

>bought a brita filter just for making coffee since my tap water is so bad

>> No.14505112

g8 meme

tea cucks seething

>> No.14505420
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>French press is the only way I've made coffee that doesn't make it taste sour as all shit
I've tried drip coffee, pour over, moka pot, even tried fancy filtered water for them and did all the proper recommended grinds and water ratio and all that shit, always comes out like sour gutter water. When I do absolutely everything wrong with a French Press though (fine grind, tap water, severely over extracted) it always ends up tasting better than everything else.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.14506462
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Can coffee really taste like raspberry waffle?

>> No.14506737

Maybe you're just used to a poorly made french press, miscalibrated your tastebuds? I'd try getting some coffee from a cafe and tasting that as a sort of standard of quality (not good quality, but something constant you can compare your own brew to)

>> No.14506823

Tried that before, the only time I ever actually liked what I got without having to drown it in milk and sugar has been Turkish style, outside of that it's always sour and unpleasant.

>> No.14506837

He probably drank so much old rancid coffee, he associates any acidity with rancidity, and his palate can't distinguish citric acid from rancid fatty acids.

>> No.14506852

Dunkin Hazelnut is really good too.

>> No.14506873

Funny that you mentioned that. I just picked up a bag, pulled a few shots, and ran right back to my local roaster the next day. Way overhyped but solid compared to grocery store coffee as a whole.

>> No.14506886

Worth mentioning that my local roaster is less expensive by a considerable margin, they're not pretentious, and the baristas are all redpilled.

>> No.14506918

They probably realized that you're an autistic incel and are subtly making fun of you.

>> No.14507046
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Hey coffee bros,recently got a De Longhi EC155 and am wondering if it's worth upgrading to a better grinder even though it's got a pressurized portafilter. Currently using a really shitty chefman grinder and the it tastes on par with the pre ground I've tried and was serviceable for v60 but pulls really sour espresso. Thoughts on some decent grinders ideally under ~$200 USD?

>> No.14507049

Are you actually retarded or just bad at reading? Why don't you try one more time, going extra slow this time?

>> No.14507322

Fuck no
I'd say a solid 80% of all tasting notes are pretentious garbage

>> No.14507890

They are tasting note, they are supposed to remind you of some characteristics of that fruit or whatever.
The citric and caramel/chocolate are the easiest to feel, but then you have other tasting notes in the background that you may be able to taste or not, it depends a lot in how you made your coffee.

>> No.14507944

I ordered an aeropress and I'm legitimately excited to try it out when it arrives tomorrow.
I've been using a V60 and I guess this one is going to give me a similar experience to a moka pot that I can't use due to my shitty stove.
If you have any recipes to recommend, feel free to reply. I guess I'll try to master first the original one, to have a baseline.

>> No.14508229
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Morning friends

Aeropressed La Laguna beans this morning, freshly ground in my wilfa svart. Made a really fruity cup.

My tip is ignore the inverted method preachers. Follow the brew instructions provided with the product and you'll have fantastic coffee every time.

I feel like tasting notes just come down to depth of roast and the rest is marketing placebo. Light = Floral and Fruity Dark = Nutty and Chocolaty (or just fucking burnt)

>> No.14508261

eyy i have a dedica myself. any conical grinder would do fine. what about a baratza encore? i heard it's a good entry level grinder. i have a manual grinder fwiw

>> No.14508461

65g coffee to 1L water for 8h at room temperature or 16-24h in the fridge. That will give you a coffee that you can drink straight up. If you want a concentrate, 2-3 days in the fridge. Shake up once every whenever you remember.

>> No.14509249

from what I've read the encore seems to be a pretty solid pick for entry level stuff, used to have a hand grinder before current one, it was pretty good for doing moka pot. Until one day when I was cleaning, the spring shot down the sink, rip little guy. Have you thought about modding your dedica to go unpressurized?

>> No.14509254

shit wrong post

this one, sorry

>> No.14509661

How do you make it? Do you bother with the 'bloom', and how many times do you stir? What's your brew time?
t. also have a Svart and Aeropress

>> No.14510433

fuck that's unfortunate. crossed my mind a couple of times but didn't have the balls to cut my portafilter. however i just recently found out that chinkware bottomless portafilters exist. cash is a bit tight so might take a while

>> No.14510493


>> No.14511336
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>Daterra Masterpieces
>they really think they can trick people into paying €50 for Brazilian coffee

>> No.14512572

>want to buy a coffee scale
>every review with a high rating has a million 1 star ratings on the front page
release me from this prison
convince me not to buy the hario scale before I kys myself

>> No.14512610

drank my last cup 'o joe today. I'm through with this addictive shit tasting swill. This shit causes
acid reflux, bad skin, shit breath, and on top it's expensive to get a tolerable tasting coffee.

>> No.14512611

as someone who's a Q Grader, Barista trainer and specialty coffee roaster in Brazil and from Brazil, I can tell you that there's definitely Brazilian coffee worthy 50$.

What you posted, however, is not it - and you likely won't find it outside Brazil in most places. In any case, there's still a lot of stigma towards Brazil because Brazil exports a lot of shitty coffee - something I'm working towards changing myself.

It takes time though. I've cupped and worked with several supposedly "amazing" African lots that weren't all that impressive. Nowadays with processing there's lots you can do, there's some really ingenious people doing amazing work here.

>> No.14512615

It depends on sensory library.
Of course, if you're an Amerigoblin expecting it to taste like your 500g of sugar per serving corn syrup filled Waffle, then no, it won't taste like that.

>> No.14512724

Finally got a moka express bialetti whatever they're called.

>preheat water in kettle
>pour into the bottom part
>pack ground coffee pretty snug into the middle part
>screw bottom and top part together
>finish heating on low

Is this the best way to make it? I've found that preheating the water and putting the heat lowest as possible really gives it a less bitter flavor.

>> No.14513010

Buy an acaia poorfag.

I snagged some maragogipe and ruby greens from Edna Maria Felicio, and some semiwashed yellow bourbon from Marimbondo Farm. I don't know shit about brazilian beans, but the price was right. Thoughts?

>> No.14513036
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I just placed an order for my first Hario V60. I ordered a plastic one because it was cheaper but I'm wondering I I should have gone for the ceramic version instead. Does it make a difference?

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for good pre-ground grocery store coffee? I know whole beans are better but I'm not ready to invest in a grinder just yet.

>> No.14513064

Any ideas on how to clean really stubborn coffee residue off of a stainless steel filter? I fell for the sustainability meme and got a ss pour over filter, but it seems like it's clogged or something, the water won't pour all the way through. Anybody fixed something like this before?

>> No.14513111

Bought delonghi dedica and sage smart grinder and I can finally make good coffee properly.

Stay the fuck away from blade grinders they are good for nothing but chopping herbs.

>> No.14513262

Plastic=less thermal mass=easier to manage temp. You're fine.

Cafiza or alconox/liquinox. Cafiza is specifically made to break down coffee. Alconox/liquinox is a commercial lab cleaner. I use it for bongs and very very diluted for my hario cold brew filter(infrequently and probably overkill). Rips through oils and build up.

>> No.14513270

Thank you, I'll try cafiza. I tried using some "goof off", soaking in vinegar. Nothing has helped so far

>> No.14513731

espresso in a biscotti please

>> No.14513743

>do cupping like on that Hoffmann video
>can tell one is more fruity and more fermented than others
>can tell another one is more sweet and has toasted grain kind of taste
>can tell yet another one has very traditional coffee taste with no astringency in the aftertaste
>the fourth one is like the first one but weaker fruit aroma and lower acidicity
>can't pinpoint any of the tastes into a specific note like mango, strawberry, or milk chocolate

Do I have shit palate?

>> No.14514137

like everything in life, it takes practice to get good at anything, this is no exception

>> No.14514346
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Is chock full of nuts any good?

>> No.14514370

>What the fuck am I doing wrong?
Time, temperature, or grind
Or all of 'em.

Honestly all coffee other than been selection comes down to those. Maybe water if its obscenely shitty where you live. I'm not trying to fuck with you either, its one of those things and you have to play psuedo-coffee scientist to find out which thing needs fixing. You can do it.

>> No.14514377

I've been drinking from the same keurig with no cleaning or desclaing for years.

>> No.14514422

Could be, or you could just be bad at making coffee. Water guy could be right, so pick up a $7 aquarium gh/kh test kit and check, for the lulz. Did you enjoy your time cupping? Are you going to keep at it?

>> No.14514447

Bought a moka pot today after getting a bit tired of cafetiere coffee.
I was reading about the coffee they drink in Italy with it, and it seems they tend to like robusta beans despite them generally being considered lower quality than arabica. Anyone know why that is?

>> No.14514496

more caffeine, simple as

>> No.14514567

i'm italian now

>> No.14514702

anyone tried making coffee out of rain water?

>> No.14514787

I grind Segafredo Intenso beans manually to medium/fine grind and brew it in a Vietnamese stainless steel coffee filter. I put regular sugar and small amounts of demerara sugar or sugar beet syrup in it.

>> No.14514856

They tend to like strong coffee; not 100% where it came from though. Also not all robusta is trash. Italian espresso will use a small dose of high quality robusta beans along with it. Robusta I noticed stands up well to milk and cream so that could be a reason. Europe in general I think is less adverse to robusta; also Latin coffees. Steel French press anon bought some high quality robusta beans and enjoyed it. I personally like Lavazzas forte coffee in the orange bag. Didn't care for Lavazza classico which is roasted lighter.

Basically a high quality robusta will BTFO shit arabica, but a robusta can never beat a high quality arabica.

>> No.14515323

>Bought a moka pot today
hope it isn't aluminum

>> No.14515354

Don't pack the coffee in. Fill it loosely

>> No.14515365

That's not a problem with new ones or non cheapo shit.

>> No.14515375

>inb4 "ur beenz r stale" or "pay more $$$ goy :))))" or other related voodoo
Do you grind your own? Beans aren't more expensive than grounds, I don't think, and a hand-grinder is like, $20.
Is that in your budget?

You could also cut your hassle by using french press, since I would think it would be less actual work to course-grind vs fine.

>> No.14515598

Those are good regions for coffee, I'm actually impressed you were able to buy those - mind telling me how much you paid for them?

Edna belongs to Santa Edwiges farm - I've cupped some of their coffees and they were pretty decent for their price range IN BRAZIL - but I don't know how much they're selling for overseas.

If you want recommendation to get started on Brazilian beans, here's some you can't go wrong with (I know you can find these in Germany - don't know where you live?)


I recommend the "Salada de Frutas", "Jasmin" and "Bala de Coco".

These are all complex coffees which will probably be very different from the usual "chocolate and nuts" notes most people expect from Brazilian coffee. Salada de Frutas is a fermented lot, it means "Fruit Salad" and you can expect just that.

Jasmin is like a flower bouquet (as the name implies) and "bala de coco" is a unique lot that has the aroma and sweetness of coconut, very unique.

You can also try Minamihara, which exports most of his Beans to Japan


He has AMAZING coffee beans unlike most of what you'd find in Brazil, and he also experiments with different coffee varieties not found elsewhere. The owner is an agricultural engineer and has massive knowledge in this area.

Lastly - usually, what you can expect from "entry level" specialty coffee from Brazil is mostly chocolate and nuts (specially almonds) notes. I like it for day to day drinking, it's basic but gets the job done. Generally speaking, I'd recommend to keep an eye on coffee from the states of BAHIA and ESPIRITO SANTO - specially CHAPADA DA DIAMANTINA region.

I hope some of this helps you out

Oh also one last thing - if you're from Norway they usually have very good Brazilian coffee at FUGLEN (which you can also find in Tokyo). If you're in Denmark, try LA CABRA.

>> No.14515661

before i bought my own coffee bean grinder i noticed that my ground stuff would taste worse and worse over time
now that i just grind it before brewing it's a lot more consistent, but i still notice if i try to reuse excess grounds the next day (my machine's lowest setting is two cups and sometimes i grind a bit too much) that it feels off

>> No.14515761

Not who you replied to, but thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.14515811

last time i posted in this thread i was drinking dollar store coffee and making cowboy coffee in a pot. still making it in a pot but got a can of coffee/chicory. my grandma used to have some around and i wanted to try it again after all these years. not bad, definitely has a bite to it. still gonna get some regular coffee as a daily driver.

>> No.14515948

Brazil Yellow Bourbon S-W
$2.45 5 $12.25

Brazil Ruby Semi-washed
$2.60 5 $13.00

Brazil Maragogipe (Elephant Bean)
$4.14 5 $20.70

I'm out in the states. My coffee guy caught a deal on a few bags that had been cupped out of, so I got them for a STEAL. Prices are up to 3.50 an lb for the ruby and bourbon. I'd snag his last 15lbs, but I'm kind of waiting on some more ethiopian honey to get in later this month.

>> No.14515977

Try alternating between tea and coffee. That's what I do and may be why I don't run into this issue. To up the caffeine content of the tea try putting loose leaf black tea through a French press, it's enough to make me jittery at least.

>> No.14516789

I do, yes, obviously. Still get taste fatigue

>> No.14517927
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1:10-15 ratio usually does it for me, anon.

>> No.14517932

I wanna like coffee but it's pretty revolting rn, kind of like when you first drink alcohol. What makes it more palatable to get used to it, if milk/sugar doesn't work?

>> No.14517937

I just made a cold brew for the first time. It's alright.

>> No.14517939

I like edible cups.

>> No.14517975

dont be a faggot who forces themselves to like something. If you dont like it then leave the thread

>> No.14518584

I bought some rustica beans from a local place after this, I get what people mean by the burnt rubber taste, but I quite like it.

>> No.14518791

money. illusion of choice. drink up goy

>> No.14518796

this my dude. u boutta go into adrenal fatigue and that shit sucks. go too long on that and ur pituitary and thyroid and hypothalamus axis will go all kinds of wonky. ask me how i know.

>> No.14518798

It's also a lot more durable than ceramic and won't give the metallic taste of the stainless steel variant.

>> No.14518802

what are you, unironically mean-spirited?

>> No.14518809

sounds about right. that makes it even more redpilled and worth it. support local!

>> No.14519080


>> No.14519089

How's the Oxo kettle? I thought about buying it then it went completely out of stock in my country.

>> No.14519130

I've had for about two years with no issue. Also, I think it looks pretty good.

>> No.14519332

Amazon reviews show a significant amount of rust and leaking complaints. Its also bulkier than fuck. Get a stagg ekg.


>> No.14520000

I bloom for like 5 seconds so the absurd amount of co2 doesn't make a nuke in the chamber - I stir until I notice all the grounds are wet - no more big dry clumps sticking to the spoon, usually takes like 5 seconds. Scrape the bottom gently with the spoon, thats where the dry shit is. I press immediately.

>> No.14520029

thanks lad.

>> No.14521473

Is that augies? I tried their Mexican beans when I first got into coffee a few months ago. It was aight.

>> No.14523135


>> No.14523186
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>coffee guy at work with all the gear
>makes me coffee
>buy the same beans and a v60 kit
>tastes muddy and bitter
>followed instructions online exactly

hate this bros

>> No.14523220

Stagg EKG also has tons of bad reviews on Williams Sonoma.

>> No.14523354

Yeah. They had some Peru about a month ago that was good. And their Ethiopian stuff is always good. Their baristas all got fired/laid off depending who you're asking, and they only have the roasting facility running.

>> No.14523766

can popcorn popper in a coffee tin anon post his setup again? I just took my popper out of its case to mod it and want to do something similar

>> No.14524072
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Can I get some opinions? I wanna buy a new V60/drip coffee maker. Should I get the fellow Stagg, the timemore crystal eye, or some porcelain V60?

>> No.14524074
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>> No.14524124
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Only people who shop at willliams sonoma are wasps. Wasps bitch. When the last time you wrote a review on ws?

Gotcha. What do you need?



>> No.14524362

thanks for the pics, how have you attached it to the can?

>> No.14524396
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>t. Fellow slut
My only real complaint about the stagg EKG is that it doesn't hold a full litre and filling it to its max makes it more likely to leak out of the top. Otherwise it's a great (and beautiful) kettle

>> No.14524395

gonna try this, thanks

>> No.14524490

The v60 decanter with the flush coffee container is nice

>> No.14524510

How is it for piyring smaller cups? I use the bonavita and it's not particularly satisfying.

>> No.14524534
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I almost exclusively do single cups and it works fine. I would only recommend filling it half way though, easier to pour and less likely to spill but that could just be me. Also it's base is way less complex than a Bonavita. One dial button to turn it on and change the temperature and to start the timer, and then switches in the back for holding, and preferred degree type (c or f).

>> No.14524536

This. It's not good if it's not freshly roasted.

>> No.14524726

Two screws held it into the original case, so I cut little wooden blocks to screw into. They conveniently had a third hole already on the roaster, so I cut a little wooden leg to screw into from top and bottom.

Yeah I refill it about half way through my puerh sessions, but its sitting 6 inches from a berkey filter so its not a big deal. It doesn't splash at about 209 fully to the line, so I don't mind.

>> No.14524910
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I love fellow but everything they have seems to have this big design flaw
Compact, sleek, fun to seal but sometimes just loses its seal or doesn't work
>carter mug
Great seal, keep coffee hot for hours, but the gasket will smell like shit randomly

I hear they're good about sending replacements for free but still.

>> No.14524929

I just use mason jars with 2way valves screwed into the top + I'm roasting every 4-5 days. I probably just not use lids desu. Haven't even glanced at the carters due to all the yetis Ive got rolling around.

>> No.14525061
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I work at a coffee retail shop so I can really get whatever I want with my benefits. Only way I could ever afford half the shit I have and the only reason I'm willing to spend more than 10 dollars on a dripper.

>> No.14525268

I just blow money for zero. Apparently I got reaaal stoned last night and spent $100 on leds for my new computer? I'm lucky I didn't order the new full set of kruve sifters.

>> No.14525388
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zero reason*

>reaaal stoned

Lemme pull an espresso to justify this fuckery. Monteblanco purple cat. 16.4 in.

>> No.14525539
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>Been unemployed since I left Vancouver five months ago
>Left my job as senior barista to return home due to Canadian government being flaky to the Irish one
>Been actively seeking work in the industry
>When I search "Barista", "Coffee", "Senior barista", get hits back for "Deli assistants"
>Some cafes hiring at the beginning of my search were 25km away
>Now everything is just people desperately looking for work
>Many with years of experience managing specialty coffee shops
>I've two years as senior barista
>Luck out with a resume I sent off to Brother Hubbard in Dublin back in June
>Land a trial
>The first time anyone has gotten back to me since I got home
>Made my first coffee in months
>I've lost most of the heat resistance in my hands and my milk has bubbles from too high a temp
>I'm nowhere near what I'm capable or my own standards
>Realise how much I've actually missed making coffee
>Feel an ever so brief return to normality
>Two people show up with no experience, resumes in hand
>Manager says "We're getting like five or six a say"
>Me: "That's good for you guys, it's a buyers market for labour"
>Go back to making coffee
>Feel that I'm just getting back into the swing of things
>Having banter with customers
>Trial abruptly ends after an hour
>Manager: "I've seen all I need, it's pretty quiet and we've got a few more trials today. Get in touch with the owner, let him know how you got on"
>Not sure if I did enough to convince them or not
Anyone else here looking to get back into the industry? Anons who work in specialty coffee, got advice for what to say or demonstrate to get a step ahead of the pack?
I don't want to be a deli assistant.

>> No.14525568
File: 26 KB, 450x450, Kruve-Sifter-Twelve-Silver-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm lucky I'm a tight ass because all I do when I'm super baked is watch nature documentaries with paranormal podcasts in the background. I've got a kruve sifter but I think I've used it like once, only reason I got it was because everything I have is matte black and it went with the theme

>> No.14525573

Just buy a ceramic V60 or Kalita Wave instead of overpriced consoomer crap like whatever the fuck that is

>> No.14525581

I'm basically getting it for free, there's no way in hell I'd spend more than 20$ on a dripper otherwise. I'm leaning towards the fellow.

>> No.14525923

Fellow looks great, you're going to get fucked with the cost of filters over time. Get something that uses cheap v60 filters and a big kruve carafe.

>marge simpson I just think they're neat

I feel like blowing $200 on the full set+bean graders would be fun for about 30 minutes, so I'm trying to delay it. I already emailed them about it a few months ago when it was all out of stock, but they told me to wait. I guess the new ones have aluminum stands? Sounds sick and would completely clutter my counter. I'm in.

>> No.14527211
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Is Nuova Simonelli underrated?

>> No.14527224

What the fuck do guitar picks have to do with coffee?

>> No.14527245
File: 1.51 MB, 2560x1707, JJ25802-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might grab the crystal eye? I flip flop so much on it because I genuinely can't decide which I want. I'm only really buying it because I need a fancy V60 to wave my coffee dick around.

If you want something f u c k i n g stupid check out their steeper. Look at this ostentatious bastard, it gives chemex a run for its money when it comes to goofy products.
Womp womp

>> No.14527255

>Milk has bubbles from too high a temp
No it didn't. Not unless you went past like 170f, and even then it would just be fluffy. Seems like maybe you don't know much.

>> No.14527288

Steeper doesnt need overpriced filters. Way better buy. I really want a kruve carafe tho. My hario coldbrew is doing double duty rn.

>> No.14527307
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Holy shit it's beautiful, fuck why can't 8ounce carry these

>> No.14527314

If I didn't just snag a sick mug from greencoffeecoop I'd have bought the dumbass dark/light glasses too. Had to get the espresso ones tho. Work GREAT for 100ml gongfus.

>> No.14527367

>Made in China
>unique finish defect on every glass

>> No.14527383

I hang out with famous american glass blowers. You probably want the chinks doing prodo.

>> No.14528041


>> No.14528214

Sorta related. Any advice for people trying to get into the industry?

>> No.14528255

I'm not a huge coffee drinker or fan, but I need some in the morning for work because I am not a morning person whatsoever. I usually grab the generic French Vanilla Starbucks or Dunkin' stuff at the supermarket but it tastes kinda meh. Can someone recommend a good high quality coffee that I can enjoy? I dont need something as "gourmet" as that stuff they pick out of capybara shit or whatever, just something that tastes better.

I have a drip coffee maker if that makes any difference, nothing fancy at all.

>> No.14528269

Right now? Don't unless you're willing to home-delivery a lot.

>> No.14528302

Not right now but looking to get into it possibly in a year or two.

>> No.14529488

mmmmmmmmmmslup. spresso. 16.5in 10 second pre, ~38 second total. Velvety.

>> No.14529669
File: 368 KB, 450x450, v60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blogpost time. Started out drinking instant coffee like a pleb, moved to preground drip machine for a while then a kcup cuck. Finally got around to grinding my own beans and swapped around brewing with a french press, chemex, and moka pot. After months of fucking around with these i finally got around to the V60, and holy fucking shit I just made the best tasting coffee i've ever had using the Hoffmeme method. V60 IS KING

>> No.14529856


aPresslets seething. Glad you're happy with your cuppa pal. Its all uphill from here.

>> No.14530162
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How do you guys clean your electric grinders? Specifically just getting the extra chud that stays between the burr and the chute. I normally just wobble it around and wack the hole, I've tried a cleaning brush but it just doesn't do the job

>> No.14530173

I like the smell of coffee but the taste is vile to me.

I drink a lot of green tea and flavoured teas.

Can anybody recommend a beginner coffee for me to try somewhere? Maybe one thats mixed with a bit of chocolate or something as a gateway to full coffee.

>> No.14530287

Thinking about getting locally roasted beans. Is 14$ for a 12 oz bag high?

>> No.14530298

it's high if it's shit. i pay 17 loonies for a 12oz but it's fucking phenomenal coffee, best in the city. worth every penny.

>> No.14530927

How much of a difference does a temperature controlled kettle make to brewing?
I've been putting off getting one for years.

>> No.14530961

oh sweet summer child...

>> No.14531000

Yeah, to be expected.
I'm a bit too stingy for my own good.

>> No.14531142
File: 1.93 MB, 2365x2365, great value french roast coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, how many of you guys are drinking Keurig coffee? I've got 6 of of the reusable cups and I fill them with my Great Value® French Roast coffee from Walmart. Solid 6/10 experience.

>> No.14531175

If you mostly drink light roasts, you might not need one.

>> No.14531288

Buy once cry once. Just get it over with.

>> No.14531485

What's a durable brand?
I'm taking a look at some gooseneck ones and they look a little flimsy.

>> No.14531512

buy a bonavita and hope you don't get a defective model
to this end, avoid amazon

>> No.14531657

I bought my stagg ekg directly from fellow to avoid any amazon fuckery.

>> No.14531933

Honestly very little. As much I love all the dumb goofy toys that come with coffee, I'm the first to admit that 95% of a good cup comes from freshly ground and properly weighed coffee. If you're really that particular and can't afford it then just use a normal thermometer.

>> No.14532297

What espresso maker is that?

>> No.14532527


>> No.14532699 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 431x429, boffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a food and cooking discord for anyone who is interested

https://discord (dot) gg/JKWVCz

>> No.14532787

Not one suggestion?


>> No.14532820

take the top burr out and give it a good knock. Use a brush then make sure you cant see any more ground coffee

>> No.14533104

trung nguyen premium blend has cocoa in it. ebay/amazon have it.

>> No.14533466

Thank you fren!

>> No.14534402

maybe you'll like ovaltine better? It's kinda like coffee but milder. I drink it with milk.

>> No.14536019

Yall niggas ever do a tim tam slam?

>> No.14536034

I have heard tell of this one.

>> No.14536042

get some chocolate Stok brand cold brew. cold brew is supposed to take some of the bitter bite out of the coffee

>> No.14536062

It literally melts in your mouth. I can't recommend it enough

>> No.14536141

I'm going to start roasting soon for the first time. Any tips? I expect to fail a lot. I have no idea what I'm doing and it's very exciting.

>> No.14536520

You're going to have a blast. What are you roasting on?

>> No.14536904

First, I am going to try to do it with a heat gun, an infrared thermometer, and a stopwatch. I feel like a low-tech hands on method is a good way for me to learn the process!

>> No.14537243


Agitation is going to be key. Get a big wooden spatula.

>> No.14537333

This is neat. I have a couple goofy ideas for automating agitation, too. Also heard about the bread machine one. Coffee people are the mad geniuses of food.

>> No.14538164


>> No.14538762
File: 61 KB, 1200x1200, Chorongi_AB_2020_12oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Heart so popular now? I live in Canada, and there are cafes that sell Heart beans, and I see bunch of Japanese and Korean people brewing Heart coffee on my insta feed.

>> No.14538769

Whats the verdict on cafe bustelo

>> No.14538823

Literal charcoal, only good if your drowning it in cream or making a cubano. Honestly overpriced sometimes. La Llave master Latin brick coffee race.

>> No.14540135
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a chance to try this in my moka pot today. This is a great example of when 100% arabica isn't better than robusta mix. Came out on the translucent side and is very acidic. It's the kind of coffee people say tastes like piss. Its not that it actually tastes like piss, but the unpleasant acidic taste reminds you almost of ammonia. I can't believe this stuff is almost $8-9 off sale.

>> No.14540152

>Whats the verdict on cafe bustelo
instant bustelo+microwave heated milk+sugar, pretty gud

>> No.14540157

>Came out on the translucent side
that was your fault

>> No.14540171

I don't think so. I'll give it another go tomarrow. Its not light color translucent, but was dark translucent.

>> No.14540239

Is drinking coffee with the grounds suspended in the liquid bad for you?

>> No.14540596

Good source of fiber riboflavin and vitamin R

>> No.14540611


That's about standard where I live for the good local stuff. The grocery store has a pretty good Ethiopian for $5.99/12oz though so I usually just get that.

>> No.14540749
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>make french press coffee for 5 years
>past 1 year twice a day instead of once
>brew for 4 minutes, then add my heavy cream, occasionally a pinch of salt
>start to get really sick and tired of washing the damn things
>about to get really really busy, need every available moment for my business and my studying, can't spend so much time washing them
>also sick of wasting lots of water washing them
>decide to get filter papers instead, seems so much easier
>read about how the papers filter more stuff including oils
>don't like the sound of that but decide overall it will still be worth it
>new way of brewing coffee is to fit the filter paper into my mug, put muh coffee in, pour the water, after 4 minutes take the 'bag' out but let it drain for 1-2 more minutes so it all gets out

...it's just not the same ;_;
It's definitely lacking ;_;
The richness isn't there
Feels like I'm not getting the full spectrum of flavor, if you think of it like sound, or like touch sensation, there are definitely parts of the spectrum missing now
Also lacking that kick, that je nais sais quois
Those oils the papers filters out but get through a french press are probably key to a lot of things

But it's so much easier and less time consuming. I can't go back to washing french presses all the time, I'm gonna have to stick with this. Even though it isn't as good.

Press F to pay respects to anon's 5 year french press odyssey


>> No.14541006
File: 940 KB, 3805x2945, FZBCL8TK5H5CYNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever try making their own espresso machine? It looks fucking cool.

>> No.14541269

try brewing some filtered coffee not like an retard

>> No.14541382


More like slop fulla shit

>> No.14541733


>> No.14541750

What's the best grocery store coffee? I know there's ton of places to order online and there's a nice local roaster about a 45 minute drive away from me, but sometimes I just want to pick up something at the store with everything else.

>> No.14541775

A lot of grocery stores have pretty limited choices. Peet's medium roasts are decent.

>> No.14542547
File: 365 KB, 1000x665, cameoocean-02-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw new generation superautomatics make better coffee than 90% of baristas out there

>> No.14542579

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee in a high quality coffee machine is top tier, nothing beats it. It's so smooth and absolutely incredible.

>> No.14542649

>only 9,000,000 USD, with a 10-day limited warranty (minus shipping)

>> No.14542662

The machine in the picture costs $17,000, less than three months of labor cost for a typical small cafe.

>> No.14542668

oh, only 17,000, what a relief
thank god it can also grab and wash cups and process transactions so that I don't have to shell out for labor too

>> No.14542759

Can't wait for the wagie I pay $12/hr to fuck it up and have to wait for a tech to come out.

>> No.14543115

>t. mediocre baristas about to lose their jobs

>> No.14543140

>Has never maintained a machine in his life

>> No.14543319

>yfw Eversys already has a service where they have service technicians travelling around large cities like London and New York to fix broken machines within an hour
>yfw machine+service subscription is still way cheaper than having paying a barista salary

>> No.14543480

I do turkish coffee but add a little cocoa powder and cinnamon to the mix. Tastes bretty good

>> No.14543510

I'm back with my parents until I can get back to Japan. They are Jewreg cucks. I've noticed they've become accustomed to the oily mass market dark-roasts, so I've been trying to refine their palette ever so slightly.

Old man upgraded from a Maxwell House morning blend to a 100% Kona via a Kalita pour-over.

>> No.14543528

This is only a threat to the wagies cucking for the man. I've got a pretty nice live/work setup as an owner-operator. I live in the building and run a small joint in the lobby for 12 hours. That 17k machine can't build relationships, can't remember specific roasts that individual customers enjoy, and can't deliver directly to the door. I can.

Being a barista who caters exclusively to bougie WASPs in a luxury apartment goes a long way. I suspect that will be the trend as the cafe industry contracts.

Or like those kissaten joints in Japan that offer vinyl records or manga.

>> No.14543536

not all of us live in Kiketown.

>> No.14543636
File: 142 KB, 819x819, 1575284749745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get the Hario skerton pro for moka pot espresso? If I can get replacement burrs there shouldn't be any longevity issues right?

>> No.14543726

>ceramic burr hand grinder
>moka pot

It's going to take 10 minutes to grind enough for moka pot, and the burrs are not going to last very long.

>> No.14543750


>> No.14545048
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>> No.14545905

You think a traveling fleet of repairmen you rent access to is going to be cheaper over the long run? Jesus christ.

>> No.14545949
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1594243892736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like coffe.
i only have a moka pot.
its pretty big makes like 6 cups.
make jet fuel.
get glass.
fill with ice.
pour jet fuel over ice.

>> No.14545999

Bros, I'm drinking about 6 cups of folgers a day. Is there a real down side to this as far as health goes? If it's a minor down side, I don't care. I'm sober from alcohol, and stopped cigarettes a few months ago. Now,that I stopped the two big killers, is fucking coffee going to kill me?

>> No.14546005
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thank yezus for my first cup

>> No.14546060
File: 32 KB, 284x278, 8B9937C4-0975-4075-BD64-4F1EF70A014D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My process whilst the kettles boiling
I crack 3 eggs into a steel milk pourer then add 5 teaspoons of bitter cocoa and 2 teaspoons of the “better” instant coffee
At this point the water should be ready so I pour it into a SECOND steel milk pourer
(Both of which have about a 3 cups capacity)
A teabag is added to the second cup (English breakfast) which is dipped a few times and left to rest
Returning to the first milk pourer I then stir with a curved bit of steel wire (pretty high gauge) until it is emulsified and even
Half way or so through stirring the egg mixture I return to the SECOND milk pourer and remove the teabag and add 1 ice cream scoop of Lard which I then proceed to add a little bit more hot water to get it dissolved in the tea mixture
Once both are ready I then quickly pour the first into the second and add boiling water to top it off
Then picking up both milk pourers I proceed to pour them into one another back and forth as to not solidify the eggs
About 25 back and fourth pourings are adequate
You now have a flipped brothy enjoy

>> No.14546076

If you drink coffee every day you don’t need to clean it as the boiling water does the job

>> No.14546082

Heh, ceramic grinder go burrr

>> No.14546093

Coffee only starts to get dangerous over 2 liters a day. Overdose can cause accute kidney failure. Watch for high blood pressure, heart palpitations, or darkening urine. A whole pot of brewed coffee a day isn't going to do it. Probably not even two pots. Three is where you may cross the line. Your liver damage from the alcohol will probably heal within several years, the cardiovascular damage from the cigarettes after about five.

>> No.14546114

Thanks for that info. Yes, with the alcohol, my liver enzyme levels were in the 700's, but went down fast after abstaining. 6 months later, I still have internal bleeding, though. With the cigarettes, I don't think I smoked enough for serious problems, they were easy to quit, and I didnt notice much of difference other than no more mucus cough. I'm gonna go make another cup. Cheers to you.

>> No.14546122
File: 14 KB, 832x544, 1594711170840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone used a sowden softbrew before?
Some place near me has shut and they're selling off a bunch of stuff and this caught my eye.

>> No.14546134

I've had issues with insomnia when drinking that much, but you might have a higher tolerance.

>> No.14546165

Yes, I think my tolerance is pretty high, but I still definitely feel the effects of the caffeine. I write as a hobby, about gets me really hype for it. I have always slept 6 hours or less a night. I doubt that is classified as insomnia, I don't think I'll ever have problems with that. When I drink alcoholically, on the other hand, the insomnia is maddening, of course, ending with delirium. Coffee is like a miracle for me, and I'm happy to know it isn't that bad. The taste is good too, and I'm drinking fucking folgers black silk. Any suggestions for something better? I think I like dark roasts, and I just drink them black. And from gas stations, I like cuppaciono.

>> No.14546185

if you're a fan of bitterness then you might want to try out some robusta beans/grounds
they have higher caffeine content than arabica (the most popular variety) and often the taste is described as earthy or burnt rubber

>> No.14546219

Thanks, I'll check them out. Any favorite brands? And if you have any, would you suggest buying online for better deals? I'm definitely a fan of the bitterness. It wakes me up. I think the less bitter coffee's like folgers breakfast blend are strangely acidic. All I've really tried is folgers, though. That and Starbucks, which I don't think is all that impressive.

>> No.14546226

How many grams of water should I pour for 15g coffee for 1 cup.
Using V60

>> No.14546235

Colombian is the worst South American coffee

>> No.14546255
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You may like this one. Very easy to find.

>> No.14546274

i generally buy from a local deli + don't live in america, so my favourite brands are pretty useless for recommendations

>> No.14546294

I see that at my grocery store, and have considered buying it. I've refrained because they don't have very big bags, I'll go through it pretty fast. But the packaging looks like how I want my coffee to taste. I'll try it, thanks anon.

>> No.14546316

It's a dark roast, but it still has character. The stores I shop at carry it in 20-24 oz. bags. Honestly, it's very good for a grocery store coffee.

>> No.14546978

Whats a good quality coffee? I usually just buy generic Starbucks brand shit when I go to the store but now that Im working again I want something tastier for my drive in. Im a fucking newfag when it comes to Coffee

>> No.14547082

You don't necessarily want to buy big bags, because the coffee goes stale in a couple of weeks. Just buy as much as you can use up in that time. It may be a little frustrating from a value standpoint, but having relatively fresh coffee is worth it.

>> No.14547514

This guy probably drinks 2 pounds of coffee in a week. Stale coffee is irrelevant to this man.

>> No.14547594

fuck that nigger i just want a cuppa

>> No.14548421

I do 250

>> No.14548447

anyone tried that espresso tonic thing?

>> No.14548978

yeah its pretty good. Tried some at cafes and my own at home with some fever tree and my flair

Any tips to stop it foaming up so much?

>> No.14549009

you have shit taste

>> No.14549042

I don't like Columbian coffees either. They taste like brass. Brassy tuba toots in your mouth.

>> No.14549054
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee in a cone

>> No.14549075
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Nom nom

>> No.14549147

an affogato in a cone would be nice

>> No.14549193

Anyone here have any experience with the niche zero? I have a gaggia mtg and it's a piece of crap in terms of its design so I'm looking to upgrade to something more versatile and high end.

>> No.14549214

Specifically looking for an espresso grinder but i like to swap beans a lot and I don't mind single dosing so I heard the niche is a good match.

>> No.14549250

This is my setup. >>14504334
I've had the niche for about a month. Single dosing and constantly adjusting the grind is a simple process for the niche. Also, it feels sturdy and looks nice.

>> No.14549338

I use Counter Culture or Intelligentsia -- sort of expensive artisan coffee, if you spend $8.00 for a bag at the store this would be more like $13.00

>> No.14549344

Lol i noticed the niche in your pic but i figured you wouldn't respond cause the post is old. Have you tried cleaning it yet? I heard it's a very needy machine as far as maintenance goes. Also have you noticed any difference between the conical burrs compared to flat, if at all?

>> No.14549369

Honestly, those are both overpriced and not that great. I just bought a $2 canister of Folger's Hazelnut and it was actually better than both of those. How, I have no idea, because it was nowhere near a gourmet coffee.

I just bought french vanilla New England Coffee, which is also fairly cheap for fancy flavored coffee, and it is bland af. For some reason that sells well though.

>> No.14549426

I've got "thread watcher." I've never used flat burrs. I haven't given it a deep cleaning yet, and I'm not having any issues with consistency. I think I've had for a little less than a month actually. It all comes apart pretty easily, so I'm not expecting any headaches when I do need to clean it.

>> No.14549614

Cool, thanks mang

>> No.14550040

>find a nice gooseneck kettle at a reasonable price
>those shipping prices
i will never be an american
maybe i can buy something else with it to offset the pain

>> No.14550163

fucking hate cold brew. It tastes like nothing. I've had nitro, bottled, Starbucks, and home made. The only way it had any flavor was a 1:1 ratio for a week. What a shit method of making coffee. Why not brew it at a proper temp, then put it in the fridge to cool down?

>> No.14550680

Wow, I had no idea coffee went stale that fast. Like I said, I've only been drinking folgers from the tub, and with cheap coffee like that, I'd doubt staleness is really noticeable. But I want to enjoy coffee more, since it's now one of my main joys in life. When I get paid, I'm going to try out some of the other canons suggestions, and will take your advice on buying in smaller quantities. I have no problem going to the store often. I like to see people.
I might drink more for the effect, but the taste is something I want to explore.

>> No.14551422
File: 50 KB, 1024x1024, TG7A5986Staggx_ekg_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up grabbing the fellow Stagg dripper though I'm not crazy happy with it. Currently doing 16g for 250g and a grind size of 20 on my baratza. Not a ton of flavour at that but at least it tastes like a cup of coffee. The filters are just very odd and can be unwieldy when they're wet. Don't hate it but I need to practice with it more, any recommendations on what to do?

>> No.14551438

Get V60

>> No.14551493
File: 52 KB, 870x630, 47390938_754838621543694_4118895042981003264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already got one (and a tetsu kasuya V60 too)

>> No.14551537

In my experience, whole bean roasted coffee tastes fresh for about 7-10 days after you open the bag. Preground coffee tastes fresh for a bit under a week. Air is the issue. It oxidizes the coffee and it'll turn stale and janky. So smaller packages are generally better. Preground just doesn't last as long because of the increased surface area exposed to air. This is where most people start out getting better results: a good grinder and whole beans. (Warning tho, grinders are a gear whore rabbit hole) Never buy roasted coffee in quantities larger than you can drink in 2 weeks. Squeezing or vacuuming the air out of the bags when you reclose them helps. Some people like to refrigerate coffee to extend life. This is a no-go for me because atmospheric water condenses on the beans every time you pull them out, which hastens oxidation. Every coffee has a sell by date on the package. Good coffee will have a roast date. Typically, coffee tastes the best 1-2 weeks after roasting. Many coffees actually taste better 1 week after roasting because they off gas CO2. It affects how they extract when you hit it with hot water. Usually you'll get a really bloomy, bubbly, incomplete extraction for up to three days after roasting because of this. Also why bagged coffee has one-way air valves. Canned/tubbed preground coffee is automatically inferior to bagged because they have to let it sit around for a while to off gas CO2 or the seals would burst. I think they mitigate it a little by leaving a little space in there and vaccuming it. Grocery store brands do tend to supply coffee somewhat regularly, but the company or grocery store stockers will always try to rotate the shelves when they block so the oldest stuff is in the front. Check the dates. Anything a month old or older is shenanigans.

>> No.14551570


Good stuff, thanks.

>> No.14552422

Holy shit, you know your coffee. What do you do for a living? And thanks for the great info.

>> No.14552715

No problem. I am just an old hobo, but I try to keep learning how to coffee. Other people itt know coffee better than I do (roasting, growing, etc.).

>> No.14552866

How workable are stovetop kettles with thermometers versus electric?

>> No.14553576

Their suggested grind size for french press is absurdly fine

>> No.14553773
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Yeah either that or use a Coldwave drink chiller and have cold chilly drinks in under 60 seconds

>> No.14553776

Wait, their suggested grind size is for French press? Or that it's absurdly fine?

>> No.14554492
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>t. target audience for $320 individual serving bean containers with CO2 valves ($660 rack not included, $649 electronic bean counter extra)

>> No.14554553

See >>14549075

>> No.14554564

I've switched over to kool-aid in the morning
I dunno why it just tastes more like summer

>> No.14554571

I made a mocha with instant coffee and a packet of Swiss Miss it was pretty good honestly.

>> No.14554870

Just ordered my Flair online. What am I in for?

>inb4 regret and desire to save up and upgrade to an Olympia Cremina instead.

>> No.14554916

Its great to use. After playing around you can get better shots than 99.999% of coffee shops pretty easily. The issues I have are consistency which can be helped by getting the temperature strip and also back to back shots are a pain. Dialing in a new coffee would be a lot nicer with a proper machine but one you've done that its great.
I don't know what proper machine to get now though. Gaggia classic doesn't seem like enough of an upgrade. What can I get for $500/600 used?

>> No.14554989

>better shots than 99.999% of coffee shops
Where do you live mate? I live in Sydney where there are plenty of specialty cafes around.

>> No.14555004
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>> No.14555016

yeah you wont be doing better than specialty coffee shops but the majority of coffee shops aren't specialty (Starbucks, Dunkin', Costa, Nero...)

>> No.14555577
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I made my first cup of coffee today! Using my Gaggia Classic Pro, I used really old beans i had lying around just to get a hang of the process. I had to grind them at the finest setting to get an extraction time of 20 seconds but that's fine, I'm already in love.

A quick question - is it normal for it to be super hard to lock in the portafilter on a new machine? I have to legitimately push for it to lock in with the basket on, but it's way easier without the basket

As an addendum to your post here's a cool experiment regarding beans and extraction time

>> No.14555654

>super hard to lock in the portafilter on a new machine
If you're overfilling the basket it can be. Take out the basket and see if there are a lot of grounds above where it would go

>> No.14555691

It's really hard because I'm trying to get 9grams for 1 oz but it reaches the top sometimes. Maybe gaggia classic single shot is smaller?

>> No.14555708

Yeah too much, it's meant to fit in 7g apparently. I'll try smaller doses tomorrow.

>> No.14555991

Which 500-700 dollar espresso machine should I get? Been eyeing the breville and a few De'Longhis but every one I look at has a bunch of negative reviews at the top of the page.

>> No.14556069


>> No.14556261
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what this anon said >>14501087

beans are only perfect for 2 or 3 weeks after roasting, after that there is a noticeable decrease in quality, at least from what i've experienced

>> No.14556489

Would the 65g to 1L be good for concentrate as well? I assume same grind size as normal cold brew.

>> No.14556509

Did you get the pressure gauge?
Also, make sure to use an instant read thermometer to check the brew water temp before pulling a shot for the first time. You'll probably need to do 2-3 cycles of preheating before the water is in the 190-200F range.

>> No.14556653
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>According to a meta-analysis of controlled studies on coffee and cholesterol, coffee oils may decrease bile acids and neutral sterols. This may lead to increased cholesterol. Researchers concluded that cafestol is the “most potent cholesterol-elevating compound identified in the human diet.”
>Research has shown that drinking five cups of coffee daily from a French press brewing method can increase blood cholesterol levels by 6 to 8 percent.

I force myself to pick up coffee in order to drop soda for health reasons and this is what I get. Nice. Is there fucking anything that tastes like non-shit that's not gonna kill me?

>> No.14556665

This is not an issue at all if you use brewing methods that involve some sort of paper filter.

>> No.14556704

Good or bad cholesterol?

>> No.14556715

leaving the grounds for longer doesnt create a 'stronger' concentrate, it just extracts the astringent notes of the coffee that cold brew is meant to avoid
3 days is nuts
concentrate typically benefits from a darker roast, coarse grind, in a vessel WITH the water instead of the grounds in a basket like the mizudashi, strained through cheesecloth after 14 hours in the fridge and you have a solid concentrate

>> No.14556732

>grinder more than 3 times the price of espresso machine
seems excessive

>> No.14556761

i want to buy all the coffee appliances but i'm also a cheapskate
the sowden softbrew looks cool, opinions on it?

>> No.14556762

>5 cups
Actual cups or "coffee cups". Also this isn't factoring in types of coffee and roasts. Just dont over drink it and don't be a lard ass. Otherwise go for seltzer water.

>> No.14556773

I don't drink water. Fish fuck in it.

>> No.14556833
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i just make cold brew in a mason jar so i guess i'll have to change that up
bad cholesterol
fair enough, i guess i don't need 5+ cups a day
>They found that drinking an average of six cups of coffee a day was associated with increased total cholesterol and LDL, the harmful type of cholesterol. Nearly all of the rise in cholesterol was linked to unfiltered coffee.
this poster is not me

>> No.14556847

seems pretty based
>sowden softbrew
looks gay, just save up for a better grinder and/or espresso machine

>> No.14556894

Stole one of these bad boys from the diner that fired me
it's damn good for the weekdays, I drink like 2 cups a day

I like to drink moka express illy with boiled milk n sugar on da weekends

>> No.14556904
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forgot to post my pic lol

>> No.14556932

coffee brewing is an expensive hobby the more you get into it huh
i remember back when i was satisfied with a shitty krupps grinder and scalding water, wish i could go back

>> No.14556960

Literally exactly what you should do. You can only extract as well as your grind, so why complicate it? Flair hits 9bars at whatever temp you want. All you need for spresso.

>> No.14557151

every hobby is like that
you can make top tier coffee with a hand grinder and v60 and be set for life, or upgrade to a new espresso machine every 3 months and never feel satisfied
the choice is yours

>> No.14557198
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>not buying a new espresso machine every three months for improved performance and aesthetics

>> No.14557921

just the coffee if you are doing espresso can be like 20 a week. I go through a bag by myself.

>> No.14558087

It was the only part of my workflow I wasn't enjoying –– manually grinding.

>> No.14558904

Why should I buy a Hario V60 instead of my generic metal cone? Seriously, what are the advantages? Is ceramic better for pourovers? Is it not just the cone shape that matters for pouring? In theory wouldn't any cone be...exactly the same?

>> No.14559310

No joke if I had the money I would buy those fancy glass tubes

>> No.14559421

Dude, I just roasted my first batch. An Ethiopian dry process. I got a perfect full city on my first try. I could not make myself wait longer than an hour before I made a pourover test cup. FFFFuckkk. It's fucking awesome. If it gets even better than this after a few days I'm going to shit myself. Life Changed. Uuunnnnnnggghhhhh!!!!

I thought it would be smokier, but I did not count on the amount of crazy flaming chaff. It took me 10 minutes to sweep my garage after. Hhahaha. Fuck that was so much fun.

>> No.14559456


Fuck around with that for a month then buy a popcorn popper. Glad you're having fun though. I just rebuild my computer and my new motherboard didn't have bluetooth so my roasting got put on halt. I should be good to go once ups arrives with my shit tomorrow. Probably roast up some el salvador black honey.

>> No.14559482

I'm already starting to see how getting an even city roast is going to be challenging with this. I started by just shaking the stainless bowl around like crazy until first crack (which was a delightful first experience, really like less violent popcorn popping), then ditching it for a long handled steel whisk. Things were just not evening out until right at the end of first crack. Probably gonna have to pull the gun way back earlier on so it goes slower, or invest in a better temp controlled gun. I dunno how long I can play with this. Probably longer than a month because it was so enjoyably hands on. I called it right as second crack began, but I wanted so, so badly to just keep going because it was like magical rice crispies or pop rocks or something. Anyway, this shit is awesome. Thanks for listening to me pop my cherry.

>> No.14559544

you now realize that /ck/, much like /g/, is full of actual unironical shills

>> No.14559688

Post the beans nerd. There's a tax around here.

>> No.14559816

V60 isn't just a cone. There are standoffs on the insides of the cone to prevent the filter from sticking and creating a vacuum between the filter, cone, and mug and slowing down to stopping the water from drawing down. Bedsides, it's like $7 for a plastic one.

>> No.14559984

Nah i just got the non-bundle base unit cause it was cheaper and $50 less than the retail price. Thanks for the tip though.

>> No.14560622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14560911

what do you mean when you keep saying "city"?

>> No.14560932
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>> No.14561190

hi there I have successfully repaired a coffee maker !

>> No.14561540
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>got new gaggia classic yesterday
>getting the hang of using the machine with single shots
>use 9 grams of coffee in a single basket
>coffee comes out way too fast at like 10 seconds for an ounce and is barely cooked, awful body
>exact same grind but 18 grams in a double
>coffee comes out super slow, has a great body and beautiful crema
What the fuck is the deal with single baskets? I understand it's really hard to tamper them properly but still, it's like all the theory behind brewing just doesn't work with single baskets, but still, what can you do to make them work? I tried the finest setting on my grinder and couldn't eek out even 20 seconds of exposure to one ounce.

>> No.14561580

I'm considering buying a stovetop Stagg rather than an electric one to save on cost.
I do get the sense I'd regret it rather quickly though.

>> No.14561581

try adding more coffee to the basket

>> No.14561595

It already reaches so high up that it sticks to the gasket sometimes. Recommended dose is at 7g and at 9g with finest setting i still get underexposed.

>> No.14561638

I fill up my kettle the night before. I wake up, go hit the button, go piss/shit and come back to my water at 207f. Ekg is pretty cash.

In other news

>Product: SEP with fitting for the Flair PGK!

>Thank you for your order!

>Please push the "To Payment" button for your proforma invoice and payment options.

>In case of any questions, please reply to this email.

>Best regards,


F u c k i n g finally. I'd have had this back in like feb if covid didn't fuck him over. Thanks again Gábor!

>> No.14561654

Buy once cry once
Just get the electric