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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14492476 No.14492476 [Reply] [Original]

does /ck/ like german cuisine? what's your favourite food?

>> No.14492480
File: 31 KB, 305x380, 154970254631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those made of yerbamaistra ?

>> No.14492493

They're jaegercicles, a bavarian delicacy.

>> No.14492508

I bet they are... do you know how to make them? I buy a jaggermeister every month.

>> No.14492571

>licorice-pine-cum popsicles
please tell me this isn't real
jaegar is already disgusting, this is just inedible

>> No.14492612

how do you freeze this stuff? I had a bottle in my freezer for months and it stayed in liquid form?

>> No.14492641

I spent a couple of weeks in Germany in my teens and had Currywurst and it was lovely but I've checked the internet since and all the recipes I've found have just said wurst + ketchup + curry powder, but the meal I had the sauce was like a curry flavoured gravy and I've no idea how to make it.

>> No.14492848

>my bet is a fat american with bland tastebuds

>> No.14492888

How would one go about making one of these?
I know you'd need to add something but is it just water or can you use something else to lower the freezing point while retaining the booze density?

>> No.14492902

2 heinz, 1 hela curry ketchup, dilute with water, add spicy paprika and curry
thats the standard curry sauce, i like to add a bit of maggi

>> No.14492919

Maybe also consider a light roux. That is just my take on it though.

>> No.14492923
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do they make panzercicles?

>> No.14492960

Sauerbraten, Wienerschnitzel, Linsen und Spätzle.

>> No.14492985

canuck with german and hungarian ancestry
good job being obsessed with burgerclaps, it's a great look for you!

>> No.14492993

maybe gelatin?

>> No.14492999

>German and Hungarian ancestry
Why do all North Americans insist or LARPing like they have actual culture? No one gives a fuck that your great grandfather was German

>> No.14493020

This is the most cursed image i have ever seen

>> No.14493022

German sourdough bread is elder god tier.
I'm also a fan of sauerkraut for digestive purposes.

>> No.14493024

Bet it pisses you off that even the Scots admit Scot-Americans know more about the history & culture than they do.
Nice trips, beeteedubbz.

>> No.14493027

Literally who the fuck admits this

>> No.14493035
File: 1.95 MB, 720x404, German Snack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14493055
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>> No.14493060
File: 40 KB, 722x540, METTBRÖTCHEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all about the simple pleasures

>> No.14493441

Muttoids that have no idea about who they are, so they have to fall back on their ancestors to prove their worth...somehow...

>> No.14493470

Roux??????????? I don't think you know what a real curry is.

>> No.14493734

Yes, I love German food. Fleischkäse, Tellerfleisch, Schaüfele, Mettbrötchen, Kohlroulade, Spaetzle, their many variants on sandwich meats. Riesling can be great as well. If this virus dies down a bit I'll hop over the border and get myself a LOT of meat, bread, spaetzle and beer. Now, one might say the German food culture lacks the finesse one might spy in the southern european countries. To those people I say: You don't know what you're missing. Also, Brit food is better than people give it credit for.
VERY based

>> No.14494945

my german grandparents make us klosse every christmas it's pretty good

>> No.14494951

You retarded?

>> No.14495695

Sauerbraten is fucking king.

>> No.14495706
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eisbein, currywurst swiveled down with some rumtopf. prost.

>> No.14495711

>Riesling can be great as well.
The wine country there is great.

Being able to enjoy Gluehwein as just an ordinary winter hot drink out on the street is great.

>> No.14495715


>> No.14495719

dry ice

>> No.14495720

Weisswurst with pretzel and sweet bavarian mustard.

>> No.14495742

I love some good sauerbraten with semmelknudel or a leberkasesemmel, hell even schwartzbrod with some nice ham and cheese. I miss Leberkasesemmel from the deli back in my Oma's town

>> No.14495759

Blutwurst with Sauerkraut is great

>> No.14495894

Brats are alright. sauerkraut is a plague

>> No.14495905
File: 65 KB, 768x512, Curry-Wurst-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All time classic:

>> No.14496010

>sauerkraut is delicious

>> No.14496017

holy shit now we're fuckin talkin

>> No.14496240

>so little alcohol content that it freezes

>> No.14496283

If I were to make a german meal I'd make bratwurst, schnitzel, a fancy chunky mustard, horse radish, some sort of boiled dumpling, and jager digestif. I don't know of much german food past that

>> No.14496297

Its not fucking ketchup and water. I was thinking how europeans would make a curry gravy for fucking fries and sausage. Do you guys really go full pajeet at takeout locations?

>> No.14496530

Mettwurst is so good with sourkraut or fried eggs. I don't get why it's not more popular anywhere else. If you like chorizo you also like mettwurst and everyone knows chorizo.

>> No.14496553

Didn't visit Germoney for very long but I really liked currywurst

>> No.14497434
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, Hela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saute an onion, add tomato puree, some sugar and a lot of curry. Some also add fruity ingredients like apple juice/sauce or coke as a sweetener.
Or just use pic related. The German staple of sauces you can find in every household.

>> No.14497438

Rouladen is probably my favourite food.

>> No.14497613

>even the Scots admit Scot-Americans know more about the history & culture than they do
What are you babbling about you fucking retard?

t. Scot

>> No.14497665

people in Germany don't even drink Jäger that much. it's mostly for retarded tourists and teens. I've never seen Jägercycles before, ever. even Jelly shots and Vodka Watermelon are more popular.

Also, Jäger is fucking disgusting. Just horribly overpriced cheap herbal liquor. If you're in Germany drink some fucking beer, wine, and maybe a Mirabellenschnaps or something actually good.

Southern Germany probably has some of the best whites in the entire world, especially if you like dry whites. Bavaria, especially the region around Bamberg, probably has some of the oldest and nicest breweries on the globe.

Jäger appeals to Americans because it's way too fucking sweet, you inbred retard.

>> No.14497669


you fucking retard

German Sourdough is probably our best cultural export. In general, aside from maybe the French, I have never ever eaten bread as good as it is here. It's not even expensive or "artisanal", just cheap fucking amazing bread. A loaf costs me like 1.5 bucks.

>> No.14497674

now THIS is actual German food. never seen anyone mention Schäufele before on this board. you been to bavaria/franconia I assume?

>> No.14497681


>> No.14497715
File: 204 KB, 680x371, cc7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just a meme, this is how Americans really think