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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14490101 No.14490101 [Reply] [Original]

For me? It's having a heart attack every time I eat breakfast.

>> No.14490114

>(((ezekiel))) bread

>> No.14490124

>7 eggs
>mayo AND pooled oil
imagine the smell of this mans braps all day

>> No.14490132

You got any science to back that up? Where's the bad food other than the jalapenos?

>> No.14490140

All those egg yolks cause heart disease and high cholesterol

>> No.14490164

I think you'll be surprised to find out that there's conflicting studies done on the topic. The cheese might be the worst thing on his plate.

>> No.14490196

Eating breakfast is a waste of time.

>> No.14490204

people go back and forth on eggs. iirc they're currently in the "neutral to good" category. however, joe's eggs have so much grease that they're probably not that healthy.

>> No.14490221

Hi mom.

>> No.14490232

You mean all the food science I learned in the 90s is wrong?

>> No.14490239

I hate it when the white is runny.

>> No.14490336

the only people who die due to "high cholesterol" are the people who take statins.

>> No.14490371

Conceptualize the vinegary stench of this person's feces. Holy fuck bros haha

>> No.14490574

Nah they're still bad. The news will tell you otherwise but ask a trained dietician.

>> No.14490697
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what is his fucking problem

>> No.14490703
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>> No.14490712
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>> No.14490719
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>> No.14490725
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>> No.14490731
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>> No.14490740

Just realized he must be doing all his cooking in a filthy cast iron. Look at how dirty the whites of his eggs are.

>> No.14490741
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>> No.14490749
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its enhanced taste, pleb

>> No.14490816

>Still afraid of eggs

>> No.14490824

Jesus fucking christ I fucking hate keto fags.

>> No.14490836

>sour kraut
What a fag

>> No.14490843

the man likes his eggs

>> No.14490902

that's why he is so jolly during the podcast. He is gassing them

>> No.14490918

Why does he keep fried eggs in his yard?

>> No.14490922

to feed the pigs

>> No.14490925

imagine sniffing his podcast chair haha

>> No.14490952

remove the mayo and bread and this is /fit/ tier food. ezekiel bread really isnt too bad honestly but carbs are fucking addictive so its definitely an all or none type of deal for myself

>> No.14490956

id bet alot of money this came from joe rogans insta or the person who took this picture listens to rogan

>> No.14490962

im retarded I just realized this is a rogan circlejerk thread

>> No.14491003

imagine being in a hot recording studio having a fan blowing his vinegary farts into your face.

>> No.14491017

lol food pyramid

>> No.14491036

I eat an average of 6 eggs a day. Are they actually bad for you?

>> No.14491052

>eggs from my yard

so he has an egg tree

>> No.14491076

no they'll make you stronk

>> No.14491097

Statins gave my mom ALS

>> No.14491104

Where else would he keep them

>> No.14491120

No they didn’t kek

>> No.14491301

joe rogan needs to feed two people, the roided up guido manlet we all know as his persona and the chimpanzee demon who possessed him when he took a wrong turn during his DMT fueled psychic explorations

>> No.14491503

why does he eat so many jalopenos?

>> No.14491528

>Eating carbs
Haha, that man is going to die

>> No.14491627

The only thing liable to contribute to heart attack on that plate is the bread.

>> No.14491629

>cholestrol is bad
You're a fucking moron. Do some basic fucking research on what cholestrol does you fucking pill popping idiot.

>> No.14491633

Don't burst a blood vessel when people doubt your cult, dumb carnivorefag. Pop another Xanax like your idol Dr. Peterson and chill.

>> No.14491636

carbs faggots should be burnt to death. I bet you stand in your office and proclaim how few carbs you eat. die faggot

>> No.14491645

why are american's so scared of bread?
imagine putting your poor health and addiction to sugars to "bread" - you people are fucking dellusional.

>> No.14491653

They're scared because it's jew bread. The kind he's eating is actually one of the few kinds of bread in america you can buy that's good for you and, you know, actually tastes and has the texture that bread is supposed to have.

>> No.14491660

Cholesterol in food is only slightly related to cholesterol in your blood. That has nothing to do with your Dr. Boogeyman, it's just a fact that has been known for a few decades now.

>> No.14491674

Cope, pop another Xanax

>> No.14491675

Stop going to Walmart like a stupid faggot

>> No.14491746

>using the old El Yucateco with way too much food coloring in it


>> No.14491760

"Conflicting studies" doesn't inspire much confidence in eggs when you realize over 92% of research in the last 20 years is funded by the egg industry using dubious methods compared to studies from the 60s-80s

>> No.14491844

Holy based.

>> No.14491866

That golden fork and pretentious plate. What a fucking instafaggot Jesus.

>> No.14491981

There is a lot of back and forth about it in the literature
Since statins are 2 of the top 10 prescribed drugs in the US, they aren't going to stop selling them without a fight

>> No.14492007

Million dollar braps.

>> No.14492024

>the egg industry

>the dude at my work who raises chickens

>> No.14492041

No I dont pay attention to what I eat. Yes I will die of heart disease before I turn 60. No I dont care.

>> No.14492043

Imagine being so unhealthy and weak that you’re afraid eggs are going to give you a heartattack lmao

>> No.14492056

Cope yourself and pop another statins

>> No.14492061
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>sliced jalenenos

>> No.14492072


enjoy your congestive heart failure, fattys

>> No.14492080

Festively plump

>> No.14492092

are you from 1960?

>> No.14492133

>cholesterol bad
Egg whites are worse than yolks too because they contain antinutrients.

>> No.14492145

dude lol i dunno about ALS specifically but considering that's muscle-related, it definitely isn't a stretch to think it might be related to statins.
Unexplainable muscle pain is something you should always watch out for with statins, and it's dose-related. Everyone taking statins should stop taking it in that case and contact their doctor because the statins could be breaking their muscles down.

>> No.14492168

Seriously, how could that be a breakfast? I’d feel sick and not at all feel ready for the rest of the day after eating that.

>> No.14492175

do you not believe in gravity either? can you test it out by jumping off a bridge?

>> No.14492179

Cholesterol is created by the body to repair damage to arteries. When someone has high blood sugar, the sugar is like shards of glass that cut into the artery walls. Which causes the body to produce too much cholesterol which leads to blockage.

>> No.14492180

the only thing disgusting about it are that the eggs are undercooked for my taste. I like them a lot more crispy on the egg whites. 6 might be too much but he's a big guy.

>> No.14492197

No it causes inflammation you retard, you don't actually crystallize glucose fucking christ you ketolards are so fucking stupid

>> No.14492226

i'd eat it
fuck you

>> No.14492227

>6 might be too much but he's a big guy
It's a fuckload of eggs, I could eat half that for breakfast.
I'm pretty sure he works out though and if you were hitting weights hard, a tonne of eggs for breakfast makes a fair bit of sense.
His whole diet is retardedly high protein so I assume it's a training regime.

>> No.14492294

>Cook meat
>Throw eggs in
>wahh wahh wahh its dirty eggs

>> No.14492349

>egg tree
They’re a tuber, dipshit. Read a fuckin book.

>> No.14492433

>puts peppers
>puts spicy salsa
not even mexicans are that tough.

>> No.14492441

is he mexican or something like that?

>> No.14492851

God, he plates food like my girlfriend...

>> No.14493006

>Ezekiel bread
What's that supposed to mean, it just looks like a cheap version of rye bread, something they'd pretend is rye bread in a Catholic country or Benelux for example.
Weird how Jews try to claim everything as their culture when they just stole it from their European hosts.

>> No.14493749

All these people who failed high school biology, my god. Cholesterol isn't some kind of toxin. It's used in cell membranes. Just like how vitamins are needed, but are dangerous in large amounts, cholesterol is needed in a balance.

>> No.14493884

All of this late 20th century nutrition science is already so deeply ingrained in the western populace that it's basically impossible to convince people otherwise. There are still a lot of people who unironically believe that the food pyramid has any merit despite promoting garbage like bread and other grain products as staple foods.
It's honestly no wonder that the US has an obesity epidemic when every other person's diet consists of processed meat, bread, plant oils and processed sugar, while simultaneously taking toxic pharmaceuticals to counteract the harmful effects these shit-tier "food" products have on their body.

>> No.14493906

Joe is literally obsessed with health and fitness.

He'll outlive every single one of you skinny, pale veggie obsessed faggots.

>> No.14493920

nice dogwhistle, pol moron

>> No.14493928

He also does testosterone replacement therapy, that's not good for your heart.

>> No.14493940

I didn't take biology in high school. I preferred real science, not a summary of conclusions drawn from its application.

>> No.14494037

This guy gets it. There's no need to be afraid of fat at all, sugar is the real culprit.

>> No.14494053
File: 9 KB, 235x290, Fatfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God, he plates food like my girlfriend...