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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14489833 No.14489833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Having successfully killed Bon Appetite, Sohla now sets her sites on destroying Binging with Babish. Excellent work, Sohla.

>> No.14489867

Fortunately, Babish is a cannibalistic serial killer. Expect an extra special episode soon where he prepares a unique cut of meat.

>> No.14489885

this bitch is disgusting fuck babish for helping her

>> No.14489886

>just casually dropping "we both have the antibodies"
But I thought coronavirus is the most deadly disease since the black plague!!! HOW DID THEY SURVIVE IT!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14489901

So what happened to everyone else at BA?

>> No.14489926

They’re wh**es, who cares?

>> No.14489929

fuck that gross bitch

>> No.14489943

Wasn't Babish friends with Brad and the rest of the BA crew?

>> No.14489955

>They’re wh**es, who cares?
Claire is a Jew, anon.

>> No.14489974

You take that back, Brad is not a whore. I don't care what you say about the rest of them, but Brad is a good boy who just wants to ferment shit.

>> No.14490029

Just because you have the antibodies doesn't mean you can't get re-infected with Corona. The anti-bodies don't seem to be very potent or last for very long for mild cases. It seems like those two fuckers think they're immune and are ready to spread their disease to everybody.

>> No.14490057

Goodbye binging with Reddit

>> No.14490080

Brad is complicit is the mistreatment of BIPOCs at BA through his silence. I don’t care how badly you want to get long dicked by him.

>> No.14490107

Why the fuck is babish wearing that face crap?

>> No.14490111

He doesn’t want to smell her hairy sweaty curry asshole. Those studio lights get hot.

>> No.14490133

She looks like a rotten pear.

>> No.14490160

>Those studio lights get hot

>> No.14490257

>Brad is complicit is the mistreatment of BIPOCs at BA through his silence.
Sounds based to me.

>> No.14490267

babish is gay anyway

sohla needs brad and claire. this shit is boring

>> No.14490277

wtf how is she making videos still? she lacks any attractiveness, sympathy, or charisma. might as well just have some down syndrome kid so you feel good about supporting someone with no real opportunities.

>> No.14490301


>> No.14490325

this all looks so bizarre she burns ba to the ground and it's almost like she's doing some weird victory lap by doing a guest appearance on a bunch of other channels...but i still for the life of my can't understand why anyone would want anything to do with her even from a quality of content perspective

>> No.14490327

No one ever said it's the deadliest, in fact everyone says it's less mortal than influenza or flu.
The difference is covid spreads like retarded black posts on twitter and we have drugs to treat current flu and influenza cases, unlike covid.

>> No.14490343

>in fact everyone says it's less mortal than influenza or flu.
riiiiight, which is why everything is closed down and you have to wear a mask in public otherwise you're labeled a nazi

>> No.14490373


>> No.14490383

If ebola kills 50% of the people it affects, but it spreads very slwoly, it won't kill as much as a disease that kills only 10% of the people it affects but spreads a lot faster.

>which is why everything is closed down
That's definitely not the best approach to this, you can blame that on the WHO and CDC, they probably wanted everything close down atleast until we knew more about the disease, but you're right, social distancing, frequet hand washing and wearing masks in public will definitely help more against the disease than just staying at home and hope it just goes away.

>you have to wear a mask in public otherwise you're labeled a nazi
Because if you don't wear a mask you'e wasting the efforts of everyone around you, like that one kid screaming at the library while everyone else is trying to read
>b-but muh suffocation!

>> No.14490386
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>> No.14490523

>Just because you have the antibodies doesn't mean you can't get re-infected with Corona.
This is fucking retarded. This implies that a vaccine is impossible and the human race is doomed. If you can keep getting coronavirus over and over then the only home is a drastically reduced population and herd immunity. I swear to fucking God if I have to wear a fucking mask for the rest of my life I'm going to mass murder the chinks.

>> No.14490556

what's stopping you now warrior king?

>> No.14490568

The Pacific Ocean.

But mark my words, if masks are still mandatory 5 years from now I'm murdering every Chinese national I see in the US.

>> No.14490569

Sounds like you need to check your cis hetero while male privilege. Sohla is just a strong independant womyn of color and that puts you on edge... Times up, FUCK FACE!!!

... but for real, she's literally the physical embodiment of sentient cancer. If theres any justice in this world, she'll take a misstep and her legion of retarded fans will cannibalize her.
Remember, her "restaurant" basically appropriated white dinner culture. Too bad those folks only get pissy when white people do non-white shit, and not when colored folk rip of whitey(Dont see too many of them throwing away their denim jeans, or tossing aside their internet connected cell phones).

>> No.14490577

It'll probably become some sort of stationary virus, like influenza which peaks on winter every year.

>> No.14490586
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>> No.14490600

When did americans became so hateful toward white people?

>> No.14490607

(((Universities))) and (((public schools))) have been indoctrinating the youth against white people ever since I went to school, and I'm a millennial.

>> No.14490613

Isn’t that just because the USA is majority white?

>> No.14490623

it's not hate towards white people. it's hate towards nature and reality. it's basically solipsism but for people who are not actually very bright.

>> No.14490637

Yes. But pointing out that white people are a majority and therefore will naturally surface as a majority in any given endeavor is racist and problematic, you literal member of the 1940s National Socialist Party of Germany.

>> No.14490661
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In all fairness was there any legitimacy to Sohla's complaints? No doubt she essentially fucked everyone on BA by putting them right on the crosshairs of cancel culture but at the end was there some type of justice?

>> No.14490675

>This implies that a vaccine is impossible and the human race is doomed.
No, the human race isn't doomed because it only kills the old and infirm, much like the flu or any other virus like it. If your grandma gets the flu it's serious and she'll go to the hospital and could die, but if an otherwise healthy individual gets the flu, they get the shivers and throw up for a few days and return to work. Same thing here, healthy people don't die from coronavirus.
Though I do think it's true that all these ridiculous precautions are preventing those healthy people from developing the strong antibodies we need people to have to generate herd immunity. You don't get antibodies to any illness just from one time having it, especially if it's a light case, it takes several times to build that shit up, especially if it's a brand new virus that no one's immune systems have ever been exposed to. Even people who get the flu vaccine can still potentially get the flu, it's just less likely thanks to the antibodies you develop, which allows you to safely catch the flu and kill it and continue to build up antibodies and immunity. Having lots of people with antibodies means that those people will catch the virus, kill it, and reduce the spread. But since we're forcing everyone to be so overly cautious all the time we're just reducing our ability to produce that chilling effect from herd immunity.

>> No.14490678

based sohla destroying shitty youtube cooking shows, one at a time

>> No.14490683

It's a fact that Rapaport wore blackface in his life at one point. I don't know the rest of her complaints other than "white people bad" and BA is a bunch of Jews so in that respect it's baseless.

>> No.14490684

Why are white people allowing her on their successful shows? Isn't she going to bite the hand that feeds her?

>> No.14490690

It's kind of like kids whose parents are overly cautious about sterilizing everything all the time and then they end up constantly getting sick and developing allergies because their immune system is under-developed, but on a global scale for everyone.

>> No.14490702
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But it wasn't even blackface it was "brownface" which doesn't even look like he put any makeup on his face. He just looks like a crappy cholo or jersey stereotype.

>> No.14490704

that's why i never wear a condom

>> No.14490708

>It's a fact that Rapaport wore blackface in his life at one point.
Stop spreading this lie. He did not wear blackface, he dressed up as a Puerto Rican baseball player for Halloween and someone took a picture of him in dim lighting so it seemed like his skin tone was slightly darker, which people mistook as him wearing makeup for a "brownface" effect, which he said was not the case at all.

>> No.14490713

There was no makeup whatsoever. It was just his natural tan and he was dressed up for Halloween.

>> No.14490715

Did he really do black face? Ive seen a picture of him and his wife doing 'brown face', honestly i didn't even know that's a thing.

So has Ba completely scrapped their video department? Did they at least fire her?

>> No.14490721

No, there was no blackface. That's just the telephone effect fucking up the facts.

>> No.14490736

Oh ok. It's a fact that he wore brownface. Spics aren't white so there's barely a difference between black and brown though and the vermin who care about crap like blackface aren't going to be any less offended that he painted himself up as Sammy Sosa vs Kunta Kinte.

>> No.14490757

>It's a fact that he wore brownface.
Only if you think tanned skin is brownface. He did not wear any makeup or paint his face brown artificially, he's just a guy with a tanned complexion.

>> No.14490768

But there is no visible brown makeup on his face though. For me this just seems like a stretch to get offended but obviously I'm just preaching to the choir here. It's just shitty situation all around and it sucks that there doesn't seem to be no visible end to this shit at the moment. Regardless, if Sohla was mistreated or not it's now impossible to truly know because of the internet mob interfering with any real opinions from the crew. Guess I just feel bad for the rest of the crew just being forced into this bullshit out of nowhere.

>> No.14490774

Carina about any of this is whiteface

>> No.14490830

Retard detected
Do you not realize this is why people have to get the flu shot every season? They have to develop a new vaccine to combat the new strains of influenza virus. It'll probably be the same story with Covid, assuming they develop an effective vaccine at all

>> No.14490839

You're just being retarded

>> No.14491013

This is why we can't have non Whites in our societies, they just ruin everything for us.

>> No.14491236

The camera work was pretty bad on this one, I hope Babish doesn't keep his gf on as the full time camerawoman. It was especially bad at around 12:50 when Babish and Sohla go from out of focus (for some reason the food is the only thing in focus) back to in focus for the closeup, back to out of focus, and then back to in focus. This then repeats at least two more times so I'm really not sure how they never noticed this unless they literally do everything in a single take and don't ever watch footage back.

>> No.14491246

cumsoom the hot steamy runny shit goy just like jewtube tells you to

>> No.14491282

I was wondering what happend to the ba channel, so basically some street shitter 2/10 goblina complained about racism and now everything's fucked?

>> No.14491284

I wouldn't be in contact with her at all. She's proven to be toxic. A year from now she'll be screaming about how Babish is a racist because he wouldn't let her become the new co-star to his own show on his own channel. He'll end up getting shut down.

>> No.14491287


>> No.14491289

golly i wish

>> No.14491292

Fuck off. BLM is a racist movement for advocating race-based policy, when the issues are much wider in scope. The sooner they stop teaching this youth-addling bs and racebait nonsense, the sooner people can start building a society again. "White silence is violence" is a racist and nonsensical statement.

>> No.14491308

Did you think we'd be impressed by your capacity to remain ignorant in spite of a deluge of information?

>> No.14491322

He wasn't that interested in fermenting and never knew much about it. He was researching on the fly. It's just the topic that was getting him views.

>> No.14491325
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That's what I'm thinking, I keep putting my bets on "get woke go broke" but I'm not sure how well that's going. I mean at a certain point companies have to realize that this shit is just simply destructive right?

>> No.14491339

What does your heart tell you?

>> No.14491343
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It's amazing how quickly these kinds of people infest and destroy everything they touch. I think it's the inferiority complex they develop when they realize they were only hired for "diversity" reasons. That makes them hyperparanoid that they're surrounded by racists who only have them there as a prop to show how not racist they are. (Sometimes, true, sometimes not) Before you know it, they're lashing out at everyone and everything and bring it all down around them.

>> No.14491346

Eat a dick please

>> No.14491368

it's not a "complex" when they actually are inferior...it's just nature you can deny you were dealt a shitty hand but it's not gonna change the fact of the matter than you are low iq and unable to stay focused

>> No.14491379
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Part of me is still expecting the worst because of how sinister and deceptive this culture is but I can't forget the fact that the people behind it are not only insane but cannibalistic so at some point it will just collapse in itself. I guess this is just part of the death of old media as the internet gradually becomes more and more dominate culturally because of the freedom and opportunity it provides. Like why have some faceless company insult you with their content when you can have exactly what you want on the internet right? So I guess my heart feels like it will end but it will be a long and ugly process that will leave a stain.

>> No.14491384

this isn't the 90's internet anymore the mega corps are gonna seize control over everything you are allowed to see on the internet

>> No.14491399

the internet is only becoming less independent and free by the day, imagine what it's going to be in 10 years it's going to be even worse not better

>> No.14491403

>/pol/ seething

>> No.14491409

We'll be forced to wear Google Contact Lenses just to conduct basic transactions, but it will be so easy and convenient compared to cash or even cards that nobody will care about the commercials scrolling through their peripheral vision 24/7.

>> No.14491426

I briefly read that. It starts off saying that when bipoc try to publish recipes, they're asked to put a lengthy explanation of what the dish is and also provide substitutes for less common ingredients. Because whitey...

>> No.14491431

almost everyone already carries a tracking, recording, and listening device on their person 24 hours a day so

>> No.14491458

this lady literally has a cookbook called indian(-ish).

>> No.14491472

babish needs to get canceled. that would make all of this more bearable.

>> No.14491489

literally no one said that. are you mentally retarded?