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14489027 No.14489027 [Reply] [Original]

>All 6 liquor store cashiers have started calling me by name

>> No.14489034

kill yourself redditor pepe posting retard

>> No.14489035

Stop drinking so much doofus.

>> No.14489068

Consider yourself lucky to have friends. My liquor store was closed for so long during covid that they all forgot my name. =(

>> No.14489113

It's your parents' fault. Naming a kid "Fag" is never going to end in good self esteem.

>> No.14489148

>lady at liquor store says she'll see me next week after i bought another 1.75 ML of vodka

thats when i knew i had to slow down

>> No.14489152

How much you buying?

>> No.14489319

usually only a few bottles of white wine and some margarita mix, sometimes some small shooters of hennesssy

>> No.14489331

just order online

>> No.14489337

the liquor store i always go to is owned by some indian guys and they never call me by name but one time they thanked me for being a loyal customer. not sure how to feel about that

>> No.14489342

>>All 6 liquor store cashiers have started calling me by name
Why did you tell them your name? How do you go somewhere so frequently anyway? I probably shop 3x/year for alcohol if it's not for a recipe or party. Just visit a Total Wine or Costco, fill up the cabinet with proper sizes or wine cases, or beer for the garage fridge, and don't be anywhere so frequently they know you. If you can't leave it alone when you don't have a reason to enjoy it, you need some self-control or to quit completely.

>> No.14489350
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>tfw when wagie asks for my name i tell them it's "sneed"
>they have to call me "sneed"

>> No.14489360

be proud, my drunken padavan

>> No.14489381

>grocery store self-check attendant just auto approves me for beer purchases no matter the time or day
I haven't been there in 3 weeks since I realized this

>> No.14489408
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>> No.14489439

Mr moneybags over here.

>> No.14489466

It's not because you go there more frequently than anyone else. It's because you're so smelly and awkward that they have started making up nicknames for you when they get together to make fun of their most pathetic customers.

>> No.14489564

So are you cycling through multiple liquor stores or having people buy them for you? A handle a week is nothing.

>> No.14489965

Liquor? I hardly know her!

>> No.14489976

based dad

>> No.14490007

I stopped drinking, because when I get covid I'll have to report every place I've been for the past week so they can trace the spread. Naming a different bottle shop for every day of the week would be humiliating.

>> No.14490010

Try posting here instead.

>> No.14490012
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>liquor store employees call me by name
>they don't even ask for my card anymore despite being 22

>> No.14490068
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Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.14490075

Grats bro, You ARE the Liquor.

>> No.14490078

Now you can say you have six friends instead of none. Nice.

>> No.14490083


This is what i do as well. I go through about a handle every three days but rotate between 4 liquor stores so I only visit one store every two weeks.

>> No.14490093

kek'd not what I expected

>> No.14490118

I started cycling through liquor stores when the cashier/owner at my local one asked me if I ran a restaurant or something because they had order forms for people who bought commercial quantities regularly. I really didn't have it in me at the time to play a lie like that just to get access to discounted booze. You'd think I would have cut back after even a fucking liquor store owner thought I was drinking too much for one person.

>> No.14490122

roll with it
ask if they have a younger sister
daughter also works

>> No.14490149

my local liquor store was looted and hasn't recovered :(
now i have to be sober and drive for liquor

>> No.14490153


>> No.14490162

fuck off, namefag

>> No.14490175

thank niggers for curing your alcoholism.

>> No.14490176

Oh, look at mister responsible alcoholic over here, never once drove drunk to the liquor store. Me, I can't wait for the day I drukenly swerve into oncoming traffic and end this horror.

>> No.14490195

well it just means stock up, drink more, and can't go out at night, so drink even more
riots ruined the corona lockdown fitness streak and back to the daily drink

>> No.14490317

god i hope this is real, if youre telling the truth youre very based.

>> No.14490381

where do you live that had riots that bad

>> No.14490472

it implies you frequent the liquor store way too often

>> No.14490488

Not him, but downtown Chicago got completely destroyed on the ground floor on the first day of riots. It was so bad that they started running street sweepers in late night/early morning hours after niggers started clearing out to clean up all the broken glass. They locked down downtown after that so for the next few days it spread to other Chicago neighborhoods and suburbs. The suburban cops generally took no shit, so it never got as bad as in Chicago where the nigger queen told cops hide and do nothing.

>> No.14490493
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>tfw moving from arizona to a cuck state bag ease

I'm in Memphis on my way and their last call was 8:45pm. Last night in OKC it was also 9pm. It seems that freedoms disappear the further east you go. We don't even have liqour stores because that dumb shit is for theocracies.

>> No.14490506
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>> No.14490508

1.75 would last me 3 days. Vodka is garbage though.

>> No.14490543

Why are Japs so based?

>> No.14490561

I’m not scientist but that seems like more characters than whatever the tweet limit is

>> No.14490616
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You gotta distribute it more carefully between them and go at different shift times to maximize not seeing the same staffers. Also pretend to be on your phone when you're picking the booze, saying things like "which one did you want again?" and "I'm not in the mood today but I do owe you a favour" so they don't know how pathetic you really are. Practice different accents and wear different hats/change your hair. With covid you have the perfect excuse to cover half your face.

>> No.14490649

You do realize that when you're the type of person to care enough to do shit like that you'd end up with a phone call while you're doing it, right?

>> No.14490655

They don't care about your habit and chances are they are alcoholics, too. That's why they work in a liquor store
t. ex liquor store employee

>> No.14490671

>couple times a week I get a mild throbbing pain in my right side right under my ribs
what the fuck i don't even drink that much. what's happening?

>> No.14491107


>> No.14491124

>alcohol is totally cool guys! it's for real men! be an adult, get a drink! or are you afraid?
>oh no a cashier at a liquor store started calling me by name, i feel ashamed of myself now

>> No.14491204

Woah, big time alcoholic over here.

>> No.14491356

Those are two different people, you understand. There are lots of different people in the world.

>> No.14491369
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Go to a chinese liquor store. They don't even speak english and they won't try to talk to you. No good evening, how are you doing, did you find everything you're looking for, goodbye. Complete silence.

Flip side is that you can't ask them any questions and the only selections they have are baijiu and shitty sake. But that's the price we pay.

>> No.14491374

sup cocksucker is not your godgiven name

>> No.14491407

>the employee always working when I go there is a guy who I was kind of friends with in high school but had a falling out with
he knows I'm an alcoholic I guess, but he works retail so fair trade

>> No.14491412

sure ok suck my balls

>> No.14491423

I'm an alcoholic! How can you shame an alcoholic? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so sober? There is no escape. No preaching or proselytizing can work in this place! Come, lay down your coffee. It is not too early for me to get drunk.

>> No.14491454
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Why is it that once a drink hits my lips it’s straight to /ck/? Why is /ck/ so fucking tedious sober but the very moment a solitary drop hits your lips, it’s like the bar in The Shining?

>> No.14492209


>> No.14492255

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