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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14487732 No.14487732 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14487746

Fuck off.

>> No.14487766

Last thread was removed as soon as racism (or lack thereof) was mentioned. Will that happen again?

>> No.14487772

I wish I didn't know why this was significant
I just want to grill (with brad)

>> No.14487775

This is 4chan, so yes.

>> No.14487778

Dont even know who they are.

>> No.14487785

>That nervous look from Babish

>> No.14487790

Flavor of the week youtube friend simulators. Just report and move on.

>> No.14487793

because he knows sohla mogs him in every way.

>> No.14487798

You're thinking of jack threads

>> No.14487813

>look through comments
>people saying she was the best chef at BA

is this actually true or is it just something people lie about because she is brown? i dont remember her making anything more amazing than anyone else on BA

>> No.14487816

kino episode as per usual :3

>> No.14487826

>hey lets feature the woman who tanked an entire food magazine in under a year

she was a novelty cook at best, all of her recipes require esoteric techniques and ingredients

>> No.14487838

She knew how to temper chocolate
Andy and Chris are the best

>> No.14487870

Babish's ego is out of control, he wants to show the bigwigs at an actual media company that he's more than capable of tempering her chocolate if you know what I mean

>> No.14487882

I have no doubt she's a good cook since she's had a lot of training and does this for a living. She doesn't have a good TV personality so isn't lucrative on YouTube, and that's why Bon Appetit wouldn't pay her more or give her her own show. She's also not going to be the best chef they had, she was probably average if we're judging just by the videos (as everyone is on those comments)

>> No.14487887
File: 47 KB, 650x366, 765286-hiroyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting this clickbait garbage?
Are you one of the two dumbasses featured in the thumbnail? Are you advertising for free?
Why not post about food and cooking?

>> No.14487904

Why do the jannies keep removing the threads about Babish's new video with Sohla?

>> No.14487913

BA was cancer but I'm tired of people screaming RACISM so I will never knowingly watch anything she is featured in

>> No.14487916

Is she still with BA or nah? She also made ranch dip on another food channel, would BA really allow that?

>> No.14487918

Babish finna bouta get #metooed

>> No.14487925

>not wearing masks

>> No.14487930

No one knows, they haven't released a video in almost two months.

>> No.14487946

jack is forever

>> No.14487959

What an ugly fuck face, holy shit.

>> No.14487965

The weak-minded reveal themselves when something they don't like shows up.

>> No.14487969

I still haven't forgiven him for poaching Vinny away from Brad.

>> No.14487973

That means absolutely nothing.

>> No.14487991

Which one?

>> No.14487995

>t. Weak minded

>> No.14488000

based, i think you made him mad

>> No.14488002

>t. diaperfag

>> No.14488013

I can't believe she's got the stones to make a video but I haven't seen claire in months.
What the fuck man

>> No.14488065


>> No.14488068

Chris could literally recreate dishes without seeing it

>> No.14488100

in a professional work setting being "the best" at something doesn't account for anything if you have a shitty attitude and refuse to assimilate into the workplace.additionally, your coworkers would rather you quit to find something that actually challenges you so they don't have to hear your constant moaning.

sohla clearly wanted to be a leader in the workplace but doesn't possess leadership qualities like patience, humility, or basic understanding of a employer's contract.

>> No.14488108

Did you report it? Which violation did you choose?

>> No.14488117

This. She doesn't have the personality that can hold the weight of a youtube video unlike Brad, Claire, Chris, etc... She's a side character, not a leading man. The fact that she tanked BA only worsens her reputation in my eyes.

>> No.14488122

pony content outside of /mlp/

>> No.14488131

why is it significant

>> No.14488147
File: 427 KB, 976x603, 1578560366911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, stop posting this FAGGOT

>> No.14488192

It's indicative of a broader and steadily escalating tendency to brandish the microstatus of hegemonies while banding diasporic knowledge as a given whole with quantifiable knowledge. The economic and social implications (intertwined but distinct facets of the issue) are enormous, and would take a thesis to properly explore.

>> No.14488202

She's a good cook, but she's pretty clearly uncomfortable with any social interactions

>> No.14488208

yeah that much has been made clear seeing as how she talked a bunch of shit about some of her coworkers behind their backs. even if she has a high cooking skill she's not respectable as a person.

>> No.14488218

Ja/ck/has been a flavor of the week here for years

>> No.14488260

>has picture of babish saved on his computer

>> No.14488275

Ja/ck/ is the glue that binds us all together.

>> No.14488303

Jack (and Joey) is the cancer that opened the flood gate of off-topic e-celeb spam. He killed this board.

>> No.14488336

Ja/ck/ gave us life

>> No.14488338

i feel like fast foot fags killed ck.

>> No.14488363
File: 137 KB, 1400x700, Quentin-Tarantino-Feet-Death-Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with fast foot fags?

>> No.14488399

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.14488420

She's not the best looking woman there is but she wasn't annoying or anything. Babish on the other hand couldn't stop quipping and she was annoyed as I was. I wanted to bash his brains in. This is why blacks think less of us, bros.
>that's what they called me in high school
and i don't want to remember more. it's like every time it's his turn to speak he has to make some retarded comment

>> No.14488488

its one of him i made of him apparently sucking cum out of a blurred dick you fucking nonce

>> No.14488509

admitting that you spent the time to photosop an image only proves that you're seething even more

>> No.14488514

kept it retarded because anything less than that would've been pounced on.
he worked himself some twitter points and avoided any blowback when she's off her meds again
more like based with babish

>> No.14488588

Babish can be funny but he only has the creativity to do it like once per episode. Any time after that is him trying to be funny and failing because he's desperately grasping at straws (he likely feels like he needs to fill the gaps in conversation because he feels awkward otherwise).

>> No.14488728

>disrespecting my bro Brad that way
What a bunch of retards.

>> No.14488743

White silence is violence. Braddie boy literally knew BIPOCs were being mistreated at BA and instead of using his privilege as a cishet white male he choose to stay silent and comfortable.

>> No.14488749

jesus christ it's another one of those stroke comments

>> No.14488767

I just wanna to ferment for god's sakes

>> No.14488863

yeah no it doesnt. it means hes a faggot and deserves ridicule on all levels

>> No.14488901

He/she's clearly in love. A co/ck/ed tsundered.

>> No.14489155

>guys i hate babish so much that i made a porn edit of him that i keep on my computer
you’re a homo

>> No.14489171

Based on the length of these threads people care very much about Babish around here.