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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14486399 No.14486399 [Reply] [Original]

Unless they have some allergy or religious/ethical reason for not eating a certain thing, anyone who would outright REFUSE to eat something offered/served to them is a CHILD and i cannot respect them.

is there anything you will blatantly not eat?

>> No.14486405


>> No.14486417


>> No.14486419

>is there anything you will blatantly not eat?
Any type of fish, besides oysters,crab, lobster or fried kalamari. Catfish,salmon,tuna all gross me out, even when caught the same day and cooked on the lake like catfish. Something with the taste in the smell come by and but just can't eat it. I'll chow down a salad before eating raw or cooked fish.

>> No.14486450

my buddy is this way, he's a cook and he's mega picky
he's not big on pork, not a fan of steak, no bacon, don't like wings, certain styles of cooking he doesn't like. No cheesesteaks, no form of ribs, no Chinese food, no Japanese, only a few Italian dishes, no greek, don't like majority of fast food, don't like most lunchmeats
I could go on and on but ironically he's a damn good cook, he makes everyone test his food before he sends it

>> No.14486461

i only eat perfect fruit
got a blemish? only good for the hogs.
fight me, bitch

>> No.14486464


>> No.14486475
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I could most certainly defeat this man in martial combat.
Try some sushi, pussy. That stuff is delicious

>> No.14486486

I don't care what you cook for yourself, but if I offer you food only to be met with
'ewww I don't like stuff that's different and outside my comfort zone of fries and chicken nuggets.'

You are an infant and a coward-leave my home

>> No.14486499


>Try some sushi, pussy.
I have tried it only he salmon with the rice though, I gagged while swallowing it, shits so gross. Not just the texture but the flavor too.

>> No.14486513

I will eat pretty much anything nowadays, but if you served me something really unusually disgusting, I might refuse politely, which should not send you into a sperg rage as you are currently displaying.

>> No.14486525

I don't think you have ever defeated anyone in "martial combat" outside of video games.
Cause you are a beta boy.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.14486526

I didn't ask you to cook for me

>> No.14486531

Maybe learn to cook pleasing food then instead of your wannabe pro chef garbage.
Just make some normal fucking food and people will eat it.
Also, nobody asked you to cook, I'd wager.

>> No.14486580

it's a different thing if you refuse to eat something that tastes like trash and if you do it because uhhhh tomatoes are yucky
the first is just a discerning palate, the second is a mental issue akin to phobia and often caused by autism or childhood traumas

>> No.14486618
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Fuck this thread we have it every week we all have different taste buds it's science not everyone likes the same thing you edgy cunt before I suck your dad's cock as punishment for raising you wrong

>> No.14486680

Don't try sashimi.

You should get the deep fried stuff

>> No.14486683

>anyone who would outright REFUSE to eat something offered/served to them is a CHILD and i cannot respect them.
I refuse food offered to me by unclean people all the time.
My grandmother lost her mind at the end of her life and never washed, so she was basically caked in microscopic particles of shit 24/7 and she constantly offered us candies, the only one of us dumb enough to take them was my brother.
Other great reasons to not take food:
Not hungry
Looks poorly prepared
Lots of raw broccoli and I don't want to spend the rest of my day farting
I don't trust whoever's offering me food or drink

I'm an adventurous eater, I try to eat offal and new animals, new vegetables, exotic grain when I can, but I'm a human being- not a garbage compactor.

>> No.14486687

>religious/ethical reasons

>> No.14486693

>religious reason

fuck off idiot

>> No.14486701

>samefagging this hard

>> No.14486724

fair. Eat what you want, more than anything it's the infantalism of people like>>14486405 that pisses me off.
What's wrong with people being vegetarian or halal- whatever works for you man. in those cases its a sign of being dedicated, not childish

>> No.14486780

Next to nothing, based pigbro. I suppose if something has been poorly prepared in general I'll refuse but it takes a serious fuckup to do that.
>my sister once used salt instead of sugar in a sweet potato casserole and had the whole family running for the trash bins.

>> No.14486785

Picky Eaters are the worst. Grown babies who don't like icky yucky peas and anything that isn't chicken tendies and ketchup. Fuck them. They will be the first to suffer when and if food shortages ever happen.

>> No.14486819

I am a foreigner that the American Gov was stupid enough to let in. Every adult here is a fucking child when it comes to food. I have witnessed grown men, with good jobs and families who will refuse to eat tomatoes. My stupid American wife? She doesn't eat potatoes. You are a sick people.

>> No.14486870

I find people annoyed by picky eaters more annoying than picky eaters

>> No.14486919

I really really hate Taco Bell's lettuce. Specifically theirs. I have no idea what it is but it's shit. Since the assembly line is apparently covered in lettuce, it usually sneaks into items that don't even have lettuce. I can taste it as I'm biting into the part that has it. I have no idea what they fucking do with the lettuce they receive that makes it have such a noticeable taste.

>> No.14486927

The only thing I will not eat is corn. Plain, yellow, canned, creamed, or cobbed, I cannot eat it and if I spell it cooking, I'll projectile vomit. Been that way since I was a toddler. I can't eat that, but I love popcorn and hominy, and other shit made from it... I'd literally eat dog shit raw straight out of a dog's ass merrily before I'd try to eat a spoonful of corn.

>> No.14486934

Fucking phone

>> No.14486947

Honestly this is one American bashing fest that I can't oppose. I've met people who outright say fruit is gross. Not one fruit, all fruit. It's the most bizarre shit I've ever seen, actual adults picking through food to take out greens. Blows my mind.

>> No.14486967

Nice cope faggot

>> No.14487006

>fuck picky eaters
>what don't you eat
OP is a faggot who wants masturbation material.

>> No.14487009

people who reply "cope" to every post they disagree with will be the first to go in the great purge

>> No.14487018

is it because of a diet based on processed food and shit quality fresh produce?
I bet all these people who claim to hate tomatoes have only ever had shitty, mushy, tasteless cheapo supermarket tomatoes

>> No.14487045

No one asked you to cook. If you are having a dinner party, you should advise the guests in advance as a matter of politeness, as there may be allergies or other reasons.

Anyways, I personally can't stand sweets. Cookies, cupcakes, pies, cakes, brownies, keep them the fuck away from me. And everyone is always so pushy about it. "Oh no, you just haven't had my nana's caramel creme choccy explosion! Try it! Try it! Try it! You're offending me if you don't try it!"

...I always have to take a bite and be like "no, I still dislike this, sorry," and offend people. Just fuck off if I say no for ANY reason.

>> No.14487064

>I personally can't stand sweets
all sweets and cakes? that's pretty rare

>> No.14487084

I was picky as a kid, but as an adult I'll eat mostly anything, I've only found two things that I still cannot stand no matter how many times I try them again, and they're shrimp and beets

>> No.14487094

Yeah, I don't know what it is. Maybe once a year I have a sour candy like a warhead or something, but they give me this horrible ashen aftertaste. I liked them alright as a kid, stopped eating them as a teen for no particular reason, and as an adult it's just wretched. No ice cream, milkshakes, whatever either.

>> No.14487126

I refuse sweets, too. It's poison. Not everyone wants to gorge on donuts.

>> No.14488154

stick to mcdonalds and welldone steak tastelet

>> No.14488212

Honey. Fuck eating insect vomit.

>> No.14488247

“It’s my body and I’ll put whatever the fuck I want in it, thank you. Also, your cooking isn’t as good as you think it is”

Is the response I’ve given to most people. Also, I eat what I’M in the mood for. Few things piss me off more than going to someone’s house and they offering me food I wasn’t planning on eating. It’s awkward, unnecessary, and frankly impolite, ESPECIALLY when I tell someone my excuse for not eating it by making up some bullshit like “my wife is making dinner” and they KEEP URGING you to eat it and then do the whole “oh I’ll just give it to you to go.” Then I have to say no please like 10 times while they’re actively putting it in a piece of Tupperware I’m just going to throw under my car before driving home.

Oh, and then they have the nerve to ask you for the Tupperware back. I literally had to tell one of my tenants to just stop, because I do is just throw it out and she gives me this shocked look...it’s like bitch, why can’t you pick up basic social cues....it’s like people that don’t know “when” the telephone conversation has ended and you’re all like “ok well” and “I gotta go now but it was nice tal—“ and they just keep TALKING!!

In other words, we’re not being picky we just don’t want to eat YOUR shit.

Sorry, it’s been a stressful day.

>> No.14488252

>religious/ethical reason
Is the worst reason to not eat something

>> No.14488296

I don't like mushrooms

>> No.14488311

I'm willing to try any food once, but I'm not a fan of oysters or scallops.

>> No.14488333

Autistic AND picky. I'm surprised anyone offers you anything.

>> No.14488354

As am I! I’m not even a nice person. I’m just professional and to the point. For some reason people think they can thank you with awful plates of food you never wanted. I don’t even know why people do that shit, like how do you know I’m not dearly allergic to whatever ingredient I can’t see is in your “famous” casserole??? Why would people open themselves up to that liability? I’ll never understand that shit.

>> No.14488362

i hope this is a repost from reddit

>> No.14488385

No it’s a rant. I’m a picky eater. Why does everybody always think posts are from reddit? I’ve never even been on reddit.

>> No.14488391
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>It’s my body and I’ll put whatever the fuck I want in it
don't bother telling me shit like this, i dont care
>thank you
how disgustingly fucking insincere
>Also, your cooking isn’t as good as you think it is
yes it is faggot

>> No.14489567

>eat things you know you dont enjoy or I hate you! REEEEEE!
Stop being a fag, it is stupid to not try new things but no adult should feel the need to succumb to peer pressure and do things that they know, from experience, they wont enjoy.

>> No.14489586

>is there anything you will blatantly not eat?
Crustaceans of any kind: shrimp, crab, langoustine, lobster, prawns, etc.

>> No.14490631

Hey, OP, hypothetically speaking, let's say you weren't a fag who took endless dicks in all orifices at the same time. If you were this hypothetical nonfag, how would you know you didn't want cock since you've never tried in this scenario? Sounds like picky faggotry to me. You need to grow up.

>> No.14492204

An Adult eats whatever the fuck they want. Only a child eats what other people tell them to eat.

>> No.14492344

>is there anything you will blatantly not eat?
All seafood.

>> No.14492363

Can't eat any seafood whatsoever, or raw carrots- both due to allergies. Not very fond of meatloaf, porkchops or hamburgers, but I'll eat ham, bacon and pepperoni like it's going out of style. Most of my diet is chicken.

How much do you want to kill me, Anon?

>> No.14493075

I fucking hate onions. The pure taste of onion itself isn't so bad. I don't mind if the onion has been minced so fine as to disappear entirely. I can tolerate the taste. It's the texture. A slimy coating, but crunches when you bite into it. Feeling your teeth sink through each layer. A piece of cooked onion is revolting to look upon in your meal. Like the shed skin of some terrible maggot.


>> No.14493131

You lead a sad, onionless life, my friend. You have my condolences.

>> No.14493158

Almost as sad as yours. Imagine the notion that adults making choices for themselves gets you so ass blasted you have to try to shame them into eating what you want like a lifeless loser.

>> No.14493988

I don't need your condolences. My life is richer for being onionless.

>> No.14494024

Century eggs, silk worms, sea cucumber, waterbugs, wet stinky tofu.

>> No.14494136

The only one I can think of is mushrooms (most kinds). I hate the texture of them, raw or cooked. If someone makes me a dish with mushrooms and it tastes good otherwise though, I can just eat it without chewing and the problem goes away.

>> No.14494155

yes i will not eat anything that tastes like fennel or anise. shit makes me vomit instantly. i don't even order sausage on pizza because of this

>> No.14494192

Does he make stuff he doesn't eat personally, because he seems like a really shit cook, otherwise?

>> No.14494239
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No nothing, never ate insects but sushi which is totally ok.

Even raw meat but i prefer it fried or cooked. Pölsa is not that that bad (cooked intrails and whatever fell on the floor at the meat shop :D ).

>> No.14494253

Cooks just do what the chef tells them to.

>> No.14494288

I'm like this too. I will use a damaged bananan in a smoothie or I will cut brown parts off an avocado but any other fucky fruit doesn't get touched.

>> No.14494550

I don't mushrooms or avocado.

>> No.14494586

I will NOT eat the bugs
Seriously, doesn't matter if its """high classed""" French Snails or fucking grilled grasshopper, I not about to revert to some third world savage.

>> No.14494806

I'm not eating something I wouldn't enjoy eating because in your mind adults don't have standards you stupid boomer.

>> No.14494884

>fifteen minute video about eating a burger
YouTube was a mistake

>> No.14495133

most food I manage to gulp down even if im not in the mood for it no problem, you need to be a very shitty cook to make me not eat something you've cooked. should of just straight up say 'no, fuck off not taking it' and just straight up not fucking take it no matter how much they whine about it. I dont get people asking for there tupperware back, soon as you let that shit go its fucking gone. its not that expencive to buy more of.
>'Your cooking isnt as good as you think it is!'
allwayse depends on the person/family but im pretty damn sure most could cook hellalada better than you.

>> No.14495395

This sounds like something I'd post. Agreed.
>Also, your cooking isn’t as good as you think it is
Exactly. Unless you're a fuckin classically trained chef or something, your food probably isn't anything special.

>> No.14497497

Internal organs
that's pretty much it, I'm not very picky.

>> No.14497751

I eat literally everything, including Lama, Scorpions, century eggs, all types of intestines and even insects if they're done well

but not fucking hardboiled eggs. hardboiled eggs are a crime against humanity, and every time someone does a hard boil instead of a soft boil an Angel cries in heaven. I've had pickled eggs, and scotch eggs, and Senfeier, it's all fucking shit compared to a soft boil.

tl;dr hard boiled eggs are for subhumans and I'd rather eat a disgusting Lama steak again

>> No.14497763

"just make normal food", said the retarded man, not knowing that most of the stuff he eats is considered garbage or pigs feed anywhere else

>> No.14497768

explain why I like literally everything then

okay, maybe except natto, but I'm warming up to it

imagine having suck a weak fucking stomach that you cannot handle raw broccoli. holy fucking shit Americans are fucked.

>> No.14497773

out of all the fucking shit happening in Taco Bell, it's the fucking lettuce that you find worth mentioning. you're a lost cause. yes, the lettuce is bad (I've been twice, might be coincidence), but everything else is SO MUCH WORSE. the ground beef and the taco shells especially.

>> No.14497777

I can understand this 100%. I personally like deserts, but if someone is tryna shove a 1000 calory piece of cake down my throat, I'm out. overtly sweet desserts are fucking shit.

>> No.14497780

sour candy is the patrician candy, sour fruits are the patrician fruits, simple as that. my favorite easy cakes are rhubarb sheet cake with meringue and plum sheet cake with Streusel. heaven on earth, and sour as fuck.

>> No.14497783

if you don't eat sweets for an extended period of time, the sugar will become unpalatable for you. I had a period where I was losing weight heavy and did not eat any sweets, had no sweet drinks or alcohol. after 6 months I tried a simple coke and my teeth hurt incredibly badly, the coke tasted overtly sweet and the whole experience was awful. one week later and it was back to tasting normal. that is your body on sugar.

holy fucking autism

>> No.14497793

at least you're not in denial about it anon, that's good

people likely think you're from reddit because you don't include "nigger cope dilate McChicken" in every other sentence, and your posts become hard to comprehend due to that. stay autistic, friend. I much prefer actual 4chan autists to tourists.

>> No.14497798

meatloaf is a good point actually. I'll eat it, but it's obviously a fucking crime and a complete waste of good animal meat. anybody who cooks meat loafs should be put in a reeducation camp.


t. eats raw onion all the time

>> No.14497801

these are somewhat understandable desu. I have had Silkworms and they are fucking disgusting. some Tofu can be pretty bad, tho I love Tofu in general. century eggs are tolerable, but not something I'd order again.

>> No.14497806

Imagine being this frail, holy shit. Snails are good not because they're high class, but because they're drowned in Garlic butter and have a decent texture. Even more embarrassing is your faint notion that eating bugs is only for savages, as if there is anything inherently different between eating bugs or meat. Based brainwashed retard.

>> No.14497815

balut and brussel sprouts are the only things ive had people try giving me and I flat out wont eat it.
Ive had brussel sprouts plenty of times and I always hate it
>come on this is my moms recipe, you just had them cooked wrong before
its shit, ok? brussel sprouts have a bad texture, they dont taste good, Id rather have some greens or something.
and balut ive never had but I refuse to eat. I was in PI once and told the girl I was with id be willing to try after a few drinks, but it still wasnt enough. seeing someone else eat it was stomach churning, thats absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14497827

damn this tranny really wants you to eat bugs

>> No.14497865

Brussels sprouts should be cut in half, parboiled and roasted, and basted with garlic butter desu.

>> No.14497868

>as if there is anything inherently different between eating bugs or meat
there is. there are certain building blocks only found in meat.

My mind and body operates at peak performance. I don't use low grade fuel.

>> No.14497881

I pass on most sweets simply due to the fact that they make me feel like shit and I prefer just about every other flavor over sweet. It is funny how many people don't agree. I have acid reflux so I avoid a lot of things due to that but I can't say I think any food is gross, I may not be fond of somethings but I would still eat just about everything.

>> No.14497884

Name them then

>> No.14497894

go the fuck on, nigger. name me those building blocks.

"I don't use low grade fuel" he says, while shoveling in his 50% water, medication-laden, lowest grade "steak"

>> No.14497906

ok well meat tastes better anyway.
meat is good for morale, eating bugs will make us feel and act like poor people.

>> No.14497925

we don't have third world er steaks here.
all are 100% beef, good enough for central bankers to eat.

>> No.14497953


Plumping, also referred to as “enhancing” or “injecting,” is the process by which some poultry companies inject raw chicken meat with saltwater, chicken stock, seaweed extract or some combination thereof.

This practice is, surprisingly most common in America. It used to only be used on Poultry, but is now very common with Pork, too, and starting to be used with beef as well.

American supermarkets can sell plumped meat and put a sticker with "100% natural meat" on the product, since that does not go against advertising regulations.

Now kill yourself you fucking brainlet.

This person is genuinely brain damaged. He did not even manage to respond properly to a single sentence, rather he just goes on a completely different tangent. Infantile language, too.

>> No.14497992

we talk about beef steak and you google some chicken shit that is sold to people who purchase suspiciously too cheap of meat?

you are the one with brain damage going on a chicken tangent.

>> No.14498045

oy vey brother!

>> No.14498202

>Stop not liking what I like: The Thread

>> No.14498210

If you got an allergy you have bad genes, get fucked.
If your ethics prevent you from eating things, get fucked.
If your religion prevent you from eating things, get fucked.

If it tastes good you eat it end of story.

>> No.14498397

>stick to mcdonalds and welldone steak tastelet
I actually like my steak rare, I don't eat McDonald's.

>> No.14498414

Beets. I honestly don't fuck with beets in any form. My family always pushed pickled beets pretty hard because my Gma cans them herself but that shit's foul.

>> No.14498552
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I had a coworker who was absurdly picky about meat.
Anything with bone or skin was a big no-no and he would find the tiniest imperfections in boneless meat to the point it was ridiculous. It always either looked weird to him or he was displeased with the texture or there was a small bit of sinew etc.

I have no idea why he always bought meat in the cafeteria only to refuse to eat.

>> No.14498573

I can relate somewhat
I don't like pretty much anything sweet and people are always weirded out by that. I don't even hate deserts and such I just find them pointless.

>> No.14498597

I know like three people who refuse to eat anything with onions in it.
fucking weird, onions are great

>> No.14498599
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I used to be a picky eater. To a degree still am with some things. It's not intentional, sometimes my body just shuts down on the idea of eating the thing and I'll be sick if I don't get it out my mouth. I'm especially like that with cheese or creamy things, or stuff with a weird texture. Like if I'm eating fish and get a bone, or gristle in meat. I can't chew on the food for too long or it disgusts me and I need to spit it out, like if it's fat on beef or something. Then it kills the appetite.

I was poorly introduced to a lot of things when I was young. Like tomatoes, I thought I hated them because every time my parents tried to get me to try them, they'd just slice it in half and dip it in salt. The cold tomato and weird texture mixed with the grains of salt made me sick, and I'd get the seeds stuck in my teeth which made it worse.

I didn't try pizza until I was like 15.
Chinese food until 16
Didn't even have anything like lasagna or spaghetti bolognese until I was about 14.
I got better when I came at it at my own pace then started trying shit I'd never have went near when I was young.

>> No.14498610

I don't care for Indian food. It's the garam masala spice mix, I really dislike it.

>> No.14498642

>Also, I eat what I’M in the mood for. Few things piss me off more than going to someone’s house and they offering me food I wasn’t planning on eating. It’s awkward, unnecessary, and frankly impolite
Throughout human history, the action of offering someone food while they are within your home has been a staple of human interaction; a gesture that let's the person know that they are welcome here. In every society you will find this to be the case. You are the outlier here to believe that such an offering is unnecessary or impolite.
I understand that if they overly insist that they have the problem here, but do understand that its because everyone takes the response of "no I don't want any food" as a sign of discomfort, as if you are in a rush or will leave soon. If you plan on staying but don't want food, then that itself is impolite and disrespectful.

>> No.14498678

"Picky" eaters usually aren't intentionally trying to piss you off you know. The thing is, everyone's tastebuds are different and something that seems fine to you can be disgusting to someone else, because the sensation of taste is not objective. It's seriously infuriating to have people call you a "picky eater" when putting that food anywhere near your mouth or nose makes you have to try not to vomit. Fuck off, I'm not gonna torture myself just to not hurt your feelings.

>> No.14498708

Fuck you!
Fuck the tomatoes!
Fuck the onions!
And the fuck the peppers too!

>> No.14498717

No matter how bad a food tastes I will still eat ot out of politeness unless it makes me physically gag. Only tomatoes make me gag, same with tomato sauce and ketchup.