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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 234 KB, 687x500, pizza_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14484136 No.14484136 [Reply] [Original]

Do you put anything on your frozen pizzas, /ck/? Or do you eat them as they come?

>> No.14484142

I like getting cheese pizzas and adding my own toppings to it, like tomatoes or whatever

>> No.14484144
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, a pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black olives, anchovies, fresh tomato slices.

>> No.14484150

bunch of cilantro after its cooked. mwah

>> No.14484200

That sounds amazing.
I like cooked tomatoes. Their hot juice taste very savory cooked on top of a pizza.

>> No.14484210

I had anchovies once on a pizza. They are pretty savory, and I heard adding them on meats pizza make the pizza taste more meaty.
>inb4 adding meat on meat makes it more meaty
Yes, I know. What I meant is that anchovies have that salty savory kick that enhances the meat flavor.

>> No.14484214

Garlic powder, real bacon bits (I eat that shit on everything), maybe some red pepper flakes

>> No.14484254

Anchovies are little flavor bombs, and it's easy for them to overwhelm a dish. Lots of people prefer to mash them up and incorporate them into the sauce so it's just kind of a, "huh, what is that?" background seasoning (and yes, the word is umami), but I prefer to put them on pizza whole, so that you can choose how much you get in each bite and can get a nice bite of salty, fishy flavor here and there.

>> No.14484276

<splash of sesame oil
<green shaker cheese
<red pepper flakes

>> No.14484294

I mean, anchovies are the secret ingredient for Worcestershire sauce for a reason.

>> No.14484297

Red pepper flakes are great on any pizza desu

>> No.14484305

Also why the romans put ‘chovies in their salad dressing. Pure umami

>> No.14484314

>the secret ingredient for Worcestershire
As much as I'd like to say that that''s not a secret, the one thing that never fails to amaze me is most people's (even intelligent people who eat well) lack of culinary knowledge. I've been in the kitchen with Ph.D. anons many times and it's almost always like trying to show a puppy how to crochet.

>> No.14484326

Yeah. I knew a smart kid in college who got a double degree in maths and physics. He survived on pasta and sauce.
Most smarties just see eating as an annoyance than a hobby or something to enjoy.

>> No.14484356

Yeah, they also put fish sauce on everything.

>> No.14484363

Yeah but how many fish sauce Roman dishes have had the staying power of Caesar salad? Name one other one

>> No.14484369

Some fresh ground black pepper can really make a shitty frozen pizza a bit less shitty.

>> No.14484374

i once put some bacon on top because DUDE BACON LMAO and it was alright.

>> No.14484457

Yeah. Have you tried red pepper flakes and some basil? Really make a huge difference.

>> No.14484470

>red pepper flakes
>fresh basil
>real Parmigiano Reggiano grated off the block
Mama mia that’s a good a frozen pozza

>> No.14484663
File: 152 KB, 512x512, c6d45aa6780ce5f1ec40a5199bb0f211_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to buy those cheap wafer-thin frozen pizzas like Dr. Oetker or some shit, bake it to a crisp, put my favorite fatass toppings in the center, fold it up, and eat it like one giant taco.

>> No.14484776

Dr Oetker was an actual Nazi

>> No.14484786

I used to eat shitty celeste pizzas every day. Oregano and basil made them taste slightly less shitty.

>> No.14484797

Lots of chopped raw garlic, more often than not.

>> No.14484811

Dr. August Oetker, founder of the Dr. Oetker, died in 1918, long before the Nazis came into power. His grandson, Rudolf Oetker, was the actual nazi.

>> No.14484819

If you're selling baked goods, it's never a bad idea to have some oven experience.

>> No.14484934

> During the 1930s and 1940s, Rudolf-August Oetker was an active member of the Waffen SS of the Third Reich. Mr Oetker provided pudding mixes and munitions to German troops. It is also reported that the business used slave labour in some of its facilities. A bronze bust of Richard Kaselowsky, a prominent German entrepreneur and member of the Nazi party, currently still sits within the company headquarters in Bielefeld.[1]
Oh no

>> No.14485307

Fuckin kek

>> No.14485315
File: 786 KB, 1536x2048, 47E0BD55-9181-4849-9591-920AAB4C8C31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m in the always add camp. I just use the four cheese pizzas as a ceap and quick base for whatever I have laying around. Pic related was the last of my olives, chives, some goat gouda, and parmesan, I think.

>> No.14485643
File: 20 KB, 522x522, 61Jb1FfY4oL._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14485651

Caesar salad was made by an Italian immigrant in Mexico

>> No.14485659

Fuck that looks good, makes me wanna go out and buy a frozen chee 'za rn and add sausage, mushroom, bell pepper and chive but it's 3am.

>> No.14485661

Green yucateco hot sauce, of course.

>> No.14485672
File: 806 KB, 1536x2048, 762C5F35-D6E0-4494-9735-E4DEB2BC50C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty good, about as good as things like that can get. Pic related was another, I think with the final few pieces of speck or prosciutto, chive, and some kind of resurrected scant bits of spicy sausage, maybe from breakfast or something.

>> No.14485686

In a way, keeping around a few frozen cheese pizzas ensures things get used up, because there is a vehicle for them to get used up by. It’s also great that parmesan chunks keep for essentially years, and since it’s expensive pizzas skimp on it, so you always have a value-add if you have it.

>> No.14485694
File: 59 KB, 872x901, 1595803837304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frozen pizza

>> No.14485872

35 replies and only one person gets it right

>> No.14485880

Blue cheese, ham, onions, or whatever I can get me hands on

>> No.14485903

Garlic powder and parmesan

>> No.14485912

got a bottle of this half used in my cupboard

>> No.14485916


fucking FAGGOTS

>> No.14485971

I put deens on my pizza

>> No.14486001

Garlic powder + oregano and occasionally some fresh basil

>> No.14486006

Now I like these products even more.

>> No.14486204

A tard wrote this

>> No.14486213

Dont history shame the Germans you racist.

>> No.14486218

salt, fresh pepper, and that grated parm you get in the little plastic containers.

>> No.14486347

I eat them exactly as they come; they are poverty and depression food and treating them as anything more makes me feel bad as a person

>> No.14486382

fresh basil, pepper and olive oil.

>> No.14486398

I have a toaster grill where I reheat pizzas
cold frozen stiff clammy pizza is a joke and only junkies enjoy it.

>> No.14487738


>> No.14487767

julius caesar made a great namesake salad dressing for sure

>> No.14488206

Based newfag

>> No.14488331

I may add some bacon or Spanish chorizo if I happen to have some at home.

>> No.14488379

Fresh spinach and spicy pepper flakes

>> No.14488400


>> No.14488445

since you can't buy a frozen pizza with anchovies anywhere ...