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14481620 No.14481620[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I got Banned from Starbucks store after I commented there were a lot of colored workers

I said it was good for them to hire more colored workers to match the demographics of the area since the other Starbucks is just white chicks and homos.

I see twitter people talking about people of color all the time so why cant I? I didnt say anything negative.

>> No.14481638

because the phrase "colored" to describe a minority is recognized as being offensive. and you need to be careful about your exact tone and delivery when talking about race.

i'm not justifying their actions, i'm just saying that that's how it is.

>> No.14481645

Yes. Instead of colored people you should say people of color.

>> No.14481654

Autism is an endless wellspring of entertainment.

>> No.14481708
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Twitter is not real life, nor are California or New York City. In the real world, people find it offensive to be grouped together in some homogeneous "other" group based on their skin color. The best thing you can do in real life is to treat people the same regardless of race. Insane people on Twitter will call that "colorblindness" and "problematic," but real humans consider it "respectful" and "the right thing to do." Race can only be commented on when you're really comfortable with someone, it's not something that's brought up toward strangers because it can be seen as rude or demeaning, as though you see them as a skin tone and not a person.

>> No.14481797

>the other Starbucks is just white chicks and homos

In other words, matching Starbucks customer demographics.

>> No.14481847


>> No.14481951

Sometimes it's better to just not say anything at all.
Just because you have the freedom of speech doesn't mean you need to exercise it all the time.

That was a stupid comment to make regardless of intentions

>> No.14481969
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been done

>> No.14481971

ignore this moron, you were discriminated against, OP. Whites are so unfairly treated in this country it is disgusting. Not the well off ones, just the poor ones like us

>> No.14482041

I agree

>> No.14482051

Before too long people of color is going to be offensive.

>> No.14482069

Yep, it's how they control people, keep the radical movement forward and see who's keeping up with the ideological dogma.

>> No.14482076

um... who do you think set up the rules to discriminate against poor whites?
the white man's own worst enemy is a white man

>> No.14482110

That girl is on the fringes of being a full blown porker. Just needs one good relationship to shove her into the abyss.

>> No.14482116

I want to fuck the girl in the green

>> No.14482138

But black people are called black, but they're brown.

>> No.14482192

In a hundred years or so we'll probably be back to nigger. Might as well stick with it.

>> No.14482198

this. it's person of colour, op. Not Colour person. Get with the times, nigg3r

>> No.14482204

jews arent white, anon.

>> No.14482244

Unless you're the regional manager or work for NAACP, I don't think you should speak about the diversity in hiring, in any restaurant you wish to frequent.

>Just because you have the freedom of speech doesn't mean you need to exercise it all the time.
This. Coming out from your rock and making observations don't mean you have to share them. That's for you to do at your "meetings" or with your grandpa.

>But black people are called black, but they're brown.
I think tan and darker complexioned Asians, who are not black, have commandeered the word "brown" for their own complexions, ie Paki. This term is typically used when discussing QQ and their discriminations, though. I've only once or twice heard it used with pride. Asian is more typical, even though it needs further description to understand :/

>> No.14482270

Yes she was the one I was referring to.

>> No.14482333

....... really?! are you an out-ot-touch 60yo boomer who grow up in the South?

>> No.14482339

He sounds like Biden

>> No.14482344

This isn't cooking!

>> No.14482381

It's kinda scary to see how many people think shit they see on twitter reflects real life. The internet is a cesspool and we all were taught not to believe everything we see on it.

>> No.14482399

or simply "coloureds"

>> No.14482412

I recently learned that "Eskimo" is offensive now.
I honestly can't be bothered trying to keep up with this shit anymore. Someone's going to be offended no matter what I say anyway.

>> No.14482513

I hear black people use the n-word all the time why is it okay for them but not for me?

>> No.14483506

If you're going to get wet you might as well go swimming.

>> No.14483532

Racial slurs are only okay in jokes imo. If you're genuinely racist you're probably an idiot or simply live/lived in a slum and let a small group of individuals influence your simplistic view of an entire group of people. So I guess you're still an idiot.
I was racist when I was younger because I worked at a gas station in the ghetto and instead of focusing on the good people, it was easier focusing on the bad, who were few and far between. It's really weird how it works, but I still understand racial tensions between groups. I guess you're not an idiot you just get caught up in the moment and it's just easier to cope with a shitty situation by being on the defensive.
That being said, the homeless are a plague

>> No.14483568

lmao might as well have called them jiggaboos

>> No.14483576

I love that word

>> No.14483586


Y'all do realize it's institutionalized racism? The Democrats have been getting minorities to refer to themselves as coloreds, keeping them in poverty, tearing down any attempts at self improvement, use them as dancing monkeys in Hollywood or sports, and have them shoot each other.

>> No.14483624

I don't know if the comment at the end is the author, but it irks me.

>> No.14483640

that used to drive me fucking insane
>people of color = good
>colored people = bad
fucking what
what kind of mental gymnastics is this bull shit

>> No.14483649

Stop voting Democrat then

>> No.14483651

wtf i love democrats now

>> No.14483657

Getting a little picky now.

>> No.14483659

>using the same phrases people used in segregation times
whew lad

>> No.14483671
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Just don't mind it honestly the people that get offended by those types of things have nothing going on in there lives and treat little things like it's the end of the world the best thing that you can do is ignore them and let them use there brain for a second btw Starbucks isn't real coffee anyway save your shmelkels

>> No.14483703

Whats so bad about that

>> No.14483953

Blacks can say that because they can't say "hey dad, welcome home from work"

>> No.14483963

You racist piece of shit. It’s gods and goddesses now.

>> No.14483964
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>> No.14483965

>"You are baiting me"
Bloom County, an original shitposter

>> No.14484000

Probably. I can't wait to everyone is just calling everyone else niggas. It just feels right, ya know?

>> No.14484053

People of color offend me already.

>> No.14484146

I like "colorful people"
You, Sir, are a colorful person!
Why, thank you!
You're welcome!
Have a nice day!
You, too!
Let's go get some coffee.
Yes, let's!

>> No.14484159

Shoot them!

>> No.14484163

take your meds

>> No.14484169

high on life
let's go get coffee and talk about stupid shit?

>> No.14484185

It was not stupid
Not racist at all

>> No.14484187

good use of 1950s racist language anon.
dont stop your free thinking ways!

>> No.14485197

Meanwhile the republican boot lickers are murdering them in the sheets.

Democrats are clearly the enemy here.