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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14478050 No.14478050 [Reply] [Original]

what's wrong with ragusea?

>> No.14478059

>youre abigot

>> No.14478062

he didn't learn from tay zonday

>> No.14478288 [DELETED] 

Fuck Niggers

>> No.14478889

Based and bbcpilled

>> No.14478961

I wanna preface this by saying I actually think Ragusea is actually good for the platform compared to unoriginal life-sucking leeches like Babish.

That being said, he clearly has some weird narcissistic side. He’s even stated his primary reason for cooking was previously “to impress people.” He also worked as a academic/lecturer at a mid-tier university, so you just know this dude loves explaining shit and “enlightening” his peon underlings.

>> No.14478986

high functioning autism and an inflated sense of superiority

>> No.14479026

the number of threads dedicated to him shitting up /ck/

>> No.14479071

>Why I prep the bull NOT my wife.

>> No.14479354

That nose curvature tells you all you need to know about him.

>> No.14479822

he is a journalist

>> No.14479828

In my fantasy, Adam holds me close and tells me that everything's gonna be ok. Also... he smells like pizza.

>> No.14479842

ragusea is great, he questions cooking techniques and gives in depth knowledge that they don't teach you in recipes that you usually gain through practice and experience.

>> No.14480400

He's a faggot hypocrite that cherry picks all his information and gets extremely defensive when ever anyone criticises him.

>> No.14480407

fuck off with the ecelebs

>> No.14480414

He's no Guga. Who doesn't like watching an amerimutt eat exclusively wagyu steaks?

>> No.14480418

Huge gucking ego with tiny dick.

>> No.14480446

>I wanna preface this by saying I actually think Ragusea is actually good for the platform compared to unoriginal life-sucking leeches like Babish.
They're similar. I think of Babish as the trying to impress guy more than himself, but even Babish (from what little I've seen of him) seems to follow his own latest random whim or ideas, like damn today I feel like a donut or whether some recipe he saw in a movie or anime can be turned into a tutorial, or something he heard about from some trend online such as whatever the latest thing replaces the cronut. On the flipside, Rageusa seems to really admire what other vloggers did rather than his own original ideas. Both of these guys are intolerable to me.. Ethan does even worse though, talking directly to other vloggers, even really shitty ones referring to them on the same level as actual experts, chefs, scientists, elevating any random guy who made a business of a webpage into some authority to him. He refers to segments in other people's youtubes like he's analyzing something from than a edited travel video. It's a bit rabid. Ethen is directly confrontational calling people by name, and not a mental giant in whatever recreation or mental summation. He shows his eager but immature age. He even refers to Mexico as "down here." and it's clear this isn't a passion, but a money making plan.
>He also worked as a academic/lecturer at a mid-tier university, so you just know this dude loves explaining shit and “enlightening” his peon underlings.
Spot on, but it wasn't a midtier univ, just a midtier program within a broader school, within a very liberal arts private universitty. It was this middle ground between college and interning at a radio or newspaper, and not in a national way, just small town help for the small town news. A program that acted as a tool between school and getting valuable resume work. Journalism in many ways is dying and difficult for even talented people to get work.

>> No.14480449

His face pisses me off and I have never watched his content

He's pozzed

>> No.14480877

I like him because he's a cutie

>> No.14480984

I refuse to even click on a video by a guy called "Guga"

>> No.14481481

hes a soyboy, he looks jewish, his face bothers me, especially his eyes that never break contact and look as though theyre on the verge of crying.

he's also very close-minded when it comes to science, and cares far too much about scientific consensus and professionals in whatever miscellaneous field for what amounts to home cooking, which i think stands to gain more from intuitiveness over quanitifiable knowledge

and yeah, like some other anon said, hes full of himself. maybe not even himself, more like hes really proud about what other people tell him

>> No.14481498

id argue being told things youre supposed to learn from experience isnt very helpful

>> No.14481556

yo my nigga fuckin chill dawg goddamn like bruh smdh

>> No.14481593

The dude looks like he drinks a soy milk frappuchinno for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

>> No.14481627

Anyone that sits down, writes their opinion of somthing in a script, revises it several times, then collects footage to then edit into a video and posts it on a public website for everyone to see, is some level of narcissist

>> No.14481686

Soy Beast

>> No.14482046

Doesn't the last name tell you he's Italian?

>> No.14482057

Can you really call guga an amerimutt? He’s a Brazilian that cant even speak English correctly

>> No.14482077

He doesn't have any in depth knowledge. He pulls a hot take out of his ass and then researches biased information to justify it.

>> No.14482083

too many seared bites

>> No.14482365
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>> No.14482408

>you know this old traditional thing people have been doing since forever?
>yeah well it fucking sucks, this new thing is absolutely objectively better
>but hey sometimes i just prefer the old thing haha. you do you man

>> No.14482693

The mental image of this made me throw up in my mouth a little.

>> No.14482716
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white guilt mainly

>> No.14482725

Louis CK isn't white

>> No.14482738

>He doesn't have any in depth knowledge. He pulls a hot take out of his ass and then researches biased information to justify it
He's a music theory graduate. This journalism thing is because he couldn't work in music.

>> No.14482743

no claim was made that he is

>> No.14482835


>> No.14483149

he is literally plebit

>> No.14483160


>> No.14483355

He is insecure. If somebody criticized one of his videos he writes a wall of text trying to tackle all points being made. Also the video about being able to handle spicy food

>> No.14483388

1: he's a journalist
2: he's a professor
3: he's a redditor
4: on top of all of that, he has an incredibly fragile ego even compared to people who share the traits above
5: he literally doesn't know how to cook, and actively shuns instruction, boasting that "well this is what's faster" and ignoring any suggestions that would take five minutes more

>> No.14483394

why i season my keyboard instead of my post

>> No.14483522

Who is this and why do I have to see his faggot face in the catalog every day?

>> No.14483608

Fries too crunchy rot the brain
On a serious note I don't think he's as bad as half of /ck/ would lead you believe. He has competent editing and video flow which put him leagues above someone like Ethan who's very clearly shit at it. Some of his videos are pretty autistic (knife skills and deep-frying) but I his recipes are pretty fine aside from a few. His voice isn't that bad either.

>> No.14483633

Fuck off adam you look like a chump

>> No.14483668

his teeth, I can't watch him talk because he looks like warped Woody Allen

>> No.14483783

>he's a journalist
Based dubs, but stopped reading there.
Journalists are all subhuman, and I've never met one that didn't deserve the rope.

>> No.14483902


>> No.14484324

And what?

>> No.14485051

>capping your own post
lol sad

>> No.14485162


>> No.14485182

All I can imagine is him *sniffffffffing* and reciting the /lit/ pasta about pumping gas in a bad neighborhood on a cool, breezy evening

>> No.14485228

Can someone edit a cock in place of the mic? Looks about right.

>> No.14485820

Narcissism paired with inferiority complex.

>> No.14485847

ragusea is not the best sause to use for pasta, there are different choices, the alfredos good and bolognaise as well. just mix it up ragu isnt the only sauce out there....just sayin

>> No.14485854

>Retard alert.

>> No.14485870

He's Italian

He has a video about it

>> No.14485879

Damn, you're really salty that you got btfo by ethan aren'tcha. Gonna post another 5 paragraph reply to one of his videos? lel

>> No.14485895

his historical video essays can be enjoyable. and sometimes his recipes can be great too in the way that the first result you find on google when searching for a recipe can also produce delicious food.

my issue with him is that he's just so uptight whenever he gets even a tiny bit of criticism or contrary opinion. he doesnt seem like someone i would get a beer with whereas someone like stephen from notanothercookingshow i would.

i am a scientist working in biomedical research and one thing that I find to be so common and refreshing in people in academia is the apprehension towards absolutes. the attitude that we could be wrong and that's ok, and we probably are at some level. this differs from many people in the general public who may be of above average intelligence and maybe consider themselves "into science" and think that means that the citation of a scientific paper is equivalent to a statement of absolute truth. its an attitude that is very jarring because it makes clear that the person is not looking to learn more or understand a different perspective, but rather they are looking at tying their ego to an absolute truth which makes them absolutely right. this is my interpretation of adam. but i still watch his videos occasionally because i think the recipes he puts out are good

>> No.14485900

Why I prep my bull and not my wife.

>> No.14485901

think there is some truth to this one

>> No.14485922


i think you suck cock

>> No.14485941

not your usual wordy responses adam but i think brevity works for you

>> No.14485947

I bet Adam browses /ck/ and makes posts about himself.

>> No.14485950

Provides good information hidden beneath layers of shit information and fluff. He needs to figure out a way to format his videos to be more engaging and have a sense of direction to them.

>> No.14486195

We get it Adam, you're watching. I think it's the only place that talks about you this much too, the subreddit is dead discussion wise and I can't think of other places that would host what's to be witnessed here.

>> No.14486284

He makes recipes in questionable ways with ridiculous amount of effort into researching the topic.
Which would be fine, if he didn't try to defend fuck ups to the point of ridiculous long essays in YouTube comment section.

>> No.14486329

I liked him until I found out that he spergs out in YouTube and Reddit comments whenever someone criticizes him. Now I can't watch his videos without cringing.

>> No.14486551

the guy is a psychopath. Have you seen his lasagna video? Insane

>> No.14486629
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I agree with this 100%

>> No.14486772

>any form of self-expression is narcissism

>> No.14486790
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What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.14486902

It's actually pretty impressive how retarded he is

>> No.14486946

How many subscribers do you have?

>> No.14487261

gr8 b8 i r8 8/8

>> No.14487352

I dont have a youtube channel because i'm not an self centered faggot, why?

>> No.14487363

Hitler had a lot of subscribers too, anon. Think about that for a minute.

>> No.14487404

He acts like he’s the only person to read “On Food and Cooking” by Harold McGee as if its some unobtainable grimoire of esoterica. Christopher Kimball, Alton Brown, and Kenji Lopez did it earlier and better than Ragusauce.

>> No.14487635

That´s a dumb comparison, one is a self-centered psycho and the other one is hitler.

>> No.14487654


Stalin was just as bad

>> No.14487920

12 million

>> No.14488035

i did like his snitchzchstchzstchzchntzschtzel video, might try to do those pork chops next week.

>> No.14488040

When did that number double to 12 gorillian?

>> No.14488097
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When I first saw his video on deep frying, I didn't notice that he was draining his chicken without having anything underneath.

>> No.14488238
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>> No.14488263

wiping off the glass sheet on the stove isn't hard and has to happen anyway if you're frying on it.

>> No.14488265

>he looks jewish

That's what Italians look like. Fucking obsessed.

>> No.14488280

Retards tend to think that aquiline/hooked noses on a white-ish face = Jewish, when that nose type is relatively common throughout the Mediterranean

>> No.14488328

Thread this long and nobody posted the copypasta.

>> No.14488412

my favorite thing adam does it his internet tough guy responses when someone doesn't ride his nuts about a video

>> No.14488644
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why is he being called a cuck

>> No.14488647


his wife fucks other men while he watches.

>> No.14488654


>> No.14488658

adam wouldnt do this...

>> No.14489861

He’s too smug about cooking despite lacking enough skills and knowledge and acts like he wants to desperately be seen as an authority for home cooks. Most of his videos are basically “Im a lazy fuck and I’m just gonna assume most home cooks are lazy as well so follow my recipe because putting in too much effort isn’t worth it“
Also the food science he interjects in his video is wrong a lot of the time. No, Adam cooked steaks don’t act as fucking sponges