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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14473364 No.14473364 [Reply] [Original]

Should I eat this steak? It smells pretty bad.

>> No.14473369


>> No.14473373

normally a bit of greyness is just oxidation. but if it smells bad, throw it out.

>> No.14473375

its low quality but it won't kill you

>> No.14473381

Eat, faggot.

>> No.14473395

If it does not pass the smell test I would refrain from eating it.

>> No.14473400
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Smelled not good but gonna cook anyway. Thinking I should just have a hot dog instead.

>> No.14473407


>> No.14473409

Trum a decent layer off the outside of the steak, then wash thoroughly. Bacteria can't penetrate into steak, so it is a viable way to make use of very spoiled beef and I have done it before in the past.

>> No.14473412

It looks aged. People pay top dollar for aged steak.

>> No.14473415
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, C7845B98-CDAA-4281-A257-7785607E9D20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak cost 13 dollars dude what am I supposed to do? I’d rather die eating this steak than live asking “what if?”

>> No.14473417

don’t do it anon you can still have a hotdog

>> No.14473423

you're gonna be fine

>> No.14473426

Based and high life pilled.

>> No.14473427

that actually looks like a better steak that better than what that sous vide steak faggot makes

>> No.14473431

I dunno how you like your steak done, but cooking it to at least medium rare, it'll be fine. Bacteria can only penetrate so far into most meats, so the inside should be just fine. Cook it long enough to kill the shit on the outside, and you'll be good to go. Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.

>> No.14473436

It’s the only beer I drink. Turkey the champagne of beers.
Well that doesn’t surprise me. I wouldn’t eat boiled steak lmao.

>> No.14473437

The bacteria arent what make you sick retard, it's the toxins they leave on the food that cannot be destroyed by home cooking.

>> No.14473440

>nek minnit
>this was the best steak I have ever had in my life

>> No.14473442
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>> No.14473444

Eat it

>> No.14473445

>Steak cost 13 dollars dude what am I supposed to do?
And a visit to the doctor costs hundreds of dollars.

Toss that rotten meat in the trash.

>> No.14473448

Venemous steaks bro

>> No.14473450

Poop if you want a word a frogposter like yourself can understand

>> No.14473451
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>And a visit to the doctor costs hundreds of dollars.
Do americans really?

>> No.14473465

Eat your greens...

>> No.14473466

There's a reason you can't cook the [Partially Digested Meat] the slimes drop in WoW

>> No.14473480
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>scared myself into over cooking the meat

Now that it’s well done I think it’s not so bad. I’m sure people have eaten older steaks.

>> No.14473486

Take a timestamp when the EMTs show up.

>> No.14473494

Yeah I’ll keep you updated.

>> No.14473500

Did it taste funny?

>> No.14473503

Tastes a little off too not gonna lie haha but I’m sure I’ll be fine.

>> No.14473507

Just throw it out man. Eat it fresh next time.

>> No.14473511

>Holy Bible
Sounds like you're going to see your God soon

>> No.14473515
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>dying for 13 dollars

>> No.14473533
File: 1.26 MB, 4032x3024, 84423435-7B06-46FD-A36F-580FE3163611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha you guys are funny. Humans didn’t live for millions of years dying to every slightly green steak.

Pretty good medium-well which is what I was aiming for huh?

>> No.14473535

Bunch of fags in here. No ones dying from a ripened steak. Humans been eating that shit for thousands of years without fridges

>> No.14473542

Based but stole my dubs

>> No.14473543

probably not going to die, but you might get some real nasty stomach pains and diarrhea.

>> No.14473545

Literally exactly what I just said. Great minds think alike huh anon?

>> No.14473548

I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who drinks high life

>> No.14473553
File: 50 KB, 640x853, 45F3A0EE-847F-4B77-A29A-72C844DC1422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe how big of bitch faggots you pussies all are. I’ve been eating rancid meat for decades and nothing has ever happened. This isn’t some magical vector for super AIDS. Some mold starts growing on it and the shit dies when you cook it or dies in your stomach. The worst that happens is it tastes bad. Reminds me of those retards who claim to be allergic to milk. Really dumbass? You’re allergic
to fats and amino acids? Go fuck yourself. Love seeing all these scrubs with autoimmune problems because they grew up in their precious clean households meanwhile vultures are taking notes from your boy

>> No.14473562
File: 40 KB, 509x572, 1591076447467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, no, toxins!
Christ, how did our ancestors ever survive without the USFDA and refrigerators?!

>> No.14473568

>Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.
Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.
>Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.
Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.
>Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.
Besides, some people claim that rotting steaks are far superior to fresh ones.

>> No.14473585

By the way guys, A1 steak sauce is so much better than Great Value. I taste tested them both and it’s not even close. The flavor in A1 lasts 5 times longer in your mouth and it’s just way more dynamic.

>> No.14473683

I did the same thing op did a couple months ago. I ate half of it and never got sick but just had to stop eating as it tasted so spoiled

>> No.14473699

Why are you bragging about eating rotten meat?

>> No.14473700

>I'm gay btw

>> No.14473708

>And a visit to the doctor costs hundreds of dollars.
lmao I guess freedom REALLY aint free.

>> No.14473710

Yes? That's an actual chemical thing many bacteria produce anon.
Did someone, you don't like use that word and now you think it can't be a thing or something?

>> No.14473716

show me where the doctors work for free

>> No.14473718

A broken arm used to be a death sentence anon.
Your ancestors survived, that's why you are here, don't prove to be the dumbest one in millions of years.

>> No.14473719

Just so you know it costs $20 but you can go any time for any reason with no wait. Plus poor people can just get medicare/medicaid anyway.

>> No.14473723

Youre such a stupid little faggot

>> No.14473724

Im pretty sure my ancestors coulda talked their way around a broken arm. Some people who owed them a favor, or whom we could convince we'd recover would surely spare some food while we recover.

>> No.14473725

>Get's injected with rattle snake poison
>"Really faggot? You are gonna die from a bunch of amino acids? Wow what a pussy lmao"

>> No.14473733

Our ancestors got bitten by snakes for thousands of years, and none of them died.
Way to be a faggot.

>> No.14473736

we should have free health care but only if you take a dna test and a yearly physical to prove you have no genetic defects, are maintaining a healthy weight and diet, and are not abusing drugs or alcohol

>> No.14473737
File: 13 KB, 213x207, EDE432FD-778C-41E2-9F6B-19084F775D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compares milk to rattle snake poison

>> No.14473742

That's not how broken arms work.

>> No.14473749

Okay....you’re gonna have to explain how broken arms “work” then.

>> No.14473752
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>> No.14473765

I've just recovered from food poisoning and let me tell you it's better to not risk it. Been puking and shitting all day yesterday. That's what i get for eating a pre made BLT sub.

>> No.14473770

Bro....That was some fucking diseased Chinese pork you ate. Wish there was some viable way for you to sue the company who sold you that.

>> No.14474454

villagers cared for each other and didnt just leave people to die

>> No.14474463

>use or freeze by the 24th
>currently the 28th
You blew it pal, just admit you fucked up and toss it

>> No.14474464

You know you still pay the doctors, right? We have a choice and you don't.

>> No.14474468

Smell test means absolutely nothing
It's fine OP and it's time to eat

>> No.14474476

Why not? It's all just a bunch of amino acids right?
There is no way that can be bad?
Also brainlet cope.

>> No.14474482

Pretty sure I never had to pay 50k to get surgery.
We offload the cost so everyone pays a TINY amount and everyone gets proper healthcare in return.
Which is what you do when you have a sense of national solidarity and solidarity for your fellow countrymen.
Which Americans just do not have, despite all their faux "patriotism".
As evidenced by you retards completely fucking yourselves up over corona.
Pure selfishness of every single one.

>> No.14474567

when cooked, it would have had the terrible "sweet" smell.

>> No.14474582

Its a choice cut as you can see in the OP.
This is a cheap steak and is def not dry aged.
Just aged. Middle section looks pretty rank

>> No.14474591

Buy eating fresh kills that lived in the wild.
Not raising animals in filth and butchering them in filth and letting them sit in filth for weeks before some one buys it at a store.
How fucking retarded are?

>> No.14474599

You know those taxes you pay..

>> No.14474605

Well for one if you know nothing about resetting a broken arm it will never heal right so there would be no recovery.
They would also need a splint but that would be more intuitive

>> No.14474616
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Hey OP.
We need a status update. How are you feeling?

>> No.14474622

It's fucking green.

>> No.14474637

But anon he paid 10 dollars for it, doesn't matter if it's rotten he has to get his money out of it.

>> No.14474693

>paid 10 dollars for it
no ten! tyrteen dorra!!!

>> No.14474725
File: 136 KB, 1868x647, C22C028C-55B2-47A7-B2FE-26226971B366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14474726

It's dry aged

>> No.14474740

It was probably the lettuce actually

>> No.14474980

We have passed the 8 hour mark since he posted about eating the steak.

i doubt it will kill him, but i would feel safe thinking at the very least he will probably have some beastly wet shits all day.

>> No.14475013

wet aged you mean

>> No.14475037

Why? The heat will kill all the bacteria. You first world snobs don't know a thing about real life.

>> No.14475094
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I would die for nothing as a matter of principle, which is why the legalization of dueling is my preeminent point of political advocacy. If you wouldn't die for something small, then it follows that you don't live for something big.

>> No.14475123

the bacteria may die but the toxins are still an issue that heat will not get rid of.

>> No.14475174

Awww you sound like my mummy <3

>> No.14475183

>eats rancid meat
>drinks high life
>eats off of paper plates
Do you live in a mobile home or trailer? Please say "yes".

>> No.14475190

OP kill?

>> No.14475194

Should've just soaked the meat in vinegar for a few minutes, even watered down vinegar then pat dry. Probably get rid of lots of the toxins plus might make the meat taste less sickly. ie this was an instance where OP should've washed his meat

>> No.14475197


>> No.14475198


>> No.14475273

If it smells "pretty bad" it's too late. There are already toxins on it.

If it is not terrible (1 - 2 (maybe 3) out of 10 on the stench scale) you can cook the bacteria off it but they have already left the toxins though it may not be bad enough to cause gastrointestinal distress (just make sure to thoroughly cook it; don't risk it).

If, like you said, it "smells pretty bad" that seems like a fare warning in this case and if it actually looks bad you should always toss it.

>> No.14475330

>Over half of your earnings

>> No.14475332
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>> No.14475344

OP is dead

>> No.14475405

I mean they also ate meat fresh from animals they killed an hour earlier. Not grey “managers special” Steak from Costco.... this is why Me and my wife eat about 90% venison, rabbit, duck, turkey, and Squirrel that I hunt. Guaranteed fresh (or freezer fresh) plus I get like 50 pounds of delicious venison for the cost of one Broadhead and a few hours of tracking

>> No.14475431

Not worth it. Ate bad Sashimi the other day. Smelled fine, taste fine, had a weird texture I should have questioned. Long story short I got about 12 minutes of sleep that night, shit about 8 times, threw up like 4 times, and had farts that smelled like rotting milk. Wife slept on the couch because our bedroom smelled like a meth lab.

>> No.14475466


Look up shiga toxin you meth snorting grill jockeyd

>> No.14475477

pople saying choice is cheap need to fuck off it's the more expensive option at walmart.

>> No.14475483

Anon people have known how to treat broken bones since forever. A broken arm would have been treated just fine. Don't fall for the bullshit that everybody lived in squalor and were inept.

>> No.14475616

i was friends with my butcher and he set appart 3 steaks for me, 12 ounce beauies, best meat i had in my life you could eat them with a spoon.
Sadly this was around christmas and i didnt have much time to eat at home so one of the steaks got completely green all over. Now i wasnt going to let one of the steaks the bucher set appart for me go o waste so i soldiered on. Worst fod ppoisoning of my life, ciompletely deserved, i cried while eating it knowing wha was to to come
im proud of you op

>> No.14475624

i know vietnamese families that leave meat out on the counter for days at a time and they are completely fine

>> No.14475636

>Humans didn’t live for millions of years dying to every slightly green steak.
they literally do

>> No.14475646
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You can eat rotten baboon meat left baking under the savannah sun so long as you burn the shit out of it.
Don't be a pussy and don't cook it medium.

>> No.14475702

Based and KJV pilled.
10For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: 11Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. 12One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
>15Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
16They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
Titus 1

>> No.14475788

Strawman followed by ad hominem. 100% value- free post.

>> No.14475861

Not true at all. You might kill the bacteria but you won't kill the byproduct toxins they left behind in the meat which is what actually makes you sick.

>> No.14475959

It really depends on what kind of fracture and whether your bonesetter/surgeon/barber actually knew what he was doing. A normal or minor fracture can be handled with splints, boxes and bed rest but a compound fracture with an open wound or shattered bones often meant amputation or a bone that didn't heal correctly.

This is of course assuming that you had the means and support to immobilize yourself in bed for 6-8 weeks while the damn thing heals.

>> No.14475961

just put some salt on it pussy

>> No.14475998


>> No.14476853

Its a choice cut that cost OP $13 it is not dry aged

>> No.14477667
File: 27 KB, 600x315, lqKlotB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to throw out 3 big greenish pork chops that should have been edible according to the date. I double-bagged them and threw them in the outside bin and they festered there for 2 weeks because the trash had just been collected. For the first time in my life I got a good idea of how a rotting human corpse smells in summer heat. The smell was strangely sweet but putrid and and a lot like feces.

>> No.14477690

that's medium, not medium-well

>> No.14477702

Chances of survival were slim without amputation and even then people often didn't pull through. The biggest killer in the Napoleonic wars for instance was a ball hitting bone and the following infection. Oh we were talking about steak right? Right.

>> No.14477757


>> No.14477962

>dude I aint afraid of no toxins lel
I'll just leave this here

>> No.14477982

Yes toxins and not the fucking new age kind you unsalvageable brainlet.

>> No.14478011

Nice plate kek

>> No.14478019

We haven't been here millions of years you steaklet

>> No.14478046

im african so my familia has you fresh meat mongoloid

>> No.14478298

Well the vid kinda concludes that drinking the stomach medicine was the real killing blow, not the spoiled food
Decent vid tho ngl

>> No.14478582

/ck/ don't believe in toxins, they're all highschool dropouts

>> No.14478593

Looks like a sloppa shit

>> No.14478669

The worse it smells, the more nutritious it becomes. Eat it. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.14478801

Do you... do you not understand why bacteria are generally dangerous?
I'll give you as quick hint, it's viruses and parasites that attack the body directly.

>> No.14478827

can you fags stop arguing about "toxins" in this thread? OP already ate the fuckin' thing. it's over. i'm sick of seeing this half rotten steak.

>> No.14478859

I am his trailer neighbor. He was found dead this morning. This thread was open on his computer and the police said that everybody in here is complicit and the FBI will be investigating each person. I hope you all feel proud of yourselves, egging him on and telling him that rotten meat was safe.

>> No.14478877

hey how about you suck my dick

>> No.14478984

Based high life chad

>> No.14479505

I bought some of that GV steak sauce the other day, how does it compare to A1?

>> No.14479514

>it's only barely a week past expiry
you can age steak in the fridge for like 6-8 weeks

>> No.14479525

Based retard

>> No.14479545

>USE OR FREEZE BY 07/24/20
>Today is 07/29/20
If it smells bad, and looks like it has expired, then I think you should not eat it.

>> No.14479610

>Opened video in private window
>Only 1 related video isn't from the same channel
>It's Babish
What did they mean by this

>> No.14479821

I got salmonella once, i was sleeping in the bathroom for 3 days. Was dangerous at the beginning too because couldnt keep water down, and if i did manage to, it would literally pass through the other end in minutes.

Havent been that sick since, this was in 2013

>> No.14479846

is OP dead?

>> No.14479855

>boil meat to kill the bacterions
>rinse it off in the sink to get rid of them
>scrub with toothbrush to remove toxoplasmosis and other toxics
>sear on each side
I just solved this thread

>> No.14479860

Lemme ask you anon, do you respect wood?

>> No.14479863

of course (((wood))) is (((good)))

>> No.14479867

Based wood-poster

>> No.14479883

>should I eat rotten meat?

>> No.14479976
File: 295 KB, 2048x2048, F8E1C439-40D2-46A8-B8EE-59907B7FECAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I sous vide everything(tm), it achieves that great pasteurisation that keeps me and my family secure...and, oh man, the taste!

>> No.14480485
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1589862655491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard.