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File: 53 KB, 722x406, the-health-benefits-of-water-722x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14471937 No.14471937 [Reply] [Original]

>start drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day on top of tea and coffee i usually drink
>mood starts improving
>skin issues get better

i can't believe a lot of the issues in my life have been improved so much just because i was dehydrated as fuck this entire time

>> No.14472000

Theres some decent studies that have been coming out showing the link between even mild dehydration and acute mental health issues.

>> No.14472019

Every person who is not able to keep himself alive and healthy should not be allowed to breath the same air as the rest.
Mainly unhealthy americans.

>> No.14472026

Water is a dumb meme, soda is just as hydrating just with extra sugar and electrolytes, if it wasn't as healthy as water they would be allowed to sell it

>> No.14472041

who actually drinks water? it tastes terrible, even when cold.
Just drink diet soda like a normal person. I drink 8 cans a day and I’m not dehydrated.
>inb4 aspartame causes brain damage
I get really bad headaches everyday but so did my great grandma. I’m not that big either (5’6”, 195lb)

>> No.14472054

Its almost like the natural things created by God actually benefits humans, and unnatural processed food not of nature cause harm to us. Its like im becoming smarter every day.

>> No.14472061

Shit pasta or actually retarded?

>> No.14472069

>Its almost like the natural things created by God
lol calm down christ fag. ergo prag hoctum diet coke is made by god too

>> No.14472079

I'm amazed at the hydration process. I can go for a run during the hottest part of the day, drink 6 bottles of water, and still piss dark amber urine that night.

>> No.14472116


one really has to ask though. how does one go from water and wine. to water - Frutopia - Sprite - Pepsi - more liquid SUGAR product - oh look more liquid SUGAR product - liquid SUGAR product - liquid SUGAR product - thus making us fat as fuck, thus making humanity die quicker, etc,etc? come on now. humanity and society is so comfortable with being 'hypnotized by comfort' that you just don't care what you're enticed to consume.

>> No.14472133


I would ask for blood panels on the efficiency of your liver and kidneys. That doesn't sound right.

When you wake up in the morning, sure, a darker amber is fine. But not when you're hydrating regularly.

>> No.14472140

is it normal to drink a lot of water during the day, but piss orange piss every day when you wake up?

>> No.14472149

Do you take a multivitamin? The color could be because of the vitamins.

>> No.14472153

no, i don't take anything

>> No.14472233

Goddamn u fat

>> No.14472334


It is normal for your first urine in the morning to be a darker color. I drink 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day and mine is still dark in the morning from overnight dehydration.

If you drink water throughout the day and every time you urinate the color is still dark, is when you need to get yourself checked out.

>> No.14472396

Not the same guy but I work a pretty labour intensive job in a hot work enviroment. I drink about 4L a day when its hot and dont pee at all during the day. When I get home and finally pee its pretty dark yellow. The wife says im dehydrated but I literaly could not drink more water even if I wanted.

>> No.14472402

I always forget to drink. My job is so busy and I honestly just don't feel that thirsty unless I'm doing physical activities. It's not uncommon for me to go 12 hours without drinking a single drop of water. For a few months last year I had an app that would track my water intake and I was drinking 64oz of water a day. I really didn't notice much of a difference besides having to piss every hour and feeling kind of bloated. Should I start drinking more water?

>> No.14472409

Literally no mammal on the fucking planet drinks this much water everyday. Especially not a domesticated human with minimal physical labour.

It's a fucking placebo effect and you are too dumb to see it. All you are doing is destroying your kidneys and pissing out nutrients.

>> No.14472412

What kind of bullshit skin issues do all of you people have?

>> No.14472418

>Should I trust my body that has been developed through millions of years of evolution to inform my brain when it does or does not need a vital function to live or should I trust 21st century pseudo science made by dieticians?

I wonder which choice.

>> No.14472421

I'm the poster above you. I kind of agree. Even today, hottest day of the summer so far. I woke up at 6:30AM and had coffee. I went fishing in the hot sun for 3 hours. Went swimming afterwards. I think I drank about 12 oz of water today in total. I feel fine.

>> No.14472422

This faggot works for Coca Cola. Do not take anything he says seriously, hydrate yourself bros.

>> No.14472433

What if I told you that you can drink only water for your whole life but you don't need to be chugging a litre every hour?

Obviously water is the most healthy liquid to consume but drinking it when you don't even feel thirsty is just plain fucking retarded. You're not going to eat food when you aren't hungry so why the fuck would you drink when you aren't thirsty?

>> No.14472437


Your circumstance is different. She's right in that you're dehydrated, but as you work in the heat all day that is perfectly normal. If you still piss dark on days when you're not in the heat constantly and you're hydrating sufficiently, then I would get checked out. Otherwise, what you're experiencing is normal. Excess heat is evaporating the water at a faster rate. You should be drinking more, but do not force yourself. Consider a sports drink to replenish electrolytes if in constant heat.

>> No.14472483

I wont drink coca cola no matter how hard you try, you hook nosed shill. I'm content with my water which hydrates me, makes my skin clear, and makes my brain smart (unlike you).

Corn syrup shill, please go and push your drugs on others, this is a board of peace and friendship.

Bros, just look at the mental gymnastics this corn syrup / coca cola jew is going through right now. Be smart, take the water pill.

>> No.14472530

Yeah its only on hot days. And thats not a bad idea. Got sick of gatorade because of overdrinking them in this exact situtation. Might look for something else.

>> No.14472604

If you wait until you're thirsty, you're waiting too long and letting yourself get dehydrated.
I started deliberately pre-drinking water before doing anything hot or labor intensive and it's made all the difference in the world.

>> No.14472615

>letting yourself get dehydrated
Yeah, peeing every 30 minutes and flushing out your electrolytes sounds more reasonable than some slight fluid imbalance for a few minutes, retard.

>> No.14472652
File: 31 KB, 800x800, Coca-Cola-Zero-330ml-Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coke Zero (or any "zero" drink since they're all basicallt owned by the same company) just tastes "off" to me, I don't know if it's the aspartam or something else but I just can't drink that.

>> No.14472672

Fat cope

>> No.14472704

>durr if you don't get dehydrated you drink too much and cause electrolyte imbalances
This is your brain on dehydration.

>> No.14473743
File: 1.25 MB, 235x240, 1425940305990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally no mammal on the fucking planet drinks this much water everyday

One has to ask..... is OP's cup half full or half empty.

>> No.14473771

It's so hard to wash out your electrolytes just by drinking water. Maaaybe if you're doing REALLY strenuous activity and sweating it out too but desu most people get a fuck ton of electrolytes in their diet just by diet and/or supplements. You'd have to be eating straight baked unseasoned chicken everyday to piss out all your electrolytes.

>> No.14473787

le stay hydrated, drink more water meme is just placeholder advice when you can't provide actual useful info and spout some elementary school platitude, unless you are starving negro child living in the middle of Mali you shouldn't have problem with "being hydrated"

>> No.14473799

195 lbs of pure muscle, right tubby?

>> No.14473810

>hurr durr water tastes bad
It doesn't taste like fucking anything you complete and total retard. You decided you didn't like water when you were 5 because mommy wouldn't give you fizzy yum yum Pepsi. Fuck you. Fuck you in the ass.

>> No.14473818

I think there's something wrong with me. 3+ liters a day but my mouth always feels dry.

>> No.14473827
File: 853 KB, 762x988, okji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every person who is not able to keep himself alive and healthy should not be allowed to breath the same air as the rest. Mainly unhealthy americans.